Trump Killing the GOP

Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Trump announced Lindsay Graham's phone number. Graham made a stupid video of him destroying his phone.

Gawker got Trump's private cell number and published it. Trump put a campaign message on his phone. Call away. That was VERY neatly done. It wouldn't have gone better had Trump paid Gawker.

Trump is one step ahead of everyone else.

seriously? First of all your gotcha is Trump against Gawker and last I checked Gawker was not on the list of candidates.

Trump is ahead in attention grabbing. So were Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann?
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Why are you willing to "fall in line" YOUR WORDS with a liar?
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.

25% in a field of 17 is quite a bit more impressive than 25% in a field of 2 and 3 nobodies.

Not really.

It is all the same relative amount of support.

The Republicans numbers will change rapidity as the field narrows.

The fact that a forth of the Moon Bats are choosing Sanders instead of The Hildabeast now is actually significant considering that Sanders is as off the wall as they come.

Ahem! Nobody has chosen anyone yet

just thought you might like a reality check
I predict a Biden/Sanders ticket before this is all done.
His entering would at the very least disrupt her numbers if not destroy them. And if anyone has NOT noticed yet Obozo has not endorsed Hillary as yet NOR the AFL-CIO. So there may well be something in the works and I think that something is Biden.
I apologize for newcomers to usmb for having to view this above post by DarkFury who is anything but dark and furious. He's more like warm diarrhea in a Dixie Cup
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Why are you willing to "fall in line" YOUR WORDS with a liar?
Because she's not one of the 12 dwarfs.

I'll go with Bernie for now but ultimately I remember you guys didn't care when Alberto Gonzales couldn't recall and bush deleted emails. Now you care? And you supported bush when he lied us to war.

You care about a bj? What lie did hillary tell? Have you ever seen Glass houses buddy.

25% in a field of 17 is quite a bit more impressive than 25% in a field of 2 and 3 nobodies.

Not really.

It is all the same relative amount of support.

The Republicans numbers will change rapidity as the field narrows.

The fact that a forth of the Moon Bats are choosing Sanders instead of The Hildabeast now is actually significant considering that Sanders is as off the wall as they come.

Ahem! Nobody has chosen anyone yet

just thought you might like a reality check
I predict a Biden/Sanders ticket before this is all done.
His entering would at the very least disrupt her numbers if not destroy them. And if anyone has NOT noticed yet Obozo has not endorsed Hillary as yet NOR the AFL-CIO. So there may well be something in the works and I think that something is Biden.
I apologize for newcomers to usmb for having to view this above post by DarkFury who is anything but dark and furious. He's more like warm diarrhea in a Dixie Cup
You just keep drinking from that cup lil fella. Go ahead now.
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Only active party members fall in love during the primaries. Regular voters have no allegiance or love for a primary candidate until after or around big Tuesday. People follow the's as simple as that the juggernauts of campaigns on a roll. The big momentum.

You are still caught up in imagining you actually know what you are talking about
Free yourself. give it up. Listen and watch and learn or forever remain ignorant and ill informed

25% in a field of 17 is quite a bit more impressive than 25% in a field of 2 and 3 nobodies.

Not really.

It is all the same relative amount of support.

The Republicans numbers will change rapidity as the field narrows.

The fact that a forth of the Moon Bats are choosing Sanders instead of The Hildabeast now is actually significant considering that Sanders is as off the wall as they come.

Ahem! Nobody has chosen anyone yet

just thought you might like a reality check
I predict a Biden/Sanders ticket before this is all done.
His entering would at the very least disrupt her numbers if not destroy them. And if anyone has NOT noticed yet Obozo has not endorsed Hillary as yet NOR the AFL-CIO. So there may well be something in the works and I think that something is Biden.
I apologize for newcomers to usmb for having to view this above post by DarkFury who is anything but dark and furious. He's more like warm diarrhea in a Dixie Cup
Please stop apologizing to newcomers. I've seen you do this before and it makes you seem really douchy.
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Why are you willing to "fall in line" YOUR WORDS with a liar?
Because she's not one of the 12 dwarfs.

I'll go with Bernie for now but ultimately I remember you guys didn't care when Alberto Gonzales couldn't recall and bush deleted emails. Now you care? And you supported bush when he lied us to war.

