Trump is Vile, Imbecilic, Corrupt, and Incompetent...


^^^ nothing screams 'average joe' more than that ^^^

Trump never claimed to be "average joe".

he said he was the anti elite.... that's a distinction without a difference.

LOL!!!! There are fucking miles of difference there.

in yer bubble, perhaps. tell me - what exactly is 'elite' in yer mind?

In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.

YOur denial of this, that happened publicly during the election, is not credible.
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.
Who fits that description, Einstein?
I think there is a sub class of people who just take pleasure in seeing Trump stick it to the elite sob's who thumbed their nose at them for years. I'm sure the latest news that over 7000 MSM media employees were getting canned was great cause for some to crack open a cold one.

However, I think this is far too simple a position. There are many educated, civil libertarians, white collar professionals and just good, patriotic Americans who remember the 1980's and earlier and say to themselves, "we didn't just allow Communists to steal our industries". I was raised to despise communism, I've learned how powerful centralized government works. To think it's all a few who want some revenge is too generalized. Many dislike communists for good reason, why are they suddenly "allies"?

Some are just sick of watching America (and the West in general) get smacked around and have no interest in funding other nations. Anyone who wants liberty to survive, knows USA needs to prevail.

Who are these elites you guys always talk about? Trump gave huge tax breaks to the wealthiest of the wealthy. How is that sticking it to the elites?

Cali, NY and D.C primarily. Basically telling them fly a kite on Paris Accord, cut taxes, regulations, got rid of SALT etc. On top of his best act, calling out the fake news media. That really upsets them. That's their bread and butter of untarnished sources of truth and objective character.

Well...not anymore.
Cali, NY and D.C primarily. Basically telling them fly a kite on Paris Accord, cut taxes, regulations, got rid of SALT etc. On top of his best act, calling out the fake news media. That really upsets them. That's their bread and butter of untarnished sources of truth and objective character.
How would you characterize Trump's character?

Donald Trump's Presidency Is Absolutely Affected by Donald Trump's Character | National Review
Georgie you won’t be around in 2020 so why do you care anyway?
Georgie you won’t be around in 2020 so why do you care anyway?

Listen to your meme.
Trump never claimed to be "average joe".

he said he was the anti elite.... that's a distinction without a difference.

LOL!!!! There are fucking miles of difference there.

in yer bubble, perhaps. tell me - what exactly is 'elite' in yer mind?

In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.

YOur denial of this, that happened publicly during the election, is not credible.
In this context, the Political Class, the leadership of both parties and the super rich that form the donor class, that support the status quo, that has so fucked the Middle Class Americans for the last 50 years.
Who fits that description, Einstein?

Not Trump, who has offered polices designed to serve the interests of the Middle Class Americans.

Do you not understand that I am not engaged in Class Envy here? But discussing actual policies and real issues?

Trump did not run on some bullshit about being "one of us", but on a platform of policies to serve our interests.

All you are doing, is showcasing how utterly ignorant you are of what the fuck is going on.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

And name calling like a 6 year old will get POTUS impeached Every Time
Lib 101
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

This time, we won't let you do a coup, and pretend it wasn't one.
I hope the democrats enjoy another 5-years of the Trump admin, I know I will.
Just think about putting Amy Barrett on the USSC to replace RBG, then another young conservative to replace Breyer (80), and maybe even Thomas (70) as the final FU to the democrats.
Who is the core of the democrat party Bernie and AOC? Good luck with that.
Democrats announce 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump

The rich-bitch is going to die in prison regardless of what Senate Slimeballs decide; will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
Trump is exactly the kind of aristocrat the Constitution was created to destroy; you show your contempt for this country by supporting a gutless clown masquerading as POTUS.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants
I hope the democrats enjoy another 5-years of the Trump admin, I know I will.
Just think about putting Amy Barrett on the USSC to replace RBG, then another young conservative to replace Breyer (80), and maybe even Thomas (70) as the final FU to the democrats.
Who is the core of the democrat party Bernie and AOC? Good luck with that.
Democrats announce 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump

The rich-bitch is going to die in prison regardless of what Senate Slimeballs decide; will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
Trump is exactly the kind of aristocrat the Constitution was created to destroy; you show your contempt for this country by supporting a gutless clown masquerading as POTUS.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?
Referencing the popular vote will get you your Scarlet Letter of Big dumb dumb.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Once again, what crime was committed by President Donald Trump?
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.
Trump is way beyond stupid, and so are most of his Pussies.

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend | Poets&Quants

He did something that whole industries of experts said could not be done. He was right, and the world was wrong.

YOU were wrong.

And you can't learn from that.

That makes you the stupid one.

And because they were So Very Wrong the revenge witch hunting is the only solace for their shattered feelings.
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.

