Trump: Largest Debt per year by any President

Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
Show me with FACTS
That the military crumbled under Obama

Trump claims the military has crumbled and then diverted billions to his wall

I am merely repeating what the generals and admirals have said publicly, and what I have heard from family members who are active military. If you have other info, lets see it.

presidents have reallocated funds for years, it is a normal process. Obama did it constantly, so did bush and clinton. got any new talking points for us?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
Show me with FACTS
That the military crumbled under Obama

Trump claims the military has crumbled and then diverted billions to his wall

I am merely repeating what the generals and admirals have said publicly, and what I have heard from family members who are active military. If you have other info, lets see it.

presidents have reallocated funds for years, it is a normal process. Obama did it constantly, so did bush and clinton. got any new talking points for us?
Show me
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
Show me with FACTS
That the military crumbled under Obama

Trump claims the military has crumbled and then diverted billions to his wall

I am merely repeating what the generals and admirals have said publicly, and what I have heard from family members who are active military. If you have other info, lets see it.

presidents have reallocated funds for years, it is a normal process. Obama did it constantly, so did bush and clinton. got any new talking points for us?
Show me

I am not here to be your teacher, winger. do your own research, but you won't because you might find something that your masters won't let you repeat
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
well it was a historic economy,,,

yes it was, but the libs will never admit it.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.

I said Obama had to insert cash into an economy that was losing 800,000 jobs a month

I said that Obama had to do what is necessary to save our auto industry

I said that Obama was giving Iran back it’s own money

What is Trumps excuse for borrowing money during a strong economy?
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
Show me with FACTS
That the military crumbled under Obama

Trump claims the military has crumbled and then diverted billions to his wall

I am merely repeating what the generals and admirals have said publicly, and what I have heard from family members who are active military. If you have other info, lets see it.

presidents have reallocated funds for years, it is a normal process. Obama did it constantly, so did bush and clinton. got any new talking points for us?
Show me

I am not here to be your teacher, winger. do your own research, but you won't because you might find something that your masters won't let you repeat
You made the claim and you cannot back it up
Only conclusion is that it is not true
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.

I said Obama had to insert cash into an economy that was losing 800,000 jobs a month

I said that Obama had to do what is necessary to save our auto industry

I said that Obama was giving Iran back it’s own money

What is Trumps excuse for borrowing money during a strong economy?
The "best ever" economy, according to him.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born way before your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
The country is shut down and you think you are winning. What a loser.
Check the polls dummy.....
Check them for what? The country hasn't been in worse shape in my lifetime.
How was it during Prohibition when you were a young man?
hahaha I wouldn't know. Your guy Trump would?
Poor old man. Tsk tsk tsk. Hey at least you can freely pee in women’s bathrooms now. Your long dream has finally been achieved.
Sure kid, let me know when you get out of that diaper.
Why are you discussing kids in diapers? LMAO. You hate me because I am a capitalist. Boo hoo. I do not hide it. I am a selfish capitalist. Sue me, old man.
I'm far more a capitalist than you kid. You think trumps tariffs are good capitalism? You want the government dictating trade? And that's good capitalism. You are a socialist like trump, don't kid yourself.
I want Small Govt and I want Leftists to shut their mouths and not tell me that a biological man can identify as a woman. The fact that I have to say that is mind boggling. I want Our entitlements revamped but you old farts whine how it’s “your money” and just want to tax the “rich” who in actuality already pay most of the taxes.
You want small govt but you promote trump? You think huge deficits means smaller govt? You think more govt control of trade is smaller govt? You are a big government socialist like trump is capitalist disguise.
I promote Trump because Leftists are ruining this country and my life. Now they can feel what I feel. Tell me again how Israel is evil and we should be tolerant toward radical Islamists, which they elect into Congress. Left has gone insane and I did not care but being a father, I care. And they can fuck off.
Such a victim you are, with your poor ruined life.

