Trump Justice Department Killed Police Reform Programs That Could Have Helped Minneapolis

Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

Thanks for trying to blame the President for animals, thugs, criminals, terrorists, Leftist criminals, Antifa, and BLM pushing racial division and violence and for robbing, looting, arson, attempted murders, destruction of property, burning houses, stores, and entire communities to the ground...

Just when I thought Trump-hating morons could not top blaming President Trump for the nearly 10,000 elderly deaths in NY caused by Cuomo packing Nursing Homes with virus-infected patients...

Democrats and snowflakes are the ultimate source of never-ending lies and 'STUPID'....


democrat governor.
democrat mayor.
democrat police chief.

Time for a change.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
So, you're OK with the attorney general lying to the American people?

The AG never lied to us, but you think that if you just lie hard enough you can change reality to meet your agenda.

Dude, you're just a fucking liar, another pile of shit CCP dem without a hint of integrity.

"Completely exonerated"

That's a lie. Told during his first days in office. He obviously started as he meant to carry on, because he has told many more since.

You are here blatantly lying about the Mueller report and want to mince words with Barr? :eek:

You are a fucking liar, that is established fact.
But I am not.

That ship has sailed, you're a fucking liar. You are pathological. You think that you are justified in your lying because Orange Man Bad, but you are just a filthy liar.
Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

So even this can be laid at the feet of squatter in the Whitehouse.

Why am I not surprised?

You blame Trump for you getting the shits after eating a Taco Bell. There is nothing brainless fucks like you don't blame on your scapegoat.

But the Chinese government starting this thread means that China wants to spin the narrative.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.
It's a liberal run shithole, not Trump's fault at all. But keep it up and more and more people going to realize liberalism always fails.
"It's" a liberal run.....?

What is? And what does that have to do with my post?


democrat governor
democrat mayor
democrat police chief

See a pattern?

If black people want change, then change how they vote. Stop voting for the democrats who perpetrate this shit.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.
Critical thinking? You should try just thinking for a change. Of course in your case I suppose it could be a real feat considering the fact that you have no fucking brains.

It amazes me that creep thinks flat out lying is "critical thinking."
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.
Lol, those were your failures. Russia you failed. Ukraine you failed. Coronavirus you failed and you will fail with these riots. The bad part is the more desperate. You get the more innocent Americans are dying.
'fraid not.
Yes they were and your getting trump reelected.
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.

In this case the cop is guilty, but justice was working as intended. The cop was arrested for murder. The feds will tack on civil rights charges, the department including the democrat running it are being investigated by the FBI. So why the riots?
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.

In this case the cop is guilty, but justice was working as intended. The cop was arrested for murder. The feds will tack on civil rights charges, the department including the democrat running it are being investigated by the FBI. So why the riots?

Preliminary autopsy reports are showing the officer kneeling on his neck didn't have anything to do with his death, so this if far from over.
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.

In this case the cop is guilty, but justice was working as intended. The cop was arrested for murder. The feds will tack on civil rights charges, the department including the democrat running it are being investigated by the FBI. So why the riots?
The economy showed signs of clawing its way back.
Just like the pandemic team here in America and the US CDC in China, trump tore apart and ended the reform programs that would have helped prevent what's happening now.

This is making America great?

I don't think so.

You disguised that as "365 News" but the article is from the Huffington Post. Anyhow..this is how Trump "killed reform" according to that abortion of an article....

"The Trump administration effectively killed a collaborative reform initiative created by DOJ’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services that allowed cities to voluntarily implement reform, a move that left the local officials who had partnered with DOJ feeling abandoned. "

It "allowed cities to voluntarily implement reform"? LOL. Say again? Cities aren't allowed now? I would say you are an embarrassment to humanity but we have already established what you are havent we?
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.

In this case the cop is guilty, but justice was working as intended. The cop was arrested for murder. The feds will tack on civil rights charges, the department including the democrat running it are being investigated by the FBI. So why the riots?
The economy showed signs of clawing its way back.

