Trump Lurches Left

And look how Trump treated Cruz. Trump smeared Cruz. Libeled Cruz. Insulted Cruz.

As each day of the total disaster that is the Trump Administration passes, Cruz looks better and better.

No one in their right mind voted for Clinton or Trump.

We were getting one or the other
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.
If we got Clinton...
One day it is going to hit you that there is no difference between Trump and Clinton.

Right between the eyes.

Just as I have been saying from the beginning.


WOW!!! OMG!!! That's YUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NY Real estate developer photo op with POTUS and NY Senator


You're the best researcher since Obama's publisher!!
We were getting one or the other
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

You are aware that millions of Democrats who voted for Obama, or were going to vote for Sanders voted for Trump.
So you are calling yourself

"retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots"

And come to think of it, that is really more indicative of The Democrat Party, so perhaps you are right after all.

democrats didn't vote for trump, loon.

or you wouldn't have gotten almost 3 million fewer votes than Clinton.

you are aware that the orange imbecile "won" with fewer votes than Romney lost with, right, idiota?
I saw 538 say something about like 10% of registered dems that voted, voted for him. Also, 5% of repubs voted for Clinton.
but we wont ever know the real number.
We were getting one or the other
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.

Reagan never had the House and barely had the Senate, your "Party" was one extraordinary man who HW tried to kill
We were getting one or the other
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

You are aware that millions of Democrats who voted for Obama, or were going to vote for Sanders voted for Trump.
So you are calling yourself

"retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots"

And come to think of it, that is really more indicative of The Democrat Party, so perhaps you are right after all.

democrats didn't vote for trump, loon.

or you wouldn't have gotten almost 3 million fewer votes than Clinton.

you are aware that the orange imbecile "won" with fewer votes than Romney lost with, right, idiota?

It is painful to talk to Dems who have been brainwashed. The Popular Vote in a Couple of Dem States does not matter.

Trump did better with the Hispanic Vote, Black Vote and Female Vote than anyone expected him to. And that was largely a rejection of Clinton. Hard to say how much of a rejection it was of Obama, but there were a lot of people who previously voted for him that were disappointed in him and voted for Trump.

You guys shouldn't have screwed Sanders like you did. Had you played fair, no one would have found out how corrupt your party and Hillary Rotten Clinton was.
We were getting one or the other
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.
That's why you support failure, war mongers and possibly MASSIVE corruption as well. You aren't a conservative, you are an establishment republican.
Wrong. We had 16 people to choose from. 15 of which were better than Trump.

The GOP has been hijacked by retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots. And they lined up behind the biggest retard, psychopath, liar, and bigot of them all.

Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.

Reagan never had the House and barely had the Senate, your "Party" was one extraordinary man who HW tried to kill
And yet without majorities in the Congress, Reagan achieved a host of great things. He didn't whine about not having 60 Senators like you bitches do when you make excuses for your Fake President.

Reagan knew how to carry the ball over the goal line. Trump doesn't even know what field he's on.

In fact, Reagan didn't whine at all. That's all you bitches do. Whine, complain, shit your pants, shiver in fear.
"Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

EVERYONE knew, you fucking retard!

See what I mean about every huckster being stupid?
Trump is a coward. Rather than take responsibility for his failings, Trump blamed Ryan through a surrogate, and now he's blaming the conservatives of the party.

And his rubes have STILL not caught on he never had a health care plan like he said he had. The dumb fucking rube herd never even asked to see his plan. Trump knew they were that stupid, which is why he could claim he had one when he actually didn't.

Trump doesn't care about health care for the middle class or poor. He's a billionaire, and he can afford the best health care. Fuck the rest of you.
Trump's Chumps should be pissed. Mighty pissed.

Trump said he had a replacement for ObamaCare. The rubes should be very, very pissed now that they know he didn't.

They should also be very pissed at themselves for never even thinking to ask for that plan before the election.

Trump said replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". Now he says, "Nobody knew health care could be so complicated."

