Trump Lied?

So? Fuck around and find out. Right? Trump is getting what he deserves. He brought this on himself.

You don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.

Making it personal huh? You a hoot
The DoJ is the right agency to talk to. They’re the ones with law enforcement capabilities to compel Trump to turn over everything.

Only if you wanted to turn it into a criminal matter. Trump was cooperating. Within week of voluntarily turning over the 150 boxes, Biden's scumbag DOJ had already opened a grand jury investigation. If that doesn't tell you everything you needed to know about their motives ...

If they were concerned about classified docs, they would have contacted the ODNI.
Making it personal huh? You a hoot

Only if you wanted to turn it into a criminal matter. Trump was cooperating. Within week of voluntarily turning over the 150 boxes, Biden's scumbag DOJ had already opened a grand jury investigation. If that doesn't tell you everything you needed to know about their motives ...

If they were concerned about classified docs, they would have contacted the ODNI.
It was 15 boxes that he turned over to NARA, not 150. Your powers of exaggeration are unmatched. That was after a year of dragging his feet and after the threat from NARA that they’d go to the DoJ.

Trump wasn’t cooperating. He was doing everything he could to delay, obstruct and prevent the government from doing its job.

The government was right to come down hard on Trump, given he wasn’t cooperating, he was actively obstructing the process.

The fact that Trump hid documents from his lawyers and the DoJ, only to have them turn up after the search warrant is proof of this.

I don’t know who you think you are to tell the archivist how to do their job, but it makes no sense to go to the ODNI. The DoJ handles these cases. ODNI isn’t a law enforcement agency.
Cause NARA told his transition team to fuck themselves when they asked for help when they were packing his office.
Didn’t happen. It’s also not an excuse since NARA is never responsible for packing the president’s office for them. NARA simply doesn’t have the staff to do it.
It was 15 boxes that he turned over to NARA, not 150. Your powers of exaggeration are unmatched.
Sue me

That was after a year of dragging his feet and after the threat from NARA that they’d go to the DoJ.

What was the rush?
Trump wasn’t cooperating. He was doing everything he could to delay, obstruct and prevent the government from doing its job.

Again, what was the rush? These docs are not going to be publicly available for years
The government was right to come down hard on Trump, given he wasn’t cooperating, he was actively obstructing the process.
Boo fucking hoo. Some twatwaffel bureaucrat at NARA is going to have to wait a few more months before he could catalog this docs.
The fact that Trump hid documents from his lawyers and the DoJ, only to have them turn up after the search warrant is proof of this.

I don’t know who you think you are to tell the archivist how to do their job, but it makes no sense to go to the ODNI. The DoJ handles these cases. ODNI isn’t a law enforcement agency.
Again they/you make it crysrtal clear that you wanted it to be a criminal matter - solely becasue of your irrational emotional hatred of Trump. It certainly ain't about the integrity of the archival process at NARA . GIve it a fucking break with that argument.
The fact that Trump hid documents from his lawyers and the DoJ, only to have them turn up after the search warrant is proof of this.
You also had his lawyers becoming part of the obstruction, when they told Trump exactly where they would be looking for the subpoenaed classified documents. Giving Trump a "heads up" allowing him to move documents to another location.
Didn’t happen. It’s also not an excuse since NARA is never responsible for packing the president’s office for them. NARA simply doesn’t have the staff to do it.
Trump didn't let the white house staff, no less the NARA staff, look in the boxes he had in the residence.
Didn’t happen. It’s also not an excuse since NARA is never responsible for packing the president’s office for them. NARA simply doesn’t have the staff to do it.
LOLO Did you already forget stooge Stern's recanting of the his congressional testimony?

"in fact, NARA did send staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archive"

Oh what a tangled web we weave.

The story that Biden stooges are feeding you is bullshit., You're simply swallowing and regurgitating it because of your hatred of Trump
Again they/you make it crysrtal clear that you wanted it to be a criminal matter - solely becasue of your irrational emotional hatred of Trump. It certainly ain't about the integrity of the archival process at NARA . GIve it a fucking break with that argument.
Once the classified documents were found, it became a national security issue, not an archival issue.

That’s why the DoJ got involved as it would in any case of mishandling classified documents. Trump and his supporters have a persecution complex to distract from his culpability.
LOLO Did you already forget stooge Stern's recanting of the his congressional testimony?