Talk about a snowflake.
Me? I am far from a victim, my kids, we will see.
OMG you just said leftists were ruining your life. I suspect your girls may already be learning some lessons in victimhood.
Girls are young and think it is stupid. I don't want my players getting hurt.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born way before your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
The country is shut down and you think you are winning. What a loser.
Check the polls dummy.....
Check them for what? The country hasn't been in worse shape in my lifetime.
How was it during Prohibition when you were a young man?
hahaha I wouldn't know. Your guy Trump would?
Poor old man. Tsk tsk tsk. Hey at least you can freely pee in women’s bathrooms now. Your long dream has finally been achieved.
Sure kid, let me know when you get out of that diaper.
Why are you discussing kids in diapers? LMAO. You hate me because I am a capitalist. Boo hoo. I do not hide it. I am a selfish capitalist. Sue me, old man.
I'm far more a capitalist than you kid. You think trumps tariffs are good capitalism? You want the government dictating trade? And that's good capitalism. You are a socialist like trump, don't kid yourself.
I want Small Govt and I want Leftists to shut their mouths and not tell me that a biological man can identify as a woman. The fact that I have to say that is mind boggling. I want Our entitlements revamped but you old farts whine how it’s “your money” and just want to tax the “rich” who in actuality already pay most of the taxes.
Leftists actually don't care what you think about transgender people. We've all moved on. It's your type who are still agonizing over other people's genitalia and trying to pretend this is still an issue.
This is an example of how detatched from reality leftist loons are. They create false notions, tell each they're correct, and then walk around being nuts to the core.

This birdbrain has "moved on" all right - convinced himself that transgender is fully normal and acceptable. These people belong in insane asylums.

EARTH to NYB:. There is no such thing as "transgender". If you're born a male, you are a male until you die. If you're born a female, you are that until you die. Same thing applies to the sex perverts calling themselves "gay".
OK Boomer.
Yes it is OK, Young & Stupid. No charge for the tutoring.
I do not believe he is young.
I am not young, but not a boomer. And also not a man.
So you think it is OK for my 10 year old to play basketball and LAX vs 10 and 11 year old boys? Really? Fantastic!
When I was young, I could whip both of my brothers, older and younger, until each reached puberty.

Sorry, your 10 year old girl is not a victim and needs to learn how to survive in a male-dominated world. You should be teaching her how to do that.
Never said she was a victim, I said I don't want her to get hurt. My 12-year old faces the same challenges and some 12-13 year old boys have gone through puberty. You're such a tough chick...oooooh. I do not want my girls being forced to play vs. boys. That is why there are boys and girls teams.
Yeah, I didn't want my boy to be forced to play with girls either, but that's not how it worked out. He had to pull back on his style of play. We all have to make adjustments.

I'm curious how many 10 year old transgender kids your girls have had to play with? You got an outbreak of transgenderism in your neck of the woods do you?

You should probably put your kids in a 'Christian' school. They'll keep the queer kids away from your delicate flowers.
My kids play high level AAU for both LAX and Hoops. It is rare but I see it here and there. Once is too many IMO. I coach hoops. And I am Jewish. AAU is not school based. IDGAF if you're trans but in sports it needs to be by biological sex. Period. End of story.
But you do gaf if someone is trans. That's what started this whole thing -

I want Leftists to shut their mouths and not tell me that a biological man can identify as a woman. The fact that I have to say that is mind boggling.

Then you tried to justify your tripe by relating the whole thing to sports.

Be sure to teach your girls that no matter how great they are in sports, even if they reach the heights of glory in their chosen sport, they will never receive the same accolades as a male with the same resume.

Girls and trans should band together. They are both oppressed populations. Together, they could beat the boys and perhaps gain some long denied equality. My girl knows this.
No. Girls play with girls and boys with boys. Don't care about anything other than sports. If you want me to call Billy, Samantha, I'll do it. I am not allowing Billy to play vs. girls if it is up to me. Tennis or running, don't care. Physical sports I care. Don't tell me how to think, Leftist. I am entitled to my opinion. No one is oppressed, relax with that rhetoric.

Volleyball, softball and baseball, basketball, golf, hunting and fishing; running, tennis (Billie Jean King), etc. Some high school and college and professional women played football

See: List of female American football players - Wikipedia

And, believe it or not I drafted onto my Senior Little League team a left handed young women who became our starting catcher.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.