Trump said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY. He said he would repeal on Day One, and offer a replacement on Day One.

Trump has now removed that promise from his web site. It's gone. He erased it.

Now he claims he never said he was going to repeal and replace ObamaCare at the beginning of his Presidency.

Yes, he actually believes his Chumps are that stupid they won't notice any of this.

And I'm afraid he's right in that assessment. They have not caught on at all.

What a pack of idiots! :lol:
I tole ya!

I tole ya Trump is a New York limousine liberal Democrat. I told you and told you and told you. But you didn't listen.

Trump is declaring war on the conservatives in Congress.

Trump: ‘We must fight’ hard-line conservative Freedom Caucus in 2018 midterm elections

Remember Eric Cantor? He was the House Majority Leader. A Republican, considered to be a conservative.

But he wasn't bigoted enough for the pseudocons. As soon as Cantor offered up an immigration reform bill which would have given a path to legal status for illegal immigrants, the pseudocons went after him with a vengeance, and he was defeated by David Alan Brat in the 2014 primaries. Brat then went on to win Cantor's seat in the House.

Brat is one of the members of the Freedom Caucus.

And Trump fucking HATES him and his buddies in that caucus. HAAAAATES him.

Trump has declared war on Brat and the Freedom Caucus.

You know why?

Because Trump's ego got seriously gut punched in the ObamaCare repeal debacle. The whole world caught the morbidly obese Emperor without any clothes on. Trump had campaigned on the promise he had a plan to replace ObamaCare, and that massive hoax was exposed. So Trump needs a scapegoat to take out his disastrous embarrassment on.

Trump promised to repeal and replace ObamaCare IMMEDIATELY with his "beautiful plan". And the most gullible people on the planet, Trump's Chumps, never even asked to see Trump's plan! Can you fucking believe it?


Turns out, Trump didn't have a plan.

So then Paul Ryan tossed his plan onto the table, and it just wasn't up to conservative snuff. The Freedom Caucus wouldn't buy it.

So Donald Trump, who spent his entire campaign pandering to bigoted pseudocons who think they are conservatives, has just declared war on conservatives.

You just can't make this shit up.

I warned you and warned you and warned you. Trump is a lifelong liberal Democrat. And now he is going to lead all the pseudocons to the liberal cave.

Single payer health care. Amnesty for illegals. Huge increase in the debt.

The New York limousine liberal is going after conservatives. He will be tweeting huge lies about them going forward. Sad.
I commiserate with you, however, between the two shit sandwiches to choose from in 2016 I do believe that we got the more palatable shit sandwich in Trump... for sure!

We did? Trump has more scandals and failures in the first 60 days than the Clintons had in 8 years.
Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.

Reagan never had the House and barely had the Senate, your "Party" was one extraordinary man who HW tried to kill
And yet without majorities in the Congress, Reagan achieved a host of great things. He didn't whine about not having 60 Senators like you bitches do when you make excuses for your Fake President.

Reagan knew how to carry the ball over the goal line. Trump doesn't even know what field he's on.

In fact, Reagan didn't whine at all. That's all you bitches do. Whine, complain, shit your pants, shiver in fear.
Actually Trump beat 16 GOP contenders, then he went out and beat 4 major candidates in The General Election plus about 2,700 other people running for President.

He ran The Gauntlet and an Anti-Establishment Outsider, and now all of your Corrupt Bureacrats, and the Fake News are scared Shitless that their Con Game of Enriching themselves at our expense is about to end.
Yes, Trump has shown there are a lot more retards, psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and bigots in the GOP than there has been in our entire history.

You get no disagreement from me on that point. This is not the GOP of my youth.

The GOP of your youth were fucking Bob Michel sissies who were so out of power all they could say was "Yes, Massa" to the Democrats. Fuck them
The GOP of my youth was the party of Reagan, retard.

49 states.

Eat it, bitch.

Reagan never had the House and barely had the Senate, your "Party" was one extraordinary man who HW tried to kill
And yet without majorities in the Congress, Reagan achieved a host of great things. He didn't whine about not having 60 Senators like you bitches do when you make excuses for your Fake President.

