Trump Made A Mistake

She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?
You are defending Impeached Tramp calling Americans "Human scum."
He is calling politicians that. Quit lying, but Hillary did call her fellow Americans deplorables. See I think Lindsay Graham is scum, because he is.
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
You are still lying about Hillary calling "almost half" of Americans deplorable, no matter how much you play too dumb and STUPID to know what you are saying.
A basket of deplorables, don't worry coming from her. It's a badge of honor!
Only a TrumpChump would consider being deplorable honorable! :cuckoo:
Look who called me a deplorable. A drunken treasonous stupid bitch, who couldn't even keep 4 Americans safe when she knew something was going to go down. Like I said, a badge of honor.
He didn't cutoff anything. He withheld money (like Obama did during his time in office) to do his own checking and to investigate what other UN countries were contributing to the cause; something that's been a focus of his since he ran for President.
The other UN countries contributed MORE than impeached Tramp, and impeached Tramp checked nothing.

And your proof of that is what???
You should know by now that everything impeached Tramp says is a lie. European countries have contributed an estimated two-thirds of all of the aid to Ukraine since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

2/3, huh? Well how many members are in the UN? Do the math.
How many are as big as the USA?

What difference does that make? Sure we can contribute a little more, but until Trump came along, we were funding most of the UN. It's been a bugaboo of his since he announced his candidacy. So it's not out of the question to consider that was a concern of his when it came to giving funds to Ukraine. Now if this just came out of the blue, I would be a little suspicious myself as to why he did it.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.
That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.

It wasn't a try, it was sworn testimony under threat of perjury. Everyone was in the loop.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Those pictures of those kids that were separated from their parents. We'e actually during Obama's presidency. Maybe you should check the dates on them, when you politicize them.
Nothing more hateful than a presidential candidates calling the other side a basket of deplorables because they don't agree with you. If Hillary would've won. I wouldn't of liked it, but I guarantee you. That I wouldn't of ran around in a pussy hat, yelling at the sky.
I hope showing you the hatred of your party helps.
Oh and let's no forget about the hate from lgbt. Forcing chick fil a to stop giving to the salvation army. All those poor kids won't be getting presents on Christmas. Is that the hate you are referring too?

Obama wasn't "my guy". But just like his "You didn't build that" comment that small business owners didn't build the infrastructure or educate the workers whose support underpins all of their success, was twisted by Republicans as an "anti-business" comment, Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment has been consistently twisted by Republicans out of context.

Obama was in the middle of an election campaign in which Mitt Romney made an issue of Obama's willingness to work with Russia. Obama wasn't prepared to give Romney ammunition in a closely fought election campaign. He needed a mandate from the American people before proceeding further with them.

What Republicans continually ignore when using this quote is that Obama responded swiftly to the Crimean takeover and the Ukrainian invasion, and immediately cut off negotiations with Russia and imposed strict sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs for all of their bad behaviour. Putin is desperate to end Obama's sanctions, and his support for Donald Trump is due, in large part to Trump's willingness not to impose sanctions on Russia regardless of what they do.

Trump announced sanctions against Russia after the Skirpov poisoning, but he has yet to implement them. He tried to tell Theresa May not to sanction Russia, claiming the Russians didn't do it. Trump routinely believes Putin and lies progaganda lies, over the CIA, FBI, and State Department.

The ONLY reason Trump is still "investigating" the DNC hacking and trying to prove the Ukrainians did it and Russia didn't, is so he can lift the sanctions Obama imposted on Russia as a result of the hacking. The Mueller report in no way tied Trump to the hacking, so why isn't Trump taking his vindication and running with it? Lifting sanctions and the destruction of the NATO Alliance was the price for Putin's ongoing assistance.

Trump is pushing Zelensky to make peace with Putin to, while weakening Zelensky's standing and bargaining position with Putin by refusing to give his unconditional support or endorsement of Zelensky's government, and holding up aid. If Zelensky is forced to settle with Putin, then Trump can make a case to lift all sanctions against Russia, since the Ukraine/Crimea matter, which started all these sanctions, is settled. Trump's his ongoing promotion of Putin's lie that Russia didn't hack the election, the Ukraine did, would be his excuse for lifting the last of the sanctions.

This is, was, and always has been about lifting sanctions.
That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.

Should Giuliani testify?

We have the President telling even the President of Ukraine to get with Giuliani in his call....

Giuliani was the President's front man, and he told everyone, to follow Giuliani's direction or lead.

That is why all the diplomats who did not speak to Trump directly, knew what the President wanted done, on the Biden's, Crowdstrike, investigations, and public announcement by the Ukraine of such for the coveted D.C. visit, and aid.

