trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"

Zelensky is crazy for WW III. He is one of the most evil people on the planet.

Sure they did, and thus we are paying Ukraine to fight them for us so we will not have to later. Anyone but Russia had crossed their borders we would not have given a shit.

Do you honestly think we give a fuck about Ukraine?

But anyone at all is allowed to cross our southern border, why is that?

DC politicians of both Parties LOVE the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation. So what if a bag of groceries will cost $100 next summer in the USA?! $lava Ukraine!
Sure they did, and thus we are paying Ukraine to fight them for us so we will not have to later. Anyone but Russia had crossed their borders we would not have given a shit.

Do you honestly think we give a fuck about Ukraine?
Russia is our competitor for supreme power. However, China is the one we need to pay attention to. I am certain if we went into North Korea, China would just say you can have it. Ukraine is Russia's sphere of influence.
Yup...pretty much. If you want to stop aiding are encouraging the war criminal Poootin. He is trying to terrorise civilians because his army....what's the word....SUCKS. agree with me. His army does suck. Thanks
I want us to stop interfering in other country’s affairs. We meddled in Ukraine’s affairs back in 2013 by trying to force them into a trade deal with Western Europe. They refused so the West mobilized to take out its elected president. An insurrection and coup happened, ending their democracy. Since then their eastern provinces refuse to recognize the new government. Most of the citizens in Eastern Ukraine are ethnic Russians and identify as Russians, and they voted to be independent or to join Russia.

But you idiots want to pretend the region doesn’t have decades and centuries of history involving the Russians and so-called Ukrainian peoples. You just parrot the MSM and deep state narrative that Putin is “crazy” and just invaded Ukraine for “no reason”. The reality is of course much more complicated.

But hey, whatever makes it easy for you to adopt the same warmongering foreign policy of John Bolton. If you want a regime change war with Russia, at least just say so. Don’t pretend this is about “democracy” in Ukraine. It’s about making money off more war without any regard to what toppling the government with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons could lead.
So you okay with a country attacking another sovereign nation? Or are you a MAGA Poootin lover?

trump jr. and mtg criticize Zelensky...jr calling him an ungrateful "welfare queen"​

They are being too kind. They should have called Zelensky a theiving faggot then thrown his ass in jail.
So you okay with a country attacking another sovereign nation? Or are you a MAGA Poootin lover?

Hey asshole, not wanting to get dragged into another war by proxy or otherwise in a conflict we have no interest in nor can afford doesn't mean you are "OK" with it. This shit has gotten way out of hand and is now coming back to bite us. Quit being a brainless puppet for the military-industrial complex!
I think junior is trying to take up the mantel of his greasy, lying father. Perhaps he is upset that the money is not flowing into their accounts from Russia, like it was a few years ago.

I hate to break it to him, but the lame trading cards is not going to make up the difference.

I'm sure all the billions going to the piano player some of it is coming back to the senders.
What if war spreads here will that be ok? This is not our problem or our ally.
China and Eussia are joining forces now.
What if we were fighting Canada or Mexico should Russia send them weapons and billions? Would we not consider Russia an enemy causing Americans death? Once the nikes come out it will be too late.
They can’t even account for the money and weapons we’ve already sent there (or who knows where they wound up going). Yet these moronic Dems want to flush another $40+ billion into Ukraine. As well as defending the border state of other nations, while throwing ours wide open.
Zelensky is a clown and a thief who's funneling American's tax money back to his Democrat supporters. The Ukraine war is one big circle-jerk of corruption between Biden, the Democrat Party, Zelensky, and Putin.

Maybe their love for the oligarchy will fade once the nukes start dropping around them? This is very very serious, I don't care for either side, I do care that the leaders have invilved us in it.
I'm sure all the billions going to the piano player some of it is coming back to the senders.
What if war spreads here will that be ok? This is not our problem or our ally.
China and Eussia are joining forces now.
What if we were fighting Canada or Mexico should Russia send them weapons and billions? Would we not consider Russia an enemy causing Americans death? Once the nikes come out it will be too late.
You are really cheering for Russia, aren't you....Comrade.
^^ because anyone who doesn’t fall in line with the Democrat warmongers in DC are Putin supporters. :cuckoo:

That's what they say because they thing it will make us feel ashamed. Personally, I'm past the point of giving a flying fuck about their little feelings or their Marxist Alinskyite tactics.

Call me a "racist"? Sure, what the fuck ever. I'll show you just what a racist I can be.

Call me a "white supremacist"? Sure, I can do that too.

Call me a "Putin-lover"? Am I supposed to give a crap? My own government is far more of a threat to me than some idiot Russian on the other side of the world. At least he's not trying to stifle my first and second amendments and fuck up my country. The asshole responsible for the high prices, inflation, high crime and drugs, and open borders in this country lives right here in the US of A, and he's living in the White House.

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