Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
Biden is not pushing Medicare for all...just a drop to 60 to be eligible.
He does not favor the Green New Deal but tougher environmental regulation.

Biden has always been a pragmatist. One of the reasons he will win
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
None taken. I could very well be a snowflake, depending on the definition.
I am far from a snowflake. But opinions vary.
Really, I was just playing.
Sometimes it's okay to be snowflaky, depending on the situation.
Kids make you weak!!! I never cared about 90% of this stuff til I had em.
My kids made me strong. They helped me see how they experience the world. Not how I think they should experience the world. It's no longer the 1950's, or the 60's or the 70's or the 80's, 90's, etc. People are not willing to live in the shadows because conservatives think they should. That is our reality today.

One kid is a doctor and one kid is a heavy metal drummer (but first he was a Navy nuke). Both making a successful living in their chosen career. Neither has ever been arrested, I must have done something right, lol.
Congratulations. That is all you can ask for. I told my kids that if at 22 they can survive without me I did my job well. They are young and looked at me like I had 100 heads.

Your kids will be fine I'm sure. The teen-age years are a wild ride of hormones. Keep them busy with their sports and other interests and they won't have time to get in trouble!
That is why I coach! This is why I want girls and boys separated in official AAU sports. If they want to play pick up or on the playground, I don't care. The "girls" who are really boys are much more athletic than biological girls by the time they reach 10 and definitely 12. I understand their issue with identity but when it comes to sports we need to separate by birth gender IMO.
Give some numbers on how many boys are being allowed to play girl sports.
It is rare. I don't have numbers as it is opposing teams doing it to our team. We have zero on my teams or in our town.
Doesn’t sound like much of a problem then. Hardly worth punishing the whole country with trump failures.
The PC culture of the Left and calling me a racist or whatever because I don't think one should be allowed to pick and choose their gender is insanity. Your dementia struck again, old man. Trump is the effect not the cause. Do you know what that means? Need me to explain it to you?
You are all butt hurt about something that effects almost nobody. That’s pretty dumb.
It impacts me. Don't tell me what is and what is not dumb. That is my choice as an American.

Let me ask you this. Some stranger sells you a car. Says its great but it breaks down on you. How hurt are you? Not very. It was a stranger. Your best friend sells you a car and says its great but its a piece of junk. Are you more or less annoyed since that is your best friend? Answer the question. Don't pontificate.
How is it impacting you? You can’t even put numbers on the problem. It is extremely rare. Horrible trump policy has effected everyone.
Trump has helped me tremendously. It impacts my kids as in school all the bathrooms are now gender neutral and they aren't allowed to use pronouns that aren't gender neutral. Stupid and they have to play sports vs. boys!!! Out of 100 games probably 10 have a boy in them so 10%...
Sounds like trump has not helped you at all. He’s president and you have your problem. I do think your guess of 10% is not in the realm of reality.
Last edited:
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
Biden is not pushing Medicare for all...just a drop to 60 to be eligible.
He does not favor the Green New Deal but tougher environmental regulation.

Biden has always been a pragmatist. One of the reasons he will win
Every day 10,000 people turn 62. Medicare is already a huge burden on our budget. My dad is 69 and still working and loves it. 62 is insane. 72 is the right number. Biden has moved so far left he should be Joe Sanders.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
It is not. They suck. But they increased spending on the military not on stupid fluffy entitlements. Neither party is fiscally responsible. Both suck. Hence I have never belonged to one. My parents were lifetime Democrats but now switched to the GOP. Complete turn. Crazy times.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
It is not. They suck. But they increased spending on the military not on stupid fluffy entitlements. Neither party is fiscally responsible. Both suck. Hence I have never belonged to one. My parents were lifetime Democrats but now switched to the GOP. Complete turn. Crazy times.
But you’ll only vote for republicans.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
It is not. They suck. But they increased spending on the military not on stupid fluffy entitlements. Neither party is fiscally responsible. Both suck. Hence I have never belonged to one. My parents were lifetime Democrats but now switched to the GOP. Complete turn. Crazy times.
But you’ll only vote for republicans.
Bullshit. Not true at all. If the Democrats ran a decent candidate I would have voted for them. Strongly considered Tulsi Gabbard.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.
Trump pledged to eliminate the deficit and reduce our national debt if elected. Instead, he has accumulated debt at a record pace. Doesn’t even include his recent borrowing of $2.2 trillion

Bush 43: $.725 trillion

Obama: $ 1.075 trillion

Trump: $1.2 trillion

I closed my eyes and could hear Obama saying the same. This thread is code for short on material.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.

