Trump is your retribution, but is he your salvation?

No one, NO ONE, in Biden's inner circle is anything close to being a criminal, QAnon nutbagger like Mike Flynn. Yet you don't bat an eye when someone like that is allowed in to the Oval Office to discuss how to respond to Trump being rejected by a majority of the voters. The meeting itself being a small part of the anti-democratic plot the Orange Rapist was working on to steal the election.

And yet-you will vote for him.
Stop avoiding reality.
Everything you say can be true about Trump... but the fact you will vote for a man who is deeply senile provides you NO ROOM WHATSOEVER to say a damn thing about the other candidate.
OFF subject but ..........Don't forget the mugshot/jacket grift.

Trump is selling pieces of the suit he wore in his mug shot. ...

View attachment 913488
Fast Company › trumps-latest-scam-selli...
Dec 12, 2023 — Trump is “giving away' pieces of the suit he wore in his mug shot photo, if you buy his NFTs. It will only cost you $4,653. Trump is selling ...

Trump's cult is amazingly..............Gullible.

How exactly is this a scam? If someone wants a piece of his suit and wants to pay that much for it, so be it. I wouldn’t be interested, but it is no more of a scam than, for example, someone paying 10k for a Super Bowl ticket. They know exactly what they are getting and are willing to pay for it.
Your reply perfectly incapsulates the attitude of Don's Following. Dozens of former Trump admin officials have made all manner of public statements talking about Trump's idiocy, his lack of attention at security briefings, the BATSHYTE CRAZY things he was prevented from doing, the constant chaos, the which you respond, "And?"


You are a left-wing lunatic, but now all of a sudden you believe every negative Trump comment that anyone within a Republican administration makes.

Do you see where you have no credibility?
You are a left-wing lunatic, but now all of a sudden you believe every negative Trump comment that anyone within a Republican administration makes.
Your gratuitous insult in no way refutes what all those former members of Trump's admin have said. If it was one or two it could be dismissed for any number of reasons. But there are so many the shear quantity of them lends credibility to what they have said.
How exactly is this a scam?
It isn't a scam.
Just deceitful.

You have to buy 47 cards to get a piece of his suit?

"if you buy his NFTs. It will only cost you $4,653. Trump is selling" ...


If someone wants a piece of his suit and wants to pay that much for it, so be it. I wouldn’t be interested, but it is no more of a scam than, for example, someone paying 10k for a Super Bowl ticket. They know exactly what they are getting and are willing to pay for it.
How exactly is this a scam? If someone wants a piece of his suit and wants to pay that much for it, so be it. I wouldn’t be interested, but it is no more of a scam than, for example, someone paying 10k for a Super Bowl ticket. They know exactly what they are getting and are willing to pay for it.
Is taking advantage of The Following's fawning adoration to help pay his lawyers defend him after committing an act of treason really how you want the next prez to be behaving? Is there nothing he does you see fit to condemn?
This is what I am talking about-

Your steady intake of left wing extremism makes it hard for you to distinguish between truth and fiction.

Even the FBI said that he didn't lie to them.
They did not. And i challenge you to find a quote FROM THE FBI. Saying that
Is taking advantage of The Following's fawning adoration to help pay his lawyers defend him after committing an act of treason really how you want the next prez to be behaving? Is there nothing he does you see fit to condemn?

You should be aiming your treason accusations at those that executed the November coup.
They did not. And i challenge you to find a quote FROM THE FBI. Saying that

So that you can ignore it?
It was posted at the time, and it made no difference to people like you.
Facts simply have no effect on you.
There has never been, nor will there ever be (unless Trump is re-elected) such an abuse of the pardon power as Trump's.

The “own the libs” pardons. Trump has already done a number of these: publisher Conrad Black; conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza; former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. These are pardons that serve chiefly to anger Trump’s political opponents by rewarding someone who both flatters him and represents some value or set of values offensive to liberal opinion. They cost Trump almost nothing: A mainstream politician would normally pay a price for such actions in the form of public backlash, but Trump relishes the anger they generate.

The pardons of Stone and Manafort go far beyond "owning the libs." They were rewards for Stone and Manafort's refusal to cooperate with Mueller's investigation. Both men could have provided evidence of a criminal conspiracy with Russia.
Trump is serious about ending the alien invasion coming across the mexican border

Which is vital for the future of America
The fuck he is.

If he was, he wouldn’t have blocked the bipartisan Senate bill that deals with it.

He wants that to continue so he can campaign on it
There has never been, nor will there ever be (unless Trump is re-elected) such an abuse of the pardon power as Trump's.

The “own the libs” pardons. Trump has already done a number of these: publisher Conrad Black; conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza; former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. These are pardons that serve chiefly to anger Trump’s political opponents by rewarding someone who both flatters him and represents some value or set of values offensive to liberal opinion. They cost Trump almost nothing: A mainstream politician would normally pay a price for such actions in the form of public backlash, but Trump relishes the anger they generate.

The pardons of Stone and Manafort go far beyond "owning the libs." They were rewards for Stone and Manafort's refusal to cooperate with Mueller's investigation. Both men could have provided evidence of a criminal conspiracy with Russia.

The more that you post the crazier that you sound.

I fear that you are going to have a TDS related stroke spamming the site with misinformation that literally doesn't move the needle in your direction, at all.
Is taking advantage of The Following's fawning adoration to help pay his lawyers defend him after committing an act of treason really how you want the next prez to be behaving? Is there nothing he does you see fit to condemn?

For starters, Trump didn’t create an act of treason. Secondly, I prefer supporting someone that attempts to raise money through entrepreneurship rather than selling out his country via his crack-head son.
Stone was convicted last year of making false statements, obstruction and witness tampering as part of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. The Justice Department initially recommended a seven-to-nine-year sentence, but eventually backpedaled after Attorney General William Barr became involved.

That decision led to the abrupt resignation of all four prosecutors on Stone's case. Later, one of the prosecutors, Aaron Zelinsky, told the House Judiciary Committee, "I have never seen political influence play a role in prosecutorial decision making, with one exception: United States v. Roger Stone."

There has not been such a corrupt AG as Billy the Bagman since John Mitchell. Yet even though Trump surrounds himself with corrupt men, AND FELONS, you folks will still vote for him.

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