Trump is trying to keep the public from knowing updates on COVID

Natural infection

Herd immunity can also be reached when a sufficient number of people in the population have recovered from a disease and have developed antibodies against future infection. . Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic.

btw - NYS has a large pop ... but certainly not THAT large. so noooooooooooo

herd immunity is not in play.
It states 70% of a population? Meaning for NYS to have herd immunity 70% must become infected. Not 200 million! 200 million is for the entire country!

Even with your non-scientific link of an article that is not peer reviewed, you have no idea what it states, given your understanding of what you quoted.

scientific peer reviewed links???? you really are an idiot
Even if infection with the COVID-19 virus creates long-lasting immunity, a large number of people would have to become infected to reach the herd immunity threshold. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the epidemic.

herd immunity is not in play.
Herd immunity is not in play because enough people will never get covid-19? Then there was never ever anything to worry about!

If herd immunity is not in play, that does mean not many people are getting sick and never will. So your point is this is no longer a pandemic nor an epidemic?
I am sorry I called you a liar. You are just an idiot, that can not do what you demand of others. Because what you demand does not exist. You demanded a, "scientific link" a link that is a "peer reviewed", "credible link".

Who peer reviewed your link?
You link is not scientific, it is simply an article stating opinion?

How about some examples of scientific peer reviewed links?

Is it refudiating or repudiating?

But all that does, is show you are an idiot, and I will take a second to address the idiocy of your interpretation of your link, as well.

the mayo clinic only produces peer reviewed articles dummy. opinion???????

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scientific FACT.

ask sarah palin - she thinks it's refudiate.

your deflection is duly noted & also dismissed.
Herd immunity is not in play because enough people will never get covid-19? Then there was never ever anything to worry about!

If herd immunity is not in play, that does mean not many people are getting sick and never will. So your point is this is no longer a pandemic nor an epidemic?

it's not in play AT THIS TIME... which is what i said & apparently you didn't comprehend - yet again - cause if you read the article, you would know why. i also spelled it out for you, but you are too stupid to do the math.
It states 70% of a population? Meaning for NYS to have herd immunity 70% must become infected. Not 200 million! 200 million is for the entire country!

Even with your non-scientific link of an article that is not peer reviewed, you have no idea what it states, given your understanding of what you quoted.

scientific peer reviewed links???? you really are an idiot

lol ... there is no herd immunity no matter how you slice it or dice it.

thems the facts & you trying your damnedest to make it so just ain't shaking out for you.

so where's YOUR link saying that herd immunity has happened?

oh right - there isn't any.

thanx for playing
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He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

Yes and there are idiots out there who still think this one big Trump Conspiracy. Doctors, nurses, hospitals are all over-inflating the numbers and making this out to be much worse than it is just to prevent Trump to get re-elected... they are out to get him... poor Trump everyone is always out to get him. He is never in the wrong, it is always a massive cover up and some brilliant conspiracy put on by key players to get him framed. Why he is not trying to hide the evidence, he is trying to prevent them from carry out their massive conspiracy agenda... unfortunately doctors know all too well you can't fix stupid.
It states 70% of a population? Meaning for NYS to have herd immunity 70% must become infected. Not 200 million! 200 million is for the entire country!

Even with your non-scientific link of an article that is not peer reviewed, you have no idea what it states, given your understanding of what you quoted.

scientific peer reviewed links???? you really are an idiot

lol ... there is no herd immunity no matter how you slice it or dice it.

thems the facts & you trying your damnedest to make it so just ain't shaking out for you.

so where's YOUR link saying that herd immunity has happened?

oh right - there isn't any.

thanx for playing
Where is your scientific peer reviewed link. Like I said, you get to go first because you demanded it. A link to an article is not a link to science. I dont care if it is the Mayo clinic or not. Further, based on everything in your article and based on what you can not post. This virus just is not going to infect that many people. It is a big nothing. Now post the link to science. Which is a study. You do know, there is no such thing as scientific links. Contending that is what the mayo link is, is simply bullshit.
it's not in play AT THIS TIME... which is what i said & apparently you didn't comprehend - yet again - cause if you read the article, you would know why. i also spelled it out for you, but you are too stupid to do the math.
Talking about being stupid and not being able to do math. It was pretty funny when you stated that New York can never achieve herd immunity because there are not 200 million people in New York. Your article does not state there must be 200 million. It states 70% of a population must get infected. You can not read and comprehend what you post.
I am sorry I called you a liar. You are just an idiot, that can not do what you demand of others. Because what you demand does not exist. You demanded a, "scientific link" a link that is a "peer reviewed", "credible link".

