trump jr and giuliani served with suit for witness intimidation

And yet the Trumps enjoy life as billionaires on a daily basis while you substandard fuckups scream at the sky and try to find a reason not to end your miserable fucking existence.

You think a nuisance suit from a soviet chipmunk will cramp DJT's style?

Not hardly. He won't even acknowledge it.... other than nod at a team of high priced attorneys with a "take care of it and make the mother fucker suffer" smirk. Then he'll shoot a 75 and go home to a blow job from a supermodel.

Your misery is his reward. Keep giving him joy. He deserves it.

The legal bills must be really piling up for Rudy. And now junior is going to have to hire more lawyers. I wonder if the RNC is willing to pay for junior's legal defense, like there are for Daddy?
i wonder if y'all will ever get tired of the baseless useless attacks on him and find something else to do with your life but hate.

annoying as fuck

The legal bills must be really piling up for Rudy. And now junior is going to have to hire more lawyers. I wonder if the RNC is willing to pay for junior's legal defense, like there are for Daddy?
Good for him, I hope those scoundrels get reamed inside and out.
Good for him, I hope those scoundrels get reamed inside and out.
you don't hope for a fair trial, just that they get punished because of your hate?

gee. why are we a fucked up country again?

oh yea.
you don't hope for a fair trial, just that they get punished because of your hate?

gee. why are we a fucked up country again?

oh yea.
Do you need a help getting off that high horse?
dado said:
How many suits did trump file over losing the election?
A former GQP congressman sued a fictional cow.

Try the mirror sonny

i hope he did. Every person in the US should have done that. The Left cheated every trump voter and cheated the country, cheated our future.

SURELY, you do NOT think that what this retard pissing on the floor in the white house now is doing good for the country.
Do you need a help getting off that high horse?
do you see me wishing people i don't like would get reamed because i don't like them?

when you see me put my emotions above the law, talk to me.

people i hate have the same rights as people i love. you seem to have a problem with that.
do you see me wishing people i don't like would get reamed because i don't like them?

when you see me put my emotions above the law, talk to me.
At this point, what they did to Vindman is reprehensable. Does that mean I wish for a kangaroo court? Of course not. But I am allowed my opinion. Maybe you should tackle some of those that call for Hilary to be strung up and tortured. They seem to get a free pass.
And yet the Trumps enjoy life as billionaires on a daily basis while you substandard fuckups scream at the sky and try to find a reason not to end your miserable fucking existence
Ok, you Boomer fuck. What you're spewing is classic projection. Patently, rich Cock Asian problems ain't everyone else's problems. False equivalence logic. You're a fraud. Fail.
At this point, what they did to Vindman is reprehensable. Does that mean I wish for a kangaroo court? Of course not. But I am allowed my opinion. Maybe you should tackle some of those that call for Hilary to be strung up and tortured. They seem to get a free pass.
do you see me doing those calls for her or biden to be STRUNG UP AND REAMED?

no. otherwise show me where i did it. you got a problem with someone else doing it, tell them. but i simply don't allow someone being stupid to give me an excuse to be stupid. WELL THEY DID IT FIRST stopped working for me when i was around 4.

i think what vindman did was also reprehensable to others as in my mind, he made shit up because hate was (and is) popular. but this is for courts to decide right and wrong on a legal sense. our OPINIONS don't mean shit in a court of law.

and i comment on both sides and their insane desire bypass the legal process for emotional satisfaction. it's why we're in the toilet bowl tsunami of shit these days.

hate must be satisfied, fuck law and order. but of course, you are never around when i bitch at the other side for the same thing, so i must never do it.

got it.

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