Trump Made A Mistake

She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
And Impeached Trump called a lot of Americans human scum. Where was your outrage then, con?
Please show the audio on that one. Please.
Who said there was audio, con scum?

Those are Democrat politicians he called scum and they are. They aren't average Americans. Try again.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum POS Right lie in the face of the truth. Impeached Tramp's very tweet says REPUBLICANS are human scum, but YOU lie and say the opposite!
Politicians, yes most are scum.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Less than 10% is a lot less than "ALMOST HALF," you LIED! Admit it, and free your soul.
He also stated he never paid Stormy Daniels hush money, HE LIES!!!!!
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
Trump calls politicians scum. Not the average American. But your girl calls Americans a basket of deplorables.
American politicians are Americans, and Impeached Tramp's deplorables are not AVERAGE Americans, they are deplorable Americans.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:


Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

He was under oath, it was the same hearing, just moments after that clip created for a campaign ad.

What campaign ad? I don't watch commercials anymore, but I am unaware of any ad. Ad for who?
Based in their own experience under King George III, as well as the writings of John Locke and other luminaries, “those who wrote our Constitution knew, and feared, that the chief executive could threaten their plan of government by corrupting elections.” 430 They included impeachment in the Constitution largely to thwart such treachery. As explained above, “The true nature of this threat is its rejection of government by ‘We the People,’ who would ‘ordain and establish’ the Constitution ... When the President concludes that elections threaten his continued grasp on power, and therefore seeks to corrupt or interfere with them, he denies the very premise of our constitutional system. The American people choose their leaders; a President who wields power to destroy opponents or manipulate elections is a President who rejects democracy itself.” 431

These authorities make clear that a President commits “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” where he exercises official power to obtain an improper personal benefit, while ignoring or injuring the national interest. Such an abuse is especially abhorrent where it involves a betrayal of the national interest through foreign entanglements or an effort to corrupt our democracy. “Any one of these violations of the public trust justifies impeachment; when combined in a single course of conduct, they state the strongest possible case for impeachment and removal from office.” 432​

Trump made a mistake. He failed properly to conceal his treachery and corruption, or so Trumpletons would inform us.
Less than 10% is a lot less than "ALMOST HALF," you LIED! Admit it, and free your soul.
He also stated he never paid Stormy Daniels hush money, HE LIES!!!!!
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
You are still lying about Hillary calling "almost half" of Americans deplorable, no matter how much you play too dumb and STUPID to know what you are saying.
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Trump is not in bed with the media like DumBama was.


Trump has his own State run TV channel, FOX NEWS as his own personal propaganda outlet, Obama had no such thing.
Lol, Obama had all the other news outlets kissing his butt. What planet do you live on?

But she thinks it's fair. Fox is number one on cable, but free television has a lot more viewers, and the MSM controls all of those.

Then the Dems own primary eduction, advanced education, all of Hollywood, most of social media, but Trump has Fox, so it's fair.
Hillary called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. That's almost half of Americans.
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
You are still lying about Hillary calling "almost half" of Americans deplorable, no matter how much you play too dumb and STUPID to know what you are saying.
A basket of deplorables, don't worry coming from her. It's a badge of honor!
Wanna lay some PROOF on us

It's been proven

now it's being judged

unfortunately said 'judges' are a partisan joke

/----/ Why do you Impeachrtrads continue with that lie?
Rosenstein Confirms That No Votes Were Changed And The ...
“There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. The special counsel’s investigation is ongoing,” Rosenstein said. Rosenstein also confirmed Russian interference did not affect the outcome of the election the last time the Special Counsel rolled out a junk indictment in February.
Sure, now you wing-nuts are saying the government never lies after telling us how much the "deep state" FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc lie.
She called HALF of Tramp's of supporters the deplorables they are, that's less than 10% of Americans. Half of Tramp voters = 31.5 million, USA population in 2016 = 323.4 million = 9.7%

