Trump is taking hydroxychloroquine !

You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.

To put this in perspective why dont you list the side effects of tylenol and ibuprofen?

Commonly reported side effects of ibuprofen include:
hemorrhage, vomiting, anemia, decreased hemoglobin, eosinophilia, and hypertension.
Other side effects include:
  • Agitation
  • back, leg, or stomach pains
  • bleeding gums
  • blistering, peeling, loosening of skin
  • blood in urine or stools
  • bloody, black, or tarry stools
  • blurred vision
  • burning feeling in chest or stomach
  • change in vision
  • chest pain
  • chills
  • clay-colored stools
  • coma
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • cough or hoarseness
  • dark urine
  • decreased urine output
  • depression
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • dilated neck veins
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • extreme fatigue
  • fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
  • fever with or without chills
  • frequent urination
  • general body swelling
  • general feeling of tiredness or weakness
  • hair loss, thinning of hair
  • headache
  • hives or welts
  • hostility
  • impaired vision
  • increased blood pressure
  • increased volume of pale, dilute urine
  • irregular breathing
  • irritability
  • itching
  • joint or muscle pain
  • lab results that show problems with liver
  • lethargy
  • light-colored stools
  • loss of appetite
  • lower back or side pain
  • muscle twitching
  • nosebleeds
  • painful or difficult urination
  • pains in stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
  • pinpoint red spots on skin
  • puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
  • rash
  • red skin lesions, often with a purple center
  • red, irritated eyes
  • redness of skin
  • seizures
  • severe abdominal pain, cramping, burning
  • severe and continuing nausea
  • sore throat
  • sores, ulcers, or white spots in mouth or on lips
  • stiff neck or back
  • stomach upset
  • stupor
  • swollen or painful glands
  • tenderness in stomach area
  • thirst
  • tightness in chest
  • unpleasant breath odor
  • upper right abdominal pain
  • vomiting of blood
  • vomiting of material that looks like coffee grounds
  • wheezing
  • yellow eyes and skin
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.

To put this in perspective why dont you list the side effects of tylenol and ibuprofen?
Tylenol is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the USA. I wouldn't touch the stuff.

"Acetaminophen poisoning has become the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States," report the authors of a new study in the December 2005 issue of Hepatology, the official journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). Tylenol is the leading brand name for acetaminophen.

Acetaminophen is the most widely used pain reliever in the United States--36 percent of Americans ingest it at least once a month--but taking more than the recommended dose can lead to fatal liver injury. While intentional overdoses generally present early after ingestion and can be treated with N-acetylcysteine, unintentional overdoses are usually not recognized until later. As a result, lead author Anne M. Larson, M.D. of the University of Washington and her colleagues suspected that patients with acute liver failure from unintentional acetaminophen overdoses would have more severe disease and worse outcomes than patients with intentional overdoses.

To examine this hypothesis the researchers conducted a prospective study of patients presenting with acute liver disease to any of 22 academic centers participating in the Acute Liver Failure Study Group. Of 662 consecutive patients over a six-year period between 1998 and 2003, 275 had acetaminophen-related acute liver failure. For each of these patients, the researchers gathered demographic and clinical information, including illness severity, history of acetaminophen ingestion, and outcome.
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.

To put this in perspective why dont you list the side effects of tylenol and ibuprofen?

