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Trump is wrong on how China tariffs work

When I got out of the Army in the earl 70's jobs were hard to find.

So I took a job at Republic Steel in Cleveland as a Security Guard. Didn't want to be, but that's all they had. Long story. Affirmative Action, etc...

One of my duties was to walk through the Executive Offices after closing hours and just check on stuff. Look around.

I go into the Main Man's Office (Executive VP) and I see a man at his desk with his head down and in obvious distress. He didn't hear or see me so I looked around and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up, and I could see his eyes were watery, his face was red and I asked him if he was okay as I slowly guided my hand toward my gun.

He was a little shocked to see me but calmed down immediately when he saw who I was.

Anyway, long story short, he had just gotten back from a meeting with the United Steel Workers Union. I don't know if you people remember, but at that time, the Japanese were just KICKING our asses in steel production (it was shitty steel too).

The Big Wigs told the Union that they had to modernize. They needed new furnaces, new everything.

The Union told them, "You do that and we'll shut you down."

Republic said, "You won't have to. If we don't do it, we'll shut down."

The Union said, "Go for it."

I moved to Florida three weeks later

The Cleveland area lost over 100,000 Steel Jobs during that time period. A HUNDRED THOUSAND. minimum

Some say it was more like 300,000 in Northern Ohio and Western PA combined

Then there's the EPA.

I could you tell you stories that would curl your toenails

dimocraps are scum

Wherever they go, they leave behind, death disease and despair. Worse than locusts.

At least locusts feed the birds, dimocrap scum are useless
When I got out of the Army in the earl 70's jobs were hard to find.

So I took a job at Republic Steel in Cleveland as a Security Guard. Didn't want to be, but that's all they had. Long story. Affirmative Action, etc...

One of my duties was to walk through the Executive Offices after closing hours and just check on stuff. Look around.

I go into the Main Man's Office (Executive VP) and I see a man at his desk with his head down and in obvious distress. He didn't hear or see me so I looked around and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up, and I could see his eyes were watery, his face was red and I asked him if he was okay as I slowly guided my hand toward my gun.

He was a little shocked to see me but calmed down immediately when he saw who I was.

Anyway, long story short, he had just gotten back from a meeting with the United Steel Workers Union. I don't know if you people remember, but at that time, the Japanese were just KICKING our asses in steel production (it was shitty steel too).

The Big Wigs told the Union that they had to modernize. They needed new furnaces, new everything.

The Union told them, "You do that and we'll shut you down."

Republic said, "You won't have to. If we don't do it, we'll shut down."

The Union said, "Go for it."

I moved to Florida three weeks later

The Cleveland area lost over 100,000 Steel Jobs during that time period. A HUNDRED THOUSAND. minimum

Some say it was more like 300,000 in Northern Ohio and Western PA combined

Then there's the EPA.

I could you tell you stories that would curl your toenails

dimocraps are scum

Wherever they go, they leave behind, death disease and despair. Worse than locusts.

At least locusts feed the birds, dimocrap scum are useless

so because Trump is taxing American consumers with Chinese tariffs Democrats are scum ?

youre a f'n idiot.

end of story.
Of course, trillions of dollars in trade deficits have no effect on the U.S., according to the Wall Street shills here, and their flunkies suffering from TDS.
'President Trump said in a Twitter thread Friday that China is paying billions of dollars to the U.S. Treasury due to tariffs hours after he reignited the trade war with a tariff spike. This is a claim he's made before, including back in January, when he said it twice during a press conference and on Twitter.

Reality check: The tariffs are paid by U.S. importers of affected Chinese goods, not by China's government or by Chinese companies. Importers then either raise costs on consumers, lower their own profit margins or both.'

President Trump is wrong on how China tariffs work

What a fucking idiot Trump is...he does not even know how a tariff works.

Hey MORON...it's an import tariff. Why the fuck would China pay for an import tariff? Moron.

What a useless piece of shit he is.

Uncle Sam benefits
Yes, tariffs are “costs.” But they do not somehow destroy our money. They do not take our hard-earned dollars and burn them in a big pile. Tariffs are simply federal taxes. That’s it. The extra costs paid by importers, and consumers, goes to Uncle Sam, to distribute as he sees fit, including, for example, on Obamacare subsidies.

It wasn’t long ago the media was complaining because Trump was cutting taxes. Now it’s complaining he’s raising them. Confused? Me too.

And the amounts involved are trivial. Chicken feed.

President Trump just hiked tariffs from 10% to 25% on about $200 billion in Chinese imports. In other words, he just raised taxes by … $30 billion a year.

Oh, no!

The total amount we all paid in taxes last year — federal, state and local — was $5.51 trillion. This tax increase that has everyone’s panties in a twist is a rounding error.

Taken from Market Watch...

The media is lying to you about Trump’s China tariffs
----------------------------------------- government is involved in everything from what i see and thats from what i remember . From the mid 60s with motorcycle helmet laws , seat belt laws , gun laws , smoking law , tobacco laws , yada and yada laws and more government involvement and laws . Tariffs were the way the USA was successfully operated until about 1916 . And earlier in this thread i said , china needs to be destroyed . I also said that 'iran' needs to be destroyed so i was inclusive GGator:afro: . Anyway , Gov has got its head in everything , see my few example just above . Gov involvement is everywhere that it shouldn't be . Its the trend and its YOUR FUTURE GGator .

This is the worst logic from you yet, and that is saying something.

Yes, government is involved in far too much, I am against motorcycle helmet laws , seat belt laws , gun laws , smoking law , tobacco laws and all the rest. If it is my future it is because of people like you that cheered as your rights were taken away.
Of course, trillions of dollars in trade deficits have no effect on the U.S., according to the Wall Street shills here, and their flunkies suffering from TDS.