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?
You are defending Impeached Tramp calling Americans "Human scum."
Notice how even AFTER Hillary's FULL and exact quote is posted and the math is done for them, the worthless lying scum POS Right just continue to LIE in the face of the Truth!!!!!
Yep and Hillary is still not president!
And you are STILL a liar!
I'm lying when I say Hillary isn't president? Lol
You are still lying about Hillary calling "almost half" of Americans deplorable, no matter how much you play too dumb and STUPID to know what you are saying.
A basket of deplorables, don't worry coming from her. It's a badge of honor!
Only a TrumpChump would consider being deplorable honorable! :cuckoo:

Only in your imagination created in the right wing news bubble. The classified emails were in her gvt emails not her private emails.

That was set up by Gowdy, dishonestly, for an ad..... by Gowdy asking leading questions that were false. If you watched the rest of the hearing after this campaign ad creation part, Comey answered in detail each one of those questions.

Comey can say whatever he wants while not under oath. That's easy. Under oath, you have to tell the truth or face consequences. Did you find classified material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes. Did you find State department material on Hillary's email server. Answer: yes.

That's a great point, Ray! The witnesses in the House Impeachment Inquiry all testified under oath. Trump defenders under oath? Not on their lives.

Agreed. So what's your point? The only witness that testified to having an actual conversation with the President was Sondland, and he testified that the President instructed him not to use a quid pro quo, and wanted nothing in return from Zelensky. The rest of the witnesses presumed, assumed, were told by a party of another party, of another party.

He testified there was a quid pro quo, and everyone was in the loop.

Talk to Rudy.
She still called a lot of Americans a basket of deplorables. Trump has stated he loves all Americans even the uneducated. You still make fun of that.
Half of Trump supporters, not all of them... that's about 20% of the country.... still a lot.
Lol, she call Trump supporters a basket of deplorables. I'm sure over half of Americans support Trump now.
View attachment 295727
She said, "HALF of Trump supporters are a basket full of Deplorables."

She specifically called HALF of them are such, NOT ALL.
So, your defending a presidential candidate calling Americans deplorables?

The people who are cheering for Russia, which is trying to destroy your country, are "deplorable". The people who think it's a good idea to separate children from their parents, and to lock up children, are "deplorable". The racists, misogynists, and people who hate other Americans because of their politics are "deplorable". And Donald J. Trump is all of these things. So even if you're not a racist, a misoogynist, or a Russian sob sister, you're giving your support to someone who is, and who will assume that support means you agree with his deplorable policies.

The time has come for you to decide whether you're on Trump\s side, or the side of the Constitution.
Let's see, your guy wanted Putin to wait till after the election. So he could kiss his ass better. Your guy?
Those pictures of those kids that were separated from their parents. We'e actually during Obama's presidency. Maybe you should check the dates on them, when you politicize them.
Nothing more hateful than a presidential candidates calling the other side a basket of deplorables because they don't agree with you. If Hillary would've won. I wouldn't of liked it, but I guarantee you. That I wouldn't of ran around in a pussy hat, yelling at the sky.
I hope showing you the hatred of your party helps.
Oh and let's no forget about the hate from lgbt. Forcing chick fil a to stop giving to the salvation army. All those poor kids won't be getting presents on Christmas. Is that the hate you are referring too?
So impeached Tramp approved the money to Ukraine while they were the 3rd most corrupt country with a corrupt Russia loving president in 2017, and again in 2018, but suddenly when Ukraine gets an anti Russia and anti corruption president in 2019, the corrupt and impeached Tramp cares about corruption so much he cuts off money to an honest president.

He didn't cutoff anything. He withheld money (like Obama did during his time in office) to do his own checking and to investigate what other UN countries were contributing to the cause; something that's been a focus of his since he ran for President.
The other UN countries contributed MORE than impeached Tramp, and impeached Tramp checked nothing.

And your proof of that is what???
You should know by now that everything impeached Tramp says is a lie. European countries have contributed an estimated two-thirds of all of the aid to Ukraine since Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

2/3, huh? Well how many members are in the UN? Do the math.
How many are as big as the USA?

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