Reagan knew how to carry the ball over the goal line. Trump doesn't even know what field he's on.

In fact, Reagan didn't whine at all. That's all you bitches do. Whine, complain, shit your pants, shiver in fear.

Your "party" was so great, that it consisted of one guy who was the target of an assassination attempt by his Republican VP.

What an awesome Party you had
Reagan achieved a host of great things.
The terrorists and state sponsors of terrorism appreciated his successes. I know that! But I know all those members of his admin that got charged with crimes probably didn't :badgrin:
The day is coming when you won't be able to find anyone who will admit they supported Trump.

"I voted for Cruz in the primary."

"I was out of the country."

"I thought the election was on a Wednesday."

"I had a flat tire."

"My internet crashed and I missed the whole thing."

"Donald who?"
Trump isn't an ideologue. If someone doesn't know that, they aren't paying attention.
Amnesty is a failure. Saying "its bigoted" to be against it is something a LWNJ would say, ironically...

It always trips me out when people bitch about people not being partisan enough.
See? You rubes are already following Trump to the left without a complaint.

What the fuck did you exactly vote for, rube?

Before you know it, you will be sounding exactly like an Establishment Republican.

Like a Bush.

And then a McConnell.
And then a Pelosi.
I didn't vote for trump, asshole.
Im not a partisan, so I will support people not being a hypocritical ideologue. My second choice for PResident was a Democrat that isn't an ideologue. :eusa_shhh:
But thanks for nothing!
Trump's actions must really confuse LWNJS. THEY MUST BE SO they hate Trump more or hate the Freedom Caucus more?
The Fake President's actions must really confuse Fake Republicans who supported him. Does he hate the Right...or not?

Who do you despise more Trump or the Freedom Caucus?
The day is coming when you won't be able to find anyone who will admit they supported Trump.

"I voted for Cruz in the primary."

"I was out of the country."

"I thought the election was on a Wednesday."

"I had a flat tire."

"My internet crashed and I missed the whole thing."

"Donald who?"

" The TV Room at the asylum was locked"
Trump isn't an ideologue. If someone doesn't know that, they aren't paying attention.
Amnesty is a failure. Saying "its bigoted" to be against it is something a LWNJ would say, ironically...

It always trips me out when people bitch about people not being partisan enough.
See? You rubes are already following Trump to the left without a complaint.

What the fuck did you exactly vote for, rube?

Before you know it, you will be sounding exactly like an Establishment Republican.

Like a Bush.

And then a McConnell.
And then a Pelosi.
I didn't vote for trump, asshole.
Im not a partisan, so I will support people not being a hypocritical ideologue. My second choice for PResident was a Democrat that isn't an ideologue. :eusa_shhh:
But thanks for nothing!
Trump's actions must really confuse LWNJS. THEY MUST BE SO they hate Trump more or hate the Freedom Caucus more?
The Fake President's actions must really confuse Fake Republicans who supported him. Does he hate the Right...or not?

Who do you despise more Trump or the Freedom Caucus?
That's an easy one. Trump. Are you kidding?

Then McConnell.

As an actual conservative Republican with a wide libertarian streak, I have much affection for the Freedom Caucus. Anyone who has read my posts without tard glasses on would know that much.
Trump is a coward. Rather than take responsibility for his failings, Trump blamed Ryan through a surrogate, and now he's blaming the conservatives of the party.

And his rubes have STILL not caught on he never had a health care plan like he said he had. The dumb fucking rube herd never even asked to see his plan. Trump knew they were that stupid, which is why he could claim he had one when he actually didn't.

Trump doesn't care about health care for the middle class or poor. He's a billionaire, and he can afford the best health care. Fuck the rest of you.

You sure get angry over absolutely nothing

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After bashing the Republican Establishment all during the campaign, Trump is now pushing their agenda and declaring war on the very kind of people who voted him in.

Wakey wakey, rubes!

This was highly predictable.

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