I said Obama had to insert cash into an economy that was losing 800,000 jobs a month

I said that Obama had to do what is necessary to save our auto industry

I said that Obama was giving Iran back it’s own money

What is Trumps excuse for borrowing money during a strong economy?
OH I dont know,,,maybe the worst pandemic in a 100 yrs,,,

and its not obamas job to save a private industry while others are rejected,,,not to mention he had to borrow money to do it,,,

yes he gave iran back their money and by doing so funded world terrorism,,
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
Show me with FACTS
That the military crumbled under Obama

Trump claims the military has crumbled and then diverted billions to his wall

I am merely repeating what the generals and admirals have said publicly, and what I have heard from family members who are active military. If you have other info, lets see it.

presidents have reallocated funds for years, it is a normal process. Obama did it constantly, so did bush and clinton. got any new talking points for us?

So you can't prove your nonsense.

Thanks for affirming what everyone already knew.
"and its not obamas job to save a private industry while others are rejected,,,not to mention he had to borrow money to do it,,,

"yes he gave iran back their money and by doing so funded world terrorism,,"

A couple of points in response to these quotes:

1. It is absolutely insane to cut taxes and to continue to over over spend.

2. Until now, with Trump in the White House, I believed an amendment to COTUS was needed to provide the line-item veto to the budget passed by The Congress, still allowing Congress to override by a 2/3 vote to replace any item which was penciled out by The President.

Sadly, today we have the first mean and vindictive person in the White House, whose abuse of the power is that of a megalomaniac.
Not one word from these clowns when Obama was racking up debt.....

Sorry we knew the deficit was large at the time but the previous administration had a bit of a financial meltdown that Obama had to save...
Obama didn't sugar coat it, it was problem and it had to be fixed and it is going to cost.
For a party that talks about responsibility, you break the Financial system and complain about the bill when somebody else fixes it...

Trump proclaims this to be the best economy ever, why the hell was he borrowing so much money....
Now he hit a pothole and how much will Biden have to borrow to fix this one...
The only real mystery is how GOP are going to blame it on Dems.... I think they might go down negative waves, Dems just give off negative waves which caused Trump make all those mistakes...

Obama during the campaign "raising the national debt is a failure of leadership" Then he doubled it.
But Obama cut the deficit in half
Trump is now close to a $2 trillion deficit

Do you understand that deficit and debt are not the same thing. The annual deficit is the difference between income and expenses in any given year. The national debt is the sum of all deficits during a presidential term. The debt was around 10 trillion when obozo took office, it was over 19 trillion when he left. He added more debt by far than any other president.

We shall see what it looks like in 2025 when Trump leaves. But when evaluating Trump one must include the unexpected virus shut down and spending and the rebuilding of the military that obama let fall into disrepair.
Running a massive deficit is not a good way to reduce your debt
Prove otherwise

Trump is running up debt at the highest rate in 75 years.

He has eight months left in his presidency. He is on a pace for a $5 trillion deficit by the end of the year

I agree that running a constant deficit is not good for the country. I said that during Obama's 8 years and you were silent about it then.

You are being disingenuous here when you ignore the unexpected deficit spending required to fight the virus and that the democrats tried to add billions of spending for things that had nothing to do with the virus. WTF do the Kennedy center, NPR, congressional salaries, and planned parenthood have to do with fighting the virus?

We all und
Yes, the deficits soared because of the combination of tax cuts and explosion in spending.

And yet we only ended up with 2.1% GDP growth, with crashing bond yields and manufacturing recession, even with unemployment that low.

I know talk radio doesn't cover that stuff, but it's out there if you'll just look around a bit.

Its quite evident that you get your economic stats from MSNBC. not a real news source.

Did we need to rebuild the military that obama devastated? Did we need the unexpected spending due to the virus?

Obama doubled the debt in relatively good economic times. the verdict on trump is still to be seen.

