Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not at all. Trump sure is.

CNBC is Fake News.

And again I am selfish. Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
Still crashed but the debt remains.
That is crazy. It would be like blaming TB fro giving TB-12 the contract if TB-12 suddenly has an ACL tear. Well the contract is still there. Duh...we have not had a pandemic like this for 100 yrs. I also agree the debt is bad. Not sure what else you want me to say, Norton.
But you don’t. You fully support these huge deficits.
Not remotely. I was criticizing Trump and Congress for that nonstop on this board. You and I had this same discussion a few months back. Dementia?
Your support for trump has not waned.
I am selfish. He has been great for me
I did great under Obama too. As I’m sure you did. But trump failures have piled on. You don’t have much care for your country.
Most Americans did very poorly under Obama...don't you remember the empty retail shops and long unemployment lines....I almost lost my business that I ran for twenty years...Trump wins and in less than one year my business went over and above what I ever thought possible and I was able to sell it and retire...That could never of happened if Obama were still in office or even Jeb Bush....we needed a business man more than ever and we got one....a damn smart one too....
You seem to have some imagination. After the garbage economy he was handed was fixed things were fine. Trump was handed that fixed economy and made garbage.
are you elderly? You’re talking nonsense
You seem rather senile. I’ve said I’m not elderly. Yet you repeat yourself stupidly. You sound rather elderly....
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not at all. Trump sure is.

CNBC is Fake News.

And again I am selfish. Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
Still crashed but the debt remains.
That is crazy. It would be like blaming TB fro giving TB-12 the contract if TB-12 suddenly has an ACL tear. Well the contract is still there. Duh...we have not had a pandemic like this for 100 yrs. I also agree the debt is bad. Not sure what else you want me to say, Norton.
But you don’t. You fully support these huge deficits.
Not remotely. I was criticizing Trump and Congress for that nonstop on this board. You and I had this same discussion a few months back. Dementia?
Your support for trump has not waned.
I am selfish. He has been great for me
I did great under Obama too. As I’m sure you did. But trump failures have piled on. You don’t have much care for your country.
Most Americans did very poorly under Obama...don't you remember the empty retail shops and long unemployment lines....I almost lost my business that I ran for twenty years...Trump wins and in less than one year my business went over and above what I ever thought possible and I was able to sell it and retire...That could never of happened if Obama were still in office or even Jeb Bush....we needed a business man more than ever and we got one....a damn smart one too....
You seem to have some imagination. After the garbage economy he was handed was fixed things were fine. Trump was handed that fixed economy and made garbage.
are you elderly? You’re talking nonsense
The revenue numbers don’t lie, but clearly you do.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not at all. Trump sure is.

CNBC is Fake News.

And again I am selfish. Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
Still crashed but the debt remains.
That is crazy. It would be like blaming TB fro giving TB-12 the contract if TB-12 suddenly has an ACL tear. Well the contract is still there. Duh...we have not had a pandemic like this for 100 yrs. I also agree the debt is bad. Not sure what else you want me to say, Norton.
But you don’t. You fully support these huge deficits.
Not remotely. I was criticizing Trump and Congress for that nonstop on this board. You and I had this same discussion a few months back. Dementia?
Your support for trump has not waned.
I am selfish. He has been great for me
I did great under Obama too. As I’m sure you did. But trump failures have piled on. You don’t have much care for your country.
Most Americans did very poorly under Obama...don't you remember the empty retail shops and long unemployment lines....I almost lost my business that I ran for twenty years...Trump wins and in less than one year my business went over and above what I ever thought possible and I was able to sell it and retire...That could never of happened if Obama were still in office or even Jeb Bush....we needed a business man more than ever and we got one....a damn smart one too....
You seem to have some imagination. After the garbage economy he was handed was fixed things were fine. Trump was handed that fixed economy and made garbage.
are you elderly? You’re talking nonsense
You seem rather senile. I’ve said I’m not elderly. Yet you repeat yourself stupidly. You sound rather elderly....
But yet its you that got triggered at us for exposing your age....why?.....
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not at all. Trump sure is.

CNBC is Fake News.