You lying or just ignorant?

Brain huh? How come PROGS consistently apply labels and definitions that are antonyms?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
It is not. They suck. But they increased spending on the military not on stupid fluffy entitlements. Neither party is fiscally responsible. Both suck. Hence I have never belonged to one. My parents were lifetime Democrats but now switched to the GOP. Complete turn. Crazy times.
But you’ll only vote for republicans.
Bullshit. Not true at all. If the Democrats ran a decent candidate I would have voted for them. Strongly considered Tulsi Gabbard.
Yes tulsi seems to be the favorite of republicans. Which radio nut gives you all your thoughts?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.

You lying or just ignorant?
Which part? You must have a link to prove me wrong?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.
I live in the business world. He delivered. You listen to MSNBC and CNN too much. Trump did a major solid to the economy. Took a lot of red tape out of doing M&A deals.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.

You lying or just ignorant?

Brain huh? How come PROGS consistently apply labels and definitions that are antonyms?
Because they are "woke"....aka asleep
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Republicans have slashed taxes and increased spending

How is that better?
It is not. They suck. But they increased spending on the military not on stupid fluffy entitlements. Neither party is fiscally responsible. Both suck. Hence I have never belonged to one. My parents were lifetime Democrats but now switched to the GOP. Complete turn. Crazy times.
But you’ll only vote for republicans.
Bullshit. Not true at all. If the Democrats ran a decent candidate I would have voted for them. Strongly considered Tulsi Gabbard.
Yes tulsi seems to be the favorite of republicans. Which radio nut gives you all your thoughts?
I don't listen to the radio unless its 80s music or sports in the car. You still didn't answer my question. Why would I answer yours, old man?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
Trump chose to spend on the military. I don't mind that. I do mind him not attacking our inefficient healthcare system and I do hate our deficit. Why didn't Congress push back?
Congress was republican, they don’t push against trump. We overspend on the military. Money should have been spent in preparation of a pandemic it seems.
The most recent budget passed had a Democrat House. Sorry. I disagree we overspend on the military. Hindsight being 20/20 yes, spend more on pandemic responses.
The budgets that really increased deficits were under full republican control.
Last two were Democrat and they didn't push back. In debates they wanted to spend trillions on medicare for all and their stupid green new deal. Both parties suck at managing the budget. I am all for it. Cut entitlements now. Create a 2% federal sales tax. I am pragmatic. You think I am a Republican? You're wrong.
But the worst damage to the deficits were done under full repub control. Dems try to pay for their spending, repubs increase spending while decreasing revenue.
Dems do it by increasing taxes vs. cutting expenses. That is just plain stupid. Cut expenses and neither party offers a federal sales tax. Well Herman Cain did. I loved that idea. This way even drug dealers pay taxes. But the country was too stupid to embrace that idea. The Democrat party is full of idiots who cry racism nonstop. Spare me. They are weak sauce.
Cain had an interesting idea. Weak is trump
Failures and huge deficits.
Trump is the effect not the cause. He has helped my business significantly. I am selfish, don't forget. IDGAF about you or anyone outside of my family and close circle of friends.
I did great under Obama, everyone did.
If everyone did "great" then HRC would have won. Trump is the effect not the cause.
Trump lies and lies. He promised economic growth and delivered numbers like Obama. But now those same numbers are somehow the greatest ever? He is a charlatan.
I live in the business world. He delivered. You listen to MSNBC and CNN too much. Trump did a major solid to the economy. Took a lot of red tape out of doing M&A deals.
Trump policy has done nothing for gdp. You live in fantasy land.

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