Our military is stronger than the next eight militaries combined and we spend 42 cents out of every military dollar in the world
How is it “devastated”?

Obama increased the deficit to bring us out of the worst economic collapse in 75 years.
How do you defend Trump raising the deficit over a trillion dollars while bragging about how strong his economy is?

our planes could not fly, our ships could not sail, our Army had no ammunition, We were in terrible condition and would have lost to Russia or China if there had been an armed conflict.

2008 was not an economic collapse or a depression. it was a market correction brought about by bad mortgage policy pushed by democrats and obozo the kenyan. What we are dealing with today due to the virus is much worse and if Trump pulls us out of it and back to a booming economy, he should get the credit.
All conservative myths

We had the strongest Air-force in the workd
Strongest Navy in history
Out Army had stockpiles of ammunition.

Saying otherwise is just repeating Trump lies

If Trump is concerned with the readiness of our military, why is he diverting military funding to pay for a wall?

the generals and admirals disagree with you, the average soldier and sailor disagree with you. YOU are lying.

the money for the wall is money that was not being spent by DOD and they offered it. The wall is a key part of our national defense and it works.

please stop with the BS talking points, it really gets tiresome.
I have not ignored the deficit spending required to fight the virus. Not only spending but massive reduction in revenue due to business being closed.

What I point out in the OP is that Trump was running record deficits BEFORE the virus hit. All while bragging about a historic economy
Not to mention the NY Fed pouring over a TRILLION into short-term lending markets to grease the system. Also stimulative.

But talk radio doesn't cover that, so they don't know. Literally.

and what did you say when obama's fed did the exact same thing? What did you say when obama bailed out the UAW? what did you say when obama sent pallets of cash to Iran? Cash that was not authorized or funded by congress.

You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar.
Actually, Obama's Fed did not do "the exact same thing". You're attacking out of ignorance.

Funny, the Regressive Lefties say the same thing when I squabble with them: "You claim to be non partisan, but you are a liar".

You nutters are all so similar. Grow up.
Look up the phrase correlation without causation. Just saying "Our national debt grew 9 trillion under O" without noting the context of the extra spending being necessary to keep us out of a depression is disingenuous.

And it's not disingenuous to extend the same thought process to Trump who is spending the money trying to avoid financial collapse of our economic system?
Trump increased deficits to over a trillion during good economic times.

So did Obama. Over 8 trillion for 8 years, that would be at least a Trillion a year and we were all told everything was wonderful under Obama except the first 5 months.
And you praised obama for it as much as you praise trump now? Or was that a bad thing then? Deficits declined under Obama. Trump then increased those deficits drastically during good economic times. There is no defense of trump.

Please quote me where deficits went down under Obama.
Obama's big recession spending year was 1.4 trillion. In 2016 the deficit was $585 billion. Trump quickly increased that to $984 billion in 1019. This year will surely beat Obama's worst.

That's not reducing the deficit. LOL Dude he increased the national debt 8 trillion over 8 years. He never operated close to deficit reduction territory. Adding half a trillion to the debt ain't reducing anything.
You aren't good with math? Deficits went from 1.4 trillion to 585 billion. 585 billion is smaller than 1.4 trillion, that's a decrease. Trump increased deficits.

I'm real good with math. 16 trillion in debt is more than 8 trillion in debt. Bush was 8 trillion, Obama 16 trillion. Reduction in the deficit? LOL Yea ok.

If that's the case why aren't you saying Bush Jr reduced the deficit? Because under his tenure he definitely did. From 413 billion to 161 billion. Sounds like Bush was way closer to balancing the budget than Obama ever hoped to be.

Bush's WORST deficit year was better than Obama's best. Ouch, sucks to be a dem, huh?
You seem to be confused on debt and deficit. Yes deficits can decline while the debt continues to grow. It's really all simple math...