You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
You know what else Trump is? President of the US.
So was Dick

Are you expecting a different outcome?

Nixion is still better than Hillary. So yeah, I'll take that.
I hope the democrats enjoy another 5-years of the Trump admin, I know I will.
Just think about putting Amy Barrett on the USSC to replace RBG, then another young conservative to replace Breyer (80), and maybe even Thomas (70) as the final FU to the democrats.
Who is the core of the democrat party Bernie and AOC? Good luck with that.
Democrats announce 2 articles of impeachment against President Trump

The rich-bitch is going to die in prison regardless of what Senate Slimeballs decide; will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE?

What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
What part of "there is no crime" that Trump is being accused of, and impeached for:
1. Abuse of power is not a crime (Ask Barak Obama)
2. Obstructing congress is not a crime (ask Eric Holder)
Trump is exactly the kind of aristocrat the Constitution was created to destroy; you show your contempt for this country by supporting a gutless clown masquerading as POTUS.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"In all of this, President Trump abused the powers of the Presidency by ignoring and injuring national security and other vital national interests to obtain an improper personal political benefit.

"He has also betrayed the Nation by abusing his high office to enlist a foreign power in corrupting democratic elections.

"Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.

"President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
Trumps crime in the eyes of the Democrats? He kicked Hillary’s fucking liberal ass in 2016.
By losing the popular vote by 3 million ballots he "kicked" Hillary's ass; is that Republican math?

Only because losers in California, a state wide hell hole that is drowning in debt, supported Hillary. That alone, is reason we shouldn't have a popular vote, and why Hillary should never be president.
You support impeachment because you think the President is "vile". Welcome to the democrat party.

Nick's perusals: How did this vile statement by Donald Trump fly so far under the radar?

"Definition of vile

"1a: morally despicable or abhorrentnothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty
b: physically repulsive : FOULa vile slum
2: of little worth or account : COMMON also : MEAN
3: tending to degrade
vile employments
4: disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOXIOUS, CONTEMPTIBLEvile weather had a vile temper."

Definition of VILE

Trump is way beyond vile.
Wanna see vile, look in the mirror.
Wanna see vile, look in the mirror.
Read more.
Hate less.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, :cul2:

"Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage. President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Obviously he CAN win because there are so many hate filled deranged conservatives who actually admire this vile imbecilic corrupt incompetent conman.

but he is STILL stupid.
You support impeachment because you think the President is "vile". Welcome to the democrat party.

Nick's perusals: How did this vile statement by Donald Trump fly so far under the radar?

"Definition of vile

"1a: morally despicable or abhorrentnothing is so vile as intellectual dishonesty
b: physically repulsive : FOULa vile slum
2: of little worth or account : COMMON also : MEAN
3: tending to degrade
vile employments
4: disgustingly or utterly bad : OBNOXIOUS, CONTEMPTIBLEvile weather had a vile temper."

Definition of VILE

Trump is way beyond vile.
Wanna see vile, look in the mirror.
Wanna see vile, look in the mirror.
Read more.
Hate less.

Read the Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump

"Using the powers of his high office, President Trump solicited the interference of a foreign government, :cul2:

"Ukraine, in the 2020 United States Presidential election.

"He did so through a scheme or course of conduct that included soliciting the Government of Ukraine to publicly announce investigations that would benefit his reelection, harm the election prospects of a political opponent, and influence the 2020 United States Presidential election to his advantage. President Trump also sought to pressure the Government of Ukraine to take these steps by condi-"
I read the articles today. Here are the highlights:

Here they are:

He beat Clinton
He did it
He's guilty
Scream at the sky
He did it
yes he did
Lock him up
He did it

That about sum it up? LMAO!
"But for a largely white working class cast aside by austerity and neoliberalism, he at least taunts the elites who destroyed their communities and their lives.

The Great American Shakedown

"The shakedown that Trump clumsily attempted to orchestrate against the president of Ukraine in the hope of discrediting Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidential election, pales beside the shakedown orchestrated by the elites who rule over America’s working men and women.

"This shakedown took from those workers their hope and, more ominously, their hope for their children.

"It took from them security and a sense of place and dignity.

"It took from them a voice in how they were governed.

"It took from them their country and handed it to a cabal of global corporatists who intend to turn them into serfs.

"This shakedown plunged millions into despair."

Imho, electing another "New Democrat" who told his working class base to vote Republican if they didn't like NAFTA will not end the shakedown.
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”:laughing0301:
Did YOU just call someone an “imbecile?”
Did YOU vote for one

Sure YOU did...

Tell us again how he can't win. And that he is stupid.

Obviously he CAN win because there are so many hate filled deranged conservatives who actually admire this vile imbecilic corrupt incompetent conman.

but he is STILL stupid.

Kind of stupid of you, the way you missed my point.

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