Trump keeps another promise

Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.

Wow, you've got to be kidding. I suppose they registered just for fun. Nothing Mickey Mouse here except your rationalization.

No, I'm quite serious. Although unlikely, a fictitious person can be registered...that doesn't mean they vote. Registration and voter fraud are two very distinctly different things.

Someone gathering registration forms cannot refuse any form turned in, even from MM. They can flag it when they turn it over to the Registrar, but they are required to turn them in.
As if a certified copy isn't as official as an original
A copy is a copy. There was and is to this day no explanation for producing a copy in place of the original certificate. None what so ever. Thinking like a lib I would have to say that Obama is guilty of lying about his place of birth until the original is produced. That is exactly how you libs sound when you speak of Russia/Trump.

A copy of the original is as good as the original.. Believe it or not people lose things. I lost my original and had to use a copy. Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what a copy is. When you talk about Russia/Trump you sound like a fool. The evidence is overwhelming that Russia interfered in our elections.
You guys were pissed when you thought Obama was governing via EO.

Now, it appears you are really comfortable with it because Trump is doing it.

Hate to tell you, but EO's are no substitute for legislation.

The scrawny, soft spoken giant ear'd negro with the un-American name governed by EO on behalf of our nations lowest grade....Donny T governs on behalf of our nations best....He'll do whatever it takes to bitch-slap the watch-dogs for our worst...Pelosi and Schumer.
That's why...big difference. Do you get it now?
Not enough guts to call him an uppity nigxxer? Can't wait for lynchings again? Me too

Didn't really need too. I knew some whacko like you would follow right behind me to clear it up. Stop with the predictability.
all out there for the entire world to view at that.
A copy of the original is as good as the original.. Believe it or not people lose things. I lost my original and had to use a copy. Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what a copy is. When you talk about Russia/Trump you sound like a fool. The evidence is overwhelming that Russia interfered in our elections.
A copy is a copy is a copy is a copy. Obama could have and still can have a copy of the original held in HI released anytime but he hasn't and he won't because they don't have one for him and he knows it. There is however a copy of the original certificate of birth For Barry from Kenya. Go figure....
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.

Wow, you've got to be kidding. I suppose they registered just for fun. Nothing Mickey Mouse here except your rationalization.

No, I'm quite serious. Although unlikely, a fictitious person can be registered...that doesn't mean they vote. Registration and voter fraud are two very distinctly different things.

Someone gathering registration forms cannot refuse any form turned in, even from MM. They can flag it when they turn it over to the Registrar, but they are required to turn them in.
well they can run the registration and tell if they were checked off. it isn't rocket science.
A copy of the original is as good as the original.. Believe it or not people lose things. I lost my original and had to use a copy. Maybe you need to educate yourself as to what a copy is. When you talk about Russia/Trump you sound like a fool. The evidence is overwhelming that Russia interfered in our elections.
A copy is a copy is a copy is a copy. Obama could have and still can have a copy of the original held in HI released anytime but he hasn't and he won't because they don't have one for him and he knows it. There is however a copy of the original certificate of birth For Barry from Kenya. Go figure....

A copy of the original is a accepted legal document. You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. The fact is that this has been settled except for cracked pots like you that refuse to accept reality.
A copy of the original is a accepted legal document. You really don't have a clue what you are talking about. The fact is that this has been settled except for cracked pots like you that refuse to accept reality
The copy Obama provided was bogus, everyone knows it. All he has to do is give the okay for HI to release the original but he won't...why not?
...and creates a commission to look into voter fraud. :thup:

Trump's 'Voter Fraud' Investigation Is Actually Happening

The cheating stops now's all over. Integrity is coming back to the American electoral system. No more dead democrats, no more multiple voting, no more illegal aliens voting. It's all over. Sessions is in charge and large! Yeeeeeeha! :rock:

You know this is gonna turn out like his investigation into Obama's birth certificate, right?

Except in this case, Trump is using taxpayer dollars to fund his little "study".
April 1st, 2017. Paid almost a grand in taxes this year.

And, that was what I paid in taxes on my military retirement.