And again I am selfish. Are you elderly? Yes or no?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....
Many complained of debt including you. Some of us aren’t hypocrites and still complain. Put your country before party.
Debt is not exactly top of mind these days
And what is? I see nothing going well.
You mean you do not see anything doing well? Economy was great until the virus. Troll somewhere else, loser.
Less than 3% growth is a failure according to trump. It certainly is when running deficits over a trillion...
I am living the economy and until March 1st it was fantastic!
Growth was weak and debt high. You seem to love losing. Loser.
For me personally it was great. Low unemployment, a lot of M&A activity, high consumer and corporate confidence, stock market near 30k. What did you hate about that, loser?
Trillion dollar deficits. And how quickly did that stock market disappear? But the debt stayed. Weak growth and high debt. Only a loser would applaud that.
Market crashed due to the virus. Duh....
Still crashed but the debt remains.
That is crazy. It would be like blaming TB fro giving TB-12 the contract if TB-12 suddenly has an ACL tear. Well the contract is still there. Duh...we have not had a pandemic like this for 100 yrs. I also agree the debt is bad. Not sure what else you want me to say, Norton.
But you don’t. You fully support these huge deficits.
Not remotely. I was criticizing Trump and Congress for that nonstop on this board. You and I had this same discussion a few months back. Dementia?
Your support for trump has not waned.
I am selfish. He has been great for me
I did great under Obama too. As I’m sure you did. But trump failures have piled on. You don’t have much care for your country.
Most Americans did very poorly under Obama...don't you remember the empty retail shops and long unemployment lines....I almost lost my business that I ran for twenty years...Trump wins and in less than one year my business went over and above what I ever thought possible and I was able to sell it and retire...That could never of happened if Obama were still in office or even Jeb Bush....we needed a business man more than ever and we got one....a damn smart one too....
You seem to have some imagination. After the garbage economy he was handed was fixed things were fine. Trump was handed that fixed economy and made garbage.
are you elderly? You’re talking nonsense
The revenue numbers don’t lie, but clearly you do.
Bullshit. It is an expense problem not your fake news revenue problem. Again, are you elderly? Yes or no?
Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

It cannot now be denied. Bringing up the debts run up by the profligate bastards that preceded him is but a vain attempt at deflection.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
Donald Trump: Trump plans to add $4.832 trillion to the debt in his first term.8 That's a 24% increase from the $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he remains in office for a second term, he plans to add $8.3 trillion for both terms. Trump had promised to eliminate the debt during his campaign.

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.

  • FY 2017 - $671 billion
  • FY 2016 - $1.423 trillion
  • FY 2015 - $327 billion
  • FY 2014 - $1.086 trillion
  • FY 2013 - $672 billion
  • FY 2012 - $1.276 trillion
  • FY 2011 - $1.229 trillion
  • FY 2010 - $1.652 trillion
  • FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.

George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase from the $5.8 trillion debt at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.

  • FY 2009 - $1.632 trillion. This was Bush's deficit without the impact of the Economic Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008 - $1.017 trillion
  • FY 2007 - $501 billion
  • FY 2006 - $574 billion
  • FY 2005 - $554 billion
  • FY 2004 - $596 billion
  • FY 2003 - $555 billion
  • FY 2002 - $421 billion
FY 2009 - $253 billion. Congress passed the Economic Stimulus Act, which spent $253 billion in FY 2009.9 This rare occurrence should be added to President Obama's contribution to the debt.

Obama signed a huge chunk of the FY 2009 budget.........and the bank TARP charged to Bush was repaid under Obama. Over $240 billion.
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion

Wow, I thought you liked government handouts.

Ahhhh, riiiight... this money is going to the little only like it when the rich benefit, like under your homey. The obummer.
You seem rather senile. I’ve said I’m not elderly. Yet you repeat yourself stupidly. You sound rather elderly....
But yet its you that got triggered at us for exposing your age....why?.....

Age ain't nothin but a number.

His age is probably lower than yours, as his IQ is most certainly higher.

Which mirrors democrats vs republican debt.
What did we get for Obama's enormous debt?

increased poverty
decreased family income
increased taxes
failed health care
weakened military
millions of filthy illegals
increased welfare

Obama's Mullah buddies made out like bandits as did Crooked Hillary's bank account and now Obama is filthy rich but the American people pretty much got fucked. Meanwhile our children are in debt for $10 trillion to pay for Obama's failed administration.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

It cannot now be denied. Bringing up the debts run up by the profligate bastards that preceded him is but a vain attempt at deflection.

The american economy is a lot like a vintage muscle car. The republicans start out with a mint car, but by the time they're thru, it's a banged up rust bucket.

The democrat inherits the beat up piece of junk, and does a frame up restoration until it's again good as new.

Then the next republican inherits a car in peak shape, and again runs it into the ground.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion
It's not as if we weren't warned:
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions

"'Atlantic City fueled a lot of growth for me,' Mr. Trump said in an interview in May, summing up his 25-year history here. 'The money I took out of there was incredible.'"
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
Hey grandpa, stop repeating yourself.

Of course I know. Gdp growth means people are actually spending and the economy is growing. Consumer confidence means very little. Define it.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion

Wow, I thought you liked government handouts.

Ahhhh, riiiight... this money is going to the little only like it when the rich benefit, like under your homey. The obummer.
What I don’t like is massive deficit spending in a strong economy. That is the time you are supposed to be paying back

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