Who peer reviewed your link?
You link is not scientific, it is simply an article stating opinion?

How about some examples of scientific peer reviewed links?

Is it refudiating or repudiating?

But all that does, is show you are an idiot, and I will take a second to address the idiocy of your interpretation of your link, as well.

the mayo clinic only produces peer reviewed articles dummy. opinion???????

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! scientific FACT.

ask sarah palin - she thinks it's refudiate.

your deflection is duly noted & also dismissed.
An article on a website, in this case of a hospital, is just that, an article.
Show us that your article is what you contend it is. Scientific? Peer reviewed? Again, unless you link an actual study all you have done is linked either a press release or an article. Not science.

The only deflection going on here is yours, as you try to pull your head out of your ass. Now go ahead and link to science as you demanded. Not some article by a hospital.
It states 70% of a population? Meaning for NYS to have herd immunity 70% must become infected. Not 200 million! 200 million is for the entire country!

Even with your non-scientific link of an article that is not peer reviewed, you have no idea what it states, given your understanding of what you quoted.

scientific peer reviewed links???? you really are an idiot

lol ... there is no herd immunity no matter how you slice it or dice it.

thems the facts & you trying your damnedest to make it so just ain't shaking out for you.

so where's YOUR link saying that herd immunity has happened?

oh right - there isn't any.

thanx for playing
Where is your scientific peer reviewed link. Like I said, you get to go first because you demanded it. A link to an article is not a link to science. I dont care if it is the Mayo clinic or not. Further, based on everything in your article and based on what you can not post. This virus just is not going to infect that many people. It is a big nothing. Now post the link to science. Which is a study. You do know, there is no such thing as scientific links. Contending that is what the mayo link is, is simply bullshit.

i never said study - so yer deflection fails right outa the gate.

time to give it up.

you lose.
It states 70% of a population? Meaning for NYS to have herd immunity 70% must become infected. Not 200 million! 200 million is for the entire country!

Even with your non-scientific link of an article that is not peer reviewed, you have no idea what it states, given your understanding of what you quoted.

scientific peer reviewed links???? you really are an idiot

lol ... there is no herd immunity no matter how you slice it or dice it.

thems the facts & you trying your damnedest to make it so just ain't shaking out for you.

so where's YOUR link saying that herd immunity has happened?

oh right - there isn't any.

thanx for playing
Where is your scientific peer reviewed link. Like I said, you get to go first because you demanded it. A link to an article is not a link to science. I dont care if it is the Mayo clinic or not. Further, based on everything in your article and based on what you can not post. This virus just is not going to infect that many people. It is a big nothing. Now post the link to science. Which is a study. You do know, there is no such thing as scientific links. Contending that is what the mayo link is, is simply bullshit.

of course you don't care that it's the mayo clinic. because caring that it is would mean you lost this one.

cough up YOUR refudiation or stfu.

it's that simple, troll.

you l-o-s-e.
He’s ordering hospitals not to send data to the CDC and instead to the department of health. Experts point out such a move would keep the information quiet.

He’s a miserable fucking retard.

Oh? Do you realize how dumb you sound? You most likely recruited 3 more votes for Trump with this stupidity.
of course you don't care that it's the mayo clinic. because caring that it is would mean you lost this one.

cough up YOUR refudiation or stfu.

it's that simple, troll.

you l-o-s-e.
cough up you peer reviewed scientific link you dictate must be provided. You demanded proof so you must provide what you dictate. Why wont you do as you tell others to do?

It us because you are dumb and confused attempting to turn your unsubstantiated opinion into anything but the nonsense you claim it to be.

You made the claims in this thread, I am simply demanding what you dictate, scientific peer reviewed links! Ha, ha, ha, just admit, you have no clue.

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