Trump just exposed himself as the Ultimate Pu$$y

The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

I'm glad Trump is trying to privatize the VA.

I haven't even signed up to use the benefit. I'd rather pay a Ugandan butcher to do surgery on me. The survival rate would be about the same anyway but at least I wouldn't die waiting to get the surgery.

You're glad Trump is doing something that over 90% of veterans don't want?


Why are quoting nonsense without a source? NOBODY wants inferior medical care. Maybe they have an ATTACHMENT to being treated in a gov facility, but nobody wants to die or get sicker on waiting lists.

Where's this 90% figure jeeves? This NEEDS to get fixed. Not just talked about..
Baloney.......made by Oscar.........

I signed classified document paperwork in the pardon me while I circular file your post..........

She clearly violated the HANDLING of CLASSIFIED DATA..............You don't put freaking Classified Data in a private server in your dang bathroom........

Classified data SHOULD HAVE REMAINDED IN THE STATE DEPT. where it can BE MONITORED for BREACHES.....................

She is VERY GUILTY OF THIS CRIME................and yes it is a crime.....

Then you say then why wasn't she own the DOJ they don't charge you.

Put that evidence in front of 12 Americans as an HONEST JURY..........They'd bury her and you know it..........

We'd have been thrown under the Jail for a FRACTION of what she did...........Our gov't is corrupt.


After that leftist traitor Bradley Manning got caught the G6 locked out every army PC in Kandahar from even accepting a thumb drive. By the time I got back to the states you couldn't charge your phone with a USB cable plugged into a laptop without someone knocking on the vault door. Prior to that a soldier could get permission to plug a personal lap top into the network and Yahoo Message people back home.

Leave it to libturds to fuck that up for us.
The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

I'm glad Trump is trying to privatize the VA.

I haven't even signed up to use the benefit. I'd rather pay a Ugandan butcher to do surgery on me. The survival rate would be about the same anyway but at least I wouldn't die waiting to get the surgery.

You're glad Trump is doing something that over 90% of veterans don't want?


I found your link. You dont even read or comprehend your OWN SHIT... The 90% isn't the number that oppose choices and vouchers. That's 66% against complete privatization. Something that NOT many are proposing. Not even me.

The 90% is the number that WANT A CHOICE !! Cut the partisan clowning and focus..

The results push back poll numbers released by Concerned Veterans for America last month that found nearly 90 percent of veterans surveyed believe officials need to increase health care choices for VA patients, including expanded access to private care physicians.
Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is out, Trump announces by tweet

WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is being replaced, President Trump tweeted Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation and uncertainty about his fate.


Just watched an interview with David Shulkin. He was asked about his last conversation with Trump and said they talked about Shulkin's plans for the VA.
When they finished, he walked back to his office and saw a Tweet that he had been fired.
He literally walked away from Trump and less than 5 minutes later, got a Tweet firing him.

Trump, too chicken to be a man.

The Ultimate Pu$$y.

No way to spin this. It's something we have known, but this just spells it out in neon.

Is this your measure of how much of a pussy this guy is? This clown is nothing but a white trash baiting coward, who haven't had the guts yet to face one person he's let go, not one. He gets others to do his dirty work, but listens to no one when it comes time to make policy. I pray the aftermath of his presidency cripples this nation for decades to come.....AS SILENT BYSTANDERS, WE DESERVE THE SAME EFFECTS AS THE GERMANS FELT IN 39'.
Why are quoting nonsense without a source? NOBODY wants inferior medical care. Maybe they have an ATTACHMENT to being treated in a gov facility, but nobody wants to die or get sicker on waiting lists.

Where's this 90% figure jeeves? This NEEDS to get fixed. Not just talked about..

That's why I'd be delighted if that parasite took the advice I posted on it's page, that I had to be admonished for. The earth needs the nitrogen back.

90% of the vets I know, and I'll bet it's a fuck ton more than deanturd has ever been in the same room with, avoid the VA. It's a complete disaster and everyone with a frontal lobe knows it. Yet pieces of shit like deanturd get to pretend they give a damn about vets and act as if they don't hold us in contempt while insisting we DESERVE the piss poor "care".

I do believe deanturd absolutely deserves the contempt I have for it.
Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is out, Trump announces by tweet

WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is being replaced, President Trump tweeted Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation and uncertainty about his fate.


