Trump is the new Andrew Jackson

Trump has the Protestants as did Andrew Jackson who ignored the Supreme Court and congress
andrew Jackson forced his will on all people

Andrew Jackson forced all enemies to submit

Andrew Jackson went with the highest logical people. Those were the white men that selected a balanced life

And when Jackson got those most wise to fight with him they totally bestroyed all their enemies in routs

Trump has that same power on his side

The congress and surpreme court said no no no to Jackson

Jackson ignored and separated groups of different logic instead of mixing

The crooked democrats and RINOS trying to bring in and mix the nation with lower IQs to then fool
Them which later makes a nation so weak they lose the big wars
I am a fan of Andrew Jackson "The General" and what he did at The Battle of New Orleans, but as a President, and The Mascott, and LOGO of The Democrat Party....that being of a MULE, Andrew Jackson as "President" and a person was a Bigot and Racist which makes him perfect for The Democrat Party.

Let's not forget he was Pro Slavery and actually hunted slaves down, and he hated Native Americans and forced them on The Trail of Tears. Jackson hung as many African Americans from the back of his Mule as he did Indians.

Yet this still remains the racist symbol of The Democrat Party.


And, whose bust was mounted on a shelf in the Oval Office by Donald Trump.

Ummmm ?

If that is the case then trump is indeed setting all this up like Jackson

He has jacksons winning supporters

Has the men

The white men in a landslide

The military

The law enforcement

He has the real power and he will ignore any talk of NO to him

I don't have conversations with Racists, so you are going on Ignore.
Is science that shows different IQs racist??

What should be done to science if it's racist

Should we lock up science?
It appears that Russian trolls have an Andrew Jackson obsession
Trump screamed how women had got brainwashed to do anything for Rock stars and not the husband real heroes the vets

Trump spoke this when saying if one is a star they can do anything to them. Like grabbing by their private parts

Trump saw first hand the disgusting brainwashing done by the crooks to women

Trump same as Paul of the bible and Andrew Jackson

Trump supporters are the very same as those two
Like Andrew Jackson is ready to work America just like jackson

Trump will
Ignore the crazies and use his real power with the men To stop the unwise from voting in crooks
Also with trump. Put him up against Paul of the bible to see many similar where he changed

And compare Boths energy

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