Commonly reported side effects of ibuprofen include:
hemorrhage, vomiting, anemia, decreased hemoglobin, eosinophilia, and hypertension.
Other side effects include:
  • Agitation
  • back, leg, or stomach pains
  • bleeding gums
  • blistering, peeling, loosening of skin
  • blood in urine or stools
  • bloody, black, or tarry stools
  • blurred vision
  • burning feeling in chest or stomach
  • change in vision
  • chest pain
  • chills
  • clay-colored stools
  • coma
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • cough or hoarseness
  • dark urine
  • decreased urine output
  • depression
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • dilated neck veins
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • extreme fatigue
  • fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
  • fever with or without chills
  • frequent urination
  • general body swelling
  • general feeling of tiredness or weakness
  • hair loss, thinning of hair
  • headache
  • hives or welts
  • hostility
  • impaired vision
  • increased blood pressure
  • increased volume of pale, dilute urine
  • irregular breathing
  • irritability
  • itching
  • joint or muscle pain
  • lab results that show problems with liver
  • lethargy
  • light-colored stools
  • loss of appetite
  • lower back or side pain
  • muscle twitching
  • nosebleeds
  • painful or difficult urination
  • pains in stomach, side, or abdomen, possibly radiating to the back
  • pinpoint red spots on skin
  • puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue
  • rash
  • red skin lesions, often with a purple center
  • red, irritated eyes
  • redness of skin
  • seizures
  • severe abdominal pain, cramping, burning
  • severe and continuing nausea
  • sore throat
  • sores, ulcers, or white spots in mouth or on lips
  • stiff neck or back
  • stomach upset
  • stupor
  • swollen or painful glands
  • tenderness in stomach area
  • thirst
  • tightness in chest
  • unpleasant breath odor
  • upper right abdominal pain
  • vomiting of blood
  • vomiting of material that looks like coffee grounds
  • wheezing
  • yellow eyes and skin

That'll work.
What if you are not a COVID-19 patient because you do not and never have had COVID-19? Do they recommend it for people on the street who just want to use it to see if it will prevent them from becoming a COVID-19 patient? Anybody heard it is the vaccine we have been waiting for to prevent becoming a COVID-19 patient?
I worry about what's in Corn Flakes and Dr Pepper.
Sure as hell not gonna take an anti-malaria drug 'just in case' I'm exposed to covid-19.
And I don't care what any doctor tells me. In fact, after seeing all these disgusting pharmaceutical ads we're swarmed with daily saying "Ask your doctor if XVZ is right for you." and hearing all those side-effects they casually mention, I don't ask my doctor shit anymore. I haven't even been to the doctor since 2009, and that was for an out-patient hernia repair surgery.
I'm no doctor but the way I see it, at Trump's age (at which I'm getting there) taking small doses of hydroxychloroquine shouldn't have any long-term effects.
What if you are not a COVID-19 patient because you do not and never have had COVID-19? Do they recommend it for people on the street who just want to use it to see if it will prevent them from becoming a COVID-19 patient? Anybody heard it is the vaccine we have been waiting for to prevent becoming a COVID-19 patient?
I worry about what's in Corn Flakes and Dr Pepper.
Sure as hell not gonna take an anti-malaria drug 'just in case' I'm exposed to covid-19.
And I don't care what any doctor tells me. In fact, after seeing all these disgusting pharmaceutical ads we're swarmed with daily saying "Ask your doctor if XVZ is right for you." and hearing all those side-effects they casually mention, I don't ask my doctor shit anymore. I haven't even been to the doctor since 2009, and that was for an out-patient hernia repair surgery.
Just as soon there were no advertisements for prescriptions drug, medical procedures, lawyers or hard liqueur on daytime through primetime.

and quote:

“I took Z-Pak, which most people use, and hydroxychloroquine … so, maybe that reduced the effects on me,” he said from his home. “I had a long talk with my doctors about it. It was their suggestion, but, ultimately, it was my decision. There is always some caveats with taking any drug, but I understood that and decided for me it was the right choice.”
there's never been this kind of a crisis because you have two things happening at once

the possibility of both death and joblessness hitting one family

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
Isn't this the woman who told everyone go to China town and hug a chink?

1. Are you proving that all your post is as fake just like your video?

2. Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream........ So tell me. Is there a law prohibiting her visiting her constituents? Did she violated anything? Since when a law maker or any government officials has to be criticized when visiting her/his area?

If Senator like Rubio visited his constituents having a beer in Florida. Is that a problem?

If Senator Cruz visited his constituents having a beer in Texas. Is that a problem?

So why in the hell people like you have a problem if Pelosi visited her constituents eating ice cream?

Just because a president makes a dumb ignorant comments. Doesn’t mean it’s right.


FACTS not made up crap like you have done!