"in fact, NARA did send staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archive"

Oh what a tangled web we weave.

The story that Biden stooges are feeding you is bullshit., You're simply swallowing and regurgitating it because of your hatred of Trump
They facilitate transport of items.

They don’t have the staff to do the sorting for the executive branch.

It’s not entirely clear what you’re trying to blame NARA on, but there was no need for Trump to ship any of those boxes to Mar a Lago other than the fact that he wanted to keep them. Trump was personally involved in packing up those boxes.
LOLO Did you already forget stooge Stern's recanting of the his congressional testimony?

"in fact, NARA did send staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archive"

Oh what a tangled web we weave.

The story that Biden stooges are feeding you is bullshit., You're simply swallowing and regurgitating it because of your hatred of Trump
You are describing the folks who assist in packing up stuff around the white house, like inside the white house gift office. Not to go through boxes of already packed up documents, to separate PRA from personal records.
Once the classified documents were found, it became a national security issue, not an archival issue.
Oh, an ODNI issue? You're a hoot Marener, a hoot.
That’s why the DoJ got involved as it would in any case of mishandling classified documents. Trump and his supporters have a persecution complex to distract from his culpability.
It wasn't just "any case" was it? It was the former President of the United States. The chief political rival of the administration prosecuting him.

Since you are so concerned about the "mishandling classified documents" WHat the status of the prosecution of Biden for his "mishandling classified documents." Or your uproar that Hillary was not prosecuted for her "mishandling classified documents"
Oh, an ODNI issue? You're a hoot Marener, a hoot.
No, a DoJ issue. Specifically the National Security division of the DoJ.
It wasn't just "any case" was it? It was the former President of the United States. The chief political rival of the administration prosecuting him.

Since you are so concerned about the "mishandling classified documents" WHat the status of the prosecution of Biden for his "mishandling classified documents." Or your uproar that Hillary was not prosecuted for her "mishandling classified documents
If it had been anyone else, they wouldn’t have issued the subpoena, they would have just done the search warrant. They tried to handle this politely, but Trump decided to make it hard.
Once the classified documents were found, it became a national security issue, not an archival issue.

That’s why the DoJ got involved as it would in any case of mishandling classified documents. Trump and his supporters have a persecution complex to distract from his culpability.
Actually finding classified documents didn't trigger anything at DOJ. The National Archives routinely handles classified materials that are part of presidential records.

Where DOJ got involved is when the national archives tried and tried through letters and personal visits to get Trump to turn over all his presidential records and he refused.

That's when it became a DOJ issue, for they had the legal muscle to force through subpoena or search warrant to seize PRA records Trump illegally held onto.
They facilitate transport of items.

Got it. The bureaucrats at NARA offered to roll up their sleeves and carry the boxes out of the WHite House. LOL
They don’t have the staff to do the sorting for the executive branch.

It’s not entirely clear what you’re trying to blame NARA on
Escalating it to a criminal matter with the DOJ.
, but there was no need for Trump to ship any of those boxes to Mar a Lago other than the fact that he wanted to keep them. Trump was personally involved in packing up those boxes.
How about NARA rented a facility near Ma-A-Lago. LIKE THEY'VE DONE WITH EVERY PREVIOUS PRESIDENT EXCEPT TRUMP? So he didn't have to move his docs to Mar-A-Lago
The presidential records act is a law that defines the owner of presidential records transferring from the sitting president, to the national archives when the presidents term ends.

The transfer of ownership is complete and covers the entirety of presidential records, which it defines as those of historical importance generated by or handled by the white house office of the president and office of the vice president.

Presidential records are held in trust for a presidential library (run by NARA) .
Got it. The bureaucrats at NARA offered to roll up their sleeves and carry the boxes out of the WHite House. LOL

Escalating it to a criminal matter with the DOJ.

How about NARA rented a facility near Ma-A-Lago. LIKE THEY'VE DONE WITH EVERY PREVIOUS PRESIDENT EXCEPT TRUMP? So he didn't have to move his docs to Mar-A-Lago
Oh no! He HAD to take classified documents to Florida because NARA didn’t rent a storage facility for him! What a bunch of bullshit. Who buys that! He took the documents because he wanted to keep them.

It’s a DoJ issue because the DoJ handles all of these cases. There’s absolutely no reason to think they shouldn’t be involved.

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