Just watched an interview with David Shulkin. He was asked about his last conversation with Trump and said they talked about Shulkin's plans for the VA.
When they finished, he walked back to his office and saw a Tweet that he had been fired.
He literally walked away from Trump and less than 5 minutes later, got a Tweet firing him.

Trump, too chicken to be a man.

The Ultimate Pu$$y.

No way to spin this. It's something we have known, but this just spells it out in neon.


The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

Certainly the VA needs fixing.

The thread didn't argue that the man didn't deserve firing.

Just that a President with actual balls would do it in person- or on the phone- not by tweeting it to the world.

Of course this is an established Trump pattern in the White House- clearly he doesn't have the balls to fire anyone in person.

If the "Apprentice" show had been run like the White House- the contestants would be finding out about being 'fired' by a note pinned on their door in the middle of the night be the assistant to Trump's secretary.
Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is out, Trump announces by tweet

WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is being replaced, President Trump tweeted Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation and uncertainty about his fate.


Just watched an interview with David Shulkin. He was asked about his last conversation with Trump and said they talked about Shulkin's plans for the VA.
When they finished, he walked back to his office and saw a Tweet that he had been fired.
He literally walked away from Trump and less than 5 minutes later, got a Tweet firing him.

Trump, too chicken to be a man.

The Ultimate Pu$$y.

No way to spin this. It's something we have known, but this just spells it out in neon.


The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

Certainly the VA needs fixing.

The thread didn't argue that the man didn't deserve firing.

Just that a President with actual balls would do it in person- or on the phone- not by tweeting it to the world.

Of course this is an established Trump pattern in the White House- clearly he doesn't have the balls to fire anyone in person.

If the "Apprentice" show had been run like the White House- the contestants would be finding out about being 'fired' by a note pinned on their door in the middle of the night be the assistant to Trump's secretary.

In the world of biz today -- the standard of getting called onto the carpet is antiquated. Just like romances that end with an instant message or text. When I'm working it's an International affair. Sometimes have to shift my hours to talk with technical people around the world via video or phone.

So --- it's an alright but "quaint" notion. But, I understand why he waited to ponder it until after the guy leaves. You want to make sure --- youir adrenaline and anger is not driving you... He was just there. No use burning gasoline and time to get him there again.

You DO want a short time to deliberate. It's good management.
Poll: Veterans oppose plans to 'privatize' VA

"Veterans overwhelmingly feel that health care was a promise made for their service and oppose vouchers that may not cover all costs," group officials said in their report. "Veterans worry that private insurance companies care too much about profit and would make decisions for the care of veterans based on money."


Well yea. Republicans only care about profits. Fuk the veterans. That's the GOP policy.

When we hear that Veterans are fighting for their rights, who are they fighting?
dean you are too much of a pussy to spell the word fuck the right way...if you dont want to use proper spelling,why the fuck use that word?....
The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

I'm glad Trump is trying to privatize the VA.

I haven't even signed up to use the benefit. I'd rather pay a Ugandan butcher to do surgery on me. The survival rate would be about the same anyway but at least I wouldn't die waiting to get the surgery.

You're glad Trump is doing something that over 90% of veterans don't want?

Poll: Veterans oppose plans to 'privatize' VA

"Veterans overwhelmingly feel that health care was a promise made for their service and oppose vouchers that may not cover all costs," group officials said in their report. "Veterans worry that private insurance companies care too much about profit and would make decisions for the care of veterans based on money."


Well yea. Republicans only care about profits. Fuk the veterans. That's the GOP policy.

When we hear that Veterans are fighting for their rights, who are they fighting?
Only privatization was the Choice program.............which DEMS SHOT DOWN IN THE BUDGET.................which allows Vets to see private Docs when the wait is too long at the VA hospitals..................

A program started under Obama I might add.....But suddenly you play the it's all bad crap.
Because of what Republicans want to do with it.

Come on, admit it. Republicans don't care about Veterans.

Or children

or the elderly

Or the disabled

Or those that are sick

Republicans care about billionaires and when they pretend otherwise, be very, very careful. Because we ALL know better, right?
You can fuck off, with your bullshit.
This is about Trump being too much of a pu$$y to fire someone face to face, man to man.