They overplayed their hand here though. Now it is obvious to people what future the left has planned for them.
The heavy handed second guessing the police is one of shitstain obama's programs that had to go. Everything he did was poisonous.

In this case the cop is guilty, but justice was working as intended. The cop was arrested for murder. The feds will tack on civil rights charges, the department including the democrat running it are being investigated by the FBI. So why the riots?
The anti cop rules shitstain obama put in place were in full force and effect when Prosecutor Klobuchar refused to prosecute this particular officer. She's no longer under consideration as a running mate for Biden.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.


Uh retard, the only ones CAUGHT dealing with the Russians were you democrats who bought the dirty dossier from the Kremlin. And yes, you blamed your victim for what YOU did.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.


The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.
Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.
style='font-size:10.5pt;font-family:Courier;color:#333333'>The investigation did not, however, yield evidence sufficient to sustain any charge that any individual affiliated with the Trump Campaign acted as an agent of a foreign principal within the meaning of FARA or, in terms of Section 951, subject to the direction or control of the government of Russia, or any official thereof. In particular, the Office did not find evidence likely to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Campaign officials such as Paul Manafott, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page acted as agents of the Russian government or at its direction, control, or request during the relevant time period.1232

You piles of shit think you can just lie and have reality change to what you wanted.
This is the fake news you were told to believe.

The reality is quit different. You should read the report for yourself instead of taking Billy the bagman's word for it.

So what are you trying to do here, convince us that you actually read Mueller's 448 page report?
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
So, you're OK with the attorney general lying to the American people?

What did he lie about?
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.
Critical thinking? You should try just thinking for a change. Of course in your case I suppose it could be a real feat considering the fact that you have no fucking brains.
That's not critical thinking kiddo.

All you're doing is emoting.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

If there was any evidence--even the slightest bit of evidence that Trump was working with Russia to fix the election, don't you think they would have used that for an impeachment? Instead, they manufacture some phony quid pro quo nonsense (that Biden actually did) and conducted a fake impeachment with no criminal charges or impeachable offenses.
Billy the bagman torpedoed it right outta the gate with his lies.

Rightfully so too. 32 million dollars right down the drain. Gee, how many homeless people could 32 million have helped?
So, you're OK with the attorney general lying to the American people?

What did he lie about?
Read the thread, kid.

It's all in there.
Lol China crap is fake news and conspiracy theories. The OP has real, documented information on things that actually happened.

However I doubt your ability to see the difference.

Yawn; the only conspiracy theory was that "Rushing Coalushun" shit you CCP morons floated.

So, we have a CCP democrat governor, a CCP democrat mayor, a CCP democrat police chief, but it's Trump's fault...

View attachment 343357
Use some critical thinking for a change, kid.

Have you noticed how every time a republican is caught doing something the very first thing they do is accuse a democrat of the same crime? Like when you guys tried and failed to say the Russians wanted Hillary to win? Or the whole Biden/Ukraine failure? Then China thing is just the next attempt. There is not a hint of evidence of truth to the whole thing, they are counting on your willingness to just believe and amplify what they tell you unquestioningly.

There are, on the other hand, pages and pages of evidence in the Mueller report and elsewhere that the tRump campaign cooperated with Russian during the election and after. But you've been told they "don't say that" and haven't even bothered to read them for yourself.

Do you see how you're playing right into their hands? How you're allowing. Yourself to be lied to and manipulated?

I don't really expect this post to make any difference, hell you probably won't even read it, but I figured I'd try once more.

The only candidate we know of who was working with the Russians was Hillary Clinton who received the Steele Document from the KGB.

The only party that we know is funded by foreign communists is the Democrat Party who admitted to and paid a fine for the huge amounts of money they got from the both the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Red Army.

Neither of these is speculation. Both have been proven.

Fake news kid.

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