Trump lost me, most insensitive ahole Covid remark

“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

What a weak ass argument! Are you joking?? It’s true IF we compare free societies. What a crock of shit. If that’s what he meant then he should have said we have the lowest death rate amongst free societies. It’s not hard to be accurate. And if you need to put a disclaimer in like that to explain the statement then your pretty much showing the spin and dishonesty that was packed into the original claim.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

Im sorry sweetie, you wanted to analyze a recent tweet and I gave you a list from a fact check website. How clumsy of me... here’s a tweet we’re he accused Obama and Biden of treason... a charge that even his own DOJ does not have evidence of or else they would have moved on it. There is example after example of this kind of inflammatory, divisive and dishonest crap that he spews.

“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

What a weak ass argument! Are you joking?? It’s true IF we compare free societies. What a crock of shit. If that’s what he meant then he should have said we have the lowest death rate amongst free societies. It’s not hard to be accurate. And if you need to put a disclaimer in like that to explain the statement then your pretty much showing the spin and dishonesty that was packed into the original claim.

Anyone else notice the dumbshit missed the part we have the 69th WORST mortality rate in addition to the obvious "ONE OF"? He didn't say lowest, you're fucking lying again. How come fucks like yourself lie to support lies?

Poor baby, comparable socieities was to
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

What a weak ass argument! Are you joking?? It’s true IF we compare free societies. What a crock of shit. If that’s what he meant then he should have said we have the lowest death rate amongst free societies. It’s not hard to be accurate. And if you need to put a disclaimer in like that to explain the statement then your pretty much showing the spin and dishonesty that was packed into the original claim.

Anyone else notice dumbshit missed the part we have the 69th WORST mortality rate in addition to the obvious that Trump said "ONE OF"?

Poor baby, comparable societies is well too far above your head too, I mean shit, why would we compare how others are doing when discussing how we're doing compared to others right? I mean shit, variables have no meaning to PROGS. I didn't even need the material, it was more an effort to bury you further than I already did.

And still, you left context again because you know you were fucked some posts ago. I guess you can't keep up with your own head. No worries, I got you covered.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

What a weak ass argument! Are you joking?? It’s true IF we compare free societies. What a crock of shit. If that’s what he meant then he should have said we have the lowest death rate amongst free societies. It’s not hard to be accurate. And if you need to put a disclaimer in like that to explain the statement then your pretty much showing the spin and dishonesty that was packed into the original claim.

Anyone else notice the dumbshit missed the part we have the 69th WORST mortality rate in addition to the obvious "ONE OF"? He didn't say lowest, you're fucking lying again. How come fucks like yourself lie to support lies?

Poor baby, comparable socieities was to
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one: I didn't need to read anymore. It reads "Trump said we have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world". Well dumbshit, far lower than Europe and that's who a "free" country must be compared to. Our mortality rate is
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Reason 1/2 a pussified country dislikes Trump is because he's BLUNTLY honest. Then there's the take everything he says out of context because all PROGS are pussified and manipulative. They do the same with videos, bluntly, yet somehow they're not held accountable. WHY?

Trump in November or we're fucked. My money is we're not done yet BIGLY.
Trump is the furtherst thing from honest... you people who confuse bluntness with honesty is comedy

No, it's just numbers, and that's exactly where PROGS get lost. You see dumbshit, guys like Obama don't say anything tangible, and surely what he does say is rehearsed & agenda driven. Trump on the other hand can't shut the fuck up, and he's WIDE OPEN,, so dumbfucks like you "count the lies" which often times is putrid or lies about lies. With a pussified country led by PROGS surely you people are more offended by "LIES" and surely we're trained to redefine what a lie is, that's just progressive.

