Trump is the ultimate fail for pandemic responses, while China did a great job.

Facts are facts. Our own media in this country is telling us they are loosening restrictions. So go question our own coverage of the facts before you question China. If you were questioning the facts of China, or my own thread, then don't sit there with your finger up your ass. Go do your own research.

REAL research as opposed to your wishful thinking for bad things to happen to our country. Why?

U.S. Intel Confirms China Hid Severity of Coronavirus Outbreak
EDWIN MORA1 Apr 20, 2020 3:44

Communist officials in China have hidden the severity of the coronavirus outbreak within their borders, under-reporting both total cases and fatalities linked to the disease, the U.S. intelligence community reportedly confirmed in a classified report to the White House.
Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, is the birthplace of the novel coronavirus illness (COVID-19).

During the early stages of the epidemic in China that was later deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Beijing hid the extent of the viral outbreak, muzzling and jailing whistleblowers and critics in a move that allowed the disease to gain a firm foothold across the world.
Citing three officials familiar with the classified report issued by the American intelligence community, Bloomberg revealed on Wednesday:
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
Health officials detected the first case of the coronavirus in China in mid-November 2019. Yet, the Asian giant has publicly reported fewer cases and fatalities than the United States, where officials diagnosed the first person with coronavirus in late January.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.
Your op proves nothing because china is a lying dictatorship

we will never know how many chinese died but its bound to be in the millions

and they have reopened the wet markets in wuhan so so wuhanvirus II could arrive any time in the furure
That's not a counter argument. But it is a response of desperation. Because China is a communist country, has nothing to do with their swift and proficient response. How do we know? Quarantine restrictions are slowly being lifted and it's on video. So you are full of shit.
Take you personal insults and stick them up your ass

china has an iron grip on information

if you believe what they say you are very gullible
And you have an iron fist for your own ignorance and stupidity. I don't believe what they say. I believe what our country says.
I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.

In other words, and no one is surprised, you "could care less" about FACTS.

Second Wave: A County In Central China Is Locked Down Because Of New Coronavirus Cases
JOHN SEXTONPosted at 5:01 pm on April 1, 2020
Henan province in central China has taken the drastic measure of putting a mid-sized county in total lockdown as authorities try to fend off a second coronavirus wave in the midst of a push to revive the economy.

Curfew-like measures came into effect on Tuesday in Jia county, near the city of Pingdingshan, with the area’s roughly 600,000 residents told to stay home, according to a notice on the country’s official microblog account…

All businesses have been shut down, except utilities, medical suppliers, logistics companies and food processing firms. All shops except supermarkets, hospitals, food markets, petrol stations, pharmacies and hotels have been closed.
Good! Then they are doing a good job. Trump could learn a thing or two about how the Chinese do it. Because, under Trump's leadership, he's more worried about his stock portfolio and tax deductions for strip joints.
China is somewhat ending/lifting their lockdown. Maybe too early. A lot of concern regarding a "second wave" is just that, concerning. The world will be watching China's decision very close. We have a dangerous President who, at nothing but foolish, has the same mentality about lifting. 15 to 0.

Well here's a picture from just this last weekend from a Chinese tourist area. The idiots apparently want a second wave.

View attachment 320798
Is the guy in the white hat taking a hit?
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Do you have any idea what China has been doing to it's people during this crisis? The fuck is wrong with you...
Lifting the quarantine. WTF is wrong with you?

You mean after they lied to the world about the scope of the infection, "disappeared" whistle-blowers, rounded up families by force, and welded entire apartment buildings shut leaving everyone inside to die?

It comes as no shock to me you leftists admire such things. What a good little commie you are.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Do you have any idea what China has been doing to it's people during this crisis? The fuck is wrong with you...
Lifting the quarantine. WTF is wrong with you?

You mean after they lied to the world about the scope of the infection, "disappeared" whistle-blowers, rounded up families by force, and welded entire apartment buildings shut leaving everyone inside to die?

