Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

You're FOS.

Biden says he'll shut down the border if deal gives him ...

View attachment 913472
Politico â€ș news â€ș 2024/01/26 â€ș biden-...
Jan 26, 2024 — President Joe Biden on Friday urged Congress to pass a bipartisan bill to address the immigration crisis at the nation's southern border, ...

Trump whining is on the right side?

Sure beats what Trump is doing.............NOTHING.

Why would Biden need a deal to shut down the border? It is almost as if he doesn’t want to do it at all, but will concede if given something the far-left wing nuts want in exchange. If the US was attacked by a foreign adversary, would Biden wait to respond until Republicans gave in some left-wing pet project totally unrelated to our national defense?

You aren’t thinking this through. Biden and much of his far-left base couldn’t care less about closing the borders. They see these people as potential future voters, which will be the next thing on the list of demands once these millions are granted amnesty. Democrats also see them as dependents, which is also good for the party of freebees. Another reason for leaving the border open is that a rather large portion of the Democrats calling the shots in this country now are fully compromised by our enemies who love nothing more than to watch us self-destruct with idiotic policies, such as our current immigration policy.
This makes for a very good read, getting in to the weeds of the circumstances around Trump's corrupt DoJ dropping the Flynn prosecution and Don's subsequent pardon of him.

Why the Flynn Pardon Matters

For all the Justice Department’s protestations in the case that it could not prove that Flynn had lied to the FBI and that any false statements were not material, for example, Sullivan states that “Flynn made a series of materially false statements to FBI investigators during an interview at the White House on January 24, 2017 about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador.” He makes clear that notwithstanding Flynn’s subsequent claims about the investigation—claims that have found a gullible audience even in certain respectable circles—“Under oath, Mr. Flynn confirmed that his rights were not violated as a result of the circumstances of his January 24, 2017 interview and the allegations of misconduct against FBI officials.”

He makes clear as well that “many of the government’s reasons for why it has decided to reverse course and seek dismissal in this case appear pretextual, particularly in view of the surrounding circumstances.” As to the government’s claims that it might have difficulty proving Flynn’s statements false or proving that they are material, Judge Sullivan writes that he “finds both stated rationales dubious to say the least, arguably overcoming the strong presumption of regularity that usually attaches to prosecutorial decisions.”

On the materiality of Flynn’s lies, the judge describes the government’s theory as “a newly-minted definition of ‘materiality’ that is more circumscribed that the standard in this Circuit”; he writes that it is “not the law”; and he characterizes the government’s adoption of it as “perplexing,” given the Justice Department’s previous arguments on the same point in the very case at hand. He notes that the government “offers no response as to why it relies on this new, more stringent definition” and does not “direct the Court’s attention to any other case in which it has advanced this highly-constrained interpretation of materiality as applied to a false statements case.” He concludes: “Where, as here, the government justifies its motion by ignoring applicable law to now question the strength of its case, substantial doubt arises about the government’s stated reasons for seeking dismissal.”

The straightforward facts, before the RWM spin doctors went to work, are these. Flynn lied to the FBI (and members of the admin) about his contacts with Kislyak, he confessed to telling those lies, plead guilty, the presiding judge set a date for sentencing,

and then Billy the Bagman stepped in. No doubt at Trump's direction.

Then Mike shows up in the WH war room following Biden's defeat of Trump to recommend to Trump that he impose martial law on the country. Something The Following would still be apoplectic about if Biden had such a conversation.

Flynn posted a video of himself taking a QAnon oath this past summer.
Why would Biden need a deal to shut down the border? It is almost as if he doesn’t want to do it at all, but will concede if given something the far-left wing nuts want in exchange. If the US was attacked by a foreign adversary, would Biden wait to respond until Republicans gave in some left-wing pet project totally unrelated to our national defense?

You aren’t thinking this through. Biden and much of his far-left base couldn’t care less about closing the borders. They see these people as potential future voters, which will be the next thing on the list of demands once these millions are granted amnesty. Democrats also see them as dependents, which is also good for the party of freebees. Another reason for leaving the border open is that a rather large portion of the Democrats calling the shots in this country now are fully compromised by our enemies who love nothing more than to watch us self-destruct with idiotic policies, such as our current immigration policy.
You're FOS too.
Why don't teabaggers call his bluff?

