Trump is trying to keep the public from knowing updates on COVID

we get a flu shot every year because there is no lifelong immunity - but we start with the base genome map & tweek it to ' fit' what will be the most common strain(s) that science believes will be going around. sometimes it works & like a couple years ago, they missed the mark bigley.

this is a 'novel 'virus, so we don't even have a base to work with yet that is known how it behaves. AND, even if we do get a vaccine, that doesn't mean that we will be safe years down the road. think, chicken pox & shingles.

That's because the flu changes year to year, not because or Immune system doesn't remember it.

There is no evidence either way if COVID is cyclical or constant when it comes to mutation rate.
Ha, ha, ha. So without proof, without any sort of indication I am sick. without symptoms, I am sick? My family and friends are not sick. My coworkers are not sick. But the Democrats can claim we are sick without knowing because they say so? How do they dIscover I am sick without anybody ever seeing me? How do they know? How did they find out in the first place that people who feel fine and are never tested are sick? Oh, you get to dictate it. Democrats are.lousy disgusting liars. And of course, this most dangerous disease keeps me sick for months? At least until the election?

assuming you are & masking up like an adult would be a start. many people who get tested that are asymptomatic is because of contact tracing - meaning someone they were in close proximity to DID get symptoms & then revealed who they were in contact with.

don't you know how this all works?
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it's not determined yet how long the antibodies last ... so 'herd' immunity is not in play.
Sure ......sure........why da fuck has the graph flatlined in the worst Covid place in this country.......hmmm

Oh it's because they all wear masks and are now experts of social distancing.........

I have a car to sell you........garage kept........and only driven by grandma to church every's basically new,
That's because the flu changes year to year, not because or Immune system doesn't remember it.

There is no evidence either way if COVID is cyclical or constant when it comes to mutation rate.

i JUST said that different strains appear every year ... BUT there's a vaccine every year because the core genomes are the same.

this is a NEW virus & we don't have a basic map to even start with to tweek every year.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

That's an easy one. Just defy the order. This traitorous regime gets no respect nor subservience.
assuming you are & masking up like an adult would be a start. many people who get tested that asymptomatic is because of contact tracing - meaning someone they were in close proximity to DID get symptoms & then revealed who they were in contact with.

don't you know how this all works?
I see perfectly how it works. Democrats dictate that we must shutdown the economy. Democrats dictate that conditions are worst than they really are. Democrats use all their power from television to even here to repeat the lies so people, "believe". Democrats use all their power to make our lives miserable then you will tell us you will take your boot off our neck if we vote democrat. If that does not work the Democrat mobs will continue to fight and destroy and even kill our children intil we submit.
i JUST said that different strains appear every year ... BUT there's a vaccine every year because the core genomes are the same.

this is a NEW virus & we don't have a basic map to even start with to tweek every year.

Also the Flu vaccine is never 100% effective, so if the COVID one isn't do we continue social distancing and lockdowns forever?

And as for your last statement, you claim this is a new virus and we don't have the information, yet for some reason you treat any information that you think makes Trump look bad as gospel, that must be followed or the ORANGE MAN WANTS US ALL DEAD!

Nah, no politics involved in your views and judgements.....
What a joke.........the virus is world wide now and these fools having you believe that they can trace and ISOLATE those infected........LMAO

The virus is everywhere and they still are playing this stupid little game...........You are dumber than dirt bro.

that's how it was working. however, because we now have shortages AGAIN of the test components & a backlog developing AGAIN - that mode is becoming useless.

i ain't a bro - BRO.

hell - go lick a subway rail & see how protected you are.
please post a scientific, peer reviewed credible link refudiating that, please.
You demand, you go first, you can not dictate that which you have refused to do. Post your scientific study.