Now I did a google search on "Pelosi eats ice cream" 1,130,000 results.... But most of the results were like the below... she wasn't eating with her
constituents as you write. What she did was eat in front of her $24,000 refrigerator. SEE the facts!
of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi (net worth $196 Million) talking about eating expensive ice cream from her $24,000 Fridge -- after shutting down the economy and causing 22 Million unemployed. 4/21/20, 8:47 AM
So where did you get this further LIE??? "Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream"

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message.
She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.
As Pelosi walked from the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory to lunch at a dim sum restaurant, she hugged friends and waved to onlookers. She downplayed the racism issue, saying she understands people are concerned about China – the epicenter of the novel coronavirus.

NOW DUMMY! Where did she eat ice cream?

But see you and your ilk constantly, frequently, ALL THE get so screwed up because you believe the MSM you don't seem to do any verification
on your own! Come on... you truly aren't that DUMB are you?

Oh BULLSHIT #1. I heard that several times from ignorant people like you. One even posted here mentioned chug a drink. Trump even said she is having a street fairs and parties. Talking about DUMMY.

What difference does it make from cult members like you? It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. Wrong or Wrong. Lies or Lies. A well known PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Two thumbs up Dr. Dumb Trump. Everything is good. Talking about DUMMY.

And you believed Fox News that continues keep giving false informations. LOL.

Bullshit #2. Pelosi showed her expensive refrigerator. So what is the big deal? Did she stole that $24,000 refrigerator? This is about the same as Trump has a helicopter because he is rich....... If you want to go that way...... Maybe he got his helicopter from Trump fraud university and Trump fraud foundation?

Again Nancy Pelosi visited China town SF, ate cookie then ate dim sum. WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM? Then encouragement to her constituents.You would think Trump will be happy because that is what he wants downplayed the Coronavirus and celebrate? Pelosi hugged a friend and wave. Why the hell is that a problem?

BULLSHIT #3. Pelosi visited China town February 24, 2020. Trump called this Coronavirus a new Democrat Hoax from his rally February 28, 2020. Then continued to downplayed the severity of this crisis.

Talking about DUMMY? You and Trump.

President Donald Trump has slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi four times since Friday, suggesting she’s taking a vacation and promoting street fairs and parties in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

He’s incorrect.

Since the coronavirus outbreak shut down much of the country last month, the California Democrat has been working either out of her San Francisco home and at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

joe biden is being investigated in the Ukraine for crimes.connected with Burisma .
...Looks like it’s working, wow he’s smart
So, your Orange Baboon-God undertakes a multi-day course of a (in this context) dangerous and ineffective drug...

And he lucks-out and has no immediate ill-effects...

And that constitutes prima facie evidence of the efficacy of the drug in your mind?

God almighty... it's true... some of your monkey-god's cultists really ARE simple-minded village idiots.

Go take a Logic 101 course at your local JC sometime, will you? You're embarrassing yourself with idiotic pseudo-logic like that.

It's damned-painful to watch.

Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine.
Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.

The Logic 101 we are talking about here is Preventative Maintenance for Covid-19.

Not Lupus, Malaria or Arthritis that uses HCQ for several decades.

...Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine...
COVID-19 has not been around for 50 years.

Therefore... the historical life-span of the drug is completely irrelevant to its use in this context.

Multiple and credible medical studies have concluded that the drug - when used to treat COVID-19 - poses different (and far greater) risks than when used for other purposes.

Wanna prevent malaria? Take it. Knock yourself out.

Wanna treat COVID-19? Don't take it. It demonstrably increases your chances of a cardiac incident.

Wanna prevent COVID-19? There is no substantive credible evidence that the drug does any good whatsoever for that purpose.

And, given how easily the less intelligent elements of the population can conflate Remediation vs. Prevention, the best Example is not to take it at all.

...Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.
The 'fuss' is about the Terrible Example that your Orange Baboon-God is setting for those stupid enough to mimic his drug usage once they've contracted COVID-19.

Nothing 'Leftist' about it, Baboon-Cult Follower.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to set a Good Example for the American People - both the savvy and simple-minded.

It is incumbent upon (and expected of) the President of the United States to promote confidence and trust in the Administration's own Medical and Disease-Control agencies.

