Trump is up by 8 points nationally. What happens if he loses the electoral college?

he had more votes there than Obama did, that is my only claim.
Obama got 34.4% in 2008...that total dropped to 24.8% in 2012.
Utah is the third fastest growing State in the country, Harpy and the majority of those people are Californians moving there because things have gotten so bad in California. It's something we've seen repeated in Colorado...and in Nevada. Liberals screw up a State and when things get so bad they can't stand it anymore...they move to a conservative State because things are better there...then they start screwing up the new State.
With Trump ahead going into the summer Biden has an uphill battle to climb. The usual suspect polls that usually are slanted to the left or right are of course still slanted.
What it looks like this Fall will be the first best look to see how far Biden is behind.

And with several key issues like illegal immigration, poor economy, high inflation, global conflicts and etc....Biden doesn't have much ground to stand on. Sure, he might forgive some student debt to buy some votes but it is not energizing for his core constituents. However his detractors are very energizing for his opponents. The people will vote against him instead of for Trump.

And this time around the Social Media "bots" are favoring Trump over Biden...which will add to the fervor. Of course Trump will reverse his positions like any politician when push comes to shove
...but it's interesting to watch it unfold.
Just heard it on my favorite radio program (Sid & Friends) - Trump is up nationally by 8 points in the polls. The election should be a cakewalk and Mr. Magoo should be thrown out of office on his head. But "should' doesn't equal "will". I think this election is a toss up and I think democrats cheating is a given. The only question is will there be enough of it to give old man Biden the win?

Dems plan to remove Trump. Plan is underway. YouTube is saying all these reps that are retiring early were planned by Kevin McCarthy, as revenge for being voted out. And also, ordered by his high $$ backers, so the dems can take control of Congress. Once they do that, they can put Hakeem Jeffries in control and then vote to take Trump off the ballot.

trump picks lint.jpg
you sure defend his economy.....

No, I state the facts. Me and mine are doing great. That is a fact. By most accepted measures, the economy as a whole is doing well. Jobs are up, UE is down, GDP is good, markets are doing great...these things are facts not feelings.
Dems plan to remove Trump. Plan is underway. YouTube is saying all these reps that are retiring early were planned by Kevin McCarthy, as revenge for being voted out. And also, ordered by his high $$ backers, so the dems can take control of Congress. Once they do that, they can put Hakeem Jeffries in control and then vote to take Trump off the ballot.

View attachment 929067
Elections are run by the States...not by Congress. Hakeem Jeffries or any other Congressional leader doesn't have the authority to take anyone off of the ballot.
No, I state the facts. Me and mine are doing great. That is a fact. By most accepted measures, the economy as a whole is doing well. Jobs are up, UE is down, GDP is good, markets are doing great...these things are facts not feelings.
So what do you say to the average American who's paying $1,400 more out of pocket now...than they were under Donald Trump, Harpy? What's your argument to convince THEM that they're better off under Joe Biden?
my utility bills used to go up 5,10 bucks a month when it went its 50 + car ins started off at 110 a month, now,without any claims no tickets nothing,it was up to 255.00 a a few short years.....thats a fucking car payment.....what i was paying 80.00 for at the market is now 130.00 i can understand how it is affecting many out you know haw many older retired people cut back on their meds so they can use that money to pay the bills?...

Interest rates are ridiculous as well, that hurts anyone trying to buy a house or a vehicle regardless of how much money you make. Who wants to pay hundreds more every month because of the rates being charged?
I am still old enough to remember when the Trump worshipers called polls fake and mocked people who posted about them.

My how the times have changed

"I am still old enough" (wtf?)

What have you done...found the fountain of Yute or something ?
No, I state the facts. Me and mine are doing great. That is a fact. By most accepted measures, the economy as a whole is doing well. Jobs are up, UE is down, GDP is good, markets are doing great...these things are facts not feelings.
like i said you dont feel it because you have just shrug it the other wealthier people do...just go with the flow.....a hell of a lot of people below your stature cant do that....
Ok, so if the Left wins the WH again here's what will happen.....

Conservatives and the collective right will
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No, I state the facts. Me and mine are doing great. That is a fact. By most accepted measures, the economy as a whole is doing well. Jobs are up, UE is down, GDP is good, markets are doing great...these things are facts not feelings.

Oh sure.

No, either you live in a protective bubble, are insanely ignorant are an instigator, agitator and blatant liar. (the "real" facts)
This place is riddled with far left and even anti-freedom agitators who thrive on agitation.

like i said you dont feel it because you have just shrug it the other wealthier people do...just go with the flow.....a hell of a lot of people below your stature cant do that....
The stock market has been great this past year. That doesn't help a Blue Collar family that doesn't have the money to invest though. Right now they're sitting around the kitchen table looking at a stack of bills and trying figure out how they're going to pay for increases to fuel insurance. Their credit cards are already maxed out covering things they couldn't pay for out of pocket and the interest rates on those cards is going to eat them alive! Why on earth would that couple vote for four more years of Joe Biden?
Yep, as I keep telling you, there is basically no difference between the wingers. Two wings, one bird.
Every single time you hardcore Leftists disguised as fence-sitters say that “SAME” bullshit you lose credibility. Biden, in 3.5 years just shoved 10 million wetbacks up your ass, how many did Trump let in to fuck you?
How about foreign policy, how about regulations on manufacturing and commerce? How about energy policy? How about tax code and iRS expansion?
Are they the same on those issues?

Every single time you hardcore Leftists disguised as fence-sitters say that “SAME” bullshit you lose credibility. Biden, in 3.5 years just shoved 10 million wetbacks up your ass, how many did Trump let in to fuck you?
How about foreign policy, how about regulations on manufacturing and commerce? How about energy policy? How about tax code and iRS expansion?


Looks like BOTH sides are "guilty"

Weren't Americans given the means of defending their nation when the government turns on them?
Isn't it their DUTY to defend their Constitution and nation when that happens?
Maybe I'm mistaken.
For all those who are hoping Trump saves America.......

Don't count on it.
When Presidents fall out of line and try to correct the establishment they'll get JFK'd
Freedom in America was lost generations ago.

(although negro slavery was ended so now all Americans are equal in their slavery)

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