Trump Killing the GOP

what year is it leftard?
You are not a conservative, kid. Bush was incredibly unpopular in Europe throughout his presidency. Obama is far more popular right now than Bush was back then. One, your statement is false about Obama, and you are willing to lie about it. Two, you are willing to flame with no content. That will last only so long.
America's European "Allies" Desert Obama, Join China-led ...
Zero Hedge
Mar 17, 2015 - As Forbes notes, this leaves Obama with 3 uncomfortable options. ... and Italy have now all agreed to join the development bank as 'pivot to Asia' appears to be Plan B for Europe. ..... OPTION 4 : Get Goldman's to crash the chinese economy. .... If destroying America is his plan, is his policy really a failure?
Obama's economic plan fails to stimulate some Europeans
The Arizona Republic
Mar 11, 2009 - Obama's economic plan fails to stimulate some Europeans, European leaders balk at his call for other countries to match his administration's attempt to ... as he is doing at home, in hopes of encouraging demand that will get their economies rolling. ... This week, they pushed back against Obama's plan
Fine. What is BHO's popularity with foreigners? You are giving information but no numbers.
Those are pretty good numbers, period. You did not read them, did you? And they are almost four years old. Have anything else.

There's always the kid's table forum. <snicker> The election is going to be an international embarrassment.

obama is an international embarrassment leftard

Since I come from aboard and have proven in another thread that Obama has changed US image abroad in a positive way.

Actually in the 28 odd pages of abuse (including a lot of personal) no one really challenged that Obama has been more popular than Bush.

But the main thing was the point - The GOP is the laughing stock of the world.
Not one RWer could say that they weren't with any proof. The GOP version of anti-science, anti-Iran Deal, war mongering, polluting, anti global deals..... makes them a laughing stock...

The GOP actively try and reduce US influence around the world. Look at what embarrassment Tom Cotton made of him in Iran, 'I am not scientist but....'.....

I want to thank Trump, he is just showing how dumb they are.

the problem with idiots like you is you actually think you should be taken seriously

picture that!!! lmao

It is hard to take a poster like you seriously because you have to resort to posting old obsolete links and apparently make your analysis and current political observations on this outdated material. A report or link going back six months or several years can not give one an up to date realistic view of a topics current status.
There's always the kid's table forum. <snicker> The election is going to be an international embarrassment.

obama is an international embarrassment leftard

Since I come from aboard and have proven in another thread that Obama has changed US image abroad in a positive way.

Actually in the 28 odd pages of abuse (including a lot of personal) no one really challenged that Obama has been more popular than Bush.

But the main thing was the point - The GOP is the laughing stock of the world.
Not one RWer could say that they weren't with any proof. The GOP version of anti-science, anti-Iran Deal, war mongering, polluting, anti global deals..... makes them a laughing stock...

The GOP actively try and reduce US influence around the world. Look at what embarrassment Tom Cotton made of him in Iran, 'I am not scientist but....'.....

I want to thank Trump, he is just showing how dumb they are.

Actually I was in Kuala Lumpur when republicans sent the letter to Iran. After my meeting I was asked regarding the letter. How can your senators do this to your own president? I was stunned and embarrassed.
My only answer was, it's politics.
Trump is EXPLODING the GOP. If he is doing anything, he is either 1) RESURRECTING the long-dead party or 2) tossing in the last few shovels of dirt on the corpse in the grave.

Let's face it - there is no longer a difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Last November the American people handed the Democrats a defeat of HISTORICAL proportion. Since then the GOP has continued doing the very things that got the Democrats defeated so soundly, proving pretty much that there is no difference between the two and exposing the growing lack of representation of American citizens from our Washington career politicians, no matter what side of the aisles they sit on.

Trump has tapped into the sheer anger, not just from the GOP constituents but from the Democrats as well. Be honest, Liberals were partly beaten SO SOUNDLY last election becuase the Liberal base was so thoroughly disgusted with their own politicians that they did not come out to the polls. The GOP was not handed any kind of mandate - It was not about SUPPORTING / PREFERRING the GOP! The Democrats were 'punished'. Boehner, McConnell, and the rest of the Washington Establishment GOP did not see it for what it was but instead just saw the power they had just been handed, believing now they could do anything they wanted.

Americans on both sides of the aisle are P.O.ed, tired of being ignored while multi-millionaire political elitist ignore Americans and engage in their own agendas that are designed to 1) get them re-elected, 2) protect their own power/profit/prestiege, and 3) do whatever profits themselves and the people who helped get them their the most. This is why NON-political / career politicians are leading. THIS is exactly why Trump is currently running away with it. People have been BEGGING for blunt honesty, for someone to champion THEIR causes, to end political correctness, & to have some [email protected] is the 1st example of the GOP having any of that in decades.