Your boy fails on both counts.

As always... this isn't about the well-being of the American People that he pretends to lead... it's all about him.

Bottom line...

Your boy went way-out-on-a-limb, weeks ago, pushing this drug, and his Galactic Ego simply will not tolerate being shown to be wrong in front of his audience.

This was obsessive-compulsive behavior and indicative of a very real and very dangerous and very alarming imbalance played-out for the entire country to see and judge.

And judge they will, on November 3rd.
Last edited:

Nancy Pelosi has led a chorus of surprise and alarm after Donald Trump said he was taking the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to ward off coronavirus.

Trump’s own government has warned that the drug should only be administered for Covid-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

The US House Speaker did not mince her words when she was asked on CNN about the president’s decision.

“He’s our president, and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and his, shall we say, weight group ... morbidly obese, they say,” she said.

People are laughing but he aint dead yet. Maybe there is something to it.
Isn't this the woman who told everyone go to China town and hug a chink?

1. Are you proving that all your post is as fake just like your video?

2. Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream........ So tell me. Is there a law prohibiting her visiting her constituents? Did she violated anything? Since when a law maker or any government officials has to be criticized when visiting her/his area?

If Senator like Rubio visited his constituents having a beer in Florida. Is that a problem?

If Senator Cruz visited his constituents having a beer in Texas. Is that a problem?

So why in the hell people like you have a problem if Pelosi visited her constituents eating ice cream?

Just because a president makes a dumb ignorant comments. Doesn’t mean it’s right.


FACTS not made up crap like you have done!

Now I did a google search on "Pelosi eats ice cream" 1,130,000 results.... But most of the results were like the below... she wasn't eating with her
constituents as you write. What she did was eat in front of her $24,000 refrigerator. SEE the facts!
of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi (net worth $196 Million) talking about eating expensive ice cream from her $24,000 Fridge -- after shutting down the economy and causing 22 Million unemployed. 4/21/20, 8:47 AM
So where did you get this further LIE??? "Pelosi visited here constituents in China Town SF eating ice cream"

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco's Chinatown Monday to send a message.
She said there's no reason tourists or locals should be staying away from the area because of coronavirus concerns.
As Pelosi walked from the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory to lunch at a dim sum restaurant, she hugged friends and waved to onlookers. She downplayed the racism issue, saying she understands people are concerned about China – the epicenter of the novel coronavirus.

NOW DUMMY! Where did she eat ice cream?

But see you and your ilk constantly, frequently, ALL THE get so screwed up because you believe the MSM you don't seem to do any verification
on your own! Come on... you truly aren't that DUMB are you?

Oh BULLSHIT #1. I heard that several times from ignorant people like you. One even posted here mentioned chug a drink. Trump even said she is having a street fairs and parties. Talking about DUMMY.

What difference does it make from cult members like you? It doesn’t matter what Trump is saying or doing. Wrong or Wrong. Lies or Lies. A well known PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Two thumbs up Dr. Dumb Trump. Everything is good. Talking about DUMMY.

And you believed Fox News that continues keep giving false informations. LOL.

Bullshit #2. Pelosi showed her expensive refrigerator. So what is the big deal? Did she stole that $24,000 refrigerator? This is about the same as Trump has a helicopter because he is rich....... If you want to go that way...... Maybe he got his helicopter from Trump fraud university and Trump fraud foundation?

Again Nancy Pelosi visited China town SF, ate cookie then ate dim sum. WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM? Then encouragement to her constituents.You would think Trump will be happy because that is what he wants downplayed the Coronavirus and celebrate? Pelosi hugged a friend and wave. Why the hell is that a problem?

BULLSHIT #3. Pelosi visited China town February 24, 2020. Trump called this Coronavirus a new Democrat Hoax from his rally February 28, 2020. Then continued to downplayed the severity of this crisis.

Talking about DUMMY? You and Trump.

President Donald Trump has slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi four times since Friday, suggesting she’s taking a vacation and promoting street fairs and parties in San Francisco’s Chinatown.

He’s incorrect.

