Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

If he was, he wouldn’t have blocked the bipartisan Senate bill that deals with it.

A bill is unnecessary in the first place, but that aside, why is there ANYTHING in said bill other than changes to border security policies to supposedly secure the border? I’ll let you think on that a bit.
Stone was convicted last year of making false statements, obstruction and witness tampering as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. The Justice Department initially recommended a seven-to-nine-year sentence, but eventually backpedaled after Attorney General William Barr became involved.

That decision led to the abrupt resignation of all four prosecutors on Stone's case. Later, one of the prosecutors, Aaron Zelinsky, told the House Judiciary Committee, "I have never seen political influence play a role in prosecutorial decision making, with one exception: United States v. Roger Stone."

There has not been such a corrupt AG as Billy the Bagman since John Mitchell. Yet even though Trump surrounds himself with corrupt men, AND FELONS, you folks will still vote for him.

Barr was part of the Constant Washington Class, for sure.
No friend of President Trump.
No where close to as corrupt as Obama's wingman, Eric Holder.
For starters, Trump didn’t create an act of treason.

Trump ZTE Order Comes After China Gave Millions to ...​

Business Insider › Politics

May 15, 2018 — President Donald Trump's order regarding Chinese telecom company ZTE came just days after the Chinese government moved to provide cash to a ..
Secondly, I prefer supporting someone that attempts to raise money through entrepreneurship rather than selling out his country via his crack-head son.

Jared Kushner's Post-White House $2 Billion Saudi ...​

Yahoo Finance › news › jared-kushners-post...

Sep 8, 2023 — Just months after leaving the White House in 2021, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a Saudi crown prince-led fund, ...
M'58......good morning.
You start the day out with a perceptive observation.
The Trumpers/MAGA/QAnon/TeaParty/ProudBoy/Oathkeeper cohort have fouled their own nests with personal failures and now desperately seek others to blame it on. And their sense of grievance finds refuge in the ConspiracyLand of RW nutjobbery.

Other than that, I'm sure some of are good people. They just fumbled and are mad about it. And lack introspection to begin healing. IMHO
I think that many, even most, of them are actually decent people who love their country. And I think that some of their basic disagreements with the Left are perfectly legitimate, or at least worth serious consideration. And I agree with some of them.

The problem is the voices they choose to trust. While a given position may be strong and legitimate, these voices amplify everything into a paranoid caricature of what it actually is. And because these people take every word as fact (and not opinion), they then absorb it and amplify it even further on their own.

Then, they're so poor at articulating their positions (the voices they trust keep everything simple, rote & shallow) that their "arguments" come off as Neanderthal, binary, myopic, ignorant and weak. Which I don't like personally, because I do agree with them on some things.

Eh. Frustrating.
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So that you can ignore it?
It was posted at the time, and it made no difference to people like you.
Facts simply have no effect on you.
It was not ignored. What happened was that I pointed out that it was NOT a statement from the FBI but rather what some anonymous sources CLAIMED they said

Which is why you will not post it here

Surrender accepted. The FBI said no such thing
It was not ignored. What happened was that I pointed out that it was NOT a statement from the FBI but rather what some anonymous sources CLAIMED they said

Which is why you will not post it here

Surrender accepted. The FBI said no such thing

People within the FBI.
From a guy who has Biden painted up to look like Hitler...

Real fucking mature..

As if this is the first time you've ever seen such a thing, cultist.


10 months and 14 days.

Everything you say can be true about Trump.
It is.

  • The reward pardons—the handouts the president can give to those who stuck with him, flattered him, or otherwise served his interests and ask nothing more in exchange than absolution for federal crimes. Roger Stone, whose sentence Trump commuted back in July, is the template here. And again, the pardon for Flynn—who reneged on his cooperation agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and has become an enthusiastic participant in right-wing conspiracy theories—partakes of a certain amount of this type too. Don’t be surprised to see others of this type: Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos, both of whom delivered underwhelming cooperation to the Mueller investigation, are potential candidates here, as are others.
  • The self-protective pardons—those given to people who might be inclined to cooperate with law enforcement in the future and whose cooperation could be damaging. Stone is also an example of this category, which also overlaps significantly with a category of what we might call “preemptive” pardons—that is, pardons of people who have not yet been charged but who might fear law enforcement action some time in the future. This category, in turn, includes a number of people who are part of the president’s inner circle. So there have been rumors, for example, about potential preemptive pardons for Rudy Giuliani, as well as for the Trump children—actions that are potentially self-protective, are clearly preemptive and involve members of the president’s inner circle.
Why would you vote for someone who pardons people that can implicate him in a crime?
There's no point any longer in listing all the hundreds of reasons Trump should be disqualified in the mind's of the public as a candidate for the presidency. You folks, The Following, already know what they are and have inexplicably dismissed them all. The former GOP is now, more than ever, the POT. He owns it lock, stock, and barrel. A reality made cringeworthingly clear, in embarrassing fashion, by McTreason's simpering endorsement of Don. The guy who made racist tropes against his wife...........

McConnell invokes his wife’s name to slam Trump’s controversial immigrant remarks

putting him in unpleasant company along side Ted Cruz for choosing cowardly submission instead of honor.

So the question becomes, what about Admin #1 makes Admin #2 so attractive to you folks and not to many of those who served in Admin #1?

Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

We're in a Worst Place Today Than Before He came In

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘We’re in a worse place today than we were before he came in’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’
You mad, bro? Show us on the doll where Orange Man Bad hurt you.
And ....'Libs attack his personality instead'
'Libs attack his character instead.
Anti MAGAs do both

Libs only attack trump’s character because they cant attack his policies

I want a president chosen for rational rather than emotional reasons

That means trump over biden
Anti MAGAs do both

Libs only attack trump’s character because they cant attack his policies

I want a president chosen for rational rather than emotional reasons

That means trump over biden
Trump has policies?

What? Taking away abortion rights?

Blocking immigration legislation?

What else?
Trump’s tweet, and the letter from his lawyers to the special counsel’s office that sparked it, touched off a debate among legal commentators as to the constitutionality of a presidential self-pardon—and a wave of alarm over what seemed to be the president’s latest effort to hold himself above the law. “L’etat, c’est moi,” wrote many in response.

But instead of Louis XIV’s declaration of absolute power, there’s another phrase that might be used to characterize Trump’s recent interest in his authority to pardon: “Sovereign is he who decides on the exception.”

That line comes from the prewar German legal theorist Carl Schmitt, who famously argued that sovereign power is defined by the ability to act outside the normal structures of law in an amorphous “state of exception”—a crisis that can be declared as such only by the sovereign. Schmitt’s opportunistic involvement with the Nazi state has long cast a shadow over his work, though he became newly trendy as American legal scholars grappled with the concept of emergency in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. He argues that, however much liberal democracy seeks to constrain power by the rule of law, ultimately the state will come up against the moment of exception, which can’t be regulated or anticipated. In that moment, law gives way to absolute dictatorship.

There is absolutely no doubt, based on what Trump says and does, that dictatorship is what he desires.
Meaning you are against the wall just because trump is for it

Trump haters will allow the alien invasion to continue just to make trump lose on an important campaign issue
Meaning it was another failed promise from his first term.

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