Trump keeps another promise

Whoosh back in well. Lol, emails proved Hillary cheated against Sanders to win the nomination.

That had nothing to do with fraud at the ballot box.
Oh so it's all good if it's a Democrat cheating? They made sure Sanders didn't get the nomination. Hillary getting 3 million more voted proves there was fraud.

I don't want anyone cheating. Hillary cheated her way to the dem nomination, but her cheating had nothing to do with voter fraud. What was your point again?
So it's alright that she cheated as long as she didn't drive illegals to vote.

No, it's not alright that she cheated. Can you read?
Did you vote for her. If you did you didn't care.
...and creates a commission to look into voter fraud.
Trump's 'Voter Fraud' Investigation Is Actually Happening
The cheating stops now's all over. Integrity is coming back to the American electoral system. No more dead democrats, no more multiple voting, no more illegal aliens voting. It's all over. Sessions is in charge and large!
How can you claim there's integrity involved, when Trump fired the chief investigator? Are we supposed to believe whatever alt-facts hand-picked "investigators" give us? This is reminding me more and more of the last days of the Nixon administration.
How can you claim integrity, when Trump fired the chief investigator. Are we supposed to believe whatever alt-facts hand-picked "investigators" give us? This is reminding me more and more of the last days of the Nixon administration
He fired the FBI chief he did not fire the lead investigator, that person whoever it is is still on the case so don't worry your little snowflake heart. By the way, Comey was not good at being the head of the FBI, everyone agrees with that statement.
It will be very interesting to see just how badly dems lose elections without voter fraud.
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?
While you trumptards on cheering Trump on day after day about EO's, voter fraud and Comey, guess what? Just another day wasted on tax reform and repeal of obamacare. EO's didn't mean shit under obama and they don't mean shit under trump, most has to have legislation tied to them. Whoops congress isn't doing anything except recess after recess. But his certainly is a good show by trump and his supporter's who said Obama didn't do anything for 8 years. Well in 2 or 4 years I hope you will see through your lord god trumpie.
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

I want one of the plush committee jobs and just set on my ass and let trumpie's govt pay me.
I want one of the plush committee jobs and just set on my ass and let trumpie's govt pay me
No you are not qualified. The gooberment but sitters are the swamp and they are toast. So even if you were hired, your attitude would get you......FIRED! :badgrin:
There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup"
Oh there is plenty of proof of voter fraud, there is zero proof of a Russian/Trump collusion. Get it straight kid.
How can you claim integrity, when Trump fired the chief investigator. Are we supposed to believe whatever alt-facts hand-picked "investigators" give us? This is reminding me more and more of the last days of the Nixon administration
He fired the FBI chief he did not fire the lead investigator, that person whoever it is is still on the case so don't worry your little snowflake heart. By the way, Comey was not good at being the head of the FBI, everyone agrees with that statement.
If he can fire the chief, what are the investigators supposed to think, shortbus?
There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any. But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup"
Oh there is plenty of proof of voter fraud, there is zero proof of a Russian/Trump collusion. Get it straight kid.
Whatever fraud there may be, it doesn't compare to the seriousness of the president selling out to a foreign power
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

You say there's no proof of "wide spread" voter fraud, yesterday someone posted there was no "substantial" voter fraud. WTF, wasn't it a few months ago libs were saying there is absolutely no voter fraud?
You say there's no proof of "wide spread" voter fraud, yesterday someone posted there was no "substantial" voter fraud. WTF, wasn't it a few months ago libs were saying there is absolutely no voter fraud?
NO, no one with any sense ever said that. That's a RWNJ line.
You say there's no proof of "wide spread" voter fraud, yesterday someone posted there was no "substantial" voter fraud. WTF, wasn't it a few months ago libs were saying there is absolutely no voter fraud?
NO, no one with any sense ever said that. That's a RWNJ line.

Let me guess, reading comprehension is not one of your strong suits. Just for the heck of it read the post I was replying to...before making a fool of yourself.
There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup"
Oh there is plenty of proof of voter fraud, there is zero proof of a Russian/Trump collusion. Get it straight kid.

We have had voter fraud investigations.

In one of the most comprehensive investigations of fraud, Justin Levitt of Loyola Law School, Los Angeles turned up 31 credible instances of voter impersonation out of more than 1 billion votes cast between 2000 and 2014. Some of those cases may have been because of clerical errors. Levitt's investigation suggests that while voter impersonation does indeed happen, it happens so rarely that the rate is approximately one instance out of ever 32 million ballots cast. This is similar to the odds of getting “heads” 25 times in a row on a coin toss.

A five-year voter fraud investigation conducted by the George W. Bush administration “turned up virtually no evidence” of organized fraud, in the words of the New York Times. While the investigation did yield 86 criminal convictions as of 2006, many of those appear to have been linked to people misunderstanding eligibility rules or filling out paperwork incorrectly.

In 2014, a two-year investigation into voter fraud by Iowa's Republican secretary of state yielded 27 criminal charges, a number of which, again, were apparently related to mistakes or misunderstandings of voting rules.

Here are nine investigations on voter fraud that found virtually nothing

So, with voter fraud investigations it is a case of BTDT didn't even get a t-shirt.

Trump admin/Russia investigations have only just begun and already we have...

Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion, according to these people.

Comey’s Firing Came as Investigators Stepped Up Russia Probe
Actually what will be interesting is what your narrative will be when this commission doesn't turn up bupkis.
For that to happen they would have to want to not find anything and sorry pal that just ain't the case with this team. Senator Sessions has been showing proof of voter fraud on his webpage for years. How do you think Trump won? He scared the bejesus out of anyone that would even think of trying it in November. See the results?

There is no proof of wide spread voter fraud and they aren't going to find any.

But maybe I'll be able to file a claim for Federal money and hire some more people under the auspice of "voter cleanup" [emoji48]

ACORN and voter registration fraud - Ballotpedia

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