Trump: Let's "close up the internet"

Trump workers in Vegas vote to join union
Source: WPTZ

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) —Donald Trump has lost a vote -- workers at Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas voted to join a union.

The Culinary Workers Union and Bartenders Union, both affiliates of UNITE HERE, said more than 500 employees were eligible to vote in the two-day election last week. The results were released Monday.

Trump International Hotel is a non-casino hotel, owned by Trump and fellow casino owner Phillip Ruffin, according to the unions.

The unions say the vote comes nine months after workers at Trump International Hotel Toronto voted to join UNITE HERE, and one week after those workers ratified their first contract.

FULL story at link.

Read more: Trump workers in Vegas vote to join union
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Trump has just guaranteed a Third Party efforts: either his own or one by an Independent Republican supported by the establishment and mainstream GOP leaders and money.
You know, even though that would give the election to Hillary, that might be the very best thing for the GOP. It would seperate them from the fruitloops that are presently making the GOP the laughing stock of the political world, and give the GOP eight years to build the GOP of Eisenhower back up. We need an effective and sane opposition party. At present, the GOP is neither.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Trump has just guaranteed a Third Party efforts: either his own or one by an Independent Republican supported by the establishment and mainstream GOP leaders and money.
You know, even though that would give the election to Hillary, that might be the very best thing for the GOP. It would seperate them from the fruitloops that are presently making the GOP the laughing stock of the political world, and give the GOP eight years to build the GOP of Eisenhower back up. We need an effective and sane opposition party. At present, the GOP is neither.
It is similar to the GOP in 1932 and 1964 in many ways.
T-Rump is threatening to sue a Bush supporter who ran a full page ad against T Rump...he hates the internet because it exposes him
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Kind of like Hitler?
Kind of like Hillary:

The Internet has taken center stage in both the 2016 presidential race and theObama administration’s current fight against ISIS. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton urged tech companies to “deny online space” to terrorists. Clinton then anticipated and waved away presumed First Amendment criticisms.

“We’re going to hear all the usual complaints,” she said on Monday, “you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating. It’s more complicated with some of what they do on encrypted apps, and I’m well aware of that, and that requires even more thinking about how to do it.”

The OP's title was certainly selectively indignant and even more "dingbatty".

The OP was just "Trumped" on his own thread.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Well, you support eliminating the 2nd....along with much of the rest of the bill of rights.
religion....what can one say.....seems to me .....very few of them preach peace...if the christians and muslims have their will be back to the crusades for everyone.....

trump supporters are being driven into a frenzy and seem to believe this stuff.....its like lord of the flies in many ways when you look at it...the entire mentality.....i really if trump had the head of a muslim on a spike...his supporters would totally approve and would jack up his numbers in the polls....mob mentality at its best....nothing is more disheartening than a friend saying....they support trump.....
Think Germany, 1934.
We've been thinking that for over 7 years.
Now you're finally caught up.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Well, you support eliminating the 2nd....along with much of the rest of the bill of rights.
No, he does not, but you want to end the Constitution. And the good Americans know the far right want to make America like Germany in 1934.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Well, you support eliminating the 2nd....along with much of the rest of the bill of rights.
Bullshit. I support sanity in gun ownership. The insane number of deaths by firearms in this nation clearly demonstrates that what we have at present is not working. And I have been a gun owner for sixty years.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Trump has just guaranteed a Third Party efforts: either his own or one by an Independent Republican supported by the establishment and mainstream GOP leaders and money.
You know, even though that would give the election to Hillary, that might be the very best thing for the GOP. It would seperate them from the fruitloops that are presently making the GOP the laughing stock of the political world, and give the GOP eight years to build the GOP of Eisenhower back up. We need an effective and sane opposition party. At present, the GOP is neither.
This doesn’t give the election to that cackling hag.

Yeah....this makes sense......Hillary wants to do to us what Trump proposed doing to Muslims. ...and she's already been bought and paid for by our enemies.

Really smart folks.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Well, you support eliminating the 2nd....along with much of the rest of the bill of rights.
Bullshit. I support sanity in gun ownership. The insane number of deaths by firearms in this nation clearly demonstrates that what we have at present is not working. And I have been a gun owner for sixty years.
Unfortunately your sanity doesn't transfer over to to leftists. They don't believe in doing what works....only what seems popular to their base.....which is total confiscation. .....Hillary already openly agrees with that. Most Democrats do.

This is another crisis the opportunists are attempting to take advantage of. And anything they do will end up making the problem worse. But they get to blame it all on the GOP for not going far enough.....or for lack of funding.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular

Kind of like Hitler?
Trump is nothing like Hitler, moron.

Hitler was a Socialist, an Environmentalist, and he believed in racially based laws all just like you Dhimmicrats.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular


Why are you trying to change the subject?
We both know exactly what the subject is. The cracks in the PC monolith of self-appointed ideologues presuming to b the arbitrator of morality are part-and-parcel of your link and your thread title. Don't be that disingenuous.


I'm not sure what that pile of nonsense is supposed to mean, but this thread is about Trump's suggestion that we close the internet, not whatever you're babbling about.
Trump did not suggest we close the internet or anything like that.

That is your libtardism taking over your eyeballs again.

What Trump said was, 'closing that Internet up in some ways.' I.e. shutting down ISIS friendly sites on FaceBook and Twitter, etc.

Dont worry Doc, you'll still be able to fap to your porn till your hearts content even if Trump gets his way on everything.

You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular


Why are you trying to change the subject?
We both know exactly what the subject is. The cracks in the PC monolith of self-appointed ideologues presuming to b the arbitrator of morality are part-and-parcel of your link and your thread title. Don't be that disingenuous.


I'm not sure what that pile of nonsense is supposed to mean, but this thread is about Trump's suggestion that we close the internet, not whatever you're babbling about.
Stop with the sutpid laughing face.


Kind of like Hillary:

The Internet has taken center stage in both the 2016 presidential race and theObama administration’s current fight against ISIS. Democratic candidate Hillary Clintonurged tech companies to “deny online space” to terrorists. Clinton then anticipated and waved away presumed First Amendment criticisms.

“We’re going to hear all the usual complaints,” she said on Monday, “you know, freedom of speech, et cetera. But if we truly are in a war against terrorism and we are truly looking for ways to shut off their funding, shut off the flow of foreign fighters, then we’ve got to shut off their means of communicating. It’s more complicated with some of what they do on encrypted apps, and I’m well aware of that, and that requires even more thinking about how to do it.”

The OP's title was certainly selectively indignant and even more "dingbatty".

I'm no fan of Hilary, and her comments were almost as ridiculous as Trump's, but she didn't suggest that the government "close the internet".
Neither Did Trump.
I miss the good natured Trump who was fired by multiple businesses for calling Mexican immigrants rapists.
And apparently you are also missing your Zoloft.
Like Jeff Bezos ?

Jeff Bezos proposes sending Donald Trump to space

In a follow up story apparently Bezos is now being proposed for a Nobel prize..........
Eat it, bitch.

Trump said parts of the Internet. I imagine he means shutting access to terrorist recruiting sites. I don't have a problem with that but it could be a slippery slope. Who defines recruiting sites and May that definition stretch to include trump's Twitter account?
Anything dynamic in nature could be a 'slippery slope'.

You just have to identify the mechanism that allows the slide and the engine driving it and neutralize those aspects of your activity.

For example, if you are concerned that other parts of the internet may be affected, identify which you want shut down and which to stay open by some objective criteria, like in this case any site that advocates the killing of innocent people for religious reasons and those sites ONLY.

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