trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"

^^ because anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the Democrat warmongers in DC are Putin supporters. :cuckoo:

Yes, you’re a Putin supporter, theChickenhawk.

You rail against “globalism” while taking money working abroad in a country that is under a direct threat from Putin, all the while whoring for Putin and spreading Russian propaganda lies about Ukraine.

And you claim to be an American who gives a shit about freedom and liberty.

You are really cheering for Russia, aren't you....Comrade.

You need a new routine, asshole. Remember how you used to call everyone "racist" or "bigot", or whatever?

So go fuck yourself, you slimy little Neo-Con quasi-McCarthyite incel. We all know who the real Marxist dick-suckers are in this country, one of them being yourself.

BTW, is this you, ya fat-assed inbred motherfucker? :laughing0301:

Trump Jr, is right.

Zelensky The Human Laundromat, IS a welfare queen.

Welfare Queen to put it mildly.
Trump Jr, is right.

Zelensky The Human Laundromat, IS a welfare queen.

Welfare Queen to put it mildly.

Zelensky's a low-class piece of shit grifter who's robbing the country blind. While his wife is out on a shopping spree buying new dresses, you'd think he could at least show up wearing a fucking suit and tie. But no. He shows up wearing OD green to reinforce the Democrat's notion that he's some kind of a "military hero."

The same Democrats whose 'president" and his botched Afghan withdrawal resulted in the deaths of 13 American soldiers.
You need a new routine, asshole. Remember how you used to call everyone "racist" or "bigot", or whatever?

So go fuck yourself, you slimy little Neo-Con quasi-McCarthyite incel. We all know who the real Marxist dick-suckers are in this country, one of them being yourself.

BTW, is this you, ya fat-assed inbred motherfucker? :laughing0301:

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Why do you hate America and freedom so much, rube?
Trump Jr, is right.

Zelensky The Human Laundromat, IS a welfare queen.

Welfare Queen to put it mildly.

Trump Jr is the biggest welfare queen out there, airhead. He's done zero in his life outside of his daddy.

But maybe you're bigger.

He's not your friend. JimH52 just uses the term "comrade" to lure you close enough to put a bullet in your head and send your loved ones off to a Gulag.

Never forget that. And remember me for warning you.

I know, I was being
I want us to stop interfering in other country’s affairs. We meddled in Ukraine’s affairs back in 2013 by trying to force them into a trade deal with Western Europe. They refused so the West mobilized to take out its elected president. An insurrection and coup happened, ending their democracy. Since then their eastern provinces refuse to recognize the new government. Most of the citizens in Eastern Ukraine are ethnic Russians and identify as Russians, and they voted to be independent or to join Russia.

But you idiots want to pretend the region doesn’t have decades and centuries of history involving the Russians and so-called Ukrainian peoples. You just parrot the MSM and deep state narrative that Putin is “crazy” and just invaded Ukraine for “no reason”. The reality is of course much more complicated.

But hey, whatever makes it easy for you to adopt the same warmongering foreign policy of John Bolton. If you want a regime change war with Russia, at least just say so. Don’t pretend this is about “democracy” in Ukraine. It’s about making money off more war without any regard to what toppling the government with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons could lead.
All praise poottin comrade.
He's not your friend. JimH52 just uses the term "comrade" to lure you close enough to put a bullet in your head and send your loved ones off to a Gulag.

Never forget that. And remember me for warning you.
Praise pootin comradde...
That's what they say because they thing it will make us feel ashamed. Personally, I'm past the point of giving a flying fuck about their little feelings or their Marxist Alinskyite tactics.

Call me a "racist"? Sure, what the fuck ever. I'll show you just what a racist I can be.

Call me a "white supremacist"? Sure, I can do that too.

Call me a "Putin-lover"? Am I supposed to give a crap? My own government is far more of a threat to me than some idiot Russian on the other side of the world. At least he's not trying to stifle my first and second amendments and fuck up my country. The asshole responsible for the high prices, inflation, high crime and drugs, and open borders in this country lives right here in the US of A, and he's living in the White House.
Awwww, general feelings of inferiority mixed with under achievement in life...
You need a new routine, asshole. Remember how you used to call everyone "racist" or "bigot", or whatever?

So go fuck yourself, you slimy little Neo-Con quasi-McCarthyite incel. We all know who the real Marxist dick-suckers are in this country, one of them being yourself.

BTW, is this you, ya fat-assed inbred motherfucker? :laughing0301:

View attachment 741244
Awwww, poor little white boi.

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