Trump Just Lost The Black Vote

The IRS may have to question where the cash came from?
Kust as the IRS will soon be asking Wade about the use of his corporate credit card...
True there are all sorts of other problems she might have, but cash in and of itself isn’t the issue
True there are all sorts of other problems she might have, but cash in and of itself isn’t the issue
If you have tens of thousands of dollars in cash at your home and can't show how you got said cash then cash IS an issue with the IRS!

You know who keeps large amounts of cash at home? Drug dealers and corrupt politicians. Did you notice Willis testifying that she took money from her campaign. Since when is it legal to take cash out of one's campaign funds and stash it away at your house?
Whatever gains Trump may have made with black voters, he's just lost them.

There's a reason Trump was big on the WWE. Because he's a totally fake fighter. He's all bluster and showmanship.

But he met his match against two real fighters. Fani Willis and Latitia James. They have exposed him for the criminal and fraud he is, and Fani Willis punches back a lot harder than he does.

I was watching the testimony of Fani Willis's father the other day. He is a lawyer himself. He vociferously dispatched the lies Trump's lawyers have been perpetrating. But the real turning point came when Trump's lawyers brought up Fani paying for her trips with cash.

"It's a black thing!", dad said. Black people keep cash on hand. They are not as banked as most Americans are.

I could hear black people nodding all around America, and that is when I knew Trump just lost the black vote.

You're delusional.
Whatever gains Trump may have made with black voters, he's just lost them.

There's a reason Trump was big on the WWE. Because he's a totally fake fighter. He's all bluster and showmanship.

But he met his match against two real fighters. Fani Willis and Latitia James. They have exposed him for the criminal and fraud he is, and Fani Willis punches back a lot harder than he does.

I was watching the testimony of Fani Willis's father the other day. He is a lawyer himself. He vociferously dispatched the lies Trump's lawyers have been perpetrating. But the real turning point came when Trump's lawyers brought up Fani paying for her trips with cash.

"It's a black thing!", dad said. Black people keep cash on hand. They are not as banked as most Americans are.

I could hear black people nodding all around America, and that is when I knew Trump just lost the black vote.

Fani is a fraud.

But I can imagine left loons would buy into her bs
Hi “imagine that “

Street tactics by Fannie and co

It’s disgraceful and unbecoming of elected officials

Blacks are not one big block ….. your types never show outrage when white people are disrespected. Only this perceived racism that you feel exists against blacks when it of course doesn’t.

You never talk about the poor white man getting denied a home loan.

The Price of a home in this country is astronomical under Biden. No one cares about “ getting Trump “
Every race gets denied loans. Blacks more than others.
Don’t cry over dead beat whites.

They know what he was saying is accurate.

They live it. They know it
You really believe her when she says she pays for everything in cash???

Please go to Lent now..... DISSMISSED!
I can bet she pays most of it. You guys need to stop believing every narrative coming from trump. Because this whole thing is a diversion.
Whatever gains Trump may have made with black voters, he's just lost them.

There's a reason Trump was big on the WWE. Because he's a totally fake fighter. He's all bluster and showmanship.

But he met his match against two real fighters. Fani Willis and Latitia James. They have exposed him for the criminal and fraud he is, and Fani Willis punches back a lot harder than he does.

I was watching the testimony of Fani Willis's father the other day. He is a lawyer himself. He vociferously dispatched the lies Trump's lawyers have been perpetrating. But the real turning point came when Trump's lawyers brought up Fani paying for her trips with cash.

"It's a black thing!", dad said. Black people keep cash on hand. They are not as banked as most Americans are.

I could hear black people nodding all around America, and that is when I knew Trump just lost the black vote.

Whatever gains Trump may have made with black voters, he's just lost them.

There's a reason Trump was big on the WWE. Because he's a totally fake fighter. He's all bluster and showmanship.

But he met his match against two real fighters. Fani Willis and Latitia James. They have exposed him for the criminal and fraud he is, and Fani Willis punches back a lot harder than he does.

I was watching the testimony of Fani Willis's father the other day. He is a lawyer himself. He vociferously dispatched the lies Trump's lawyers have been perpetrating. But the real turning point came when Trump's lawyers brought up Fani paying for her trips with cash.

"It's a black thing!", dad said. Black people keep cash on hand. They are not as banked as most Americans are.

I could hear black people nodding all around America, and that is when I knew Trump just lost the black vote.

I watched clip his testimoney and he pretty much destroyed the questions put by P01135809's shysters.

They pretty much did not lay a glove on him.
It all smoke and mirrors with Trump defense. The fact is Trump has to put up a defense in court because that is why he hires lawyers

I don't blame the defense as they have to defend Trump and there is little change that they can win.

Because someone pays in cash is not a defense nor is it a crime.

It really just shows how screwed trump is as he has no defense against the allegations.
Smoke and mirrors

Even if Willis is removed the case will go on. it really has nothing to do with election fraud. Just gives
his people a new narrative

Look over here and not at Trump

well personally , i prefer to pay in cash and quite a few people prefer cash
You pay for your vacations in "cash", Kilroy? Thousands of dollars? Really? I don't know anybody that does that.

As for someone saying "Look over here"? Isn't that what Fani Willis just did when she declared that she wasn't on trial at a hearing to determine whether she should be removed from the case? That it was wrong to look at her when it was Trump that was accused of a crime? That it was somehow "racist" that her actions were being scrutinized even though she put a target on her back by bringing charges against a former President of the United States? If I'd been advising Fani I would have cautioned her to make sure that her house was in order before she went down that path. Why she thought hiring Wade wasn't going to blow up in her face is baffling. Who would do something that stupid? Who's ego is that large that they think they're untouchable?
Why do you dumb fuck racists think you have the right to even begin to think you can speak for how blacks should feel about anything? A republican flooded immigrants into those cities with no coordination and created an emergency that must be immediately addressed. Blacks who are not dumb enough to fall for the white race baiting know this. Republicans wasted money that would be going to urban blacks to build cages and detention facilities for non-white immigrants. They have also wasted money that would go to urban blacks to build prisons and jails in black communities instead of providing the funds for blacks to start businesses. So you really need to shut the hell up.
Joe Biden is the person who flooded the country with illegals, IM2. Claiming that was a Republican is laughable. Biden's let over ten million into the country. Cities like New York, Chicago, Boston and Denver are crying that they're going to go bankrupt and they've only gotten a small part of the influx of illegals. Joe broke the border...didn't do shit about it for THREE YEARS! Now that blacks in urban areas are raising holy hell about what that's doing to their neighborhoods Joe's trying to pretend he cares! And how does he do that? He buys a bucket of fried chicken for a black family and talks to them about their lives? Are you kidding me? Who thought up that one? What no watermelon, Joe?

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