Trump is Vile, Imbecilic, Corrupt, and Incompetent...


Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency2, in that:

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-..."
View attachment 294301
Forgetting the Forgotten: 101 Ways Donald Trump Has Betrayed his Populist Agenda

  1. Putting the future of human civilization at risk by ignoring climate change: .....

I stopped reading here. Conflating populism and "climate change", is just too stupid and too dishonest and too stupidly dishonest, for me to read any further.

You lose.
I stopped reading here. Conflating populism and "climate change", is just too stupid and too dishonest and too stupidly dishonest, for me to read any further.
You can't beat Trump for stupid

Or may YOU can beat Trump for stupid?

Plenty of the people, are not convinced by your lefty panic mongering. Siding with them, the people, is not a conflict with being a populist.

Your claim that it is, is stupid as hell.

You are stupid as hell.

You are being stupid as hell, right in this thread.

AND while you are being stupid as hell, you keep accusing everyone else of being stupid.

YOur lack of self awareness, is epic in scale. EPIC.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

'Vile" coming from the party of partial birth abortion.
'Vile" coming from the party of partial birth abortion.
"Vile" Donald Trump was pro-choice for most of his adult life:

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

How many abortions has Donald Trump paid for?

My point about you being the party of partial birth abortions and accusing someone else of being vile, stands.

YOur attempt to deflect on that, is denied. YOu vile person.
My point about you being the party of partial birth abortions and accusing someone else of being vile, stands.
Which party do you imagine I belong to?

The dems, or one of their allied lefty parties, such as marxists or socialists.
This is what outrages our far-left Progressive friends. This is what the far-left demands be stopped.

Think about it!

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.


Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November | Breitbart

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November

More? Okay!

Wage Gains: Blue-Collars Beat White-Collars in Donald Trump’s Economy
by NEIL MUNRO 10 Dec 2019 5:04

Wages for blue-collar Americans are rising by 4.3 percent in 2019 — or 2.7 percent after inflation — in President Donald Trump’s tightening labor market, according to Goldman Sachs.

Wage Gains: Blue-Collars Beat White-Collars in Donald Trump's Economy


Promises Kept: Donald Trump Celebrates Life Goal of Replacing NAFTA
CHARLIE SPIERING11 Dec 2019 1:26

President Donald Trump celebrated the news on Wednesday that House Democrats would vote to approve replacing NAFTA with the USMCA. [United States Mexico Canada]

Promises Kept: Donald Trump Celebrates Life Goal of Replacing NAFTA
If Trump's economy is as good as you claim, why aren't Americans paying off record levels of debt?

Americans now have $14 trillion in debt - CNN

"New York (CNN Business)US households are now sitting on a record $14 trillion in mortgages, credit cards, student loans and other forms of debt.

"Household debt ticked up 0.7% during the third quarter, the New York Federal Reserve said on Wednesday, continuing a five-year climb encouraged by low unemployment, strong consumer confidence and cheap borrowing costs.

"Consumer debt is now about $1.3 trillion higher than the previous peak set in 2008, although these figures are not adjusted for inflation nor the larger size of today's economy. Household debt has climbed about 25% from the post-recession low of $12.7 trillion."
If you can’t figure that out, then it isn’t worth the effort to explain it to you

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Donald J. Trump has abused the powers of the Presidency2, in that:

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-..."
View attachment 294301
Forgetting the Forgotten: 101 Ways Donald Trump Has Betrayed his Populist Agenda

  1. Putting the future of human civilization at risk by ignoring climate change: .....

I stopped reading here. Conflating populism and "climate change", is just too stupid and too dishonest and too stupidly dishonest, for me to read any further.

You lose.
I stopped reading here. Conflating populism and "climate change", is just too stupid and too dishonest and too stupidly dishonest, for me to read any further.
You can't beat Trump for stupid

Or may YOU can beat Trump for stupid?

Plenty of the people, are not convinced by your lefty panic mongering. Siding with them, the people, is not a conflict with being a populist.

Your claim that it is, is stupid as hell.

You are stupid as hell.

You are being stupid as hell, right in this thread.