It comes as no shock to me you leftists admire such things. What a good little commie you are.
Left them to die? That's funny, I saw footage of them coming out. Face it, what they did worked, and Trump doesn't have the balls to do what we need to do to isolate this pandemic. You care more about communism than people's lives.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Do you have any idea what China has been doing to it's people during this crisis? The fuck is wrong with you...
Lifting the quarantine. WTF is wrong with you?

You mean after they lied to the world about the scope of the infection, "disappeared" whistle-blowers, rounded up families by force, and welded entire apartment buildings shut leaving everyone inside to die?

It comes as no shock to me you leftists admire such things. What a good little commie you are.
Left them to die? That's funny, I saw footage of them coming out. Face it, what they did worked, and Trump doesn't have the balls to do what we need to do to isolate this pandemic. You care more about communism than people's lives.

You saw the SURVIVORS come out. You conveniently ignored the body bags.

But hey if that's the kind of country you want to live in I'm sure the Chicoms will welcome you with open arms. They adore bootlickers.
Trump didn’t heed the warnings of his briefers: because he believed Xi Jingpeng more than he believed the US intelligence community. We spend $82 Billion a year for intel that Trump ignored. Same as Bush did pre-9/11.

Trump - “We have it totally under control”...“It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine”...“I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi,” said Trump, addressing a question about whether he’s concerned about transparency in China. “The relationship is very good.”

The CDC on Tuesday said a resident of Snohomish County, Washington, who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus.

This weekend, the CDC and Homeland Security began screening people traveling to major airports in California and New York from Wuhan, China, where the outbreak is believed to have started. Health officials have also confirmed cases in Thailand, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

And on January 14, WHO said that coronavirus is not transmitted from person to person. Media followed that disinformation from China, and encouraged people to go on with their normal lives.
Any link there Americano? LINKY LINKY?

I already posted it few times earlier... You can look it up yourself too.

View attachment 320703

First US COVID-19 case flew from China to Seattle on January 15, 2020, a day after above WHO's tweet.
China hid the truth just long enough to make sure all the other countries in the world would be as hobbled by this as they would be.
We Americans knew China is communist country.
We Americans knew that they are very secretive.

We Americans knew that they cannot be trusted.
So why are these excuses? Are our government incompetent? Yes. That we don’t know what is going on in China that we cannot make our own decisions?

Your excuses for Trump are...... China is not telling us the truth, WHO lied. You do know that we have CIA all over the world. Right?

WE Americans knew there is a virus crisis in China as far back as November. China is a very huge country first CV reported cases as early as December in Wuhan according to China. Chinese eat bats, chicken and sea foods all over the country how do we know Chinese are already dying somewhere way before that? We are not even hearing with the Chinese Muslims.

We lock our border with China Jan. 30 while flights still on going.

Sadly January - February till middle of March Trump and his gangster at Fox continued to downplayed the crisis...

While China is on full scale war with CV. January February Trump didn’t do anything

January February Match Trump very busy finger pointing ........ April still finger pointing. God damn that finger.
Trump didn’t heed the warnings of his briefers: because he believed Xi Jingpeng more than he believed the US intelligence community. We spend $82 Billion a year for intel that Trump ignored. Same as Bush did pre-9/11.

Trump - “We have it totally under control”...“It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine”...“I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi,” said Trump, addressing a question about whether he’s concerned about transparency in China. “The relationship is very good.”

The CDC on Tuesday said a resident of Snohomish County, Washington, who was returning from China on Jan. 15 was diagnosed with the Wuhan coronavirus.

This weekend, the CDC and Homeland Security began screening people traveling to major airports in California and New York from Wuhan, China, where the outbreak is believed to have started. Health officials have also confirmed cases in Thailand, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

And on January 14, WHO said that coronavirus is not transmitted from person to person. Media followed that disinformation from China, and encouraged people to go on with their normal lives.
Any link there Americano? LINKY LINKY?

I already posted it few times earlier... You can look it up yourself too.

View attachment 320703

First US COVID-19 case flew from China to Seattle on January 15, 2020, a day after above WHO's tweet.
China hid the truth just long enough to make sure all the other countries in the world would be as hobbled by this as they would be.
We Americans knew China is communist country.
We Americans knew that they are very secretive.

