Trump Killing the GOP

The GOP is meaningless now anyway.
Not quite, Sarah. People are looking at these candidates and making up their own mind instead of being told who to vote for. Independents and all voters are fed up. Looking for someone to turn things around.
30% of voters vote Republican ALL the time.
30% of voters vote Democrat ALL the time.
If 40% are fed up they WILL go to the MOST fed up person NOT the party. And that just happens to be who Trump is stirring. The 'fed up".

If he can just capture a majority of the "fed up's" he COULD win.
I really can't see him getting the nomination. He's too crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. I thought it was interesting that he did not enter the Presidential View from CSPAN last night. I think there is a gaffe vulnerability with him.

People like what he has do I...but I want my president to have a diplomatic side to him.
If he takes a high enough percentage of the "fed ups" he COULD be king maker. I look for at least one if not two Republicans to get harder on immigration to take some points. That's how he got them and that is the only way they will get them.
You need to go after the people that hire illegals.

We have an illegal employer problem in this country. Could Canadians blame us if Canadian business's paid us $500k a year? Wouldn't you go?
The GOP is meaningless now anyway.
Not quite, Sarah. People are looking at these candidates and making up their own mind instead of being told who to vote for. Independents and all voters are fed up. Looking for someone to turn things around.
30% of voters vote Republican ALL the time.
30% of voters vote Democrat ALL the time.
If 40% are fed up they WILL go to the MOST fed up person NOT the party. And that just happens to be who Trump is stirring. The 'fed up".

If he can just capture a majority of the "fed up's" he COULD win.
I really can't see him getting the nomination. He's too crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. I thought it was interesting that he did not enter the Presidential View from CSPAN last night. I think there is a gaffe vulnerability with him.

People like what he has do I...but I want my president to have a diplomatic side to him.
Crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. Now we know why he's doing so well with conservatives.
The GOP is meaningless now anyway.
Not quite, Sarah. People are looking at these candidates and making up their own mind instead of being told who to vote for. Independents and all voters are fed up. Looking for someone to turn things around.
30% of voters vote Republican ALL the time.
30% of voters vote Democrat ALL the time.
If 40% are fed up they WILL go to the MOST fed up person NOT the party. And that just happens to be who Trump is stirring. The 'fed up".

If he can just capture a majority of the "fed up's" he COULD win.
I really can't see him getting the nomination. He's too crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. I thought it was interesting that he did not enter the Presidential View from CSPAN last night. I think there is a gaffe vulnerability with him.

People like what he has do I...but I want my president to have a diplomatic side to him.
Crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. Now we know why he's doing so well with conservatives.

yeah, all the poor blacks, whites and hispanics I argue with are all conservatives.

grow the f()ck up
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.
Just because he is successful doesn't mean that he is happy with the direction of the country.
What is his plan to help the poor and middle class? What's yours?
When you have a question about where a candidate stands, it's best to go to their website, then see if they talk the talk in debates and interviews.
I could give you my views, but would that help you decide on who to vote for?
Only active party members fall in love during the primaries. Regular voters have no allegiance or love for a primary candidate until after or around big Tuesday. People follow the's as simple as that the juggernauts of campaigns on a roll. The big momentum.

You are still caught up in imagining you actually know what you are talking about
Free yourself. give it up. Listen and watch and learn or forever remain ignorant and ill informed
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.

he fudges his own's in a deposition .. he admits it

wait --- the ads that will eventually come out attacking his bullshit .. if he stays in.

I predict he may drop out before he allows Super PACS to destroy the Trump Brand. If he stays in he's a celebrity as well as a politician. His brand will sink like a stone
I don't think they can hurt him. The corporate media can focus on his divorses, bankruptcies and hiring illegals to not let him win but I'd watch the next celebrity apprentice.
My guess is that Trump has very little chance of actually winning either the Nomination or the Presidency.

He's too much of a loose cannon and serves-up far too many knee-jerk reactions to be entrusted with the Life of the Republic and its People.

Nevertheless, while he persists, he serves a useful function.

He makes Professional Politicians cringe, and he shows them how fed-up America is, with their greed and corruption and dynasties and good-old-boy networks and with their meaningless and gutless soothing words, as they back down from challenge after challenge, and as they pander and whore-themselves-out for votes from various blocs.

