Trump Keeps Winning for America

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ME: The great deal maker Trump keeps winning for us regular Americans


Face it: The economy under Trump is great | Opinion

Here's the reality. By most traditional measures, the economy is stronger than it's been in over three decades, especially where job creation is concerned. Trump's policy of tax relief and deregulation—the president likes to brag his administration has eliminated more than a dozen regulations for each new one it has imposed—has led to the creation of the three most important things in U.S. politics: jobs, jobs and more jobs.

"On a scale of 1 to 10," economist Steve Moore recently wrote of the job market, "it's an 11."

Moore has it right. The unemployment rate soared above 9 percent during President Barack Obama's early years in office. Obama promised it would soon plateau at a manageable level if Congress would only approve his stimulus package to kick-start the public works projects we were all told were "shovel-ready." It did, but they weren't. And although unemployment began falling after 2010, as Moore wrote, "from January 2009 to December 2016, almost 10 million jobs were added, but amazingly, 1.6 million working-age people dropped out of the workforce."

Under Trump, unemployment has continued to go down and the labor force participation rate is rising, contrary to what the Congressional Budget Office predicted would be the continuing trend just as he came into office.

More people are working, and because real wages are rising, they have the "hope," finally, that Obama promised but found so hard to deliver. We're as close to full employment as economists in the 1970s and 1980s said we'd ever be.

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