Trump killed the children in Syria

Recently Trump sent a message to Assad that the US was not going to try to oust him. That was the permission slip Assad got from President Trump. Assad acted on that almost immediately with the chemical attacks.
Now Trump is lamenting (or pretending to lament) his disgraceful stupidity.

Trump Admits: White House Looked the Other Way During Assad’s Gas Attacks
Oh you! You're just upset because you weren't able to abort them. You people post more lies than I have ever seen in my life. If you really think this is Trumps fault, there is some serious medical issues you have left un-attended to.

Trump should npt have had to do a thing in Syria. Obama should've dealt with it years ago.

The deal to get rid of Assad's chemical weapons ended up being brokered by the Russians,

aka, Trump's best friends.

Just so run to a logical fallacy, awesome.
Un-Paralleled HYPOCRITES:

Snowflakes have spent every single day since their worst candidate in US history ever to run for President lost to Donald Trump bitching about how Russia tried to interfere in our elections (something Obama declared many nations do all the time)...yet remain silent at the fact that Barry attempted to undermine / overthrow 2 governments while he was in office - 2 of them allies / succeeding in 2 of the 4 attempts:

- Egypt, an ally: Obama helped the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over

- Libya: Obama helped the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) murder the leader who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorism in Northern Africa and take over the country.

- Israel, an ally: FAIL

- Syria: Fail, though we are still fighting his Un-Constitutional war to try to help ISIS take over.

AFTER calling al-Assad a WAR CRIMINAL, after condemning al-Assad for perpetrating WAR crimes, after bashing Syria and Russia before the U.N. - acts only f*ed up snowflakes could interpret as 'supporting' al-Assad, the Trump administration declared it was abandoning the FAILED OBAMA POLICY of regime change in Syria our top priority.

Again, you are too stupid, too partisan, and too filled with blind partisan hatred to understand that such a goal is NOT ATTAINABLE as long as Vladimir Putin and Russia remain determined to help keep al-Assad in power.

If it was at all attainable, wouldn't your 'messiah' have done so before leaving office? so either it is NOT attainable, OR you are saying Obama was too INCOMPETENT to get the job done!

Which is it dumbass?
'Trump killed the children in Syria'

This is the biggest partisan LIE you have ever told on this board, the biggest piece of propaganda BULLSHIT you have ever posted...and that is saying a lot.

Such historic, record-setting, exaggerated partisan bullshit has just cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left.

Thank you for Demonstrating how F*ed Up and how big of a LIAR snowflakes can be.
cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left
Sorry but I just did a spit take. You are saying a liberal, HAD some integrity and credibility? There is no way in hell a liberal has had those because in their(liberal) way, immorality is legal. They have no integrity and definitely NO credibility, which is why the Lame Stream Media has a lower rating than even Congress.....
He looked the other way? Bull. Another fake news story.
Who drew the redline and never did anything when they crossed it?Obama.
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal
President Barack Obama infamously drew a "red line" with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria only to back away from it, and we now know why.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, who recently wrote a book called "The Iran Wars," told MSNBC on Monday that the Obama administration's determination to close the Iran nuclear deal is to blame for the failure to act on its own red line in Syria.

"When the president announced his plans to attack [the Assad regime] and then pulled back, it was exactly the period in time when American negotiators were meeting with Iranian negotiators secretly in Oman to get the nuclear agreement," Solomon said.

"US and Iranian officials have both told me that they were basically communicating that if the US starts hitting President Assad's forces, Iran's closest Arab ally ... these talks cannot conclude."

Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?
So we should go to war? Trump has only been president for a couple of months. I know for a fact no matter what Trump did, it would be wrong in your eye's.

Trump has now drawn his own red line, so we'll see.

I'm an isolationist. I've made that abundantly clear.
I don't remember Trump drawing a red line, quit lying. So you want us to go to war?
That's right, you held Obama responsible when Syria crossed his red line and used chemical weapons and he did nothing about it. I forgot. Here are all your threads about it-


He looked the other way? Bull. Another fake news story.
Who drew the redline and never did anything when they crossed it?Obama.
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal
President Barack Obama infamously drew a "red line" with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria only to back away from it, and we now know why.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, who recently wrote a book called "The Iran Wars," told MSNBC on Monday that the Obama administration's determination to close the Iran nuclear deal is to blame for the failure to act on its own red line in Syria.

"When the president announced his plans to attack [the Assad regime] and then pulled back, it was exactly the period in time when American negotiators were meeting with Iranian negotiators secretly in Oman to get the nuclear agreement," Solomon said.

"US and Iranian officials have both told me that they were basically communicating that if the US starts hitting President Assad's forces, Iran's closest Arab ally ... these talks cannot conclude."

Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?
Children are dead in Syria from the latest chemical weapons attack because of 2 reasons and 2 reasons only:

1. President al-Assad:
He used chemical weapons on his own people.

2. ex-President Barak Obama:
His Syrian foreign policy was a complete failure. He bragged how HE was responsible for getting chemical weapons out of Syria. We just saw that was a LIE! he did NOT get the chemical weapons out of Syria. he left everything in place for them to build more and use them. He was PLAYED by both al-Assad and Putin! He f*ed up. he failed.

And now, as usual, snowflakes want to 'pass the buck' to protect the memory of their fallen 'messiah'.
'Trump killed the children in Syria'

This is the biggest partisan LIE you have ever told on this board, the biggest piece of propaganda BULLSHIT you have ever posted...and that is saying a lot.

