Trump Lied?

Do you have a problem with the truth?

You certainly do. Why have you sold your soul to a politician you've never met and doesn't give a flying fuck about you?
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You cerainly do. Why have you sold your soul to a politician you've never met and doesn't give a flying fuck about you?
Oh, so now you’re making it personal?

Trump worked to hide the documents. Biden didn’t.

There’s a huge difference which you are desperately trying to ignore.
Also count over 15 boxes of classified and PRA materials the archives picked up in 2021 and 2022
It was like 150 in the boxes sent to NARA. They turned over like 40 for the subpoena. Then the FBI found like 100 in the search. I’m going on memory, I could be off a little.
Two places?

The total number of documents was about two dozen.

Trump had 300.
Cause NARA told his transition team to fuck themselves when they asked for help when they were packing his office.
Sole. Not soul.

And you really need to spend just TEN SECONDS to think about how stupid what you are saying is.

A President cannot just willy-nilly take it upon himself to declassify information which could cause extremely grave damage to America.
Not only that but the sole authority to declassify claim is bogus. The VP has the same authority as do the heads of the of the agencies that classified it.
It was like 150 in the boxes sent to NARA. They turned over like 40 for the subpoena. Then the FBI found like 100 in the search. I’m going on memory, I could be off a little.
It's so much easier counting the classified documents that Biden or Pence had.
BTW: We're talking about having classified markings, and not id those documents were still classified. Ad those from Bidens senate days could have been automatically declassified (by the national security EO on classified materials) ten years after date of issue,

Automatic declassification occurs after 10 years, with exceptions that permit continuing classification for 25 or 50 years.

The order required automatic declassification of most of the older documents after 25 years and new documents after 10 years.

That could decrease the number found in Bidens office to just those still classified.
Oh, so now you’re making it personal?

Absolutely. People that spin bullshit for a politician always fascinates me. Are their lives that empty?
Trump worked to hide the documents. Biden didn’t.

There’s a huge difference which you are desperately trying to ignore.

You had the FBI try and fuck you over the way they did Trump, you wouldn't be cooperative either. And why was the FBI even involved? If the twatwaffles at NARA were actually concerned about classified docs, they would have referred the matter to the ODNI. But they wanted to fuck Trump, so they referred it to the Biden scumbags at the DOJ.
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Cause NARA told his transition team to fuck themselves when they asked for help when they were packing his office.
As I said, the NARA is like your garbageman. They just pick up, they don't separate your garbage from your recycleables.

Or are you too stupid to get the analogy.
As I said, the NARA is like your garbageman. They just pick up, they don't separate your garbage from your recycleables.

Or are you too stupid to get the analogy.
Oh STFU with your stupid analogies Ratty
Cause NARA told his transition team to fuck themselves when they asked for help when they were packing his office.
You had the FBI try and fuck you over the way they did Trump, you wouldn't be cooperative either, And why the fuck was the FBI even involved? If the twatwaffles at NARA were actually concerned about classified docs, they would have referred the matter to the ODNI. But they wanted to fuck Trump, so they referred it to the Biden scumbags at the DOJ.
So? Fuck around and find out. Right? Trump is getting what he deserves. He brought this on himself.

You don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about. The DoJ is the right agency to talk to. They’re the ones with law enforcement capabilities to compel Trump to turn over everything. The DoJ involves ODNI to do an analysis of damage to national security.

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