trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"

Zelensky is a clown and a thief who's funneling American's tax money back to his Democrat supporters. The Ukraine war is one big circle-jerk of corruption between Biden, the Democrat Party, Zelensky, and Putin.
Awww, J did you mess your BVD's?
Yup...pretty much. If you want to stop aiding are encouraging the war criminal Poootin. He is trying to terrorise civilians because his army....what's the word....SUCKS.
I want us to stop interfering in other country’s affairs. We meddled in Ukraine’s affairs back in 2013 by trying to force them into a trade deal with Western Europe. They refused so the West mobilized to take out its elected president. An insurrection and coup happened, ending their democracy. Since then their eastern provinces refuse to recognize the new government. Most of the citizens in Eastern Ukraine are ethnic Russians and identify as Russians, and they voted to be independent or to join Russia.

But you idiots want to pretend the region doesn’t have decades and centuries of history involving the Russians and so-called Ukrainian peoples. You just parrot the MSM and deep state narrative that Putin is “crazy” and just invaded Ukraine for “no reason”. The reality is of course much more complicated.

But hey, whatever makes it easy for you to adopt the same warmongering foreign policy of John Bolton. If you want a regime change war with Russia, at least just say so. Don’t pretend this is about “democracy” in Ukraine. It’s about making money off more war without any regard to what toppling the government with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons could lead.
Praise the pootin comrade.

Okay I will give it a shot. Putin isn’t getting millions of Americans fired from their jobs for refusing to take an experimental vaccine. That’s your guy, Biden.
Putin isn’t our enemy, nor is Russia, at least they weren’t before now. Biden is likely driving Putin into the arms of the CCP and the Arabs. They will likely form an alliance to stand against a corrupt and immoral America and Western Europe. Biden is setting us up for WW3, and he is setting us up to lose.

Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"​

Odd, I would have used the term: Nazi Money Bitch. The question is what dirt does this cuck have on the Biden Family and others in politics around the world?

That is where the REAL story is!
Why the effort to defend Zelen$ky’s borders and not our own?
Frank, you really need to stop proving you are an ignorant racist.
Whoops! Did I miss something? Jim, when you go to the gas station out of gas needing to get somewhere real bad and with only a couple dollars left to gas up your car, whose car do you gas up frst, yours or the stranger in the next aisle? I don't mean to confuse you with a rational problem in logic!

Sober up and maybe the world will not look quite as bleak.
Dude, you need to be drunk as hell these days for the world to look anything BUT bleak since Vladimir Biden was installed! Care to tell us what the "good" news is going around these days?!

Meantime, your refusal to address Frank's question speaks volumes what a real chickenshit punk you really are.

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