Because they would rather WHINE than do anything.
Exactly. No one until Trump tried to undermine Democracy by stopping the peaceful turn over of power
Undermining democracy literally defines the actions of the Dems / Marxists with their Russia collusion hoax through their election interference and unleashing their DIE hire DA’s keeping Trump in court.
There's no point any longer in listing all the hundreds of reasons Trump should be disqualified in the mind's of the public as a candidate for the presidency. You folks, The Following, already know what they are and have inexplicably dismissed them all. The former GOP is now, more than ever, the POT. He owns it lock, stock, and barrel. A reality made cringeworthingly clear, in embarrassing fashion, by McTreason's simpering endorsement of Don. The guy who made racist tropes against his wife...........

McConnell invokes his wife’s name to slam Trump’s controversial immigrant remarks

putting him in unpleasant company along side Ted Cruz for choosing cowardly submission instead of honor.

So the question becomes, what about Admin #1 makes Admin #2 so attractive to you folks and not to many of those who served in Admin #1?

Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

We're in a Worst Place Today Than Before He came In

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘We’re in a worse place today than we were before he came in’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’

Wait for it........... are you ready........... Biden is senile, and has lost substantial cognitive abilities.

And yet - you will vote for him.

That is all.

The thread can be closed now.
Your reply perfectly incapsulates the attitude of Don's Following. Dozens of former Trump admin officials have made all manner of public statements talking about Trump's idiocy, his lack of attention at security briefings, the BATSHYTE CRAZY things he was prevented from doing, the constant chaos, the which you respond, "And?"
Wait for it........... are you ready........... Biden is senile, and has lost substantial cognitive abilities.

And yet - you will vote for him.

That is all.
No one, NO ONE, in Biden's inner circle is anything close to being a criminal, QAnon nutbagger like Mike Flynn. Yet you don't bat an eye when someone like that is allowed in to the Oval Office to discuss how to respond to Trump being rejected by a majority of the voters. The meeting itself being a small part of the anti-democratic plot the Orange Rapist was working on to steal the election.

And yet-you will vote for him.
Like I said, they shouldn’t have to do anything. Securing the border SHOULD be a bipartisan issue, but clearly it isn’t.
Laws are passed by Congress.
EO's by Trump and Biden were struck down by the courts.

Can the President “Close the Border”? Relevant Laws and ...​

CRS Reports (.gov) â€ș LSB â€ș LSB10283


7 days ago — During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump and Biden Administrations imposed significant restrictions on alien entry and access to asylum that were ...
No one, NO ONE, in Biden's inner circle is anything close to being a criminal, QAnon nutbagger like Mike Flynn.

You mean no one except Biden himself, along with his dirtbag son?
Your reply perfectly incapsulates the attitude of Don's Following. Dozens of former Trump admin officials have made all manner of public statements talking about Trump's idiocy, his lack of attention at security briefings, the BATSHYTE CRAZY things he was prevented from doing, the constant chaos, the which you respond, "And?"

After YOUR Russia Russia Russia LIES that YOU put this country through for YEARS, nobody gives a SHIT or FUCK about ANYTHING else you have to offer.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are DONE FOR.
You can SHOVE your Communist Manifesto UP YOU ASS!!!!
:dev3: :dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3:

After YOUR Russia Russia Russia LIES that YOU put this country through for YEARS, nobody gives a SHIT or FUCK about ANYTHING else you have to offer.
You demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombie ASSHOLES are DONE FOR.
You can SHOVE your Communist Manifesto UP YOU ASS!!!!
:dev3: :dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3::dev3:
Your dear leader loves communist.

Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'​

Reuters â€ș article

Mar 3, 2018 — U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist ... for Xi to serve indefinitely, according ...

Trump Says He and Kim Jong Un 'Fell in Love' During ...​

Chron â€ș Business

Sep 29, 2018 — " Trump said a recent letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un confirmed the positive track, which he said has seen the hardline communist ..

Trump on China's Xi: 'We love each other' -​

1709813530764.png â€ș article â€ș trump-on-chinas-xi-we...

Jan 21, 2020 — "Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better," Trump said, adding that he gets on well with President Xi Jinping. "He's ...
Undermining democracy literally defines the actions of the Dems / Marxists with their Russia collusion hoax through their election interference and unleashing their DIE hire DA’s keeping Trump in court.
You must need to believe that nonsense to provide a counter narrative to Trump's attempt to subvert democracy by installing himself as prez against the will of the voters. Even the SC in allowing Don to be on the ballot did not dispute CO's finding that he is an insurrectionist.
You must need to believe that nonsense to provide a counter narrative to Trump's attempt to subvert democracy by installing himself as prez against the will of the voters. Even the SC in allowing Don to be on the ballot did not dispute CO's finding that he is an insurrectionist.
Your J/6 NARRATIVE is DEAD!!!!