Which is exactly what happened under Bush Jr. Are you willing to admit that Bush's worst deficit was better than Obama's best? Or does it only count if it's under a dem president?
Sure. And bush inherited a balanced budget and managed to drastically increase deficits.
It is hilarious to see these stupid uneducated Moon Bats, that never said a word about Obama's ten trillion dollar debt that didn't get us jackshit, bitch about the debt created by the international pandemic.
We hit trillion dollar deficits long before the pandemic.
Thanks to the Magic Kenyan....
Haha. Trump policy increased deficits. Thank the tax cuts and space force.
Tax cuts increased revenue. The issue is spending and entitlements. Again, are you elderly?
No they didn’t. The revenue growth was our weakest when not in recession. Try to stick to facts. You really want to think someone elderly is handing you your ass? Repubs shouldn’t insult the elderly, it’s almost your whole party.
Bullshit. More lies. LMAO Are you elderly? Yes or no?
That's nailed it...Brain must be old...maybe 70 or 80 or 90?...they have different agendas than the rest of us that are still at it and not sitting and waiting for a SSI check...and crying that its not enough...which its not....but that goes without saying....
You insult elderly but voted trump? Your stupidity is impressive.
I insulted no one...but maybe you a few times....don't be too offended Brain...its just the way it is....:dunno:
Your too stupid to insult me. I simply laugh at your lies and stupidity.
No no you’re pretty dumb
Says the guy who thinks he benefits from consumer confidence more than actual gdp growth. Now that is really dumb.
For my job I do. Why wouldn't I? Consumers drive the economy. Are you elderly? Why won't you answer?
Do you know what consumer confidence is? Learn some economics.
Do you? Why won't you answer my question? Are you elderly? How does GDP impact my ability to pay my mortgage? Please explain
You are correlating a macroeconomic problem with a microeconomic problem
Not at all. I am correlating what is best for Azog. And that is Trump as President.
You can't seem to define that very well grandpa. I asked what specific regulation cuts helped you and you went silent. You seem to think slow economic growth and high deficits is good for you. Please explain.
I did. I'll give you an example. I had a client who wanted to expand his facility and under Obama, he would have needed a certain window here, a certain door there, certain SF here and there and it was impossible. Trump got rid of all that and that company was able to expand. That is one.

Now answer me. Are you elderly and you are correct, IDGAF about you.
haha doors and windows were going to stop expansion? Oh that is funny. Do share what the specific regulation is that trump eliminated.

