Trump just won the election

Boy, he made a wise choice to leave abortion up to the States. In other terms, get the BS off my plate for good. Now leftists have to look elsewhere. And make up crisis and negativity, they're good at that, but there's only so far they can go with this, such as this link demonstrates. Even Democrats know this is a big loss ("bigly"). 'Slap in the face': Mike Pence blasts Donald Trump for saying abortion restrictions should be up to states

Just one more Trump victory. Remember all the Trump victories, boom boom, bang! Get used to that again.

Trump and his merry abortion/IVF banners just lost the election.

Do you fantasize about killing babies? No way you're sane.
Fetuses aren't babies, and if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

Trump is trying to pull the GOP out of the hole he dug for it.

This won't work, of course, because women know you religious crazies won't stop with just making it a state issue.
He has always held the Constitutional view that "Reproductive Rights" is for each state to decide. We also know that after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions went UP to a ten year high. Oops, there goes the Democrats' ONLY issue that brings out voters. :113:

You're even dumber than you seem. What a fucking coward Trump is. He made that whole speech about being "Pro life" and his stance on abortion without once mentioning women.

The states have made an unholy mess of it. Woman are dying by the thousands. And Trump can't bring himself to mention the women in his abortion stance.
Boy, he made a wise choice to leave abortion up to the States. In other terms, get the BS off my plate for good. Now leftists have to look elsewhere. And make up crisis and negativity, they're good at that, but there's only so far they can go with this, such as this link demonstrates. Even Democrats know this is a big loss ("bigly"). 'Slap in the face': Mike Pence blasts Donald Trump for saying abortion restrictions should be up to states

Just one more Trump victory. Remember all the Trump victories, boom boom, bang! Get used to that again.

This is a Republican politicians way of being pro choice without saying it. Because supporting states rights on abortion, knowing there are states that allow abortions, is supporting women killing their babies.

I'm with Trump on this. If the moms don't want their kids, let them murder them. It's not like these hoodrats & white trash are going to produce anything that beneficial to society. Just about a kids that'll grow up and sit through green lights because they were looking at their phones.

Abortion is crime control for the next generation.
So for people who are even the tiniest bit legally astute have known this since the promulgation of the Dobbs case. Republicans believe that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, the abortion issue is a matter for the States.

And until such time as there is a major shift in public opinion, there is no national consensus that would motivate a Constitutional Amendment.
So for people who are even the tiniest bit legally astute have known this since the promulgation of the Dobbs case. Republicans believe that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, the abortion issue is a matter for the States.

Banning abortion and IVF at the national level is the official GOP position.
House Republicans have released their proposed budget for 2025, and it includes giving rights to embryos—despite the GOP’s big statements about how much they support in vitro fertilization.

The budget, released Wednesday by the Republican Study Committee, or RSC, states that the party backs the Life at Conception Act, “which would provide 14th amendment protections at all stages of life.” . .

Like the Alabama ruling, the act would have severely restricted—if not effectively banned—IVF treatments, because it grants “equal protection” to “preborn” humans, including embryos. Since it’s common for fertilized eggs not to survive the IVF process, the act would put doctors at risk of being charged for wrongful death of embryos. That risk would be enough to scupper the IVF industry.
The RSC budget also took aim at abortion, backing another bill for a 15-week national abortion ban and recommending a measure that would ban the sale of mifepristone, one of the drugs used to induce abortions. The question of mifepristone’s decades-old approval for market goes before the Supreme Court next week.
If you were younger, the vegetable might want to sniff you. LOL. The only grandstanding is being done by Biden as he uses the media to say, like you, bbbbut bbbbbut bbbbut, Trump is lying. We know who the liars are and they will be exposed for all to see when DJT is once again president of the United States of America.

Trump lies constantly. In 2020 he claimed that he won 2 Pulitzers. That's pathetic.
So for people who are even the tiniest bit legally astute have known this since the promulgation of the Dobbs case. Republicans believe that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, the abortion issue is a matter for the States.

And until such time as there is a major shift in public opinion, there is no national consensus that would motivate a Constitutional Amendment.

The state decides???? Seems to me it should be between a woman and her doctor.
So for people who are even the tiniest bit legally astute have known this since the promulgation of the Dobbs case. Republicans believe that in the absence of a Constitutional Amendment, the abortion issue is a matter for the States.

And until such time as there is a major shift in public opinion, there is no national consensus that would motivate a Constitutional Amendment.
Oh, don't bullshit us.

Republicans believe fetuses should have more rights than the women they are inside. Please don't tell me you'll be happy banning it in just SOME parts of the country. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

If women don't want to Cosplay the Handmaid's Tale, then they need to vote out every damned Republican.
Abortion is an issue--you have gotten that right. However, I'm glad that you've come out and admitted that you think one of the founding documents of this great nation is a lot of blah, blah, blah. No wonder you are a failed mod---you are a failed excuse for an American as well.
You can shake your fist when women come out and vote.
Time for the ladies in Red States to step up to the plate and elect folks who represent the right to choose and not the extreme MAGANUTS and Rabid Right Wing Extremist who took those rights from women.

Vote them out ladies, right the fuck out.

Trump says he's pro-life. TDS
Trump says he's pro-choice. TDS
Trump says leave it to the Feds. TDS
Trump says leave it to the States. TDS
Trump farts. TDS

Trump says he's pro-life. TDS
Trump says he's pro-choice. TDS
Trump says leave it to the Feds. TDS
Trump says leave it to the States. TDS
Trump farts. TDS
Yep. Them Trump Dick Suckers don't care what he says or does because......he's a Star.
You're even dumber than you seem. What a fucking coward Trump is. He made that whole speech about being "Pro life" and his stance on abortion without once mentioning women.

The states have made an unholy mess of it. Woman are dying by the thousands. And Trump can't bring himself to mention the women in his abortion stance.
Dying by the thousands? This is the rhetoric that helped the Progs dominate in our nation. They are leaning that getting the power and having the power are two different things. Progs are destroying the nation and the selfishness of me, me, me using social justice as the caveat is the devil's tool.

Trump says he's pro-life. TDS
Trump says he's pro-choice. TDS
Trump says leave it to the Feds. TDS
Trump says leave it to the States. TDS
Trump farts. TDS
We wouldn't have this discussion at all if Trump hadn't appointed three mouth-breathers to SCOTUS.

I'm sure that Trump was very pro-Choice for whatever sluts he knocked up over the years... but he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him.
We wouldn't have this discussion at all if Trump hadn't appointed three mouth-breathers to SCOTUS.

I'm sure that Trump was very pro-Choice for whatever sluts he knocked up over the years... but he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him.

Trump pro-choice: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump pro-life: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump says leave it to the Feds.: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump says leave it to the States: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump farts: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump pro-choice: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump pro-life: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump says leave it to the Feds.: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump says leave it to the States: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Trump farts: "he's enabling the religious crazies and no one should trust him."
Your boy Trump stepped in it.

You see, other Republicans realized that Roe v. Wade allowed them to complain about abortion without having to do anything about it. it's why they appointed justices who had the good sense to not tamper with it. (Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter, etc.)

Now the issue is on the table, with 50 million women now being branded as murderers.

Sucks to be you guys, no matter how Trump tries to weasel out of the damage he did.
Nobody believes anything Biden there's that.
Biden doesn't believe or know what he says. So sad.
This fine country is being laughed at World Wide.
Thanks Democrats

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