AND while you are being stupid as hell, you keep accusing everyone else of being stupid.

YOur lack of self awareness, is epic in scale. EPIC.
It’s called dignity
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
/——/ Updates throughout the day:
View attachment 294288 (P. 7)

"In his farewell address, President George Washington warned of a moment when 'cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.'"
So congress huh. What an abuse of power and obstruction
LOL!!!! There are fucking miles of difference there.

in yer bubble, perhaps. tell me - what exactly is 'elite' in yer mind?

In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.

YOur denial of this, that happened publicly during the election, is not credible.
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.
Who fits that description, Einstein?

Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.

Do you not understand that I am not engaged in Class Envy here? But discussing actual policies and real issues?

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.
So why hasn't the middle class begun paying off record levels of consumer debt?


At a guess, probably has something to do with our consumer market driven culture.

I know plenty of people who make more money than me, but have far worse financial situations.

I was just talking to a friend of mine, who wanted to take off some time to have shoulder surgery. He could not afford to, despite having made good money for several decades.

HIs house is a lot nicer than mine. His two cars are much nicer than the two I own.

But he has payments on all three, while I have none.

My wife just wanted to get some elective cosmetic surgery. She will be off work for several weeks. It was not covered by insurance. We just did it.

I won't say it did not hurt. It did. It was physically painful. But we could do it.

A raise will not improve your finical situation if you increase your lifestyle right along with it.

My point about Trump stands.

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Too stupid to count

Roaming Charges: That's Neoliberalism for You -

"New Quinnipiac national poll on 2020 general election shows every prospective Democratic nominee beating Trump:

"Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Sanders 51%, Trump 43%
Warren 50%, Trump 43%
Bloomberg 48%, Trump 42%
Buttigieg 48%, Trump 43%
Klobuchar 47%, Trump 43%"

Just yesterday, you acknowledged that the current process allows for a popular vote win, while still losing.

And here you are again, making the same stupid mistake you make last election.

That is, ironically very stupid of you.

And you are being very stupid, while trying to support your claim that the President is stupid.

Stupid people, are too stupid to realize they are stupid. Dude.

"There is zero chance Trump will be removed from office in a trial in the Senate.

"The Democratic Party elites have admitted as much. They carried out, they argue, their civic and constitutional duty. But here again they lie.

"They picked out what was convenient to impeach Trump and left untouched the rotten system they helped create.

"The divisions among Americans will only widen.

"The hatreds will only grow. And tyranny will wrap its deadly tentacles around our throats."

The Great American Shakedown
House Dems don't care. They are only looking to preserve their base and it's VOTES, for THEIR re-election chances.
House Dems don't care. They are only looking to preserve their base and it's VOTES, for THEIR re-election chances.

"New Quinnipiac national poll on 2020 general election shows every prospective Democratic nominee beating Trump:

"Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Sanders 51%, Trump 43%
Warren 50%, Trump 43%
Bloomberg 48%, Trump 42%
Buttigieg 48%, Trump 43%
Klobuchar 47%, Trump 43%

+ "So, naturally, the Democratic elite are panicking that someone other than a candidate indebted to them and their centrists policies might prevail and are doing everything they can to sabotage their chances."

Roaming Charges: That's Neoliberalism for You -
Polls contain replies from Democrats. Republicans don't answer polls. Didn't 2016 teach you ?
in yer bubble, perhaps. tell me - what exactly is 'elite' in yer mind?

In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.

YOur denial of this, that happened publicly during the election, is not credible.
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.
Who fits that description, Einstein?

Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.

Do you not understand that I am not engaged in Class Envy here? But discussing actual policies and real issues?

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.
So why hasn't the middle class begun paying off record levels of consumer debt?


At a guess, probably has something to do with our consumer market driven culture.

I know plenty of people who make more money than me, but have far worse financial situations.

I was just talking to a friend of mine, who wanted to take off some time to have shoulder surgery. He could not afford to, despite having made good money for several decades.

HIs house is a lot nicer than mine. His two cars are much nicer than the two I own.

But he has payments on all three, while I have none.

My wife just wanted to get some elective cosmetic surgery. She will be off work for several weeks. It was not covered by insurance. We just did it.