:Boom2: The Narrative

All you demented zombies have is GASLIGHT THEATRE BULLSHIT AND PROJECTION.

It's OLD, it's tired, and it's DONE!!!!!
I just took that fool off ignore ban, he's making progress on getting banned again.
Folks who put folks on 'ignore' are weaklings, chickens, wussies, wimps, and snowflakes. Other than that, I'm sure there are some very good people in that cohort of scaredy-cats.


Libs know trump wins on the issues so they attack his personality instead
Libs know Trump fumbles the ball a lot. It defines personal life, in business, in governance.
And ....'Libs attack his personality instead'
'Libs attack his character instead.
And righteously and rightfully.
Character defines the quality of a man --or a woman.


It is amazing that people complain about Trump
On the other hand, it is amazing not everybody does.
His character flaws are manifest.

These people feel profoundly aggrieved, profoundly resentful, and the uglier the revenge gets, the better. They're so full of rage that they're not taking even a moment to consider the possible long term peripheral damage they're causing
M'58......good morning.
You start the day out with a perceptive observation.
The Trumpers/MAGA/QAnon/TeaParty/ProudBoy/Oathkeeper cohort have fouled their own nests with personal failures and now desperately seek others to blame it on. And their sense of grievance finds refuge in the ConspiracyLand of RW nutjobbery.

Other than that, I'm sure some of are good people. They just fumbled and are mad about it. And lack introspection to begin healing. IMHO



Trump is serious about WHINING about immigration, NOT fixing it.
True that. He torpedoed the best immigration bill we've had to improve the situation ..... so that he could keep alive a campaign talking point.
It was mendacious.
And antiethical to responsible leadership.
Don Trump is not a responsible leader.

Biden has done everything in his power to assist the alien invasion since taking office
No he hasn't.
To say such is silly and/or ignorant. Possibly both.
Do this, poster M7......go read some serious treatments about our immigration issues. Educate yourself. Forget your Alex Jones and QAnon conspiracy nutjobbery.

Trump and his cult don't give a damned, they had their chance and blew it.
True that.

Securing the border SHOULD be a bipartisan issue, but clearly it isn’t.
It is. And the recent bi-partisan bill crafted by the Senate --by GOP & Dem Senators --- was a development that could move the ball down the field. But Don Trump exerted his influence and killed the best bill before Congress in years. No party got everything. Everybody got something. And it was a vast improvement of where we have been and where we are now. Don Trump malevolently fumbled this good opportunity away. It's on him. It's on the voices against improvement. He and they are fumblers in life.
Biden is senile, and has lost substantial cognitive abilities.
It most surely appears that Don Trump has worrisome dementia issues manifesting themselves.

True that.
Your dear leader loves communist.

Trump praises Chinese president extending tenure 'for life'

View attachment 913481
Reuters â€ș article
Mar 3, 2018 — U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist ... for Xi to serve indefinitely, according ...

Trump Says He and Kim Jong Un 'Fell in Love' During ...

View attachment 913483
Chron â€ș Business
Sep 29, 2018 — " Trump said a recent letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un confirmed the positive track, which he said has seen the hardline communist ..

Trump on China's Xi: 'We love each other' -

View attachment 913482 â€ș article â€ș trump-on-chinas-xi-we...
Jan 21, 2020 — "Our relationship with China has now probably never, ever been better," Trump said, adding that he gets on well with President Xi Jinping. "He's ...
With the shakedown in Ukraine and betrayal of the Kurds in Northern Syrian, another foreign policy failure this past week almost went by without notice: the complete breakdown of talks between U.S. and North Korean diplomats on North Korea’s denuclearization.

The U.S. and the North Koreans have engaged in a negotiation of sorts since the spring of 2018 when President Trump accepted a proposal by Kim Jong Un to meet face to face. Trump’s willingness to meet was hailed in Northeast Asia as a courageous gesture to resolve the longstanding impasse over North Korea’s nuclear program. At the time, both South Korean president Moon Jae-In and Japanese Prime Minister Abe, in a rare display of agreement on anything, suggested that Trump was deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize for his courage in doing what no other sitting US president has been willing to do.

Three summits later which have included presidential trips to Singapore, Hanoi, and even a presidential walk across the demilitarized zone into North Korea itself, there is little indication that any progress whatsoever has been achieved in persuading the North Koreans that they can have a better future without nuclear weapons.

