Trump Knocks Israel Days after Worst Terror Attack in Country’s History

Bibi is just as corrupt as Trump by the way. Even Bibi's wife is corrupt. But besides that. Trump was not right to do this

The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to an episode that has renewed questions about how the White House handles sensitive intelligence.

Israel is one of the United States’ most important allies and runs one of the most active espionage networks in the Middle East. Mr. Trump’s boasting about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries and raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the region.
Everyone knows that Trump likes to brag, that is typical of a man who is as amazing as Trump is --but he didn't mean any harm and everyone needs to learn how to relax.....Russia is actually more of our ally than the "left" will admit.....and we should be thankful to Trump for helping to bring peace between our 2 countries.

"Former President Donald Trump has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of betraying him just before “Israel was going to do this with us, and it was being planned and working on it for months,” he said about the coordination to kill [URL='']Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force. “We had everything all set to go, and the night before it happened, I got a call that Israel will not be participating in this attack.”“Nobody’s heard this story before,” Trump said. “They didn’t tell us why.” “I’ll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down,” he said. “We were disappointed by that. Very disappointed,” he said. “But we did the job ourselves, with absolute precision … and then Bibi tried to take credit for it.”

This might explain the intelligence failure because both countries stopped sharing information.
Trump told Fox News that Netanyahu had not been prepared for the attack, which seems to be the case, but boasted Israel would have been safe had he been president, and then alleged in a speech to supporters that the prime minister "let us down" during the 2020 drone strike killing of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani while also praising Hezbollah as "very smart."

Disgusting. And typical.
Everyone knows that Trump likes to brag, that is typical of a man who is as amazing as Trump is --but he didn't mean any harm and everyone needs to learn how to relax.....Russia is actually more of our ally than the "left" will admit.....and we should be thankful to Trump for helping to bring peace between our 2 countries.
Wow. Reagan just rolled over in his grave.

This is typical of a person who shouldn't even be put in a position of authority.
Everyone knows that Trump likes to brag, that is typical of a man who is as amazing as Trump is --but he didn't mean any harm and everyone needs to learn how to relax.....Russia is actually more of our ally than the "left" will admit.....and we should be thankful to Trump for helping to bring peace between our 2 countries.

If you went to work for Trump, how long do you think you would last? And why doesn't he find more guys like you?
This might explain the intelligence failure because both countries stopped sharing information.
We have not quite established if it was an intelligence failure on the part of Israel

Maybe the failure was more so a coordinated attack between Iran, the US and Hamas

There are many reports that Biden is the one who ordered this attack
If you went to work for Trump, how long do you think you would last? And why doesn't he find more guys like you?
Over 200 million Americans support he will always have people willing to work for him because he stands for America
Already two threads on this lol

I bet you wish Biden would slip and fall so that would be the news of your day.

What Trump says should matter. He's your front runner. How do you think he's doing? Will his poll numbers go up tomorrow?
Over 200 million Americans support he will always have people willing to work for him because he stands for America

Our latest survey of the contest shows Trump backed by 61% of potential Republican primary voters, and in recent days, the former president hit 63%, marking a record high since our tracking began in December.

Trump got 74 million votes in 2020. Where did you come up with that number? Take a million off from old age and covid. Add 1 million young liberal girls who want abortion to remain legal. Now you have 73 million. Only 63% of them want Trump. The other ones want DeSantis, Nikki, Chris Christie, Vivik.
Maybe the failure was more so a coordinated attack between Iran, the US and Hamas

There are many reports that Biden is the one who ordered this attack
Many reports Biden ordered the attack?
You need to get a better caliber of reading material.

Our latest survey of the contest shows Trump backed by 61% of potential Republican primary voters, and in recent days, the former president hit 63%, marking a record high since our tracking began in December.

Trump got 74 million votes in 2020. Where did you come up with that number? Take a million off from old age and covid. Add 1 million young liberal girls who want abortion to remain legal. Now you have 73 million. Only 63% of them want Trump. The other ones want DeSantis, Nikki, Chris Christie, Vivik.
the 200 million I speak of is the silent majority....they don't answer polls...they only answer when Trump gives the call to fight for America

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