You care about a bj? What lie did hillary tell? Have you ever seen Glass houses buddy.
When it comes to your liberty she is the Ogre under the bridge in "Billy Goat Gruff".
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Only active party members fall in love during the primaries. Regular voters have no allegiance or love for a primary candidate until after or around big Tuesday. People follow the's as simple as that the juggernauts of campaigns on a roll. The big momentum.

You are still caught up in imagining you actually know what you are talking about
Free yourself. give it up. Listen and watch and learn or forever remain ignorant and ill informed
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Oh please! Whenever a pocket constitution patriot mentions 'liberty' you know we've entered the Rubber Room
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Oh please! Whenever a pocket constitution patriot mentions 'liberty' you know we've entered the Rubber Room
When you KNOW the party picks seven years PRIOR to you having a say? That's communist control page one paragraph one.
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Nope. You knew who your nominee would be 8 years in advance when hw bush was VP. We knew gore would be.

Unfortunately Chaney and biden werent electable.
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Nope. You knew who your nominee would be 8 years in advance when hw bush was VP. We knew gore would be.

Unfortunately Chaney and biden werent electable.
Biden looks a lot better this time around for you. I think you would be mistaken to count him out.
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Only active party members fall in love during the primaries. Regular voters have no allegiance or love for a primary candidate until after or around big Tuesday. People follow the's as simple as that the juggernauts of campaigns on a roll. The big momentum.

You are still caught up in imagining you actually know what you are talking about
Free yourself. give it up. Listen and watch and learn or forever remain ignorant and ill informed
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Nope. You knew who your nominee would be 8 years in advance when hw bush was VP. We knew gore would be.

Unfortunately Chaney and biden werent electable.
Biden looks a lot better this time around for you. I think you would be mistaken to count him out.
You'd love that.

Tell you what conservabiches. You worry about who you're gonna run. And when its jeb I'll come back and say I told you so. K?
Another Alinsky post? Polls indicate that not only are democrats not excited about Mrs. Clinton's campaign but her negatives among democrats are about 2-1. That is a killing poll.
How excited do you want us to be August 2015? We've known who are nominee would be for 7 years. Don't worry we will vote for hillary over any Republican running. Women, you people, blacks, Hispanics.

This is going to be bad for whoever runs against her.
You ever stop to think what a sad statement that is in regards to your liberty?
Oh please! Whenever a pocket constitution patriot mentions 'liberty' you know we've entered the Rubber Room
When you KNOW the party picks seven years PRIOR to you having a say? That's communist control page one paragraph one.

Party picks? :cuckoo:

Parties have primaries. No one can predict who the candidates will be let alone who will win. Deaths, scandals, illnesses.... real life intervenes and it's never fair
Trump has about 25% of the Republican support.

That commie shitass Bernie Sanders has about the same amount of Moon Bat support.

If Trump is destroying the Republicans with 25% isn't that Looney Tune idiot Sanders destroying the Moon Bat Party?
Nope. Hillary is still our nominee. You never know though. I'd support Bernie over hillary.

Primaries are when you fall in love. When they're over, fall in line.
Only active party members fall in love during the primaries. Regular voters have no allegiance or love for a primary candidate until after or around big Tuesday. People follow the's as simple as that the juggernauts of campaigns on a roll. The big momentum.

You are still caught up in imagining you actually know what you are talking about
Free yourself. give it up. Listen and watch and learn or forever remain ignorant and ill informed
I would argue with you but 2000 gore V Bush proved you right. I thought I knew what would happen and was wrong. Same when Bush beat John Kerry for his second term. I was shocked again. Just as shocked as McCain and Romney were to lose to a black man

In 2008 the early consensus was that it was any Democrats race to lose. This more than anything informed Obama's decision to challenge the Clinton machine.

In 2006, Rahm Emmanuel and the DCCC almost single-handedly handed over a Democratic Congress to any future Democratic President

In 2004 I was with the principles of the Kerry campaign on election night. I was not as shocked as most. Next day I was like -- move on.

2000 - The media put together a consortium to look into who would have won and who did win electorally and with the popular vote. Surprise is that if team Bush had their way on how to count votes, Gore would have won. If team Gore had their way -- yep, opposite effect. And even better, depending on how votes and hanging chads and competing counties were totaled up -- no clear cut decision.

So, Dante always considers people who claim Bush or Gore won in 2000 as complete and utter ignoramuses who never followed up on the event
You remember it how you want. Wrong.

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