Anything (or anyone) that makes these Professional Political Putains cringe and think twice and coax-up some nerve of their own, strikes me as a good thing.

So... here's to Trump's eventual defeat... but here's to him staying in the race for a very long time, before he bails out, so that we may obtain the best possible yield from him, in browbeating our Professional Politicians, and, just maybe, instilling some Balls and some Tell-It-Like-It-Really-Is, into a few of them.

Thanks, Donald... you're doing a great job in that context... and providing us with First-Class Entertainment, as these bastards squirm... keep it up... much obliged.
The GOP is meaningless now anyway.
Not quite, Sarah. People are looking at these candidates and making up their own mind instead of being told who to vote for. Independents and all voters are fed up. Looking for someone to turn things around.
30% of voters vote Republican ALL the time.
30% of voters vote Democrat ALL the time.
If 40% are fed up they WILL go to the MOST fed up person NOT the party. And that just happens to be who Trump is stirring. The 'fed up".

If he can just capture a majority of the "fed up's" he COULD win.
I really can't see him getting the nomination. He's too crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. I thought it was interesting that he did not enter the Presidential View from CSPAN last night. I think there is a gaffe vulnerability with him.

People like what he has do I...but I want my president to have a diplomatic side to him.
Crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. Now we know why he's doing so well with conservatives.
Negative. Citizens ave waited decades for a border to the south. How many are talking about achieving that as on of the first accomplishments. He even said he'd make Mexico pay for it, lol. I think if anyone could do that, it would be Trump, lol.
The GOP is meaningless now anyway.
Not quite, Sarah. People are looking at these candidates and making up their own mind instead of being told who to vote for. Independents and all voters are fed up. Looking for someone to turn things around.
30% of voters vote Republican ALL the time.
30% of voters vote Democrat ALL the time.
If 40% are fed up they WILL go to the MOST fed up person NOT the party. And that just happens to be who Trump is stirring. The 'fed up".

If he can just capture a majority of the "fed up's" he COULD win.
I really can't see him getting the nomination. He's too crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. I thought it was interesting that he did not enter the Presidential View from CSPAN last night. I think there is a gaffe vulnerability with him.

People like what he has do I...but I want my president to have a diplomatic side to him.
Crass, arrogant and talks without thinking. Now we know why he's doing so well with conservatives.
Negative. Citizens ave waited decades for a border to the south. How many are talking about achieving that as on of the first accomplishments. He even said he'd make Mexico pay for it, lol. I think if anyone could do that, it would be Trump, lol.
He DID release his plan to do that. If they don't quit sending ILLEGALS he CUTS money from their aid package they get every year. So it's a matter of what the Mexican government wants worse. Money or people gone.
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.

he fudges his own's in a deposition .. he admits it

wait --- the ads that will eventually come out attacking his bullshit .. if he stays in.

I predict he may drop out before he allows Super PACS to destroy the Trump Brand. If he stays in he's a celebrity as well as a politician. His brand will sink like a stone
I don't think they can hurt him. The corporate media can focus on his divorses, bankruptcies and hiring illegals to not let him win but I'd watch the next celebrity apprentice.
My thought on divorces...that is the honest way of cleaning up a bad relationship. Infidelity is the dishonest was of achieving freedom to act the way you want.
Bankruptcies...same thing. Stop throwing good money after bad. That's precisely what we are doing in America. Too many failed or duplicative federal programs.
Show me where he knowingly hired illegals, then we'll talk about it.
My guess is that Trump has very little chance of actually winning either the Nomination or the Presidency.

He's too much of a loose cannon and serves-up far too many knee-jerk reactions to be entrusted with the Life of the Republic and its People.

Nevertheless, while he persists, he serves a useful function.

He makes Professional Politicians cringe, and he shows them how fed-up America is, with their greed and corruption and dynasties and good-old-boy networks and with their meaningless and gutless soothing words, as they back down from challenge after challenge, and as they pander and whore-themselves-out for votes from various blocs.

Anything (or anyone) that makes these Professional Political Putains cringe and think twice and coax-up some nerve of their own, strikes me as a good thing.

So... here's to Trump's eventual defeat... but here's to him staying in the race for a very long time, before he bails out, so that we may obtain the best possible yield from him, in browbeating our Professional Politicians, and, just maybe, instilling some Balls and some Tell-It-Like-It-Really-Is, into a few of them.

