Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Is Out Of His Mind

Roberts has been accused of going to Epstein's pedophile Island. Maybe he is a pedo and maybe someone is using that information to persuade him to vote certain ways. That scenario certainly is very possible. For myself, I don't like the smirk he always has. He reminds me of people like Strzok, Scherilli and Sandusky in that respect. I don't trust him.
Yeah..the 'Smirk test'..everyone knows that that's definitive, right?
I find that smirkers and bewildered looking dudes are prime candidates to be pedophiles. That would bring your boy, Biden, into the ring of suspicion. That's wamose's law.
So you can tell a pedo just by the way he looks? You all loved Roberts, until he didn’t always rule the way you liked. Now you are trying to make him a pedo.
At least you present an idea on this post. Of course you are making assumptions you have no right to make. Roberts was a Lincoln project like asshole when he was nominated by a Lincoln project asshole, GWB. He's an establishment elitist who is also a globalist. Roberts sucks as much as W ever did. I guess you think that if he wants to have sex with underage girls, that's all right as long as he does what he can to hurt Trump. And that's exactly why most people don't trust government today. We need Trump back where he belongs, in the WH.

What I THINK is there is absolutely no evidence to support your claim, and it is notable that anyyone who seems to go against Trump magically morphs into a pedo.
So you believe the people that have done nothing but lie. Good thinking. And there is all kinds of evidence.
No. I don’t believe your sources.
You can see the evidence. It does not matter who shows it.
There isn't any.

There is evidence right there. Tell me why is GA shredding ballots before Pulitzer gets a chance to scan them? That is destroying evidence, and admitting guilt.
Liar. There is not a shred of evidence there. That is why they arent providing it to authorities or presenting it in court.
The over voting is proof of fraud. It is right in front of your eyes. These are the states numbers. Dominion is also connected to the internet. A violation of state and federal law.
I voted early this morning in Atlanta. I didn't see any sign of cheating
Then sign an affadavit and get in line. There was massive fraud. It is why they are destroying ballots right now. And it is why they will not give the machines up for a forensic audit.

Those are the facts everyone will hear Jan 6th.

Trump's presidency would be seen by history as a massive failure without all the bullshit claims of cheating. I suspect this will secure his place as the worst president ever.
The claims are not bullshit. See what Americans think after it is all out in the open. They will not see it your way.
So, I guess trump has given up on bringing any more cases before the high court
No, the Trump campaign filed another suit with the USSC to overturn the election in Pennsylvania yesterday.

Is that after the one Trump filed on December 20th?

The petition seeks to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases having to do with mail-in ballots and asks the court to reject voters’ will and allow the Pennsylvania General Assembly to pick its own slate of electors.

And maybe an important note, say that they hold the families of the supreme court justices hostage, and force them to grant what Trump asks, Pennsylvanias 20 electoral votes won't change the outcome: Biden 306 to 232 would only become Biden 286 to 252
If all the fraudulent states do it it leaves Biden with 222 and Trump 232. Trump wins.

Dems can just object to NC. Where Trump told his supporters to vote by mail AND in person. That is some actual fraud.
Trump told them not to vote by mail.

The desperate lie is that the election was free and fair.
Sorry, you have to have evidence of such claims. And no, not stupid, easily disprovable lies, like what you just presented. But you have none.
In GA.
Absentee ballots applied for too early.
Underaged votes.
Failed to reregister moving from one county to another
Voted in GA but changed address before the election.
Dead people voted.
Registered in another state but voted in GA
Ballots send to voters too early.
Felons voted illegally.
Unregistered voters
Voted in GA, but registered in another state.
Ballots registered too late.
TOTAL VOTES not conforming to federal and state law

Looks like evidence to me.
Lin Wood suggested he was the second coming of Christ.

That puts him on a collusion course with Trump supporters who believe Trump is.
The desperate lie is that the election was free and fair.
Sorry, you have to have evidence of such claims. And no, not stupid, easily disprovable lies, like what you just presented. But you have none.
In GA.
Absentee ballots applied for too early.
Underaged votes.
Failed to reregister moving from one county to another
Voted in GA but changed address before the election.
Dead people voted.
Registered in another state but voted in GA
Ballots send to voters too early.
Felons voted illegally.
Unregistered voters
Voted in GA, but registered in another state.
Ballots registered too late.
TOTAL VOTES not conforming to federal and state law

Looks like evidence to me.
You said the same thing about the publicly debunked lie you just posted.
Do you even know who Wood is?
He's an absolute nutter on par with Sydney Powell. At first, I thought he was more rational than her, but he's completely gone off the cliff.

But not long ago the Trump supporters were building him and Powell up to be their secret weapons but turns out they're just bonkers.
The over voting is proof of fraud. It is right in front of your eyes. These are the states numbers. Dominion is also connected to the internet. A violation of state and federal law.

