Trump Justice Department Killed Police Reform Programs That Could Have Helped Minneapolis

Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

When you start an OP with a lie, how do you expect anybody to take you seriously?

The so-called pandemic team was never dismantled. It was restructured under John Bolton. Need the factcheck link, just ask.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
Politics is a pendulum, but I think it's about to swing so far to the left it may take a decade to come back.

Oh, so Soros has his armies out burning American cities and you think this will HELP you in November?

You really are amazingly stupid.

The face of the CCP democrats;

View attachment 343354
View attachment 343355

Weak and unoriginal.

So, Soros ISN'T funding ANTIFA and BLM, is that your claim? Let's be clear on this...
Doesn't matter what you think about it, it's still true.

Yes, it's true that Soros funds ANTIFA and BLM, glad you acknowledge these facts.

Soros is to America as Vladimir Lenin was to Russia. These "riots" are in fact military strikes against the United States.

Many historians believe that Lenin had a debilitating stroke in 1922 and was nothing more than a figurehead past that time. So it is with George Soros, he is just a name for a movement that seeks the destruction of America.

Don't worry though, Soros and the riots will be the face to the democrats in November, I promise you that.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
Politics is a pendulum, but I think it's about to swing so far to the left it may take a decade to come back.

Oh, so Soros has his armies out burning American cities and you think this will HELP you in November?

You really are amazingly stupid.

The face of the CCP democrats;

View attachment 343354
View attachment 343355
Yeah, it's true because the daily mail.says so.

What's next, cites from the national enquirer?
It’s on the tax forms! Or maybe it could be this guy...

Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

40 years of democrat control of Minneapolis and it’s all Trumps fault?

Eat a bag of dicks.
democrat governor, democrat mayor, democrat police chief. 90% chance Derek Chauvin is a democrat, he is a public employee and belongs to SEUI.

And lets not forget the Democrats who rioted. I doubt you'll find any Republican voters involved in the riots and looting around the country.
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!

Comrade traitor, do you honestly think these riots will HELP you in November?

Let's make this simple, WHO is paying for the busses that are bringing the ANTIFA and BLM troops into cities?
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
Politics is a pendulum, but I think it's about to swing so far to the left it may take a decade to come back.

Oh, so Soros has his armies out burning American cities and you think this will HELP you in November?

You really are amazingly stupid.

The face of the CCP democrats;

View attachment 343354
View attachment 343355

Weak and unoriginal.

So, Soros ISN'T funding ANTIFA and BLM, is that your claim? Let's be clear on this...
Doesn't matter what you think about it, it's still true.

Yes, it's true that Soros funds ANTIFA and BLM, glad you acknowledge these facts.

Soros is to America as Vladimir Lenin was to Russia. These "riots" are in fact military strikes against the United States.

Many historians believe that Lenin had a debilitating stroke in 1922 and was nothing more than a figurehead past that time. So it is with George Soros, he is just a name for a movement that seeks the destruction of America.

Don't worry though, Soros and the riots will be the face to the democrats in November, I promise you that.
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
wow the stupid and gullible sheep at it again blindly thinking a diffferent president from the other different party will come in and solve the problem too ignorant that both parties are corrupt and one in the same here to serve the elite instead of the people even though things never change too stupid to understand an independent never gets elected because they are not part of the corrupt two party system :uhoh3:
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
So, you're OK with the attorney general lying to the American people?
Trump is the WORST mistake America has ever made.

Thank God she will correct herself come SPADES!
Politics is a pendulum, but I think it's about to swing so far to the left it may take a decade to come back.

Oh, so Soros has his armies out burning American cities and you think this will HELP you in November?

You really are amazingly stupid.

The face of the CCP democrats;

View attachment 343354
View attachment 343355
Yeah, it's true because the daily mail.says so.

What's next, cites from the national enquirer?
It’s on the tax forms! Or maybe it could be this guy...
View attachment 343382
Nothing wrong with donating to a bail fund for protestors arrested in a good cause.

You still failed to incriminate soros.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.


Uh retard, the only ones CAUGHT dealing with the Russians were you democrats who bought the dirty dossier from the Kremlin. And yes, you blamed your victim for what YOU did.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.
style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Courier;color:#333333'>The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232

You piles of shit think you can just lie and have reality change to what you wanted.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
So, you're OK with the attorney general lying to the American people?

Leave Holder out of this.
Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

When you start an OP with a lie, how do you expect anybody to take you seriously?

The so-called pandemic team was never dismantled. It was restructured under John Bolton. Need the factcheck link, just ask.

Word salad. Dismantled, re-assigned, restructured, people shuffled, fired, or replaced. Bottom line is it wasn't there when we needed it and it would have been useful.
100K+ dead and we keep playing word minutia?
Did Trump Administration Fire the US Pandemic Response Team?

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