They did not create this story out of the blue, it was at the direction of the President thru his direction to follow Giuliani.
Last edited:
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

You have a elected Pres only with the help of Russia.

You keep repeating that stupid lie! When are you going to tell us whose vote the Russians changed?

Russia if you listening...….

Non responsive.
Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.

Should Giuliani testify?

We have the President telling even the President of Ukraine to get with Giuliani in his call....

Giuliani was the President's front man, and he told everyone, to follow Giuliani's direction or lead.

That is why all the diplomats who did not speak to Trump directly, knew what the President wanted done, on the Biden's, Crowdstrike, investigations, and public announcement by the Ukraine of such for the coveted D.C. visit, and aid.

They did not create this story out of the blue, it was at the direction of the President thru his direct to follow Giuliani.

What is your issue with that?
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Those pictures of those kids that were separated from their parents. We'e actually during Obama's presidency. Maybe you should check the dates on them, when you politicize them.
Nothing more hateful than a presidential candidates calling the other side a basket of deplorables because they don't agree with you. If Hillary would've won. I wouldn't of liked it, but I guarantee you. That I wouldn't of ran around in a pussy hat, yelling at the sky.
I hope showing you the hatred of your party helps.
Oh and let's no forget about the hate from lgbt. Forcing chick fil a to stop giving to the salvation army. All those poor kids won't be getting presents on Christmas. Is that the hate you are referring too?

Obama wasn't "my guy". But just like his "You didn't build that" comment that small business owners didn't build the infrastructure or educate the workers whose support underpins all of their success, was twisted by Republicans as an "anti-business" comment, Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment has been consistently twisted by Republicans out of context.

Obama was in the middle of an election campaign in which Mitt Romney made an issue of Obama's willingness to work with Russia. Obama wasn't prepared to give Romney ammunition in a closely fought election campaign. He needed a mandate from the American people before proceeding further with them.

What Republicans continually ignore when using this quote is that Obama responded swiftly to the Crimean takeover and the Ukrainian invasion, and immediately cut off negotiations with Russia and imposed strict sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs for all of their bad behaviour. Putin is desperate to end Obama's sanctions, and his support for Donald Trump is due, in large part to Trump's willingness not to impose sanctions on Russia regardless of what they do.

Trump announced sanctions against Russia after the Skirpov poisoning, but he has yet to implement them. He tried to tell Theresa May not to sanction Russia, claiming the Russians didn't do it. Trump routinely believes Putin and lies progaganda lies, over the CIA, FBI, and State Department.

The ONLY reason Trump is still "investigating" the DNC hacking and trying to prove the Ukrainians did it and Russia didn't, is so he can lift the sanctions Obama imposted on Russia as a result of the hacking. The Mueller report in no way tied Trump to the hacking, so why isn't Trump taking his vindication and running with it? Lifting sanctions and the destruction of the NATO Alliance was the price for Putin's ongoing assistance.

Trump is pushing Zelensky to make peace with Putin to, while weakening Zelensky's standing and bargaining position with Putin by refusing to give his unconditional support or endorsement of Zelensky's government, and holding up aid. If Zelensky is forced to settle with Putin, then Trump can make a case to lift all sanctions against Russia, since the Ukraine/Crimea matter, which started all these sanctions, is settled. Trump's his ongoing promotion of Putin's lie that Russia didn't hack the election, the Ukraine did, would be his excuse for lifting the last of the sanctions.

This is, was, and always has been about lifting sanctions.
Lol, all I can say. Is if Trump said the same to Putin. You would be the first to call for impeachment. Obama is the worst president in history.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Those pictures of those kids that were separated from their parents. We'e actually during Obama's presidency. Maybe you should check the dates on them, when you politicize them.
Nothing more hateful than a presidential candidates calling the other side a basket of deplorables because they don't agree with you. If Hillary would've won. I wouldn't of liked it, but I guarantee you. That I wouldn't of ran around in a pussy hat, yelling at the sky.
I hope showing you the hatred of your party helps.
Oh and let's no forget about the hate from lgbt. Forcing chick fil a to stop giving to the salvation army. All those poor kids won't be getting presents on Christmas. Is that the hate you are referring too?

Obama wasn't "my guy". But just like his "You didn't build that" comment that small business owners didn't build the infrastructure or educate the workers whose support underpins all of their success, was twisted by Republicans as an "anti-business" comment, Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment has been consistently twisted by Republicans out of context.

