Trump is up by 8 points nationally. What happens if he loses the electoral college?

Look at the shape the country is in. Have you noticed the 8 million illegals that the regime has allowed to cross the border and the rising crime, worsening quality of life, rising rents and housing costs, and so forth?

The poster you're responding to is nothing but a leftist TDS hack, not to be taken seriously. His entire debating technique is Trump bad, Trump supporters are a cult, etc... you know, the typical leftist TDS bullshit that they repeat over and over to make themselves somehow feel better.
Just heard it on my favorite radio program (Sid & Friends) - Trump is up nationally by 8 points in the polls. The election should be a cakewalk and Mr. Magoo should be thrown out of office on his head. But "should' doesn't equal "will". I think this election is a toss up and I think democrats cheating is a given. The only question is will there be enough of it to give old man Biden the win?

That would be an interesting result, needless to say.

My guess is that the libs will forget about "democracy" and suddenly embrace the electoral college system.

It would be an epiphany to them and they would insist that their leader Joe the Somnolent retain power.

Just my guess, after all, if the D's didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.
Just heard it on my favorite radio program (Sid & Friends) - Trump is up nationally by 8 points in the polls. The election should be a cakewalk and Mr. Magoo should be thrown out of office on his head. But "should' doesn't equal "will". I think this election is a toss up and I think democrats cheating is a given. The only question is will there be enough of it to give old man Biden the win?

Trump isn't up 8 points nationally. The polls, which have been WRONG in every election since 2016, have them even.

The election is nowhere near a "toss up". Trump will lose BIGLY, because the American public can see what an idiot he is and how crazy his voters truly are.

Can you provide ANY evidence whatsoever that "Democrats cheating is a given". Democrats don't have to cheat to win. Republicans cannot win in a fair election where everyone gets to vote. The American people aren't going to vote Republican if they want to keep their country. has the President 0.7 % behind nationally.

As we have told you, Dark Brandon would start closing after that good SOTU.
Yeah, that is more or less how I feel. I have been too poor to buy food for my family and nobody really gave a shit about me and mine, I was told it was all my fault and I needed to work harder. So that is what the wife and I did.

So yeah, I am very honest about not having a lot of sympathy for people these days.

Also, this board is full of people complaining about how bad things are in the country, and yet not a single one of these people say things are bad for them personally. I just find that odd.
like i said before....if you are well off or working and doing great you wont notice the difference shopping or paying the bills like the people who are just getting by....and there are a lot of those people out there...
Wrong. DUH.

Definition of religion

The definition of religion is a controversial and complicated subject in religious studies with scholars failing to agree on any one definition. Oxford Dictionaries defines religion as the belief in and/or worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods


Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.
No wonder I'm getting positive feedback on 80% of my posts (48 of 60) while you are getting positive feedback on 33% of your posts (34,504/103,225). You can't beat me.

Is there anything more pathetic than someone bragging about ratings on a fucking political forum?
like i said before....if you are well off or working and doing great you wont notice the difference shopping or paying the bills like the people who are just getting by....and there are a lot of those people out there...
there are always a lot of those people out there.
It's all part of the team trump "Stollen Election" part 3 plan.

2016......Rigged and Stollen election......oh wait ...... we won
2020....Rigged and Stollen Election.

2024.....Set it up to show polls where trump is leading, then claim, how could we lose, we were so far ahead. Stollen Election Cries Continue.
like i said before....if you are well off or working and doing great you wont notice the difference shopping or paying the bills like the people who are just getting by....and there are a lot of those people out there...
And when trump was POTUS and people were struggling, the RW talking points was.....

get a better job
you should have prepared better
losers are poor and the poor are losers
quit having children if you can't afford it.

Now in 2024,
it's all about how much we care about the lower income people and how biden is destroying America.

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