Dominion machines are NOT connected to the Internet Karen. :icon_rolleyes:

Steel said it was up to voters to verify their votes and election officials to keep track of the paper ballots. He said the paper ballots would quash any argument that votes were tampered.​
Steel added that the tabulators aren’t connected to the internet, preventing hackers from interfering with the system.
“Even if somehow a local elected official colluded with someone to try and modify the system, the paper ballots wouldn’t match,” he stressed. “We have a physical record of voters’ intent.”​

The over voting is proof of fraud. It is right in front of your eyes. These are the states numbers. Dominion is also connected to the internet. A violation of state and federal law.

Dominion machines are NOT connected to the Internet Karen. :icon_rolleyes:

Steel said it was up to voters to verify their votes and election officials to keep track of the paper ballots. He said the paper ballots would quash any argument that votes were tampered.​
Steel added that the tabulators aren’t connected to the internet, preventing hackers from interfering with the system.
“Even if somehow a local elected official colluded with someone to try and modify the system, the paper ballots wouldn’t match,” he stressed. “We have a physical record of voters’ intent.”​

Posting a story from Dec. 8th proves nothing. Pulitzer just hacked in the day he spoke. Dominion has been caught in a lie and it proves foreign interference along with massive fraud.

Now tell us why the paper ballots are withheld and being destroyed?
The desperate lie is that the election was free and fair.
Sorry, you have to have evidence of such claims. And no, not stupid, easily disprovable lies, like what you just presented. But you have none.
In GA.
Absentee ballots applied for too early.
Underaged votes.
Failed to reregister moving from one county to another
Voted in GA but changed address before the election.
Dead people voted.
Registered in another state but voted in GA
Ballots send to voters too early.
Felons voted illegally.
Unregistered voters
Voted in GA, but registered in another state.
Ballots registered too late.
TOTAL VOTES not conforming to federal and state law

Looks like evidence to me.
You said the same thing about the publicly debunked lie you just posted.
Post how it was debunked. I'll wait.
Have you seen the latest moonbattery from Lin? :cuckoo:

Whatever Wood is saying does not change the fact the state of GA is withholding the ballots from scanning and machines from forensic audit. Why? If there was no fraud let these things be examined.
So, I guess trump has given up on bringing any more cases before the high court
No, the Trump campaign filed another suit with the USSC to overturn the election in Pennsylvania yesterday.

Is that after the one Trump filed on December 20th?

The petition seeks to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases having to do with mail-in ballots and asks the court to reject voters’ will and allow the Pennsylvania General Assembly to pick its own slate of electors.

And maybe an important note, say that they hold the families of the supreme court justices hostage, and force them to grant what Trump asks, Pennsylvanias 20 electoral votes won't change the outcome: Biden 306 to 232 would only become Biden 286 to 252
If all the fraudulent states do it it leaves Biden with 222 and Trump 232. Trump wins.


You really don't know how our system works do you?

A person needs 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

232 isn't 270.

And no court is going to throw out votes for an entire state.

Joe Biden will be sworn in as president on January 20th and there is absolutely nothing you or anyone can do to stop it.

Really, get some help for those delusions.
GEt an education you stupid fuck. Three states have pretty much decided to recall electors. As well as Representatives and Senators contesting. As is their right despite your bullshit. Yes it can be stopped. So STFU and watch what happens.
Have you seen the latest moonbattery from Lin? :cuckoo:

Whatever Wood is saying does not change the fact the state of GA is withholding the ballots from scanning and machines from forensic audit. Why? If there was no fraud let these things be examined.

Dude - Umpteen recounts, signature audits, 57 judges, Bill Barr, Trump's cyber-security chief, and SCOTUS (twice) have told you that it is over. Please move the hell on.
It does not m
Have you seen the latest moonbattery from Lin? :cuckoo:

Whatever Wood is saying does not change the fact the state of GA is withholding the ballots from scanning and machines from forensic audit. Why? If there was no fraud let these things be examined.

Dude - Umpteen recounts, signature audits, 57 judges, Bill Barr, Trump's cyber-security chief, and SCOTUS (twice) have told you that it is over. Please move the hell on.

Not moving anywhere. Those government institutions were never on Trump's side. There is all kinds of evidence. And evidence being withheld or destroyed. Those are the facts. And everything points to massive fraud and a massive, but failing hard, cover up.
Not moving anywhere. Those government institutions were never on Trump's side. There is all kinds of evidence. And evidence being withheld or destroyed. Those are the facts. And everything points to massive fraud and a massive, but failing hard, cover up.

Please present your evidence. Not moonbat BS from The Epoch Times or Gateway Pundit either. I've seen what Rudy, Sidney, Lin and Rump have offered up and I agree with 10 Rump appointed judges and his stacked Supreme Court. There IS no evidence.

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