Trump Made A Mistake

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:
How about you blow it out your stretched cavernous ass?

Why weren't you protesting All The FISA Abuse, Wiretapping of Trump Tower, Spying, Clinton and Obama laundering money to Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and numerous other people having their rights violated? Why weren't you outraged at Hillary Clinton's gross criminal negligence in following the law?

Were you on a street corner shooting heroin in your veins and offering to blow random bums for $5 a shot?

Thank You. Care4None like UnRealDave, on top of all the issues that don't matter one Didley BoSquat to anyone with a brain or a life.
Donald failed to learn the lessons of Hillary: make all your calls in secret on a private phone and keep all your messages on a personal server that you can erase and destroy when the dogs get too close. But Trump's mistake is understandable: he wasn't doing anything crooked he thought he had to hide. You don't see any private call transcripts or whistleblowers for any of Hillary or Obama's calls because they didn't have 500 deep state creeps sneaking around behind every bush trying to sabotage them.
I suspect it was more like the Deep State controlling Ears and HER. The Deep State loves those two, but hates Donnie.

It could be Donnie’s unforgivable act was demanding an end to the endless wars, along with not being a member of the elite establishment. Because of this, the Deep State had to destroy him.

Even though Donnie has continued the wars and exploded the war budget, the Deep State still hates him. This tells you how utterly ignorant these people are.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
You'd be first on the list.
So, I am the elite controlling the world, Mr Pottymouth?

Okee Dokee
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

But he broke no laws. Ukraine joe and O overtly overthrew ukraine and collected spoils and libs were deathly silent. You'll excuse us as the rest of us laugh at this donkey ball game.
I suspect it was more like the Deep State controlling Ears and HER. The Deep State loves those two, but hates Donnie.

It could be Donnie’s unforgivable act was demanding an end to the endless wars, along with not being a member of the elite establishment. Because of this, the Deep State had to destroy him.

Even though Donnie has continued the wars and exploded the war budget, the Deep State still hates him. This tells you how utterly ignorant these people are.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
You'd be first on the list.
So, I am the elite controlling the world, Mr Pottymouth?

Okee Dokee
Robert Mueller once paid a Hooker to pee on him.
So I have to ask, did you drink a lot of water that day?
Donald failed to learn the lessons of Hillary: make all your calls in secret on a private phone and keep all your messages on a personal server that you can erase and destroy when the dogs get too close. But Trump's mistake is understandable: he wasn't doing anything crooked he thought he had to hide. You don't see any private call transcripts or whistleblowers for any of Hillary or Obama's calls because they didn't have 500 deep state creeps sneaking around behind every bush trying to sabotage them.
I suspect it was more like the Deep State controlling Ears and HER. The Deep State loves those two, but hates Donnie.

It could be Donnie’s unforgivable act was demanding an end to the endless wars, along with not being a member of the elite establishment. Because of this, the Deep State had to destroy him.

Even though Donnie has continued the wars and exploded the war budget, the Deep State still hates him. This tells you how utterly ignorant these people are.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.
Donald failed to learn the lessons of Hillary: make all your calls in secret on a private phone and keep all your messages on a personal server that you can erase and destroy when the dogs get too close. But Trump's mistake is understandable: he wasn't doing anything crooked he thought he had to hide. You don't see any private call transcripts or whistleblowers for any of Hillary or Obama's calls because they didn't have 500 deep state creeps sneaking around behind every bush trying to sabotage them.
I suspect it was more like the Deep State controlling Ears and HER. The Deep State loves those two, but hates Donnie.

It could be Donnie’s unforgivable act was demanding an end to the endless wars, along with not being a member of the elite establishment. Because of this, the Deep State had to destroy him.

Even though Donnie has continued the wars and exploded the war budget, the Deep State still hates him. This tells you how utterly ignorant these people are.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Yeah, sure...:rolleyes:
They did such a good job at smearing Hillary and announcing the opening of a new investigation in to her emails 10 days out from election day, while the same FBI never once told the public they were investigating the Trump campaign for colluding with the Russian that stole the DNC emails,

ALL TO HELP Clinton WIN and trump lose?

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.

You can not be that fucking stupid

Wait - never mind.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.

How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

How about you fuckers not talk impeachment before he's even sworn in ?

Then when it actually happens, more than half the country won't think it is sour grapes. Which it is.
who talked impeachment before he was sworn in? who is ''you f-ers''? a handful of people, like there were republicans saying about Obama before he even took his oath?

no one was talking impeachment early on...

their hopes were put in the electoral college following their conscience... in the early stages of TDS! :D

You dont even know how electors work.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
I suspect it was more like the Deep State controlling Ears and HER. The Deep State loves those two, but hates Donnie.