Obama was in the middle of an election campaign in which Mitt Romney made an issue of Obama's willingness to work with Russia. Obama wasn't prepared to give Romney ammunition in a closely fought election campaign. He needed a mandate from the American people before proceeding further with them.

What Republicans continually ignore when using this quote is that Obama responded swiftly to the Crimean takeover and the Ukrainian invasion, and immediately cut off negotiations with Russia and imposed strict sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs for all of their bad behaviour. Putin is desperate to end Obama's sanctions, and his support for Donald Trump is due, in large part to Trump's willingness not to impose sanctions on Russia regardless of what they do.

Trump announced sanctions against Russia after the Skirpov poisoning, but he has yet to implement them. He tried to tell Theresa May not to sanction Russia, claiming the Russians didn't do it. Trump routinely believes Putin and lies progaganda lies, over the CIA, FBI, and State Department.

The ONLY reason Trump is still "investigating" the DNC hacking and trying to prove the Ukrainians did it and Russia didn't, is so he can lift the sanctions Obama imposted on Russia as a result of the hacking. The Mueller report in no way tied Trump to the hacking, so why isn't Trump taking his vindication and running with it? Lifting sanctions and the destruction of the NATO Alliance was the price for Putin's ongoing assistance.

Trump is pushing Zelensky to make peace with Putin to, while weakening Zelensky's standing and bargaining position with Putin by refusing to give his unconditional support or endorsement of Zelensky's government, and holding up aid. If Zelensky is forced to settle with Putin, then Trump can make a case to lift all sanctions against Russia, since the Ukraine/Crimea matter, which started all these sanctions, is settled. Trump's his ongoing promotion of Putin's lie that Russia didn't hack the election, the Ukraine did, would be his excuse for lifting the last of the sanctions.

This is, was, and always has been about lifting sanctions.

Literally delusional.
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Those pictures of those kids that were separated from their parents. We'e actually during Obama's presidency. Maybe you should check the dates on them, when you politicize them.
Nothing more hateful than a presidential candidates calling the other side a basket of deplorables because they don't agree with you. If Hillary would've won. I wouldn't of liked it, but I guarantee you. That I wouldn't of ran around in a pussy hat, yelling at the sky.
I hope showing you the hatred of your party helps.
Oh and let's no forget about the hate from lgbt. Forcing chick fil a to stop giving to the salvation army. All those poor kids won't be getting presents on Christmas. Is that the hate you are referring too?

Obama wasn't "my guy". But just like his "You didn't build that" comment that small business owners didn't build the infrastructure or educate the workers whose support underpins all of their success, was twisted by Republicans as an "anti-business" comment, Obama's "I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment has been consistently twisted by Republicans out of context.

Obama was in the middle of an election campaign in which Mitt Romney made an issue of Obama's willingness to work with Russia. Obama wasn't prepared to give Romney ammunition in a closely fought election campaign. He needed a mandate from the American people before proceeding further with them.

What Republicans continually ignore when using this quote is that Obama responded swiftly to the Crimean takeover and the Ukrainian invasion, and immediately cut off negotiations with Russia and imposed strict sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs for all of their bad behaviour. Putin is desperate to end Obama's sanctions, and his support for Donald Trump is due, in large part to Trump's willingness not to impose sanctions on Russia regardless of what they do.

Trump announced sanctions against Russia after the Skirpov poisoning, but he has yet to implement them. He tried to tell Theresa May not to sanction Russia, claiming the Russians didn't do it. Trump routinely believes Putin and lies progaganda lies, over the CIA, FBI, and State Department.

The ONLY reason Trump is still "investigating" the DNC hacking and trying to prove the Ukrainians did it and Russia didn't, is so he can lift the sanctions Obama imposted on Russia as a result of the hacking. The Mueller report in no way tied Trump to the hacking, so why isn't Trump taking his vindication and running with it? Lifting sanctions and the destruction of the NATO Alliance was the price for Putin's ongoing assistance.

Trump is pushing Zelensky to make peace with Putin to, while weakening Zelensky's standing and bargaining position with Putin by refusing to give his unconditional support or endorsement of Zelensky's government, and holding up aid. If Zelensky is forced to settle with Putin, then Trump can make a case to lift all sanctions against Russia, since the Ukraine/Crimea matter, which started all these sanctions, is settled. Trump's his ongoing promotion of Putin's lie that Russia didn't hack the election, the Ukraine did, would be his excuse for lifting the last of the sanctions.

This is, was, and always has been about lifting sanctions.
Lol, all I can say. Is if Trump said the same to Putin. You would be the first to call for impeachment. Obama is the worst president in history.

