Trump: Let's "close up the internet"

Trump said parts of the Internet. I imagine he means shutting access to terrorist recruiting sites. I don't have a problem with that but it could be a slippery slope. Who defines recruiting sites and May that definition stretch to include trump's Twitter account?
Which means you have a problem with that.

What are the criteria to determine what constitutes a 'Muslim terrorist site'; will the same be applied to Christian terrorist sites (they do exist, despite denials from the right).
Access to tech companies and their products is not a constitutional right.

Anyone can say anything. No one has an obligation to listen, no one has an obligation (internet, newspaper, etc) to provide a platform.

USMB has the right, and does, to restrict and prohibit speech.

Why? Because it is a private business.

Having said that, the government does not have the right to censor freedom of speech or access to platforms except in times of declared war.
So you approve of ISIS using our public internet bandwidth to recruit, plan and execute mass murder? Interesting.
Which means you have a problem with that.

What are the criteria to determine what constitutes a 'Muslim terrorist site'; will the same be applied to Christian terrorist sites (they do exist, despite denials from the right).
I guess bending over for those who would actually harm you is something you learn in prison. You're no longer incarcerated, unless prisons have inmate internet now. You are allowed to "man up" here.
I'm surprised no one has started a thread on this already - if I missed it, I'll merge.

Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet

The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe, in some ways, closing that Internet up in some ways.

Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people. We've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they're recruiting by the thousands, they're leaving our country, and then when they come back, we take them back.

I wonder who here is going to pop into this thread to defend these comments.

How many of you Trump guys are actually so fearful of ISIS to that you'd support "closing the internet" ?
[Checking to make sure this isn't in Political Satire...]

No one's 'afraid' of 'ISIS' – just like no one was 'afraid' of 'Ebola.'

It's the climate of fear and hysteria most on the right seek to contrive and propagate for some perceived partisan gain.

Talk of 'shutting down' Muslims entering the country or 'shutting down' the internet reinforces that climate of fear.

And from a political standpoint: Trump has succeeded in getting everyone talking about Trump.

I'm afraid of Obama. You've given him the power of the United States I
RS and Justice Dept. we can only pray our military will not follow his orders to attack American citizens.
Access to tech companies and their products is not a constitutional right.

Anyone can say anything. No one has an obligation to listen, no one has an obligation (internet, newspaper, etc) to provide a platform.

USMB has the right, and does, to restrict and prohibit speech.

Why? Because it is a private business.

Having said that, the government does not have the right to censor freedom of speech or access to platforms except in times of declared war.
So you approve of ISIS using our public internet bandwidth to recruit, plan and execute mass murder? Interesting.
Why do you support ISIS, average guy?

Private business has the right to shut down any sites it wants. Government has to have the legal power to stop the terrorists, secular or religious, so let Congress do that.
avg guy, you can't have it both ways. The govt has to have the legal power to stop ISIS and any other terrorists.
If Trump runs a third party, watch for the creation of Trump militias, and then crush them
Donald Trump Just Permanently Damaged Republicans' Presidential Chances

And he doesn’t just mean restricting those seeking to immigrate to the U.S., which in itself would impose a historically unprecedented religious test for the nation. Trump’s ban would extend at least to tourists as well, as his campaign manager affirmed.

Set aside the rank bigotry behind the proposal and think about the legal, strategic, and practical outrages it would generate. As former George W. Bush aide Ari Fleischernotes, among other things, it would mean that Jordan’s King Abdullah, a partner in the fight against ISIS, would be barred from visiting the U.S. to discuss the conflict. Would Muslim Americans vacationing abroad be allowed to return? What about Muslim American soldiers wrapping up deployments? How would they be sorted out? Trump so far hasn’t fleshed out these not-so-fine points, and many, many others.

and the rubes eat it up

Donald Trump Just Permanently Damaged Republicans’ Presidential Chances
that's right folks. saying that is only a good thing when it's a Democrat who say's it.

the Trump haters are out in force today
and I recall the far left/democrat supporters CHEERING THIS. BUT let Trump suggest it for Terrorist, then it's omg omg omg

FEC Democrats Weigh Regulating Internet Speech

Democrats on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) signaled Wednesday that they are prepared to forge ahead with new regulations on bloggers and others using the Internet to support candidates and influence public policy,

Supporters of Internet regulation urged the encouraged the FEC to put together new rules to require even third-party internet-based groups to reveal donors, a move that would reverse a 2006 decision to keep the agency’s hands off the Internet.

The Washington Post's Dana Milbank portrayed the atmosphere inside the hearing room as circus-like, with witnesses rambling on aimlessly about the "1 percent" who really control U.S. elections. One woman blamed unregulated "dark" money in politics for her fiance's death from taking an anti-psychotic medication that should not have been on the market.