Such historic, record-setting, exaggerated partisan bullshit has just cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left.

Thank you for Demonstrating how F*ed Up and how big of a LIAR snowflakes can be.
So prove him wrong.
That's right, you held Obama responsible when Syria crossed his red line and used chemical weapons and he did nothing about it. I forgot. Here are all your threads about it-
When Barry issued his 'Red Line' it still had not definitively - 100% - been proven whether al-Assad used them or the rebels had used captured weapons in an attempt to draw Barry / the US into the war.
When the evidence does surface that Assad did nothing of the sort the MSM will dissipate from the story like smoke.
However he seed will be planted in the minds of the sheeple at large. Mission accomplished.
'Trump killed the children in Syria'

This is the biggest partisan LIE you have ever told on this board, the biggest piece of propaganda BULLSHIT you have ever posted...and that is saying a lot.

Such historic, record-setting, exaggerated partisan bullshit has just cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left.

Thank you for Demonstrating how F*ed Up and how big of a LIAR snowflakes can be.
So prove him wrong.
There is nothing to PROVE wrong because there is nothing to prove Assad did it. There is no proof of any fault at this point. Just dead junior terrorists.
He looked the other way? Bull. Another fake news story.
Who drew the redline and never did anything when they crossed it?Obama.
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal
President Barack Obama infamously drew a "red line" with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria only to back away from it, and we now know why.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, who recently wrote a book called "The Iran Wars," told MSNBC on Monday that the Obama administration's determination to close the Iran nuclear deal is to blame for the failure to act on its own red line in Syria.

"When the president announced his plans to attack [the Assad regime] and then pulled back, it was exactly the period in time when American negotiators were meeting with Iranian negotiators secretly in Oman to get the nuclear agreement," Solomon said.

"US and Iranian officials have both told me that they were basically communicating that if the US starts hitting President Assad's forces, Iran's closest Arab ally ... these talks cannot conclude."

Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?
So Obama inherited the recession that Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd left him but Trump is at fault for what Obama left him? Just cant get more of a hypocrite than a liberal.
Why do I remember the propaganda media screaming for several past years, "US should stay out of middle East, they've done enough if a mess and if Obama goes to Syria Russia might shoot them down".

Then when they never got there for fear of a world war due to the situation the narcissist Putin created where they cannot do right, and Obama left office so he can't do anything, they all started screaming "See, he didn't do anything!":eek:
hypocrisy on display. our resident libs are all up in arms about Assad gassing some kids, but they don't care a bit about the millions of innocent black babies killed every year by planned parenthood.
He looked the other way? Bull. Another fake news story.
Who drew the redline and never did anything when they crossed it?Obama.
Obama reportedly declined to enforce red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal
President Barack Obama infamously drew a "red line" with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria only to back away from it, and we now know why.

Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, who recently wrote a book called "The Iran Wars," told MSNBC on Monday that the Obama administration's determination to close the Iran nuclear deal is to blame for the failure to act on its own red line in Syria.

"When the president announced his plans to attack [the Assad regime] and then pulled back, it was exactly the period in time when American negotiators were meeting with Iranian negotiators secretly in Oman to get the nuclear agreement," Solomon said.

"US and Iranian officials have both told me that they were basically communicating that if the US starts hitting President Assad's forces, Iran's closest Arab ally ... these talks cannot conclude."

Do you know what year it is? Do you know who's president?
So Obama inherited the recession that Barney Frank, Maxine Waters and Chris Dodd left him but Trump is at fault for what Obama left him? Just cant get more of a hypocrite than a liberal.
I used to think back in '04 treat neocons and the sheeple that followed them were idiots. They have NOTHING on the shitlibs of '17.
Yes because Assad was a peaceful and benevolent leader who treated his people with love and kindness before that. This really is taking partisan idiocy to levels we have never seen.
hypocrisy on display. our resident libs are all up in arms about Assad gassing some kids, but they don't care a bit about the millions of innocent black babies killed every year by planned parenthood.
Oh trust me...they dont care about Syrians either. They SURE as shit didnt care about dead kids when Nigbama was blowing the shit out of Yemen and Pakistan with drones. Hussshhhhhh.
'Trump killed the children in Syria'

This is the biggest partisan LIE you have ever told on this board, the biggest piece of propaganda BULLSHIT you have ever posted...and that is saying a lot.

Such historic, record-setting, exaggerated partisan bullshit has just cost you every bit of integrity and credibility you may have had left.

Thank you for Demonstrating how F*ed Up and how big of a LIAR snowflakes can be.
So prove him wrong.
There is nothing to PROVE wrong because there is nothing to prove Assad did it. There is no proof of any fault at this point. Just dead junior terrorists.
Yes, he does sound like a great man. With a sole right next to Russia and Iran to fly in Syria...
So prove him wrong.
It's already been done....numerous times. There is no evidence to substantiate / support such an unparalleled LIE. Only a dain bramaged idiot would pause a 2nd to consider that statement.
Yes because Assad was a peaceful and benevolent leader who treated his people with love and kindness before that. This really is taking partisan idiocy to levels we have never seen.
Yes because sarcastically invoking the name of Assad justifies his nations destruction.
So prove him wrong.
It's already been done....numerous times. There is no evidence to substantiate / support such an unparalleled LIE. Only a dain bramaged idiot would pause a 2nd to consider that statement.
Do it again. We haven't seen. We have the right to know the truth. If you possess it, deliver it. It's your citizen duty.

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