Trump is up by 8 points nationally. What happens if he loses the electoral college?

thats easier said than done.....

Most good things in life are not easy.

13 years ago due to some bad luck and bad choice we had no savings, nothing saved for retirement outside of my MC pension, and a car that would have been repossessed had it not been parked on an AF base when they came looking for it.

My wife and I decided we could not live that way any longer. So we worked hard, she finished her nursing degree and I finished my Masters.

Fast forward to today our take home pay is 5 times what it then, we have very little debt outside our mortgage and car payments and enough going into retirement accounts we will be able to retire in 5 years, me at 65 and her at 62, and never worry about money once we do.
No matter who wins.
LOL --- no one will win.

Unless hell freezes over, and we manage to elect a consensus candidate, one who can bring us together instead of continuing the culture ware pissing match, I don't see us lasting another decade. Not as a world power, in any case.

Hope I'm wrong. :)
well at least you are admitting both parties lie to us...... one is lying while running the country......think about that.....
Think about what?

Whether or not one party has sold out to Putin or that the other might be mocking up the stats?

You're the one that needs some think time.
The two parties stopped being the same when "that niggar moved into our White house."
Just heard it on my favorite radio program (Sid & Friends) - Trump is up nationally by 8 points in the polls. The election should be a cakewalk and Mr. Magoo should be thrown out of office on his head. But "should' doesn't equal "will". I think this election is a toss up and I think democrats cheating is a given. The only question is will there be enough of it to give old man Biden the win?
If he loses the electoral college he loses. Period. And the Democrats will unlikely agree to any recounts that aren't mandated by law.

I was watching the news this morning and one of the attendees at Trump's fund raiser event commented on what a great cross section of America was represented there including people that disagreed with Trump on some policy issues but who knew hands down that he would be far far better for the country than Joe Biden has been and would be. This person himself prospered by going into business with three other partners, each using their own modest cash outlay, and he didn't enjoy a positive net worth until his thirties, but all have prospered. That was the case with many if not most at Mar-a-lago. Many voted for Biden last time because of disagreements with Trump on various policies. They now deeply regret their votes.

Trump raised $50+ million at Mar-a-lago using absolutely nothing but himself and his vision/agenda.

Biden raised $25 in New York with Obama, Clinton and numerous celebrities attending and inviting all their big money friends.

But because most really big money people are Democrats, Biden has overall outraised Trump more than 2 to 1. But then so did Hillary in the 2016 election and she did win the popular vote--at least according to the count--but lost bigly in the electoral college.

So money isn't everything. As bad and destructive as Obama was, he at least wasn't as reckless as the Biden administration has been. Some believe Obama is still calling the shots and, because he won't be blamed for the results, maybe is that reckless this time around? I have no way to know so whatever will happen will happen.

The person attending the Mar-a-lago event was asked if Trump gave them the slightest hint who his VP or Treasury Secretary would be, and he said not the slightest hint.
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Wrong. DUH.

Definition of religion

The definition of religion is a controversial and complicated subject in religious studies with scholars failing to agree on any one definition. Oxford Dictionaries defines religion as the belief in and/or worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods


Atheism, in the broadest sense, is an absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.

What a fool.


You are so dense you cannot even understand that the "proof" you submit proves you are a fool.
Think about what?

Whether or not one party has sold out to Putin or that the other might be mocking up the stats?

You're the one that needs some think time.
The two parties stopped being the same when "that niggar moved into our White house."
no thats not what i said was it? go sit and try to figure out whats going on...ill even let you have my think time....
Come on, Harpy...nobody is buying that. Inflation that's been caused by Joe Biden's policies are literally stealing money out of people's pockets. How can it be "better" when it costs people so much more just to pay for essential things?

as I said, the only economic measure that is worse is inflation. but overall wages are catching up so that is less of a problem.
We have no reason to believe he did not.

well yeah, we do. He lies a lot, I mean like a lot about this kind of stuff. They will have to submit their official quarterly report soon, then we will know for sure
well yeah, we do. He lies a lot, I mean like a lot about this kind of stuff. They will have to submit their official quarterly report soon, then we will know for sure
I'm sorry but TDS is such a lame argument and reflects such lack of intellect and intellectual honesty that it has become laughable to anybody still capable of critical thought.

But you're right. We'll know soon enough.
I'm sorry but TDS is such a lame argument and reflects such lack of intellect and intellectual honesty that it has become laughable to anybody still capable of critical thought.

But you're right. We'll know soon enough.

oh come on now, Trump always lies about this kind of thing, hell he is famous for it.
oh come on now, Trump always lies about this kind of thing, hell he is famous for it.
Oh come on. How many people, as assigned by the Democrats, dutifully report that kind of lie about Trump again and again and again without producing a shred of evidence to support the lie.
no thats not what i said was it? go sit and try to figure out whats going on...ill even let you have my think time....
You said the two parties are the same.
I pointed out they are not.

I suppose anyone can use your "think time."
After all, it seems you never do.

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