Trump Made A Mistake

Nobody questioned when Obama did it because he clearly stated his concerns.

Trump tried to do what he did in secret, PROFESSIONALS in the diplomatic and intel communities screamed about it being clear corruption.

Trump isn't believed because he has told 15,000 documented lies.

Trump never hid anything and did explain his concerns when asked. Nobody runs to the MSM with every little thing they do. Trump is not in bed with the media like DumBama was.

Your side hasn't won the national popular vote since 1988... except one time when you terrified the whole country with a fake war.

So who was trying to win the popular vote? Nobody, not even the commies. Republicans in large Democrat dominated populated cities more than likely don't come out for a presidential vote because it's a waste of time. You people ran into this popular vote thing by accident. Then you take that and create lies out of it such as the people really wanted your commie choice. That's like saying my football team really won the game because they ran way more yards than yours, even though your team beat our team by the score. Ridiculous.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.

It was an incredibly traumatic experience for them. And they weren't sure which half she meant.
Have you figured out which bathroom to use today?
That's what they're trying to stop. Every time Trump does something major, it ends up benefiting most people in the country. Of course they don't like that. They're trying to convince people that capitalism is the wrong way; that Socialism and Communism is what we need to embrace.

Most people aren't benefiting from what Trump is doing... Trump really isn't doing all that much, other than giving his rich friends tax breaks the rest of us will be paying for for generations.

I can't wait to tell my family that Joe on the internet told me I was rich. Not only did I bring home more net pay, but my tax return was much higher as well. But then again, I have a professional do my taxes to show me what's going on, unlike you leftists who use Turbo Tax for your taxes and screw it all up.
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.

It was an incredibly traumatic experience for them. And they weren't sure which half she meant.
Have you figured out which bathroom to use today?

When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

These aren't Trump's personal phone calls. These are phone calls made by the President of the United States, on behalf of the American people, and staffers need to be in on these calls and make records of any agreements, promises or conditions imposed or suggested by these calls.

The President of the United States is not a king or some sort of absolute ruler. He is the CEO of the USA, but he must account to the Board of Directors (Congress and the Courts), and to the shareholders (voters). Donald Trump has never had to answer to anyone or explain his actions to anyone except his father, and he doesn't like it. He leads a family owned corporation and hasn't had to deal with a real Board of Directors with the power to hire or fire him. In business, Trump did what he wanted, and explained nothing. Now he has all of this oversight, and rules, and policies and procedures, and he's going batshit crazy have anyone look over his shoulder and question his processes, in large part because Trump has no plans, no direction for the country, no real agenda. Trump is just making this up as he goes along.

Trump has never had to deal with any real consequences for the bankruptcies, the hundreds of failed businesses, or the frauds he committed along the way. He's bought his way out of every criminal charge he could have faced. American banks won't lend to Donald Trump. They stopped doing business with Trump in the 1990's and that's why he deals with Deutches Banke.

But the Russians do business with him, and overpay for his properties, and do him lots of financial favours. The Russians backs his loans with Deutches Banke. With a guy as vindicative as Trump, I have come to believe that Trump is intentionally destroying the US economy to get revenge on the government and the economy that made him lose all of those billions and billions of dollars, and then refused to do business with him.
/----/ " but he must account to the Board of Directors (Congress and the Courts),"
Actually the Executive is a co-equal branch of Government. Meaning he doesn't answer to Congress any more than Congress answers to him.
Trump waited until the new President took over before looking into it.
So impeached Tramp approved the money to Ukraine while they were the 3rd most corrupt country with a corrupt Russia loving president in 2017, and again in 2018, but suddenly when Ukraine gets an anti Russia and anti corruption president in 2019, the corrupt and impeached Tramp cares about corruption so much he cuts off money to an honest president.

He didn't cutoff anything. He withheld money (like Obama did during his time in office) to do his own checking and to investigate what other UN countries were contributing to the cause; something that's been a focus of his since he ran for President.
The other UN countries contributed MORE than impeached Tramp, and impeached Tramp checked nothing.

And your proof of that is what???
You should know by now that everything impeached Tramp says is a lie. European countries have contributed an estimated two-thirds of all of the aid to Ukraine since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

2/3, huh? Well how many members are in the UN? Do the math.
Trump is not in bed with the media like DumBama was.


Trump has his own State run TV channel, FOX NEWS as his own personal propaganda outlet, Obama had no such thing.

And the nation's largest broadcast chain includes "must run" pro-Trump segments for all its affiliates.

'The most dangerous US company you have never heard of": Sinclair, a rightwing media giant

The GOP has been running against the media - with the help of the media - since 1962.
Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.

These aren't Trump's personal phone calls. These are phone calls made by the President of the United States, on behalf of the American people, and staffers need to be in on these calls and make records of any agreements, promises or conditions imposed or suggested by these calls.

The President of the United States is not a king or some sort of absolute ruler. He is the CEO of the USA, but he must account to the Board of Directors (Congress and the Courts), and to the shareholders (voters). Donald Trump has never had to answer to anyone or explain his actions to anyone except his father, and he doesn't like it. He leads a family owned corporation and hasn't had to deal with a real Board of Directors with the power to hire or fire him. In business, Trump did what he wanted, and explained nothing. Now he has all of this oversight, and rules, and policies and procedures, and he's going batshit crazy have anyone look over his shoulder and question his processes, in large part because Trump has no plans, no direction for the country, no real agenda. Trump is just making this up as he goes along.

Trump has never had to deal with any real consequences for the bankruptcies, the hundreds of failed businesses, or the frauds he committed along the way. He's bought his way out of every criminal charge he could have faced. American banks won't lend to Donald Trump. They stopped doing business with Trump in the 1990's and that's why he deals with Deutches Banke.

But the Russians do business with him, and overpay for his properties, and do him lots of financial favours. The Russians backs his loans with Deutches Banke. With a guy as vindicative as Trump, I have come to believe that Trump is intentionally destroying the US economy to get revenge on the government and the economy that made him lose all of those billions and billions of dollars, and then refused to do business with him.
/----/ " but he must account to the Board of Directors (Congress and the Courts),"
Actually the Executive is a co-equal branch of Government. Meaning he doesn't answer to Congress any more than Congress answers to him.
Congress has the duty to be the check, on the executive, thus the impeachment clause for congress on the President, and Oversight responsibility given them by the Constitution.

The president's check on Congress is his VETO Power.

The congress check on the Judicial Branch is impeachment, the President's check is his appointments of justices/judges.
Hillary called almost half of Americans a basket of deplorables. What's your point?
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Less than 10% is a lot less than "ALMOST HALF," you LIED! Admit it, and free your soul.
He also stated he never paid Stormy Daniels hush money, HE LIES!!!!!
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Hillary called almost half of Americans a basket of deplorables. What's your point?
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Less than 10% is a lot less than "ALMOST HALF," you LIED! Admit it, and free your soul.
He also stated he never paid Stormy Daniels hush money, HE LIES!!!!!
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
And Impeached Trump called a lot of Americans human scum. Where was your outrage then, con?
Please show the audio on that one. Please.
Who said there was audio, con scum?

Those are Democrat politicians he called scum and they are. They aren't average Americans. Try again.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum POS Right lie in the face of the truth. Impeached Tramp's very tweet says REPUBLICANS are human scum, but YOU lie and say the opposite!
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

He was under oath, it was the same hearing, just moments after that clip created for a campaign ad.
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Less than 10% is a lot less than "ALMOST HALF," you LIED! Admit it, and free your soul.
He also stated he never paid Stormy Daniels hush money, HE LIES!!!!!
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!

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