We Americans knew that they cannot be trusted.
So why are these excuses? Are our government incompetent? Yes. That we don’t know what is going on in China that we cannot make our own decisions?

Your excuses for Trump are...... China is not telling us the truth, WHO lied. You do know that we have CIA all over the world. Right?

WE Americans knew there is a virus crisis in China as far back as November. China is a very huge country first CV reported cases as early as December in Wuhan according to China. Chinese eat bats, chicken and sea foods all over the country how do we know Chinese are already dying somewhere way before that? We are not even hearing with the Chinese Muslims.

We lock our border with China Jan. 30 while flights still on going.

Sadly January - February till middle of March Trump and his gangster at Fox continued to downplayed the crisis...

While China is on full scale war with CV. January February Trump didn’t do anything

January February Match Trump very busy finger pointing ........ April still finger pointing. God damn that finger.

WHO confirmed Chinese lie, and WHO should've been organization that should be trusted. The same organization that rejected Taiwan's warning because of China pressure.

We closed our borders before Europe did, even our number of cases were not even close to European. Trump reacted based on information he had from his advisers.

That tweet from WHO was on January, 14. First case of COVID-19 was in Seattle on January 15, while we still thought that info from WHO is correct, no human-to-human transition.

Trump downplaying crisis? Let's see... Borders closed, no flights as of beginning of February. But on March 2nd...


February 9th, NYC health commissioner...

How about Pelosi...



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Covid-19 came to the USA December 29, 2019 the same day XI told Trump about it.
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

Dude, China GAVE the world this virus and hid how bad it was. Why you think they're "admirable" for that I don't have the faintest clue!
Facts are facts. Our own media in this country is telling us they are loosening restrictions. So go question our own coverage of the facts before you question China. If you were questioning the facts of China, or my own thread, then don't sit there with your finger up your ass. Go do your own research.

REAL research as opposed to your wishful thinking for bad things to happen to our country. Why?

U.S. Intel Confirms China Hid Severity of Coronavirus Outbreak
EDWIN MORA1 Apr 20, 2020 3:44

Communist officials in China have hidden the severity of the coronavirus outbreak within their borders, under-reporting both total cases and fatalities linked to the disease, the U.S. intelligence community reportedly confirmed in a classified report to the White House.
Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, is the birthplace of the novel coronavirus illness (COVID-19).

During the early stages of the epidemic in China that was later deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Beijing hid the extent of the viral outbreak, muzzling and jailing whistleblowers and critics in a move that allowed the disease to gain a firm foothold across the world.
Citing three officials familiar with the classified report issued by the American intelligence community, Bloomberg revealed on Wednesday:
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
Health officials detected the first case of the coronavirus in China in mid-November 2019. Yet, the Asian giant has publicly reported fewer cases and fatalities than the United States, where officials diagnosed the first person with coronavirus in late January.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.
Your op proves nothing because china is a lying dictatorship

we will never know how many chinese died but its bound to be in the millions

and they have reopened the wet markets in wuhan so so wuhanvirus II could arrive any time in the furure
That's not a counter argument. But it is a response of desperation. Because China is a communist country, has nothing to do with their swift and proficient response. How do we know? Quarantine restrictions are slowly being lifted and it's on video. So you are full of shit.
Take you personal insults and stick them up your ass

china has an iron grip on information

if you believe what they say you are very gullible
And you have an iron fist for your own ignorance and stupidity. I don't believe what they say. I believe what our country says.
When you say “our country” do you mean America or china?

America is a very open society and it would be impossible to carry out a coverup on such a massive scale

but china is a dictatorship with an iron grip on information
JPMorgan pressured its traders to come into work despite a coronavirus outbreak on its Midtown trading floor, a new report alleges — and now nearly two dozen traders are sick and another 65 are in quarantine.
  • Wow
Reactions: BWK
JPMorgan pressured its traders to come into work despite a coronavirus outbreak on its Midtown trading floor, a new report alleges — and now nearly two dozen traders are sick and another 65 are in quarantine.

How is that the fault of President Donald Trump?