I've answered you several times now gramps. Stop repeating yourself old man.
I have answered you. Yes, doors, windows, exits. Look it up. Are you going to answer me or not? I am 39. You?
That's not very specific. Link to some information about this specific regulation. You aren't very honest so it sounds like you are making something up again.
Now I am liar? You’re not worth my time. I could Not have been any more specific. You are a grumpy old stupid man. Enjoy talking to yourself.
I gave up on his old ass too....he lies...and he is an angry man...
Trump supporters acting like old is a bad thing. This is too funny.
Tik tok tik tok...cannot buy youth. You would trade everything in the world to be 39 again but you cannot. You’re stuck being a miserable old stupid man with a rough case of TDS.
So facts to you are miserable and old. That is funny. Explains a lot, you certainly avoid facts.
Born 10/14/80. You? LoL
You won’t answer.
I was born long after your hero trump. haha So if I'm old and miserable what does that say about trump? Haha
That he is younger than you....
I'm not even sure you are an adult the way you debate like a child. If you are 39 and still such a dumbass there is no hope for you.
I am a capitalist and opportunist. Guilty as charged. You’re an 82 year old man griping about Trump. You’re so pathetic it’s funny.
You are a number jockey. You don't understand capitalism or the economy. You are a joke.
LMAO. Oh but I do. I understand that we can print $5trn and no one bats an eyelash but everyone wants their share. Greed is good. You are old. Tik tok tik tok.
Says the guy from the party of old with an old president. You of all people try to insult old people. You make yourself look stupid and you have no clue. This is too easy.
Party? You old fool. I am an Independent. I belong to the capitalist party of Azog and family. IDGAF about Democrats or Republicans. But I do like Trump. You’re right about that. The fact that he triggers old 82 year old fools like you is just icing on the cake. Bitch. are a trumper. Don't kid yourself, you are no independent. Independents don't promote all this failure. By triggered you mean I enjoy laughing at you? I love when trumpers embarrass themselves. You love failure. Huge deficits and a closed country. You are a loser.
Promote? I promoted myself and my $$. You only see what you want to see. Reread the posts. Azog is all about Azog. You made this whole thing up about Trump and me. Delirious old man. This is fun. Tell me some more things that I never wrote. LMAO.
You are the idiot imagining that I'm old.... hahaha get your head out of your ass.
My instincts are never wrong. You’re a cranky old man who suffers from TDS. It’s fun to mock you because you’re so deranged that Trump won in 2016. LOL
I don't care who wins and loses. I am a real independent. I want the country to do well. A huge increase in debt is not good. You are so partisan you can't seem to see that. Politics does nothing good for the country.
Of course it’s not good and no one cares. Congress sure as hell doesn’t. You think Trump is the cause but Trump is the effect. This country is divided beyond repair so I am going to root for Azog and Azogs family. Pretty simple.
I'm still a patriot, I care about the country. Trump policy is what increased debt. It's just a fact. Does Azog have more family than Bolg?
I have two girls. And Leftists tell me I have to sit by and watch biological boys who identify as girls play sports against them. I have to sit by and allow boys to share locker rooms with them. I have no patience for Leftists. We need to attack entitlements. Trump didn’t do it. Maybe his 2nd term but I know for a fact that Democrats won’t. They just want to “tax the rich” and to me that is fucking stupid. Neither party is perfect but at Least the Republicans know the difference between men and women. Again, Trump is not the cause. He is the effect. The Left has pushed me so far that I say “fuck you” here is a nuclear Donald Trump President bomb. You don’t like it? I dont care. You mess with my girls, I mess with you. Clever line with Bolg...
I think you exaggerate how many on the left don't know the difference between men and women. That's very much on the fringe, just like the right has anti-semitism on the far right. Trump policy has failed, I can't support that. Nor do I support any of this transgender garbage, but that is not near as big as trump failures.
I wish it were the fringe and antisemitism is now on the Left with Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. They vilified Alan Dershowitz long before Trump came along because he is pro Israel. Trump doesn’t impact my kids. Leftists forcing my girls to share a sports field or court with boys does. I told You, I care about me and my family not Leftist bullshit.
How’s school going?
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Barack Obama: Added $8.588 trillion, a 74% increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009.
Saying "Obama: Added $8.588 trillion" does not take in to account how much of that amount was due to factors out of his control, like inheriting a deep recession. One we could have recovered faster from if not for Repub sabotage.
He inherited the recovery. What are you talking about? LMAO!

You're so stupid.

U.S. recession, officially lasting from December 2007 to June 2009. When Did Obama take Office?

Do your own math.
He inherited a good economy and took credit for it.
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a good economy and drastically increased deficits our children will have to pay for.
None taken. I could very well be a snowflake, depending on the definition.
I am far from a snowflake. But opinions vary.
Really, I was just playing.
Sometimes it's okay to be snowflaky, depending on the situation.
Kids make you weak!!! I never cared about 90% of this stuff til I had em.
My kids made me strong. They helped me see how they experience the world. Not how I think they should experience the world. It's no longer the 1950's, or the 60's or the 70's or the 80's, 90's, etc. People are not willing to live in the shadows because conservatives think they should. That is our reality today.

One kid is a doctor and one kid is a heavy metal drummer (but first he was a Navy nuke). Both making a successful living in their chosen career. Neither has ever been arrested, I must have done something right, lol.
Congratulations. That is all you can ask for. I told my kids that if at 22 they can survive without me I did my job well. They are young and looked at me like I had 100 heads.

Your kids will be fine I'm sure. The teen-age years are a wild ride of hormones. Keep them busy with their sports and other interests and they won't have time to get in trouble!
That is why I coach! This is why I want girls and boys separated in official AAU sports. If they want to play pick up or on the playground, I don't care. The "girls" who are really boys are much more athletic than biological girls by the time they reach 10 and definitely 12. I understand their issue with identity but when it comes to sports we need to separate by birth gender IMO.

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