Probably not worse than Wilson
The rest, yeah.
That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.

Should Giuliani testify?

We have the President telling even the President of Ukraine to get with Giuliani in his call....

Giuliani was the President's front man, and he told everyone, to follow Giuliani's direction or lead.

That is why all the diplomats who did not speak to Trump directly, knew what the President wanted done, on the Biden's, Crowdstrike, investigations, and public announcement by the Ukraine of such for the coveted D.C. visit, and aid.

They did not create this story out of the blue, it was at the direction of the President thru his direct to follow Giuliani.

What is your issue with that?

Giuliani does not work for the US govt, is not sworn to uphold the Constitution, and is the President's personal Campaign lawyer, not the Doj or FBI or Treasury dept's anti foreign Corruption units, in unison with Ukraine's prosecutor General, per our legal agreement signed with the Ukraine when investigating corruption by Americans over there...

It also makes Giuliani be over, the direction of the State dept in the Ukraine, and not Sec. POMPEO, who is the Senate confirmed person in charge.

And that's just a few of the problems with it....
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about he did. He's the fucking president. HE sets policy, not state department pricks.

You need to take a damned Civics class.
he sets policy with his Secretaries, in this case that would be Pompeo, and not his personal campaign lawyer Giuliani and two ex Soviet American goons, Westwall.

And Pompeo passes that policy on to his State dept Diplomats and Intel agencies involved in the foreign country.

The State department diplomats and the confirmed by the Senate Pompeo don't work for Giuliani,

and his personal lawyer Giuliani does not work for us, the US Govt....

How can you not understand this?

Correct. HE sets the policy. Not some bureaucrat. The bureaucrats seem to believe otherwise.
Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.

Nice try, but if you listen to what he said, he said he got that idea from Rudy--not Trump. So when he talked to Trump directly, Trump said no quid pro quo.

Should Giuliani testify?

We have the President telling even the President of Ukraine to get with Giuliani in his call....

Giuliani was the President's front man, and he told everyone, to follow Giuliani's direction or lead.

That is why all the diplomats who did not speak to Trump directly, knew what the President wanted done, on the Biden's, Crowdstrike, investigations, and public announcement by the Ukraine of such for the coveted D.C. visit, and aid.

They did not create this story out of the blue, it was at the direction of the President thru his direction to follow Giuliani.

Should Rudy testify to who? Lady Piglosi refuses to send the articles to the Senate. Unless Mitch goes over her head and has a hearing without the articles, then there is nobody to testify to at this point. On the other hand, Mitch should give her a time limit, and if she doesn't move them forward, the impeachment should be null and void.

But if she does send them up, Mitch has stated there will be no witnesses. It will be a flat out vote.

Sondland testified that he was not sure what Trump wanted which is why he called him direct. And Trump's own words were that he didn't want anything.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?
You are defending Impeached Tramp calling Americans "Human scum."
He is calling politicians that. Quit lying, but Hillary did call her fellow Americans deplorables. See I think Lindsay Graham is scum, because he is.
Impeached Tramp is a politician, so he is calling himself the scum he is.
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
You are still lying about Hillary calling "almost half" of Americans deplorable, no matter how much you play too dumb and STUPID to know what you are saying.
A basket of deplorables, don't worry coming from her. It's a badge of honor!
Only a TrumpChump would consider being deplorable honorable! :cuckoo:
Look who called me a deplorable. A drunken treasonous stupid bitch, who couldn't even keep 4 Americans safe when she knew something was going to go down. Like I said, a badge of honor.
Funny after 9 Republiscum inquisitions they couldn't make your lie stick!
Pelosi will send the Articles to the Senate after the crackpot in the White House has had a couple of weeks to stew over them. She only delayed one business day, so far, and that allowed space for an editorial from Christianity Today, calling for Trump's removal, and an endorsement from Vladimir Putin, supporting Trump. More news will come out, more leaks will happen, Rudy will shoot his foot another time or two. 70+% of Independents want to hear from some of the witnesses Trump has blocked. Give it time.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Nobody kisses Putin's ass more and better than Impeached Tramp!
Please tell us how? I mean it's not like he gave Putin Crimea.
Impeached Tramp DID give Putin Crimea when he told leaders at a G7 summit dinner that Crimea is Russian because its people speak Russian.

When a reporter approached Trump during a morning event and asked him about the cold-blooded murderer President Putin?"

Trump responded: "He is a great guy. I think we had a really good meeting. I think he is a good person, we started discussing trade. I think we should have trade between Russia and USA, two great countries. We had a great meeting yesterday. He is a terrific person. Thank you very much."

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