With Trump being wide open and his natural immunity to PC, he's often BLUNTLY HONEST. PROGS like numbers so much w/o a pinch of critical application, well by the numbers Trump is more honest than any POTUS before him. That's critical application, he just can't shut-up. Your problem is you're intellectually dishonest, know the difference?
I don’t think he is bluntly honest much at all. He is blunt and offensive while propagating his political spin and lies. You may think that since he is taking a risk by saying things he “shouldn’t” that it somehow translates to honesty but that’s just not true

Let's see his tweets, HARD evidence whether or not he's a liar or just a thorn in your side.
I e exhausted efforts pasting quotes, videos, tweets and statements from Trump that clearly show his, lies, exaggerations and hyperbole. If you don’t get it by now you’re never going to and I’m not going to waste my time trying to prove that snow is cold

Oh look, context and content lost on the PROG. He figures since he's provided cherry-picked samples he's not prepared to provide it demonstrates he's more than just a parrot.

Here's some fun PROG, I don't have twitter. What was Trump's last tweet, mind posting it?
Cherry pick samples As you call them are actual examples... dismiss them
All you want but they prove my point

Again, let's see Trump's last tweet and/or video. It's going to be great.
Here’s a list from the past week. Which one is wrong?

First fucking one asswipe, I didn't read and further, why would I? It reads "BUT BUT Trump said we had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, OH MY!"

We do dummy. First off you have to compare us to other free societies, and at least pay a little attention to size and what it's like to live there. As is the USA has the 69th highest mortality rate. Those better are primarily small controlled societies, exceptions being India, taiwan and Isreal. Our mortality rate is FAR I say FAR superior Europe and Canada......... you know, crammed "free" societies comparable the USA?

Second WTF does "one of" mean to you? Isn't that vague as fuck to begin with? Yet the snowflakes cry "He Lied, OMG, the pig". Pathetic, worse than young spoiled children.

You don't even know what was going on in his head to begin with. When you consider all the testing we've done FAR MORE than anyone else, for all you know he's figuring deaths to tests. For all you know he's figuring an estimated number of people infected who are NOT TESTED knowing full well the death rates are exaggerated.

Regardless, Trump lied? That's funny as fuck. And now back to where you lied, you fucking did the PROG-twist and left content. Remember not so long ago (minutes) I claimed Trump was bluntly honest and you said that wasn't possible because all he does is lie? I made the point he doesn't shut his mouth and is wide open, so be a count more instances of honesty than any POTUS before him? Then I asked for his most recent Tweet and/or video and we'll study it?

What a weak ass argument! Are you joking?? It’s true IF we compare free societies. What a crock of shit. If that’s what he meant then he should have said we have the lowest death rate amongst free societies. It’s not hard to be accurate. And if you need to put a disclaimer in like that to explain the statement then your pretty much showing the spin and dishonesty that was packed into the original claim.

Anyone else notice dumbshit missed the part we have the 69th WORST mortality rate in addition to the obvious that Trump said "ONE OF"?

He didn't say the lowest, you're fucking lying again. How come fucks like yourself lie to support lies?

Poor baby, comparable societies is well too far above your head too, I mean shit, why would we compare how others are doing when discussing how we're doing compared to others right? I mean shit, variables have no meaning to PROGS. I didn't even need the material, it was more an effort to bury you further than I already did.

And still, you left context again because you know you were fucked some posts ago. I guess you can't keep up with your own head. No worries, I got you covered.
Here ya go I’m awe you missed it...

The United States doesn’t have one of the world’s lowest mortality rates from the coronavirus. No fewer than 15 advanced, industrialized nations currently have a lower mortality rate, as do a host of other countries, including Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Russia, Turkey, Argentina, and India.
• Another measurement called the case-fatality rate, which Trump incorrectly referred to as the “mortality rate,” also doesn’t place the United States at or near the bottom internationally.
See the sources for this fact-check
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
And mutdering Asshole Cuomo said the same thing. He was praised for “blunt honesty” by the media.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Do you think we can keep everyone alive Frank? I believe you are misinterpreting his realistic statement as heartless.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?