A grand? $1000 dollars? are you kidding me? No wonder you are a liberal. If I got off that easy Id be a liberal too. My first quarter took almost half, 50% of my income. Give it a rest buddy. You need to talk to more people and see what they struggle with just to keep the IRS off of their backs.
April 1st, 2017. Paid almost a grand in taxes this year.

And, that was what I paid in taxes on my military retirement.

A grand? $1000 dollars? are you kidding me? No wonder you are a liberal. If I got off that easy Id be a liberal too. My first quarter took almost half, 50% of my income. Give it a rest buddy. You need to talk to more people and see what they struggle with just to keep the IRS off of their backs.

That's because I'm debt free and have enough money from my military retirement to live on. And, while it's not gonna make me rich, it's enough to keep me happy.

How many years did you serve?
That's because I'm debt free and have enough money from my military retirement to live on. And, while it's not gonna make me rich, it's enough to keep me happy.

How many years did you serve?
8 active 4 reserve I own my own business now.
When you everyone shocked that a promise is being kept, but one that probably won't do anything, you know you're onto a loser
Once again in English this time please....

You know the Libs are slipping off into deep end when they start off illiterate then are so upset by it that they can't even make a coherent sentence!

Well at least I gave you that self satisfaction for your partisan bullshit game. You can pretend that those on the right never make a typo, that they're somehow superior in every way.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.

Wow, you've got to be kidding. I suppose they registered just for fun. Nothing Mickey Mouse here except your rationalization.

No, I'm quite serious. Although unlikely, a fictitious person can be registered...that doesn't mean they vote. Registration and voter fraud are two very distinctly different things.

Someone gathering registration forms cannot refuse any form turned in, even from MM. They can flag it when they turn it over to the Registrar, but they are required to turn them in.

Never said you weren't serious....that's the scary part.
There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.

Wow, you've got to be kidding. I suppose they registered just for fun. Nothing Mickey Mouse here except your rationalization.

No, I'm quite serious. Although unlikely, a fictitious person can be registered...that doesn't mean they vote. Registration and voter fraud are two very distinctly different things.

Someone gathering registration forms cannot refuse any form turned in, even from MM. They can flag it when they turn it over to the Registrar, but they are required to turn them in.

Never said you weren't serious....that's the scary part.

Yes you did. Your words: "you've got to be kidding"

I wasn't. Explain what is "scary" about the National Voter Registration Act?
There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.

Wow, you've got to be kidding. I suppose they registered just for fun. Nothing Mickey Mouse here except your rationalization.

No, I'm quite serious. Although unlikely, a fictitious person can be registered...that doesn't mean they vote. Registration and voter fraud are two very distinctly different things.

Someone gathering registration forms cannot refuse any form turned in, even from MM. They can flag it when they turn it over to the Registrar, but they are required to turn them in.
well they can run the registration and tell if they were checked off. it isn't rocket science.

Run what and tell who what?
If I'm not mistaken, a grand total of one illegal alien was caught voting in the 2016 election.

Terrific, one illegal alien vote and thousands of illegal votes.
Thousands? I've seen less than half a dozen cases reported. And most of them were Trump voters.

You may want to open your eyes a bit wider.

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Ex-ACORN worker: 'I paid the price' for voter registration fraud -

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
That's old news. I'm talking about the election in 2016. There were about half a dozen cases of voter fraud, one of which, was cast by an illegal alien.

Here’s what voter fraud looks like in 23 states
I got as far as the first story in your link -- Virginia... an incident where someone registered dead people for the upcoming general election. He was caught before the election and the election board was notified of the names he registered. No illegal votes were cast as a result.

Before the upcoming election, the Voter Registrar’s Office reports that they’ll cancel the false voter registrations by submitting the list to their Electoral Board. These false reports were originally brought to the commonwealth attorney’s attention by a family member of one of the deceased citizens used for the registrations.

ICYMI: Student admits to voter fraud in Harrisonburg, investigation ongoing | Virginia House GOP

States are already investigating voter fraud. Trump's only motivation for opening a federal investigation is because he's hoping to find 3 million plus votes so he can call himself the winner of the popular vote.

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