Thanks, Donald... you're doing a great job in that context... and providing us with First-Class Entertainment, as these bastards squirm... keep it up... much obliged.
Can I ask you why the people in your district vote for such corrupt politicians? Are you all stupid? Or is your rep one of the good ones?

Where do your elected officials come from? Do they come from American families? Arent most of our elected officials Christians? So they go to church every week? Yet they are scumbags? Interesting.
Interesting article although I'm not sure if I understood the why's for the discrepency.
It gets a bit convoluted. Nate Cohn is not one f my favorite spankers (youngsters) writing for the NYT. He's speaking in hypothetical(s) about hypothetical court decisions on hypothetical cases.

It's funny you said something about his age. Thought his picture was that of a high school kid...
Thanks, Donald... you're doing a great job in that context... and providing us with First-Class Entertainment, as these bastards squirm... keep it up... much obliged.
prime example of a misanthropic troglodyte who feeds the kind of sentiment that allows a Trump to be taken this seriously
"Misanthropic troglodyte"?

Cool... one of the funnier Lefty Labels I've encountered in some time... I'll have to remember that one... thanks.

You are, apparently, content with the limp, flacid, gutless, nutless collection of Political Clones, Scions, Panderers and Vote-Whores now vying for our attention.

Judging by the results of recent polls, much of the country is not, and is enjoying this brief interlude, while Trump does some good, in showing them up for the gutless wonders they are, before time and circumstances and the common sense of the American People, oblige him to leave the race.

All your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Sucks to be you, in this narrow context, I'm sure.

Not my problem.
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I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You are correct on your vote count history. 2014 though saw the largest single off year defeat in fifty years plus. Not going to be a Bush OR Clinton this time as EITHER could make voters bolt FROM the party. Trump is getting support NOT based on his politics but based on the fact he is fed up.

And a majority of Americans as a whole from BOTH parties are fed up as well.
Why is trump fed up? He went from $1 billion to $10 billion.

he fudges his own's in a deposition .. he admits it

wait --- the ads that will eventually come out attacking his bullshit .. if he stays in.

I predict he may drop out before he allows Super PACS to destroy the Trump Brand. If he stays in he's a celebrity as well as a politician. His brand will sink like a stone
I don't think they can hurt him. The corporate media can focus on his divorses, bankruptcies and hiring illegals to not let him win but I'd watch the next celebrity apprentice.

Some of us know The Donald from way back when...he has a history and a past that has never been fully put out there. Politics is a contact sport and being a bullshit artist and a bully he has forgotten where he came from.

Super PAC attacks ads can and are brutal. Forget his marriages and personal life -- his business dealings. There is his Achilles heel

but will we get to that? He's never been challenged to his \face on a stage. I am sure the rest of the field is so stupid they will lose sight of the fact that the Dragon has a weak spot. They are too worried about the horse race this early out

shame. Wish I was close to a campaign. I'd help destroy that cowardly draft dodging fuck
Interesting article although I'm not sure if I understood the why's for the discrepency.
It gets a bit convoluted. Nate Cohn is not one f my favorite spankers (youngsters) writing for the NYT. He's speaking in hypothetical(s) about hypothetical court decisions on hypothetical cases.

It's funny you said something about his age. Thought his picture was that of a high school kid...
anyone under 50

Thanks, Donald... you're doing a great job in that context... and providing us with First-Class Entertainment, as these bastards squirm... keep it up... much obliged.
prime example of a misanthropic troglodyte who feeds the kind of sentiment that allows a Trump to be taken this seriously
"Misanthropic troglodyte"?

Cool... one of the funnier Lefty Labels I've encountered in some time... I'll have to remember that one... thanks.

You are, apparently, content with the limp, flacid, gutless, nutless collection of Political Clones, Scions, Panderers and Vote-Whores now vying for our attention.

Judging by the results of recent polls, much of the country is not, and is enjoying this brief interlude, while Trump does some good, in showing them up for the gutless wonders they are, before time and circumstances and the common sense of the American People, oblige him to leave the race.

All your protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Sucks to be you, in this narrow context, I'm sure.

Not my problem.

Content? No. Realistic and pragmatic? Of course. This far out -- the American public is never overly interested or invested. Summer vacations. We'd need a serious depression to wake that beast out of it's slumber

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