Why do you find that insensitive ?

It seems somewhat matter-of-fact.

You're right, CrusaderFrank is desperate and thin-skinned. He's frustrated and is childishly lash out. If he was a serious supporter of President Trump or anyone else for that matter, the comment CrusaderFrank feigns to be offensive is, in fact, an honest, informative message.
Trump has a habit of speaking blunt truth, I don't know why anyone is surprised at this point. Lack of tact aside, he's right. Blowing smoke up everyone's ass serves nobody.
Trump has a habit of speaking blunt truth, I don't know why anyone is surprised at this point. Lack of tact aside, he's right. Blowing smoke up everyone's ass serves nobody.
He also has a habit of saying stupid shit and lying often.
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
There is contradicting science on the effectiveness of masks as well as the possibility of detrimental effects to healthy people wearing them. Let free individuals decide for themselves.
No, there isn't and no, there aren't.

And you aren't deciding just for yourself, you're deciding for everyone you come in contact with.

Put on the damn mask.

There's no contradicting the effectiveness of masks? Who knew? Where have you been or are just enjoying your ignorance?

Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus
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“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
The Great for 5 months has told us all.
The COVID will magically disappear.
Today dear leader said if cure vaccine is made.
I will need to get a shot to feel this Orange VooDoo magic.

How is this magic, as I see real science made cure.


the Great Douche is killing the U.S.
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Be outraged about Trump making a realistic statement, even if it was insensitive, or voting against liberals attempting to destroy a country I love dearly.
Decisions, decisions.
Did anyone here notice that quote was from Cuomo and not Trump? Frank did an expert job in hoodwinking this board. Best troll I've seen in years.
“Older people, vulnerable people are going to die from this virus. That is going to happen despite whatever you do. Because with all our progress as a society, we can’t keep everyone alive.”

Unreal, what a heartless fuck. Why not just reopen everything now?
Yo frank, wearing masks has us back doubling cases! How the fk does that happen, schools are out, restaurants at 25% capacity, every american wearing masks! How is that fking possible? Open the fk up and shove the masks up the demofks asses
Did anyone here notice that quote was from Cuomo and not Trump? Frank did an expert job in hoodwinking this board. Best troll I've seen in years.
Holy crap!!!
Now that is freaking hilarious...
Has Frank even commented since that first post? I am looking but haven't found another post yet. If this is a troll...
Well played sir...
Masks work. That's the real, non tRumpling, fact.
There is contradicting science on the effectiveness of masks as well as the possibility of detrimental effects to healthy people wearing them. Let free individuals decide for themselves.
No, there isn't and no, there aren't.

And you aren't deciding just for yourself, you're deciding for everyone you come in contact with.

Put on the damn mask.

There's no contradicting the effectiveness of masks. Where have you been or are just enjoying your ignorance?

Published March 18, 2020
WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) is now haunted by a tweet it sent earlier this year when it cited Chinese health officials who claimed there had been no human transmissions of the novel coronavirus within the country yet.

The Jan. 14 tweet came less than two months before WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic.

"Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China," the organization had said.

It also relied on information from Chinese health authorities who have been accused of obscuring facts and figures during the course of the outbreak.

WHO haunted by January tweet saying China found no human transmission of coronavirus
Quoting Faux Newz at me is a waste of time. See I already know it's a lie. I don't even have to read it.
Did anyone here notice that quote was from Cuomo and not Trump? Frank did an expert job in hoodwinking this board. Best troll I've seen in years.
Holy crap!!!
Now that is freaking hilarious...
Has Frank even commented since that first post? I am looking but haven't found another post yet. If this is a troll...
Well played sir...

Well, he got conservatives to agree with Cuomo and liberals to disagree with Cuomo.

An expert demonstration on how divided we are. All he had to do was switch names on the quote and poof, it was as if that quote came directly out of the Orange Man's mouth.

I still can't believe I fell for that.

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