Please list the detrimental effects of having a trade deficit.

You have a trade deficit with your local grocery store, does your life suffer because of it?
USA Nation is more important than than you and Americas cheaper non tariff beach flip flops and President Trump has a plan to hopefully feck up 'china' with tariffs , ''' ME ''' and ' MY ' Deplorables , WE elected the Trump to oversee the USA . WE trust the TRUMP so let the Trump be the TRUMP and YOU suck up the increased cost for your next pair of Pink flip flops GGator .

It is sort of cute how you tell yourself all we get from China is flip flops so you can justify handing even more freedom over to the central government.
Indeed, and you somehow think we're going to avoid Great Britain's fate by exporting our high productivity jobs and transfer our tech overseas to slave labor countries, and then we're all going to get rich on our 401K's n stuff or gambling on stocks and overseas debt.


We have not exported our high productivity jobs, that is a lie that your party masters tell you to get you to vote for them. The few jobs that actually left and were not replaced by automation or done away with by process improvements are mindless drone jobs that involve doing the same action 10,000 times a day.

What do you do for a living that you find these jobs to be so very desirable?

WTF? The Media has been lying?
Millions Of US Jobs Lost To Trade With China, Study Shows

California Has Lost More Jobs to China Than Any Other State: Report

when does the media not lie to us? I did not realize you were such a strong defender of the news media.
When I got out of the Army in the earl 70's jobs were hard to find.

So I took a job at Republic Steel in Cleveland as a Security Guard. Didn't want to be, but that's all they had. Long story. Affirmative Action, etc...

One of my duties was to walk through the Executive Offices after closing hours and just check on stuff. Look around.

I go into the Main Man's Office (Executive VP) and I see a man at his desk with his head down and in obvious distress. He didn't hear or see me so I looked around and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up, and I could see his eyes were watery, his face was red and I asked him if he was okay as I slowly guided my hand toward my gun.

He was a little shocked to see me but calmed down immediately when he saw who I was.

Anyway, long story short, he had just gotten back from a meeting with the United Steel Workers Union. I don't know if you people remember, but at that time, the Japanese were just KICKING our asses in steel production (it was shitty steel too).

The Big Wigs told the Union that they had to modernize. They needed new furnaces, new everything.

The Union told them, "You do that and we'll shut you down."

Republic said, "You won't have to. If we don't do it, we'll shut down."

The Union said, "Go for it."

I moved to Florida three weeks later

The Cleveland area lost over 100,000 Steel Jobs during that time period. A HUNDRED THOUSAND. minimum

Some say it was more like 300,000 in Northern Ohio and Western PA combined

Then there's the EPA.

I could you tell you stories that would curl your toenails

dimocraps are scum

Wherever they go, they leave behind, death disease and despair. Worse than locusts.

At least locusts feed the birds, dimocrap scum are useless

'President Trump said in a Twitter thread Friday that China is paying billions of dollars to the U.S. Treasury due to tariffs hours after he reignited the trade war with a tariff spike. This is a claim he's made before, including back in January, when he said it twice during a press conference and on Twitter.

Reality check: The tariffs are paid by U.S. importers of affected Chinese goods, not by China's government or by Chinese companies. Importers then either raise costs on consumers, lower their own profit margins or both.'

President Trump is wrong on how China tariffs work

What a fucking idiot Trump is...he does not even know how a tariff works.

Hey MORON...it's an import tariff. Why the fuck would China pay for an import tariff? Moron.

What a useless piece of shit he is.
Trump's biggest problem is home-grown corrupt politicians who lie their asses off about his alleged wrongs and recruit government inspector agents to do political favors for getting higher-up jobs. This has resulted in going on three years of beating up on President Trump for successfully defeating Hillary Clinton who was their hope for inflicting communism parading as 'socialism' upon a free country that America has been heretofore.
USA Nation is more important than than you and Americas cheaper non tariff beach flip flops and President Trump has a plan to hopefully feck up 'china' with tariffs , ''' ME ''' and ' MY ' Deplorables , WE elected the Trump to oversee the USA . WE trust the TRUMP so let the Trump be the TRUMP and YOU suck up the increased cost for your next pair of Pink flip flops GGator .

It is sort of cute how you tell yourself all we get from China is flip flops so you can justify handing even more freedom over to the central government.
------------------------------ so start building the important stuff that 'china' makes in the USA and cut 'china' off . And by the way , i said destroy both 'china' and 'iran' GGator !!
the FREEDOM is gone a long time now . I say the mid 60s as thats what i remember from my own experience . Now they go after Guns and they flood the USA with 'THIRD WORLDER's' that will have the vote to further push the USA towards their third world and 'unAmerican' and anti Freedom Ways . See 'ilham omar' , talib and others as examples . And simply , increased population is a FREEDOM Killer because different groups are catered to with Special 'favors' and rules , laws and regulations GGator .
and someone in the thread said , --- the NATION will survive . I say , so what , if its not America who cares GGator .
the FREEDOM is gone a long time now . I say the mid 60s as thats what i remember from my own experience . Now they go after Guns and they flood the USA with 'THIRD WORLDER's' that will have the vote to further push the USA towards their third world and 'unAmerican' and anti Freedom Ways . See 'ilham omar' , talib and others as examples . And simply , increased population is a FREEDOM Killer because different groups are catered to with Special 'favors' and rules , laws and regulations GGator .
Good grief the histrionics !!! You must have a serious case of ulcers.
not me , everything is cool for ME and mine but i just recognize the TREND of Less Freedom in the USA 'PP' !!

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