In turn, the Washington Establishment has two choices: 1) Learn the lesson of all of this and why Trump is so popular..and adapt to it / wake up OR 2) They can see Trump as a threat because he does something they don't - champion and represent the people, and they can attempt to attack and destroy him. Since he currently represents most all of what Americans are looking for right now, if they do that they will only P.O. people even more, cause them to flock to Trump more, and cause them to abandon the existing GOP.
Trump is EXPLODING the GOP. If he is doing anything, he is either 1) RESURRECTING the long-dead party or 2) tossing in the last few shovels of dirt on the corpse in the grave.

Let's face it - there is no longer a difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Last November the American people handed the Democrats a defeat of HISTORICAL proportion. Since then the GOP has continued doing the very things that got the Democrats defeated so soundly, proving pretty much that there is no difference between the two and exposing the growing lack of representation of American citizens from our Washington career politicians, no matter what side of the aisles they sit on.

Trump has tapped into the sheer anger, not just from the GOP constituents but from the Democrats as well. Be honest, Liberals were partly beaten SO SOUNDLY last election becuase the Liberal base was so thoroughly disgusted with their own politicians that they did not come out to the polls. The GOP was not handed any kind of mandate - It was not about SUPPORTING / PREFERRING the GOP! The Democrats were 'punished'. Boehner, McConnell, and the rest of the Washington Establishment GOP did not see it for what it was but instead just saw the power they had just been handed, believing now they could do anything they wanted.

Americans on both sides of the aisle are P.O.ed, tired of being ignored while multi-millionaire political elitist ignore Americans and engage in their own agendas that are designed to 1) get them re-elected, 2) protect their own power/profit/prestiege, and 3) do whatever profits themselves and the people who helped get them their the most. This is why NON-political / career politicians are leading. THIS is exactly why Trump is currently running away with it. People have been BEGGING for blunt honesty, for someone to champion THEIR causes, to end political correctness, & to have some [email protected] is the 1st example of the GOP having any of that in decades.

In turn, the Washington Establishment has two choices: 1) Learn the lesson of all of this and why Trump is so popular..and adapt to it / wake up OR 2) They can see Trump as a threat because he does something they don't - champion and represent the people, and they can attempt to attack and destroy him. Since he currently represents most all of what Americans are looking for right now, if they do that they will only P.O. people even more, cause them to flock to Trump more, and cause them to abandon the existing GOP.

Oh brother. are you taking creative writing or something in junior high school?
my gawd why are you people such blowhards?
Trump is EXPLODING the GOP. If he is doing anything, he is either 1) RESURRECTING the long-dead party or 2) tossing in the last few shovels of dirt on the corpse in the grave.

Let's face it - there is no longer a difference between the Republicans and Democrats. Last November the American people handed the Democrats a defeat of HISTORICAL proportion. Since then the GOP has continued doing the very things that got the Democrats defeated so soundly, proving pretty much that there is no difference between the two and exposing the growing lack of representation of American citizens from our Washington career politicians, no matter what side of the aisles they sit on.

Trump has tapped into the sheer anger, not just from the GOP constituents but from the Democrats as well. Be honest, Liberals were partly beaten SO SOUNDLY last election becuase the Liberal base was so thoroughly disgusted with their own politicians that they did not come out to the polls. The GOP was not handed any kind of mandate - It was not about SUPPORTING / PREFERRING the GOP! The Democrats were 'punished'. Boehner, McConnell, and the rest of the Washington Establishment GOP did not see it for what it was but instead just saw the power they had just been handed, believing now they could do anything they wanted.

Americans on both sides of the aisle are P.O.ed, tired of being ignored while multi-millionaire political elitist ignore Americans and engage in their own agendas that are designed to 1) get them re-elected, 2) protect their own power/profit/prestiege, and 3) do whatever profits themselves and the people who helped get them their the most. This is why NON-political / career politicians are leading. THIS is exactly why Trump is currently running away with it. People have been BEGGING for blunt honesty, for someone to champion THEIR causes, to end political correctness, & to have some [email protected] is the 1st example of the GOP having any of that in decades.

In turn, the Washington Establishment has two choices: 1) Learn the lesson of all of this and why Trump is so popular..and adapt to it / wake up OR 2) They can see Trump as a threat because he does something they don't - champion and represent the people, and they can attempt to attack and destroy him. Since he currently represents most all of what Americans are looking for right now, if they do that they will only P.O. people even more, cause them to flock to Trump more, and cause them to abandon the existing GOP.

Oh brother. are you taking creative writing or something in junior high school?
my gawd why are you people such blowhards?

Then let me put it simply:

Americans have turned to Trump because they are mad and tired of lying, cheating, self-promoting, cowardly RINOS who show no difference between themselves and Liberals while refusing to represent the people, uphold the Constitution, and enforce the Rule of Law. That is also why Bernie Sanders is leading hillary.
What can stop Trump from being the GOP nominee?
Republican voters who will not vote for Trump. He has a minority of potential voters. No votes have been cast as of yet. He will not win the nomination nor will he be selected at any GOP convention

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