Since the coronavirus outbreak shut down much of the country last month, the California Democrat has been working either out of her San Francisco home and at the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

joe biden is being investigated in the Ukraine for crimes.connected with Burisma .

Get your self updated. Didn’t they abandoned that already? Graham asked Rudy a Trump henchmen lawyer to come out and face the judiciary committee. That was after Rudy spent a week in Ukraine. That was May or June I think last year. So far Rudy hasn’t showed up.

What is this has anything to do with the topic?
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.
Where are your facts regarding "prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart".?
What are your scientific credentials to make such statement and more importantly where are your links?

For example read this link Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine) - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions - Drugs

Plus are you that dumb to think Trump and others taking Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) don't have their physicians approval like the President's physician wrote: View attachment 339001
Translation of the letter shown in the attachment...

1. I am covering my a$$ post facto

2. This wasn't my decision; it was his

3. I want to keep my job

4. A glancing nod to related medical studies, mixed with a little narrative-style mumbo jumbo and shell-game motion, gets 'em off my back

5. Doesn't mean that I didn't put the Old Man at risk, or gave him a useless drug, but the verbiage should be enough to cushion any criticism
Last edited:
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.

To put this in perspective why dont you list the side effects of tylenol and ibuprofen?
Tylenol is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the USA. I wouldn't touch the stuff. Opiods such as tramadol or oxycodone are much safer alternatives for pain relief.
But you didn’t mention. Taking TOO MUCH acetaminophen ( Tylenol) can cause failure in the liver.
Opiods, oxycodone can be addicting.
But this is the not the excuse of taking HCQ as a PM.
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that flawed conclusion so that I may help you isolate the logical flaws in that reasoning?

Or would you rather remain stupid?
The actual lack of evidence figured heavily into my thinking.

And yet you call me stupid.
You guys do realize this drug has been around for decades it’s not a new untested drug. If he is taking the drug with his doctors approval fine his choice it’s not hurting you or forcing anyone else to take it. As far as the experts go they can’t even agree on how much wearing a mask helps even DR Fauci contradicted himself on that a few times.

if it is to be taken - it is recommended the patient be in a hospital under strict supervision. i can't see donny's MD giving it to him. i think he's bullshitting.
Like everyone else in the Whitehouse tRump's Dr. is just there to spout the party line. We have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not.

Remember the Dr who evaluated his health before the election?
Is there any reason why you, personally, would not take hydroxychloroquine?

....besides TDS (there is no evidence that it will kill TDS patients)
Because it can cause heart attacks and death.

So you think it will give you a heart attack and kill you?


Who brainwashed you into believing that? The same authority figure that brainwashed you into believing that smoking marijuana will turn you into a Mr. Hyde?

Can, not will.

Learn to read, Jethro.
What are the odds of that?
Well, there is absolutely no evidence that it prevents infects, and decades of medical.proof that it can cause detrimental effects on the heart.

I'd say the odds aren't on his side.

Have you figured out the difference between hydroxychloroquine, and chloroquine?

A major trial on health workers in the UK and other countries will be taking place, concerning this drug.

Alternatively, you could start overdosing on gin & tonics.
Like you seem to have done?
...Looks like it’s working, wow he’s smart
So, your Orange Baboon-God undertakes a multi-day course of a (in this context) dangerous and ineffective drug...

And he lucks-out and has no immediate ill-effects...

And that constitutes prima facie evidence of the efficacy of the drug in your mind?

God almighty... it's true... some of your monkey-god's cultists really ARE simple-minded village idiots.

Go take a Logic 101 course at your local JC sometime, will you? You're embarrassing yourself with idiotic pseudo-logic like that.

It's damned-painful to watch.

Logic 101 in this situation would dictate a drug that's been FDA approved for over 50 years and prescribed by your physician is fine.
Logic 101 would also dictate if you're getting your panties in a wad over this you're a left wing partisan lunatic.

The Logic 101 we are talking about here is Preventative Maintenance for Covid-19.

Not Lupus, Malaria or Arthritis that uses HCQ for several decades.


Thanks for chiming in with absolutely nothing.

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