Others railed against Sarah Palin and the Koch brothers or spouted gauzy platitudes about "justice, peace, humanity, productivity."

While the atmosphere inside the hearing room sometimes verged on the farcical, the key issue being discussed – giving the commission authority to regulate Internet speech – was no joke.

Ellen L. Weintraub, a Democratic FEC commissioner, said that three-fourths of the 32,000 public comments the panel received "thought that we need to do more about money in politics, particularly in the area of disclosure. And I think that's something that we can't ignore."

Read Latest Breaking News from
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
religion....what can one say.....seems to me .....very few of them preach peace...if the christians and muslims have their will be back to the crusades for everyone.....

trump supporters are being driven into a frenzy and seem to believe this stuff.....its like lord of the flies in many ways when you look at it...the entire mentality.....i really if trump had the head of a muslim on a spike...his supporters would totally approve and would jack up his numbers in the polls....mob mentality at its best....nothing is more disheartening than a friend saying....they support trump.....
Think Germany, 1934.
Trump said parts of the Internet. I imagine he means shutting access to terrorist recruiting sites. I don't have a problem with that but it could be a slippery slope. Who defines recruiting sites and May that definition stretch to include trump's Twitter account?
Which means you have a problem with that.

What are the criteria to determine what constitutes a 'Muslim terrorist site'; will the same be applied to Christian terrorist sites (they do exist, despite denials from the right).
Yes, I do have a problem with it. It would have to be done very carefully. For instance, blocking sites that show ISIS fucktards killing people and ISIS fucktards calling for others to do their dirty work I have absolutely no problem with. Claiming groups like CAIR are terrorist organizations and blocking them I have a problem with.
You guys are panicking now that PC platitudes are falling apart. Adherents to the purist form of Islam are killing people on all continents, and yet Islam is a religion of peace?!

How long did you think the gullibility of people would last?

That's what worrying people about Trump as they suggest his imminent collapse. yet he keeps getting more popular
So now we have one supporting eliminating the First Amendment.
Trump has just guaranteed a Third Party efforts: either his own or one by an Independent Republican supported by the establishment and mainstream GOP leaders and money.
I'm surprised no one has started a thread on this already - if I missed it, I'll merge.

Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet

The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe, in some ways, closing that Internet up in some ways.

Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people. We've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they're recruiting by the thousands, they're leaving our country, and then when they come back, we take them back.

I wonder who here is going to pop into this thread to defend these comments.

How many of you Trump guys are actually so fearful of ISIS to that you'd support "closing the internet" ?
Obama's been wanting to do this since he became president, but we are the target, not ISIS or al Qaeda. He's been trying to stifle free speech.

You need to learn "Trump Speak". He's not talking about closing the internet. He's talking about watching these people who are recruiting and those they are recruiting. They've been doing this for several years. Problem is, Obama isn't watching terrorists. He's watching everyone. He's literally ignoring criminals and going after the people that he considers the real enemy.....Republicans and Middle-America.
What a lying bastard you are. It is, and always has been, people like you that want to shut down free speech. OK, we shut down ISIS on the net. Then, do we also shut down the white supremacy sites? And why not? And if we do, what next? Same ol' Sticks and Stones.

No, let them have their sites, just track who is going to those sites.
I'm surprised no one has started a thread on this already - if I missed it, I'll merge.

Donald Trump wants to close up the Internet

The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe, in some ways, closing that Internet up in some ways.

Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people. We've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they're recruiting by the thousands, they're leaving our country, and then when they come back, we take them back.

I wonder who here is going to pop into this thread to defend these comments.

How many of you Trump guys are actually so fearful of ISIS to that you'd support "closing the internet" ?
[Checking to make sure this isn't in Political Satire...]

No one's 'afraid' of 'ISIS' – just like no one was 'afraid' of 'Ebola.'

It's the climate of fear and hysteria most on the right seek to contrive and propagate for some perceived partisan gain.

Talk of 'shutting down' Muslims entering the country or 'shutting down' the internet reinforces that climate of fear.

And from a political standpoint: Trump has succeeded in getting everyone talking about Trump.

I'm afraid of Obama. You've given him the power of the United States I
RS and Justice Dept. we can only pray our military will not follow his orders to attack American citizens.
I am afraid of bigoted idiots like you. You are constantly making these claims, yet our President has done none of the things that you suggest he is getting ready to do. From Ebola to the Invasion of Texas, you silly asses have been shown to be completely irrational.
That's a good idea, Old Rocks.

Track everyone who goes to those sites.
I supported closing the internet long before Trump came around. Definitely from any foreign contact, and if thst can't be done, close it entirely.
I suggest that instead, we put old assholes like you in the home for the mentally incompetent. The net is the most wonderful invention of the twentieth century.

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