A great idea. you first. post astudies to prove your opinion is not lies.

you wont do it, because you are a liar, hypocrite.

everyone is watching. let's watch the democrat dictator do as they demand.

show us your study
I see perfectly how it works. Democrats dictate that we must shutdown the economy. Democrats dictate that conditions are worst than they really are. Democrats use all their power from television to even here to repeat the lies so people, "believe". Democrats use all their power to make our lives miserable then you will tell us you will take your boot off our neck if we vote democrat. If that does not work the Democrat mobs will continue to fight and destroy and even kill our children intil we submit.


that's how it was working. however, because we now have shortages AGAIN of the test components & a backlog developing AGAIN - that mode is becoming useless.

i ain't a bro - BRO.

hell - go lick a subway rail & see how protected you are.
trace this shit bro.....

guy gets the last week he's been in 10 stores......worked dozens of people at work.......and all of these were in contact with dozens others who were around dozens who were around dozens.

Exponential...........anyone that thinks this virus can be TRACED and STOPPED at this point is a MENTAL MIDGET.......and that would be you.

To say it can be done by this morons running the show proves how they should be cleaning port o lets rather than advising anyone on this issue.
Also the Flu vaccine is never 100% effective, so if the COVID one isn't do we continue social distancing and lockdowns forever?

And as for your last statement, you claim this is a new virus and we don't have the information, yet for some reason you treat any information that you think makes Trump look bad as gospel, that must be followed or the ORANGE MAN WANTS US ALL DEAD!

Nah, no politics involved in your views and judgements.....

oh hell - you can listen to donny & inject yerself with clorox, ram a light saber up yer butt & take cloroquine if you want... i won't stop you.
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You demand, you go first, you can not dictate that which you have refused to do. Post your scientific study.

A great idea. you first. post astudies to prove your opinion is not lies.

you wont do it, because you are a liar, hypocrite.

everyone is watching. let's watch the democrat dictator do as they demand.

show us your study

Natural infection

Herd immunity can also be reached when a sufficient number of people in the population have recovered from a disease and have developed antibodies against future infection. For example, those who survived the 1918 flu (influenza) pandemic were later immune to infection with the H1N1 flu, a subtype of influenza A. During the 2009-10 flu season, H1N1 caused the respiratory infection in humans that was commonly referred to as swine flu.

However, there are some major problems with relying on community infection to create herd immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19. First, it isn't yet clear if infection with the COVID-19 virus makes a person immune to future infection.

Research suggests that after infection with some coronaviruses, reinfection with the same virus — though usually mild and only happening in a fraction of people — is possible after a period of months or years. Further research is needed to determine the protective effect of antibodies to the virus in those who have been infected.

Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic. If many people become sick with COVID-19 at once, the health care system could quickly become overwhelmed. This amount of infection could also lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have chronic conditions.

the mayo clinic is shirley a reliable source.

btw - NYS has a large pop ... but certainly not THAT large. so noooooooooooo

herd immunity is not in play.

you're welcome, hayseed.
oh hell - you can listen to doony & inject yerself with clorox, ram a light saber up yer butt & take cloroquine if you want... i won't stop you.

More exaggerations. he never said drink bleach, and he never talked about light sabers.

And I won't take Cloroquinine unless prescribed by a doctor.

The Cloroquinine thing is the perfect example of TDS reactions to this. In all other situations progs like you are screaming we have to assume the worst, keep the lockdowns going, wait until a vaccine, etc based on current info which is limited, but because Trump talked about Chloroquinine, and the efficacy of it has not been proven or not proven, well anyone thinking it works is an idiot.

Don't you see why people don't believe you on this shit?
We don't play the victim card.......We play the FUCK YOU you are closer than 6 foot to me.........get the fuck back may have COVID......

Oh damn I think I wet myself............

LOL.........what a country we have today......LMAO....go change your diapers bro.

More exaggerations. he never said drink bleach, and he never talked about light sabers.

And I won't take Cloroquinine unless prescribed by a doctor.

The Cloroquinine thing is the perfect example of TDS reactions to this. In all other situations progs like you are screaming we have to assume the worst, keep the lockdowns going, wait until a vaccine, etc based on current info which is limited, but because Trump talked about Chloroquinine, and the efficacy of it has not been proven or not proven, well anyone thinking it works is an idiot.

Don't you see why people don't believe you on this shit?

actually - simply wearing a mask ... for now ... makes people safer. not 100%, but drastically reduces the spread. the same assholes who claim FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will prevent women from being free to go into clinics for an abortion ... & don't give a damn if they are passing their covid cooties to a pregnant woman in the same grocery aisle they are.

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