In the wake of abject failure Don did what he does best. Tried to make money off of it by selling these pins.

Folks who put folks on 'ignore' are weaklings, chickens, wussies, wimps, and snowflakes. .
So, when Jehova Witness come a-knocking at your door (while you're watching the game on TV) you stand there and let them give you the whole speech, right? What about the wacko on the street corner with a megaphone claiming the world will end the day after tomorrow at 6 PM? You stop and listen to him until he's hoarse, huh?
This makes for a very good read, getting in to the weeds of the circumstances around Trump's corrupt DoJ dropping the Flynn prosecution and Don's subsequent pardon of him.

Why the Flynn Pardon Matters

For all the Justice Department’s protestations in the case that it could not prove that Flynn had lied to the FBI and that any false statements were not material, for example, Sullivan states that “Flynn made a series of materially false statements to FBI investigators during an interview at the White House on January 24, 2017 about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador.” He makes clear that notwithstanding Flynn’s subsequent claims about the investigation—claims that have found a gullible audience even in certain respectable circles—“Under oath, Mr. Flynn confirmed that his rights were not violated as a result of the circumstances of his January 24, 2017 interview and the allegations of misconduct against FBI officials.”

He makes clear as well that “many of the government’s reasons for why it has decided to reverse course and seek dismissal in this case appear pretextual, particularly in view of the surrounding circumstances.” As to the government’s claims that it might have difficulty proving Flynn’s statements false or proving that they are material, Judge Sullivan writes that he “finds both stated rationales dubious to say the least, arguably overcoming the strong presumption of regularity that usually attaches to prosecutorial decisions.”

On the materiality of Flynn’s lies, the judge describes the government’s theory as “a newly-minted definition of ‘materiality’ that is more circumscribed that the standard in this Circuit”; he writes that it is “not the law”; and he characterizes the government’s adoption of it as “perplexing,” given the Justice Department’s previous arguments on the same point in the very case at hand. He notes that the government “offers no response as to why it relies on this new, more stringent definition” and does not “direct the Court’s attention to any other case in which it has advanced this highly-constrained interpretation of materiality as applied to a false statements case.” He concludes: “Where, as here, the government justifies its motion by ignoring applicable law to now question the strength of its case, substantial doubt arises about the government’s stated reasons for seeking dismissal.”

The straightforward facts, before the RWM spin doctors went to work, are these. Flynn lied to the FBI (and members of the admin) about his contacts with Kislyak, he confessed to telling those lies, plead guilty, the presiding judge set a date for sentencing,

and then Billy the Bagman stepped in. No doubt at Trump's direction.

Then Mike shows up in the WH war room following Biden's defeat of Trump to recommend to Trump that he impose martial law on the country. Something The Following would still be apoplectic about if Biden had such a conversation.
View attachment 913477

Flynn posted a video of himself taking a QAnon oath this past summer.

This is what I am talking about-

Your steady intake of left wing extremism makes it hard for you to distinguish between truth and fiction.

Even the FBI said that he didn't lie to them.
With the shakedown in Ukraine and betrayal of the Kurds in Northern Syrian, another foreign policy failure this past week almost went by without notice: the complete breakdown of talks between U.S. and North Korean diplomats on North Korea’s denuclearization.

The U.S. and the North Koreans have engaged in a negotiation of sorts since the spring of 2018 when President Trump accepted a proposal by Kim Jong Un to meet face to face. Trump’s willingness to meet was hailed in Northeast Asia as a courageous gesture to resolve the longstanding impasse over North Korea’s nuclear program. At the time, both South Korean president Moon Jae-In and Japanese Prime Minister Abe, in a rare display of agreement on anything, suggested that Trump was deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize for his courage in doing what no other sitting US president has been willing to do.

Three summits later which have included presidential trips to Singapore, Hanoi, and even a presidential walk across the demilitarized zone into North Korea itself, there is little indication that any progress whatsoever has been achieved in persuading the North Koreans that they can have a better future without nuclear weapons.

In the wake of abject failure Don did what he does best. Tried to make money off of it by selling these pins.

OFF subject but ..........Don't forget the mugshot/jacket grift.

Trump is selling pieces of the suit he wore in his mug shot. ...​

Fast Company â€ș trumps-latest-scam-selli...

Dec 12, 2023 — Trump is “giving away' pieces of the suit he wore in his mug shot photo, if you buy his NFTs. It will only cost you $4,653. Trump is selling ...

Trump's cult is amazingly..............Gullible.

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