Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

The last deal was 6T, 4T for the Fed, 2T for the rest of us

and 23T is not accurate, it's more like 123T w/liabilties

we are, i highly suspect, inslovent

It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
You are really dumb.....old man....
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
Hey grandpa, stop repeating yourself.

Of course I know. Gdp growth means people are actually spending and the economy is growing. Consumer confidence means very little. Define it.
Wrong again. The problem with the deficit is the trade war. LOL. Not the tax cuts. We had the lowest unemployment in recent history, which resulted in higher wages, more CAPEX and more M&A activity.
Wrong again. The problem with the deficits is increased military and flat revenue due to tax cuts. Wages have been really weak actually.
Yeah awful. Last chance. Are you elderly? If you don't answer we are done conversing.

View attachment 323513
Strong wage growth is like 5%.
Like OK? What? LMAO.

So our convo is done since you' won't answer me. You're a grumpy old loser. I feel sorry for you. Go and vote for Biden. Good luck.
And trump policy isn't getting us those small wage gains either.

It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
You are really dumb.....old man....
Remember when you claimed to be a tea party guy? And now here you are defending the greatest spender of them all. You are a sad, sad loser....
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how can one claim lowering the deficit while increasing debt???

What’s so hard to understand? Debt and deficits are different numbers calculated in different ways.
if you didnt edit my comment out of context your response would just be ignorant,,,

now its flat out dishonest,,,

like I said its dishonest book keeping that only governments get away with,,,
Yeah. I read that part. It too is incorrect. Deficit and debt are different concepts. One can decrease the deficit while increasing the debt. It’s hard to know where you’re confusion is coming from hence my question, what is so hard to understand?
whats not hard to understand is that type of book keeping is illegal for everyone except governments,,,,
they use it to keep the useful idiots believing in fairy tales,,,
What's illegal about it?
whats illegal about dbl book keeping???

if you dont already know you will never understand,,,
They’re not double bookkeeping.

Glad we could resolve your concerns.
by only showing one set of numbers and hiding/ignoring the others is essentially having two sets of books,,,

its called critical thinking,,,something youve shown to not be capable of doing,,,
That’s not what’s happening. You’re not thinking, you’re imagining.
thats what you just told me to do,,,now youre saying its not true,,,

Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.
how can one claim lowering the deficit while increasing debt???

What’s so hard to understand? Debt and deficits are different numbers calculated in different ways.
if you didnt edit my comment out of context your response would just be ignorant,,,

now its flat out dishonest,,,

like I said its dishonest book keeping that only governments get away with,,,
Yeah. I read that part. It too is incorrect. Deficit and debt are different concepts. One can decrease the deficit while increasing the debt. It’s hard to know where you’re confusion is coming from hence my question, what is so hard to understand?
whats not hard to understand is that type of book keeping is illegal for everyone except governments,,,,
they use it to keep the useful idiots believing in fairy tales,,,
What's illegal about it?
whats illegal about dbl book keeping???

if you dont already know you will never understand,,,
They’re not double bookkeeping.

Glad we could resolve your concerns.
by only showing one set of numbers and hiding/ignoring the others is essentially having two sets of books,,,

its called critical thinking,,,something youve shown to not be capable of doing,,,
That’s not what’s happening. You’re not thinking, you’re imagining.
thats what you just told me to do,,,now youre saying its not true,,,

That’s not what I said at all. You probably just dont know what you’re talking about.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.

So pick your poison. Either Obama overspent and raised our debt unnecessarily during good economic times, or economic times sucked under Obama and he had to spend it to save the economy.

Pick one.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.
Not that I wish to interfere in your conversations gentleman but frankly the deficit is a shell game...All one has to do is look up the financial assets of the federal government and a lot of them are not even listed... and that is one level of government don’t forget as there is state and municipal etc etc..I think for example the city of Los Angelos has revenue of over 20 Billion alone per year and their tax base continues to grow exponentially as do all forms of governments.These assets that each part of government owns produces revenue that revenue is off the books and is not counted so they may state they are running a deficit in front of your face but elsewhere they have nothing but pure profit which is not shown to the citizens...All those bases Sitting on prime land worldwide and embassies and high rises etc etc.There are guys like Walter Burien of Cafr who try to spell this out but they are denigrated...The facts are governments invest money outside of their own country.They use that money to acquire assets or financial levers in others countries usually buying soft assets such as real estate or harder assets such as the means of production or things like hydro, water or even things such as fish farms to sell food to the locals.. Even drugs are not a no no... I really shouldn’t be telling you this but educate yourselves. If you were making lets say 40000 dollars a year but were spending 50000 you would have a technically have a deficit but if you also had a home that was worth 500000 and a rental property with a mortgage you were writing off and a 1000000 dollar stock portfolio that was giving you divedends that you were putting back in every year to buy more stock would you really be in a deficit position obviously not.... Well the governments runs it the same way.....
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.

That's not reducing the deficit. LOL Dude he increased the national debt 8 trillion over 8 years. He never operated close to deficit reduction territory. Adding half a trillion to the debt ain't reducing anything.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.

That's not reducing the deficit. LOL Dude he increased the national debt 8 trillion over 8 years. He never operated close to deficit reduction territory. Adding half a trillion to the debt ain't reducing anything.
You aren't good with math? Deficits went from 1.4 trillion to 585 billion. 585 billion is smaller than 1.4 trillion, that's a decrease. Trump increased deficits.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.

That's not reducing the deficit. LOL Dude he increased the national debt 8 trillion over 8 years. He never operated close to deficit reduction territory. Adding half a trillion to the debt ain't reducing anything.
You aren't good with math? Deficits went from 1.4 trillion to 585 billion. 585 billion is smaller than 1.4 trillion, that's a decrease. Trump increased deficits.

I'm real good with math. 16 trillion in debt is more than 8 trillion in debt. Bush was 8 trillion, Obama 16 trillion. Reduction in the deficit? LOL Yea ok.

If that's the case why aren't you saying Bush Jr reduced the deficit? Because under his tenure he definitely did. From 413 billion to 161 billion. Sounds like Bush was way closer to balancing the budget than Obama ever hoped to be.

Bush's WORST deficit year was better than Obama's best. Ouch, sucks to be a dem, huh?
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how can one claim lowering the deficit while increasing debt???

What’s so hard to understand? Debt and deficits are different numbers calculated in different ways.
if you didnt edit my comment out of context your response would just be ignorant,,,

now its flat out dishonest,,,

like I said its dishonest book keeping that only governments get away with,,,
Yeah. I read that part. It too is incorrect. Deficit and debt are different concepts. One can decrease the deficit while increasing the debt. It’s hard to know where you’re confusion is coming from hence my question, what is so hard to understand?
whats not hard to understand is that type of book keeping is illegal for everyone except governments,,,,
they use it to keep the useful idiots believing in fairy tales,,,
What's illegal about it?
whats illegal about dbl book keeping???

if you dont already know you will never understand,,,
They’re not double bookkeeping.

Glad we could resolve your concerns.
by only showing one set of numbers and hiding/ignoring the others is essentially having two sets of books,,,

its called critical thinking,,,something youve shown to not be capable of doing,,,
That’s not what’s happening. You’re not thinking, you’re imagining.
thats what you just told me to do,,,now youre saying its not true,,,

That’s not what I said at all. You probably just dont know what you’re talking about.
I know that arguing over deficits while the debt increases far beyond the total number is what useful idiots do,,

our future generations are being screwed while you have your petty political party squabbles,,,
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...

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