I won't say it did not hurt. It did. It was physically painful. But we could do it.

A raise will not improve your finical situation if you increase your lifestyle right along with it.

My point about Trump stands.

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
rump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.
Trump has never been confused about which side his interests lie on; you are simple minded enough to believe his lies, and I'm not.

What ever happened to Trump’s boast of 4%, 5% or even 6% growth?

"Time for a reality check on Mr. Trump’s economic accomplishments, using two key measuring sticks: how well the economy is doing, compared with its performance under President Barack Obama’s leadership, and whether it has performed up to Mr. Trump’s promises.

"The short answer is, the economy’s performance is not much different than it was under Mr. Obama and far short of what Mr. Trump pledged."

Opinion | Trump Can’t Beat Obama on the Economy
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

TDS: Defcon 1

DS: Defcon 1

Roaming Charges: That's Neoliberalism for You -

"New Quinnipiac national poll on 2020 general election shows every prospective Democratic nominee beating Trump:

"Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Sanders 51%, Trump 43%
Warren 50%, Trump 43%
Bloomberg 48%, Trump 42%
Buttigieg 48%, Trump 43%
Klobuchar 47%, Trump 43%"
Democrats announce 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump

The rich-bitch is going to die in prison regardless of what Senate Slimeballs decide; will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
Trump is exactly the kind of aristocrat the Constitution was created to destroy; you show your contempt for this country by supporting a gutless clown masquerading as POTUS.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?
Referencing the popular vote will get you your Scarlet Letter of Big dumb dumb.
Referencing the popular vote will get you your Scarlet Letter of Big dumb dumb.

"No More Bullshit"?
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.

Do you believe Trump was..


"It was a 1973 article in the New York Times that said Trump graduated 'first in his class' at Wharton.

"However, it would later become clear that Trump’s name was not among top honorees at his commencement.

"Nor was he on the dean’s list his senior year, meaning he was not among the top 56 students in his graduating class of 366.

"Many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, according to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at Penn (see Trump Failed To Excel At Wharton).

"The newspaper quoted 1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris who recalled that 'Don … was loath to really study much.'

"Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not 'seem to care about being prepared

"He added that Trump’s academic passivity likely stemmed from his passion for engaging directly in the real estate business."

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
Impeachment is a political process, and Trump abused the powers of his office by extorting Ukraine for information on a likely political opponent:

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage.

"President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

TDS: Defcon 1

DS: Defcon 1

Roaming Charges: That's Neoliberalism for You -

"New Quinnipiac national poll on 2020 general election shows every prospective Democratic nominee beating Trump:

"Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Sanders 51%, Trump 43%
Warren 50%, Trump 43%
Bloomberg 48%, Trump 42%
Buttigieg 48%, Trump 43%
Klobuchar 47%, Trump 43%"
/——-/ Well I have a question for you. This poll looks like it’s aimed at democrats and democrat leaning registered voters. It doesn’t mention Republicans being surveyed. Now I’m looking at the link on my iPhone and it’s hard to scan the long article. So how many Republicans were surveyed? From your link: “From December 4 - 9, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,553 self-identified registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points. The survey includes 665 Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic with a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points. ”
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Nixion is still better than Hillary. So yeah, I'll take that.
Nixion is still better than Hillary. So yeah, I'll take that.
Neither Nixon nor Clinton can rival Trump is one regard:

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

"One of Trump’s marketing professors at Wharton, the late William Kelley, apparently thought little of his student.

"A close friend of the professor, Frank DiPrima, said that Kelley told him 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' 'I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — "'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had,’” DiPrima wrote.

"'Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure.

"Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.'"
TRUMP did a doo doo wee wee in his pants. Now, the liberals are having their language spoken.
Liberals think exercise of power is abuse of power. That’s mostly because these cellar dweller, government and parent dependent snowflake safe spacers never had any power thus they hate those that do.
Once again, this topic is Exhibit A of our moderators allowing a "Rubber Room" OP to stand here in politics....

but move any topic g5000 or Faun doesn't like....

Our moderators are likely Nadler and Schiff.....

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