Trump & Jerusalem: Why is this necessary?

It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.
Maybe the point is to cause more war. Would not surprise me.
That's going to be the result: more war and more terrorist attacks on US interests. So, now we are on the brink of nuclear war with N. Korea and are stirring up more violence from Islamic terrorists. Cool. I think we all need to start building bomb shelters. Back to the 50s and beyond.
The U.S. government has just reinforced this verse form the Quran, and all Muslims should harken to it's sage advice. .... :cool:

5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

It reinforces the fact that Muslims can never be our friends, their religion forbids it.
I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?

Donald wants to create distractions so we don't think about the criminality of him and everyone around him. He also wants to keep his evangelical crazies happy.

This is going to get people killed. (Even if I believe it's something to work toward as part of a diplomatic effort)
Agree. This is going to result in a lot of death.
Maybe the point is to cause more war. Would not surprise me.
That's going to be the result: more war and more terrorist attacks on US interests. So, now we are on the brink of nuclear war with N. Korea and are stirring up more violence from Islamic terrorists. Cool. I think we all need to start building bomb shelters. Back to the 50s and beyond.

Another appeaser that wishes to conform to terrorists demands.
The U.S. government has just reinforced this verse form the Quran, and all Muslims should harken to it's sage advice. .... :cool:

5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

It reinforces the fact that Muslims can never be our friends, their religion forbids it.
That's' absolute nonsense.
The U.S. government has just reinforced this verse form the Quran, and all Muslims should harken to it's sage advice. .... :cool:

5:51 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

It reinforces the fact that Muslims can never be our friends, their religion forbids it.
That's' absolute nonsense.
How’s that? Is SunniMan lying? Is the verse not in the Koran?
You don't do the right thing because it is easy

You do the right thing because it is the right thing to do

This has been promised to jews for a long time and Trump is the first POTUS with the balls to do it.

When did America become the country full of people who don't do the right thing until they're forced to???

Or people who think that if the right thing might be criticized by people, it's best just to hold off?

That's not the way I was raised. Trump is doing the right things, the things he said he would do, doing the right things because they're RIGHT. That's what everybody should do.
I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?
We can debate the merits but it is certainly something Israel wants and will cause the US at least some headaches, probably many.

My question is, what did the deal maker in chief get in return?

You've been hanging around criminal dems for too long.

Trump doesn't do things because he gets stuff in return. He has everything he wants. He made his fortune before he entered politics. Not after.
It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.

Doing the right thing and not bowing to bullies and terrorists is always worth it. Was WW2 worth the American lives lost?
It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.

Doing the right thing and not bowing to bullies and terrorists is always worth it. Was WW2 worth the American lives lost?
And we almost waited too long to enter into THAT particular fray..and the result was Pearl Harbor.

There's nothing more irritating to me than people who only think in terms of least resistance...
It reinforces the fact that Muslims can never be our friends, their religion forbids it.
Incorrect Bozo ... :cuckoo:

Quran 5:82 You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers (Muslims) those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.
I should post this in the CDZ, but what the hell, I'm here now.

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

With everything else going on right now, why is this necessary?

What is the NET - and I mean, above and beyond the anger this is stirring - positive of this move?
Trump is fulfilling campaign promises.

So far he is 1 out of 1,000 .

Gorsuch was #1.

The tax plan will be #2.

He needs a #3 before Xmas.
It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.

Doing the right thing and not bowing to bullies and terrorists is always worth it. Was WW2 worth the American lives lost?
I don't remember us going out of our way to bait Hitler like this. This is a choice we're making that gains us nothing of substance and increases the danger to us.
Perhaps Christians should have Israel, we use to control it.

yes, heaven forbid there be one jewish state among the dozen of muslim ones.

Why not go an live in Jerusalem. Let us Christians have our own country.

If I had to leave the US, Israel would be high on my list of prospects.

Beautiful weather, nice people, lots of people who speak my language.
Unless one of your grandparents is/was Jewish with papers then Israel won't want you.

A better destination if you have money is Switzerland.

If you don't have money then a better destination is Canada or Sweden.
It solidifies our relationship with Israel. Unlike the last president, he is showing a commitment to them.
So - and this is a serious question - after any number of people die and suffer in the terrorist attacks this specific move causes, it will be okay to say, "well, we were able to solidify our relationship with Israel, so these are worth it"?
So, we are suppose to make policy in the US based on not pissing off terrorists?
So I'll take that as a "yes". Okay, but as I said before, I hope the omelette is worth all the eggs we're breaking for this.

Doing the right thing and not bowing to bullies and terrorists is always worth it. Was WW2 worth the American lives lost?
I don't remember us going out of our way to bait Hitler like this. This is a choice we're making that gains us nothing of substance and increases the danger to us.
Hitler did not need baiting.

He was baiting everybody else.

Hitler was giving out paybacks for WW1.
clearly in the questions i have asked i don't know enough and clearly i simply don't agree with your assessment in "Death or More Death".

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2015 is one of the most violent times in the region it would seem.

2013 they felt it couldn't get worse and yet, it did.

end of the above article:
“The conditions under which 2014 developed did not change,” Ms Scheller said. “The less governance there is, the more chaos and devastation and the less prospect for any settlement that will lead to quick results.”

so are we establishing MORE governance there by doing this? from this article it would be what is needed to calm down the violence.

you continue to say that doing this will cause there to be MORE violence and i don't disagree at all. AT ALL.

but i do ask *WHEN* would be a good time to do this and there simply is no answer. not from you or me or anyone that i can find. there is clearly a stall by the arab states to NOT make this decision and NOT promote peace and there is nothing on the horizon that will bring them to the table to talk and end this.


so - i ask again *when* would there be a good time to do this? if your stance is *never do it, people will get hurt* great. say so. i disagree but would respect your views.
I have no idea when the best time for this would be. None. The question posed in the thread is, "Why is this necessary?", not "when should this be done?".

So, if we have no choice but to do this, and it must be done right now, and we see net positive coming from it, then it must be done, right now. I just don't see that as the situation.

Since this was not a burning issue a few days ago, I think it's perfectly reasonable to wonder if this is more political than altruistic.
i'm not saying *NOW* is the right time to do it. i'm asking for a better time.

if there will *never* be a good or better time for it then the choice is do it or drop it completely.

or - keep waiting for a time that will never come.

trump made it a promise to end the wait and he's keeping that promise. i can certainly understand the apprehension that it will not stop the violence in the middle east but nothing will. you can either deal with it as a part of life to move ahead or deal with it it in fear and cower, waiting for a time that will never come.

that just seems to sum it up to me but i'm still trying to learn all i can about it. that's all.
Well, then do it now and buckle up. I hope it will have been worth it.
like anything will be to some, not to others. queue the additional fighting.

I think you meant "cue".
nope. queue is to put all the fighting in the the queue. cue would be "ok - fight!" on cue.
Perhaps Christians should have Israel, we use to control it.

yes, heaven forbid there be one jewish state among the dozen of muslim ones.

Why not go an live in Jerusalem. Let us Christians have our own country.

If I had to leave the US, Israel would be high on my list of prospects.

Beautiful weather, nice people, lots of people who speak my language.
Unless one of your grandparents is/was Jewish with papers then Israel won't want you.

A better destination if you have money is Switzerland.

If you don't have money then a better destination is Canada or Sweden.
LOL He wouldn't like those left wing places. :biggrin:

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