Not sure Republicans understand.


Did Mueller forget DUTY, HONOR COURAGE later in life......................hmmmmm

Show me where he sent recommendations for the crimes committed by Hillary to the DOJ under Obama.............

You want to talk OBSTRUCTION.............openly deleting emails under a court order............Housing CLASSIFIED DATA in an UNSECURE SERVER.......

Not to mention the BS with the Clinton Foundation..............

Pardon me, that while I respect his service in Vietnam I am NOT OBLIGATED to RESPECT his actions in the FBI.............I served myself so pardon me when you try the LOOK HE SERVED ROUTINE.....................I see clear abuses under Obama............they are well documented and recorded............and these turkeys didn't do their dang who the hell cares.
OMG! She had a server. Oh no!

Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn reportedly had 'forbidden' internet connection at the Pentagon

Donald Trump's companies destroyed or hid documents in defiance of court orders

Trump and White House staffers illegally delete messages: suit

“Crooked Hillary” has nothing on the Trump Foundation.

Trump’s Abuse of Trump Foundation — Criminal Tax Implications?

Come back when you're not an ignorant moron dunce.
Baloney.......made by Oscar.........

I signed classified document paperwork in the pardon me while I circular file your post..........

She clearly violated the HANDLING of CLASSIFIED DATA..............You don't put freaking Classified Data in a private server in your dang bathroom........

Classified data SHOULD HAVE REMAINDED IN THE STATE DEPT. where it can BE MONITORED for BREACHES.....................

She is VERY GUILTY OF THIS CRIME................and yes it is a crime.....

Then you say then why wasn't she own the DOJ they don't charge you.

Put that evidence in front of 12 Americans as an HONEST JURY..........They'd bury her and you know it..........

We'd have been thrown under the Jail for a FRACTION of what she did...........Our gov't is corrupt.
I posted an entire list of Trump Crimes from his minions and no comment.

Only about Hillary. And she was found innocent.

Not so with Trump minions.
I can almost see the meeting here. Shulkin walks in a 20 slide Power Point presentation given to him by his aides. Gets to slide #4 and Trump starts bullying about boring him with the bureaucratic approach to fixing the VA. Finds that Schulkin has gotten Washheimer's disease. And is a victim of the swamp..

Why waste time? Get somebody that CAN clean out that corner of "the swamp"...

More politicians should work this way....

Nothing sacred about the minions of morons running the massive swamp...

Yeah, this VA mess has went on long enough. Fix it
Oh these right wingers are fuking hilarious. You know most have never been in the military. I was.
The privatize healthcare experiment has so far been a disaster. Here, check this out:

The VA Doesn’t Need to Be Privatized, and Our Vets Know It

Trump bases his stance on the VA mostly on a 2014 scandal about backlogs for patient care and falsifications of waiting periods, which led to the dismissal of several top officials. But as The Fiscal Times’ Rob Garver explained, the VA’s new leadership has already acted to reform the system and change the agency’s culture. Pending claims are way down, virtually all VA facilities extend same-day access to care and performance exceeds the private sector by nearly every measure.

a pilot program gave veterans a Choice Card to use at private facilities if their local VA hospital is more than 40 miles away, or if the wait time is over 30 days. This theoretically ensures that no veteran has to wait for or be inconvenienced by seeking medical care.

This has led to a secondary waitlist for those seeking difficult-to-access private care, along with numerous billing errors and questions of eligibility. There was also no setup for integrating care between VA and non-VA providers, which meant veterans skipping between the two could get duplicative or substandard care. While some have predictably used this to label the VA as incompetent, it says more about the hurdles to delivering a public/private hybrid.

Republicans have responded by advocating for a permanent Choice Card, allowing veterans to go to anywhere they want (oddly, they haven’t offered the same kind of single-payer card for the nation’s other 300 million-odd citizens to present at any medical facility). That mirrors the Trump plan of a “public/private option.” But that would further strain a hobbled scheme private contractors couldn’t figure out for a much smaller universe of patients. It would also double the costs of the current VA.


Republicans don't "fix" things. They steal from the American people. Did they "fix" the Middle East?Have they "fixed" healthcare? Did they "fix" car companies? Did they "fix" the ruined economy after Bush?

