Trump keeps another promise

I have worked, full time, at a county registrars office for over 10 years and through 3 presidential elections. I've seen a total of two POTENTIAL incidents of intentional "voter fraud" in all that time. I turned both cases over to the SOS.

Based only on my speaking with the voter or viewing the physical evidence of their voter registration forms, it is my unprofessional opinion that both individuals were coo coo banana birds.

I've turned over plenty of potential registration fraud to the State and I've had to write a few letters to immigration about folks that got mistakenly registered and found out while they were applying for citizenship.

That's right, I said it, non citizens registered to vote. :eek: I've written 3 of these letters in my decade plus and in EVERY case, the individual had answered "no" to the citizenship question on the paper form and our office had made the error. None of them had ever voted in any election.

Automation and online registration at the DMV has reduced the potential for these types of errors exponentially.

The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) | CRT | Department of Justice
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

Do you understand the difference between registration and voting?

Mickey Mouse might fill out a form...he doesn't VOTE.
Trump's ego can't handle that he lost the popular vote.

Nor can his ego handle that he got a leg up by the Russians.

Poor, fragile, widdle Twump.
The republicans are committing 90% of it...

Fucking bastards
Whoosh back in well. Lol, emails proved Hillary cheated against Sanders to win the nomination.
Yeap, if you deny it. That means you think no Russia influence on the election.
Apples and oranges, rube.
I thought russia released those emails. Your saying they didn't?
It will cost millions in trump greens fees to find those 30 people. Millions in travel to and from his weekly vacations. Millions in Secret Service to rent those little golf carts cuz trump s too fat to actually walk farther than to the coke machine. All to find thirty people.

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The republicans are committing 90% of it...

Fucking bastards
Whoosh back in well. Lol, emails proved Hillary cheated against Sanders to win the nomination.

That had nothing to do with fraud at the ballot box.
Oh so it's all good if it's a Democrat cheating? They made sure Sanders didn't get the nomination. Hillary getting 3 million more voted proves there was fraud.

I don't want anyone cheating. Hillary cheated her way to the dem nomination, but her cheating had nothing to do with voter fraud. What was your point again?

Clinton won the nomination fair and square. The Democrat rules are actually fairer than Republicans. For example, in SC, Clinton got around 70% of the vote and 70% of the delegates. Trump only got 32% and got 100% of the vote.
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

They will find no evidence of massive voter fraud unless they invent something. Sessions is a racist and a Republican disgrace. His Justice Department used a segregation era case that was thoroughly discredited to justify Trump's Muslim ban. The reason Trump won was because certain elements of the Democrat coalition did not turn out.
...and creates a commission to look into voter fraud. :thup:

Trump's 'Voter Fraud' Investigation Is Actually Happening

The cheating stops now's all over. Integrity is coming back to the American electoral system. No more dead democrats, no more multiple voting, no more illegal aliens voting. It's all over. Sessions is in charge and large! Yeeeeeeha! :rock:

You know this is gonna turn out like his investigation into Obama's birth certificate, right?
...and creates a commission to look into voter fraud. :thup:

Trump's 'Voter Fraud' Investigation Is Actually Happening

The cheating stops now's all over. Integrity is coming back to the American electoral system. No more dead democrats, no more multiple voting, no more illegal aliens voting. It's all over. Sessions is in charge and large! Yeeeeeeha! :rock:

When you everyone shocked that a promise is being kept, but one that probably won't do anything, you know you're onto a loser.
...and creates a commission to look into voter fraud.

If there is one sure thing about President Trump it is that he keeps all his promises. He has made a life of doing so.

LOL. Like who will pay for that stupid wall. Health care cheaper and affordable for everyone.

Do you want me to keep going?

No, you have already done a great job of demonstrating your bias in drawing negative conclusions on actions that have just barely begun. That is, unless you can see into the future. Come back in a few more years then maybe you will have something worthwhile to say.
You know this is gonna turn out like his investigation into Obama's birth certificate, right?
No I don't know that and neither do you, nor have you or anyone else seen Obama's original birth certificate...ever...never been produced.
When you everyone shocked that a promise is being kept, but one that probably won't do anything, you know you're onto a loser
Once again in English this time please....

You know the Libs are slipping off into deep end when they start off illiterate then are so upset by it that they can't even make a coherent sentence!
You know the Libs are slipping off into deep end when they start off illiterate then are so upset by it that they can't even make a coherent sentence!
I know, I read it three times and it still makes no sense at all. :lol:
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