It could be Donnie’s unforgivable act was demanding an end to the endless wars, along with not being a member of the elite establishment. Because of this, the Deep State had to destroy him.

Even though Donnie has continued the wars and exploded the war budget, the Deep State still hates him. This tells you how utterly ignorant these people are.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.

Do you have any idea how that even came about?
I will say no.
So this so called deep state is now the elite?

Or are they just American worker citizens with families who have a career working in our gvt, that you differ with?
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.

Do you have any idea how that even came about?
I will say no.
How what came about? Comey acting against the Clinton campaign? Yes, I do.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:
When did Obama's calls become public?
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

Or loses 30,000 of them and trashes his blackberries with a hammer.
do we get to read 30,000 of his personal and private correspondences?

comey testified that the blackberries and other devices were destroyed for security purposes AFTER THEY TRANSFERRED their files to the new upgraded phones. It was not done for nefarious reasons.

ALSO, her 30k of personal emails WERE NEVER SUBPOENAED.... she by law, could destroy them, could keep them, could bleach bit them, could save them to another server, or whatever the heck she wanted to do with them.... they were never the property of our gvt and never required to be turned in to the gvt archives.
Included in those 30K emails deleted under subpoena were classified emails.

You really believe they were all about yoga and Web Hubbell's daughter's wedding, dontcha?:21:
our duly elected President!!!
He wasn't duly elected, he cheated.

Sorry edthecrackpot, Cartoons are for children. Trump is as duly as they come. That's why Hillary conceded to him in 2016 and his legitimacy has never been contested and he took the Oath of Office officially sworn in Jan. 2017 with his hand on the Bible (unlike Obama). If you want to win too without cheating, all you need to do is get 270 or more Electoral votes next year. Or maybe you think the Russians have fixed that as well.
No matter how much the truth triggers you snowflakes, he had to cheat to steal the election.
Yeah, he cheated by sending a few million to Russia for fake information to put together a phony dossier to use to get the FBI to wiretap his opponent.............oh, wait...............
When he trusted the protocol to listen in on his conversation. He should have insisted on a private line. I hope he understands that he is the target of the deep state nameless bureaucrats that will work tirelessly to protect their turfs.
Wait, so your beef is not his crimes, but that he got caught?

That's sad.
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

How about Democrats stop trying to second guess our duly elected President!!! You know, the one that WE THE PEOPLE put in the Oval Office. Who the FUCK do they think THEY are? Oh yeah, they're 'much smarter' than YOU....You little POS with a VOTE.
Forget Putin's help.

You'll piss him off and he won't help this time around.
LOL. That’s funny.

Whenever someone questions who is the Deep State, they have self identified as a fool.

If you think a government worker, like a postal worker for instance is part of the Deep State, you really need to examine your sanity.
So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.

Do you have any idea how that even came about?
I will say no.
How what came about? Comey acting against the Clinton campaign? Yes, I do.

So give me names of the deep state people in our gvt against Trump, that are the "elite".... surely you can give us these boogeymen's names?
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.

Do you have any idea how that even came about?
I will say no.
How what came about? Comey acting against the Clinton campaign? Yes, I do.

Care to enlighten me about what details you think I’m missing?
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:
When did Obama's calls become public?
Is it "some day" yet?
How about he just follow the law, and keep his oath of office, and stop trying to cheat, and tell the truth all the time... then he would not have to be so paranoid....

BTW, his calls... are OUR CALLS, we the people's calls, and they will become public, some day...

(unless he hides them in above TOP SECRET compartmental files...) as he has done with his calls... :rolleyes:

But he broke no laws. Ukraine joe and O overtly overthrew ukraine and collected spoils and libs were deathly silent. You'll excuse us as the rest of us laugh at this donkey ball game.
That’s it. They don’t know anything about the coup and corruption committed by Smelly Joe and Ears. To them, this truth is a conspiracy theory.

Proof the MSM and D Party can dupe them every time.
Again, you double down on dumb.

Those in the FBI who colluded and treasonously tried to effect an election, should be of concern to you. I fear it isn’t.

You are blind to the truth. Trump has broken your brain.
Comey told Chaffetz days before the election they had reopened Clinton’s email investigation.

If anything, the FBI was acting against Clinton and in favor of Trump.

Do you have any idea how that even came about?
I will say no.
How what came about? Comey acting against the Clinton campaign? Yes, I do.

Care to enlighten me about what details you think I’m missing?

Not sure where to start -
I'll start easy.

You are aware that the Clinton Investgation(s) was taken away from the "normal" handing by Field Agents and taken over by the Higher Ups, the ones with direct connections to the Obama Admin.?

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