What about taxes? Did they "fix" taxes? For billionaires. For the rest of the country the cost will be at least a couple of trillion.

Don't expect anything the GOP "fixes" to ever work again.
The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

I'm glad Trump is trying to privatize the VA.

I haven't even signed up to use the benefit. I'd rather pay a Ugandan butcher to do surgery on me. The survival rate would be about the same anyway but at least I wouldn't die waiting to get the surgery.

You`ll likely be waiting longer using the private sector.
VA Wait Times As Good or Better Than Private Sector: Report
Patients have shorter wait time at Viera VA
Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is out, Trump announces by tweet

WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is being replaced, President Trump tweeted Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation and uncertainty about his fate.


Just watched an interview with David Shulkin. He was asked about his last conversation with Trump and said they talked about Shulkin's plans for the VA.
When they finished, he walked back to his office and saw a Tweet that he had been fired.
He literally walked away from Trump and less than 5 minutes later, got a Tweet firing him.

Trump, too chicken to be a man.

The Ultimate Pu$$y.

No way to spin this. It's something we have known, but this just spells it out in neon.


The VA needs fixing. It's more important to manage that project than worry about your image..

Looks like a person that cares more about FIXING THINGS than getting "likes" on Facebook or the daily popularity poll. About fucking time.....

Come off it, Trump spends most of his time caring about his image.

terrified of Putin

terrified of Stormy

Fire Him!
Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is out, Trump announces by tweet

WASHINGTON – Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin is being replaced, President Trump tweeted Wednesday, ending weeks of speculation and uncertainty about his fate.


Just watched an interview with David Shulkin. He was asked about his last conversation with Trump and said they talked about Shulkin's plans for the VA.
When they finished, he walked back to his office and saw a Tweet that he had been fired.
He literally walked away from Trump and less than 5 minutes later, got a Tweet firing him.

Trump, too chicken to be a man.

The Ultimate Pu$$y.

No way to spin this. It's something we have known, but this just spells it out in neon.


Or an evil little man that gets off on humiliating people. Prior to voting for him I never knew too much about trump, since I don't watch t.v. I was just thinking that anybody was better than hilary. Wrong.
Oh these right wingers are fuking hilarious. You know most have never been in the military. I was.
The privatize healthcare experiment has so far been a disaster. Here, check this out:

The VA Doesn’t Need to Be Privatized, and Our Vets Know It

Trump bases his stance on the VA mostly on a 2014 scandal about backlogs for patient care and falsifications of waiting periods, which led to the dismissal of several top officials. But as The Fiscal Times’ Rob Garver explained, the VA’s new leadership has already acted to reform the system and change the agency’s culture. Pending claims are way down, virtually all VA facilities extend same-day access to care and performance exceeds the private sector by nearly every measure.

a pilot program gave veterans a Choice Card to use at private facilities if their local VA hospital is more than 40 miles away, or if the wait time is over 30 days. This theoretically ensures that no veteran has to wait for or be inconvenienced by seeking medical care.

This has led to a secondary waitlist for those seeking difficult-to-access private care, along with numerous billing errors and questions of eligibility. There was also no setup for integrating care between VA and non-VA providers, which meant veterans skipping between the two could get duplicative or substandard care. While some have predictably used this to label the VA as incompetent, it says more about the hurdles to delivering a public/private hybrid.

Republicans have responded by advocating for a permanent Choice Card, allowing veterans to go to anywhere they want (oddly, they haven’t offered the same kind of single-payer card for the nation’s other 300 million-odd citizens to present at any medical facility). That mirrors the Trump plan of a “public/private option.” But that would further strain a hobbled scheme private contractors couldn’t figure out for a much smaller universe of patients. It would also double the costs of the current VA.


Republicans don't "fix" things. They steal from the American people. Did they "fix" the Middle East?Have they "fixed" healthcare? Did they "fix" car companies? Did they "fix" the ruined economy after Bush?

What about taxes? Did they "fix" taxes? For billionaires. For the rest of the country the cost will be at least a couple of trillion.

Don't expect anything the GOP "fixes" to ever work again.

Most every modern nation has a better government run health care and education systerm than ours. Hard to believe republicans want to go down this privatization road. Looks like they want everything in this country run by government turned over to the the great free market, including the military. This is just paying off donors that finance our elections.

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