Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

You may not realize it because you are so far gone, but your posts are roundly ignored because you are so full of hatred and bullshit
Sorry, it was just reported that Trump is leading Biden in 19 of the last 20 polls. Biden tried to lie about it and say he was up but was fact checked. Now, what are you babbling about?
Jesus! The Demo-Lefties are really taking a beating in this thread! They'll be lucky to get out of it with their skin still attached. :omg:
There's no point any longer in listing all the hundreds of reasons Trump should be disqualified in the mind's of the public as a candidate for the presidency. You folks, The Following, already know what they are and have inexplicably dismissed them all. The former GOP is now, more than ever, the POT. He owns it lock, stock, and barrel. A reality made cringeworthingly clear, in embarrassing fashion, by McTreason's simpering endorsement of Don. The guy who made racist tropes against his wife...........

McConnell invokes his wife’s name to slam Trump’s controversial immigrant remarks

putting him in unpleasant company along side Ted Cruz for choosing cowardly submission instead of honor.

So the question becomes, what about Admin #1 makes Admin #2 so attractive to you folks and not to many of those who served in Admin #1?

Exclusive: John Kelly goes on the record to confirm several disturbing stories about Trump

We're in a Worst Place Today Than Before He came In

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Trump: ‘We’re in a worse place today than we were before he came in’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’

McMaster: Trump ‘compromised our principles’ for ‘personal gain’
Libs know trump wins on the issues so they attack his personality instead
The American people will decide, not the rigged Dem courts.
Trump is a treasonous insurrectionist and an enemy of democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

Yet Republicans ignore these facts and continue their reckless, irresponsible campaign to put the likes of Trump in the WH, someone unfit to hold any public office.
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