Published February 1, 2020
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
By Joe McDonald, Sam McNeil | Associated Press
On Friday, the United States declared a public health emergency and President Donald Trump and an order barring entry to foreign nationals, other than immediate family of American citizens and permanent residents, who visited China within the last 14 days, which scientists say is the virus’s longest incubation period.

'Unfriendly comments'
China criticized the U.S. controls, which it said contradicted the WHO’s appeal to avoid travel bans, and “unfriendly comments” that Beijing was failing to cooperate.

“Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the U.S. rushed to go in the opposite way. Certainly not a gesture of goodwill,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

WHO Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in Geneva that despite the emergency declaration, there is “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”
China slams Trump's coronavirus travel limits: 'Not a gesture of goodwill'
As U.S. tops global tally of coronavirus cases, Trump is at odds with reality We have now surpassed China for Coronavirus cases and our population is lower. Go figure. Just proves how well their leadership has tackled this virus with their mandatory quarantines and preparedness. The lack of interest in this pandemic by Trump has taken its toll with loss of life, coupled with all the lies that lead the people in the wrong direction with their preparedness. He told his base it was a hoax for Gods sake, and they said it doesn't exist. Add that with the failure to not declare the defense production act, 9/11 and Pearl Harbor are going to look like a scratch in comparison, if Trump doesn't act, or gets the hell out of the way. Having bidding wars with companies to make masks is insane for example. They are bidding over making money, while people die. To hell with that failure. The defense production act has to happen yesterday. Trump with this ultimate failure of his, has done enough damage already. Can you believe it, he wants everybody to get together to go find the easter bunny, a few Sundays from now because it will be beautiful. In the mean time, people are dropping like flies, because we either are in short supply, or have no masks, gloves, or ventilators. But ha, let's all walk out of church together on easter Sunday and have an easter egg hunt. What a sick, selfish. monster he is.

When you address your friends, you most likely refer to them as Comrade, while extolling the benefits of the proletariat.
Facts are facts. Our own media in this country is telling us they are loosening restrictions. So go question our own coverage of the facts before you question China. If you were questioning the facts of China, or my own thread, then don't sit there with your finger up your ass. Go do your own research.

REAL research as opposed to your wishful thinking for bad things to happen to our country. Why?

U.S. Intel Confirms China Hid Severity of Coronavirus Outbreak
EDWIN MORA1 Apr 20, 2020 3:44

Communist officials in China have hidden the severity of the coronavirus outbreak within their borders, under-reporting both total cases and fatalities linked to the disease, the U.S. intelligence community reportedly confirmed in a classified report to the White House.
Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei province, is the birthplace of the novel coronavirus illness (COVID-19).

During the early stages of the epidemic in China that was later deemed a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), Beijing hid the extent of the viral outbreak, muzzling and jailing whistleblowers and critics in a move that allowed the disease to gain a firm foothold across the world.
Citing three officials familiar with the classified report issued by the American intelligence community, Bloomberg revealed on Wednesday:
The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.
Health officials detected the first case of the coronavirus in China in mid-November 2019. Yet, the Asian giant has publicly reported fewer cases and fatalities than the United States, where officials diagnosed the first person with coronavirus in late January.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: I could care less whether China hid the severity of the Coronavirus or not. What my OP is about involves their response to contain it, and Trump fucked that up on so many fronts, we can't even keep up how many different ways he did that. And he is still doing it today, because Trump could care less.
Your op proves nothing because china is a lying dictatorship

we will never know how many chinese died but its bound to be in the millions

and they have reopened the wet markets in wuhan so so wuhanvirus II could arrive any time in the furure
That's not a counter argument. But it is a response of desperation. Because China is a communist country, has nothing to do with their swift and proficient response. How do we know? Quarantine restrictions are slowly being lifted and it's on video. So you are full of shit.
Take you personal insults and stick them up your ass

china has an iron grip on information

if you believe what they say you are very gullible
And you have an iron fist for your own ignorance and stupidity. I don't believe what they say. I believe what our country says.
"China did a great job"

Could be the stupidest post on these boards. Congratulations. You have overtaken JoeB as the dumbest person on these boards.

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