Trump: 'Look At My African-American'

Donald Trump singled out a black supporter at a rally Friday, telling the crowd to “look at my African-American.”

Speaking at an event in Redding, California, Trump condemned the violent protests that had broken out after his campaign rally in San Jose the night before and called the protesters “thugs.” Trump claimed he always tells his supporters to “be very gentle” with demonstrators — despite having frequently encouraged violence at his campaign events.

Trump then launched into a story about a rally in Tucson, Arizona, where a black Trump supporter punched a protester wearing a KKK hood.

“We had a case where we had an African-American guy who was a fan of mine. Great fan. Great guy. In fact I want to find out what’s going on with him,” Trump said, before pointing to a man in the crowd. “Look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about? OK.”

More: Trump Points Out Black Rally Attendee, Says 'Look At My African-American'

Just when I think Trump can't sink any lower - he sinks lower. Does Trump suffer from Tourette syndrome?
The man is a complete AH and his idiots will still vote for him

Can you imagine Democrats voting for Obama for a second term when he was found to be a compulsive liar and pathetically inept both domestically and on foreign policy. Democrats are the essence of foolishness and seemingly proud of it in continuing their stupidity and lack of integrity in even considering lyin and fully corrupted Hillary.
Obama dug us out of the cess pool you republicans and bush put us in
Donald Trump singled out a black supporter at a rally Friday, telling the crowd to “look at my African-American.”

Speaking at an event in Redding, California, Trump condemned the violent protests that had broken out after his campaign rally in San Jose the night before and called the protesters “thugs.” Trump claimed he always tells his supporters to “be very gentle” with demonstrators — despite having frequently encouraged violence at his campaign events.

Trump then launched into a story about a rally in Tucson, Arizona, where a black Trump supporter punched a protester wearing a KKK hood.

“We had a case where we had an African-American guy who was a fan of mine. Great fan. Great guy. In fact I want to find out what’s going on with him,” Trump said, before pointing to a man in the crowd. “Look at my African-American over here. Look at him. Are you the greatest? You know what I’m talking about? OK.”

More: Trump Points Out Black Rally Attendee, Says 'Look At My African-American'

Just when I think Trump can't sink any lower - he sinks lower. Does Trump suffer from Tourette syndrome?
The man is a complete AH and his idiots will still vote for him

Can you imagine Democrats voting for Obama for a second term when he was found to be a compulsive liar and pathetically inept both domestically and on foreign policy. Democrats are the essence of foolishness and seemingly proud of it in continuing their stupidity and lack of integrity in even considering lyin and fully corrupted Hillary.
Obama dug us out of the cess pool you republicans and bush put us in

You are obviously grossly uninformed and happy to be so, have a nice day.. :wink_2:

Gee, maybe you should start your own thread - instead of trying to deflect this one.

The Democratic Party was founded around racism, slavery, torture, murder of the Black race as well as the extermination of Native American population, these are the facts you must embrace as a Democratic Party member...just helping you out...:wink_2:

Well, sparky, you left out the part where those old racists migrated to the Republican Party.
Sure they did. Not.
Trump is a racist.

Eh, there's a plethora of Hillary and Bill racist comments to choose from and don't forget all those misery ladden ghetto's that the Democratic Party has created and sustained in every major city in America for the past 70 odd years.

Enjoy the left wing race card extravaganza but get out of the glass house old friend.
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Trump is a racist.

Eh, there's a plethora of Hillary and Bill racist comments to choose from and don't forget all those misery ladden ghetto's that the Democratic Party has created and sustained in every major city in America for the past 70 odd years.

Enjoy the left wing race card extravaganza but get out of the glass house old friend.

Look at my Lumpy American. :rofl:

Unfortunately there's neither a "Hillary" nor a "Bill" in the topic. But thanks for reminding us that when the heat's on Rump, the Rumproids come out to change the subject faster than you can say Atlantic City Bankruptcy.

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